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会计学1Unit2TheUnitedKingdom英国英国(yn u)第一页,共22页。Part 1.Teaching material analysis(教材教材(jioci)分析分析)Part 2.Students analysis(学生(学生(xu sheng)分析)分析)Part 4.Teaching procedures(教学教学(jio xu)步骤步骤)Part 5.Blackboard design(板书设计)板书设计)Part 3.Teaching methods,learning methods teaching aids(教法教法,学法,教学工具学法,教学工具)Part 6.Teaching evaluations and thinking (教学评估设计及反思教学评估设计及反思)Main Contents:第1页/共22页第二页,共22页。Part 1.Teaching material analysis(教材教材(jioci)分分析析)First,Reading material analysis.(资料(资料(zlio)分析)分析)第2页/共22页第三页,共22页。Teaching material status and functions(教材教材(jioci)地位和作用地位和作用)It plays an importantrole in theEnglish teachingin this book.It practices students listening,speaking,reading andwriting skills.Reading is a main way for people to obtain information,it can train students to understand and apply the basic methods of knowledge,it is the main part of language skills,it is the main way to implement the comprehensive language ability and communicative principles,it is the highlight of the English exam.The score of Shaanxi province college entrance English examination papers is 150,the reading test takes up 70.Therefore,reading is the most important part.(阅读(yud)是人们获取信息的主要渠道,是培养学生理解和运用知识的基本方法,是语言技能的主要组成部分,是落实语言综合运用能力及语言交际原则的主要途径,是英语考试中的重头戏。陕西省英语高考试卷满分是150分,阅读(yud)试题占70分。因此,从高考的角度讲,得阅读(yud)者得天下。)It gives information about the UK.(geography,History,politics and culture.第3页/共22页第四页,共22页。Second,teaching aims(教学目标教学目标)Knowledge aims 知识目标知识目标 (语音语音,词汇词汇,语法语法,功能功能(gngnng),话题话题)1.To learn the usage of the important words,phrases and sentences.2.To learn some information about the United Kingdom.Ability aims 技能目标技能目标(听,说,读,写)听,说,读,写)1.To develop the students abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing 2.Enable the students to read effectively under the guidance of the teacher,and make them have a better understanding of the United Kingdom.3.To improve the students reading ability,especially their skimming and scanning.Third,teaching keys and difficulties(教学重难点)(教学重难点)Key points(教学重点(教学重点(zhngdin))1.Have a detailed comprehension of the UK(geography,history,politics,and culture).2.Help the students to learn different reading skills.Difficult points(教学难点)(教学难点)1.Some sentences are hard to understand.2.How to improve the students fast reading ability.Emotional aims情感目标情感目标(兴趣,自信,合作兴趣,自信,合作(hzu),国际视野和跨文化交际,国际视野和跨文化交际)1.Cultivate students interest,self confidence,and co-operation.2.Widen the student s international vision.3.Form the student s consciousness of crossculture communication.第4页/共22页第五页,共22页。They are senior high school students,Grade 2.They have already had a basic reading skill,however they are lacking in the background knowledge of the United Kingdom,such as history,geography,culture etc.The students dont have an awareness of using reading strategies,not to mention use them in the reading process.But they have great interest in learning about cultural differences.Students certainly can solve some of their puzzles in this cultural field.So in order to achieve our teaching aims,I will adopt the following teaching methods.1).Teaching Methods(教法教法)Communicative Approach(交际教学法交际教学法(xu f)Task based teaching method(任务教学法任务教学法(xu f)Total Situational Action(情景教学情景教学)2).Learning Methods(学法学法(xu f)Skimming,scanning and detailed-reading methods(略读,(略读,查读和细读法)查读和细读法)Discussion and Cooperative methods(讨论讨论,和作法)和作法)3).Teaching Aids(教学工具)(教学工具)Multimedia,a video and map,blackboard and tape recorder.Part 3.Teaching methods,learning methods and teaching aids(教法教法,学法学法(xu f),教学,教学工具)工具)第5页/共22页第六页,共22页。Part 4.Teaching procedures(教学程序)教学程序)I will take six steps to show my teaching procedures.Step 1.greeting and revision(复习)(复习)3minutes Step 2.Warming up and Pre-reading(导(导入新课)入新课)6minutes Activity1:video(视频)(视频)appreciation and talking Activity2:predict the title and pictures Step 3.while-Reading(阅读)阅读)20minutes Activity 1:skimming(略读法(略读法5minutes)Activity 2.:scanning(查读法(查读法 5minutes)Activity 3:detailed-reading(细(细读法读法10minutes)Step 4.Post-reading(读后练习)(读后练习)5minutes ask Students can finish Task1-4 as quickly as possible Step 5:Summary(小结(小结(xioji))10minutes Role play(You are a tour guide now)Step6.Homework(作业作业)1minutes第6页/共22页第七页,共22页。Do this quiz and find out how much you know about UK?1.How many countries does the UK consist of?A.two B.three C.four 2.How long does it take to fly from Beijing to London Heathrow Airport?A.about six hours B.about ten hours C.about sixteen hoursbe made up of 3.Who rules the country:the Prime Minister or the queen?A.The Queen B.The Prime Minister C.both 4.What are the provinces called in England?A.counties B.departments C.states 5.Which is the longest river in England?A.The River Avon B.The River Thames C.The River Severn Step 2.warming-uppre-reading(新课导入)新课导入)6minutes Activity 1:video(视频视频(shpn))appreciation and talking(about 3minutes)Step 1.greeting and revision(复习(复习(fx))3minutes 1.Greeting to students as usual and talk about something freely.2.Review some new words and phrases.Design purpose:(设计设计(shj)意图意图)Design purpose:(设计意图设计意图)第7页/共22页第八页,共22页。Look at the title and pictures in the reading passage and predict what it is about.Then skim it to see if you were right?Activity2:predict the title and pictures.Design purpose:(设计设计(shj)意意图图)第8页/共22页第九页,共22页。Step 3.while-Reading(阅读(阅读(yud))20minutesActivity 1:skimming(略读(略读5minutes)The students are required to skim the passage,and answer the questions.1.What is the full name of the UK?The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland2.How many countries are made up of the United Kingdom?What are they?England,Scotland,Wales,Northern Ireland3.How many zones are there in England?What are they?the North of England the Midlands the South of England4.How many invaders influence the UK?And which countries are they?The Romans The Anglo-Saxon The Vikings The NormansDesign purpose:(设计设计(shj)意图意图)第9页/共22页第十页,共22页。Puzzles in Geography UKConsists of England,Wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland.In the 13thCenturyWales was linked to England In the17th CenturyEngland and Wales were joined to Scotland.In the early 20th Centurythe Southern part of Ireland broke away and the Northern Ireland joined with England,Wales and Scotland.Thus The United Kingdom came into being.Englandthe biggest of the four countries,consists of the North,Midland and _South of EnglandLondonthe greatest historical treasure of all,has museums,art collections,theatres,parks and buildings.The four groups of invadersare the Romans,The Anglo-Saxon,The Vikings and Normans.Activity 2:scanning(查读)(查读)5minutesIn this activity,students are required to read the passage again,fill the blanks about UK.Design purpose:(设计设计(shj)意图意图)第10页/共22页第十一页,共22页。Activity3:Detailed Reading(细读(细读(x d))10minutes Students can listen to the tape part by part and finish activity 1-3carefully.And then play the tape once again to check the answers.【Activity 1】Read the first part(Para 13)and do the exercises of T or F.(1)The UK includes England,Wales,Scotland and Ireland.(F )(2)The three countries were united by war instead of peacefully.(F)(3)The four countries have developed different educational and legal systems but they do work together in some areas as well.(T )【Activity 2】Read the part 2(Para 4),and do the following exercises.Most population settled in the south Most of the large industrial cities are in the Midlands and the North of England The cities in England are not as large as those in china.【Activity 3】Read the part 3(Para5-6),and do the following match exercise.What did the invaders leave?The Romans a.left their language and their government Anglo-Saxons b.left their towns and roads Vikings c.left castles and words for food Normans d.influenced the vocabulary and place-names of the NorthDesign purpose:(设计设计(shj)意图意图)第11页/共22页第十二页,共22页。first only Englandthe 13th century,England+Wales.17th century AD,England+Wales+Scotland Great BritainLater,Great Britain+Northern IrelandEnglandThe United KingdomUnion JackStep 4.Post-reading(练习(练习(linx))5minutesActivity 1:read the whole passage again carefully,finish Task1-4 alone on page 11 and explain your reason to the class.Part 1:第12页/共22页第十三页,共22页。Part 2 Questions:1).The Union Jack flag unites the flags of three countries in the United Kingdom.Which country is left out?Why?Wales.It is usually assumed to be a part of England.2).what three countries does British Airways represent?England,Wales,Scotland 3).which group of invaders did not influence London?The Vikings,influenced the vocabulary and place-names of the North第13页/共22页第十四页,共22页。the North of Englandthe South of Englandthe Midlands England is the largest of the countries and it is divided into three zones.and then put each town or city into correct zone.Part 3-England (Discussion)第14页/共22页第十五页,共22页。Divide the passage into three parts and write down the main idea of each part.Part1:Para 1-2 What England includes;about Great Britain;the UK.Part 4:Part2:Para 3-4 The geographic division of England into zones,their similarities and differences.Part 3:Para 5-6 The cultural importance of London.Design purpose:(设计设计(shj)意图意图)第15页/共22页第十六页,共22页。The UKIn the 13th centuryIn the 17th centuryIn the early 20th century EnglandLondonThe four sets of invadersStep 5.Summary(小结小结(xioji)10minutes Role play(You are a tour guide now)“Suppose you are a guide in your groups,and the others are tourists.The tourists ask you some questions about the UK and you should answer them.”They are encouraged to talk freely with their partners about the topic and then some are invited to the front to play their dialogues out.Design purpose:(设计设计(shj)意意图图)第16页/共22页第十七页,共22页。Step6.Homework(作业作业(zuy)1minutes 1.Recite the key words and phrases in the passage.2.Write a short summary of the passage,and get ready to retell the text in your own words at the beginning of the next class.2.Read the text again and find out sentence structures that seem difficult to you.Such as past participle as the object complement.Design purpose:(设计设计(shj)意图意图)第17页/共22页第十八页,共22页。Part 5.Blackboard design(板书设计)(板书设计)Northern IrelandScotlandEnglandWalesUnit2 The United Kingdom Period1Reading:PuzzlesinGeographyPeriod1Reading:PuzzlesinGeography1.key words and phrases(重点(重点(zhngdin)词汇和短语)词汇和短语)consist of,province,divide into,clarify accomplish,conflict,unwilling,break away union,to their credit,currency,institution convenience,roughly,nationwide,attract,architecture,collection,administration countryside,enjoyable2.difficult sentences(难点句式难点句式)1.Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well.2.However,the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government.3.You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom worthwhile!第18页/共22页第十九页,共22页。.1.Teaching evaluations(教学评估设计教学评估设计(shj)1).Face all students to design different activities,try hard to arouse students interest.(面对全部学生,设计(面对全部学生,设计(shj)不同层次的活动,尽可能不同层次的活动,尽可能的引起学生兴趣。)的引起学生兴趣。)2).Highlight the student main body and respect the individual differences.(突出学生主体突出学生主体(zht),尊重个体差异。),尊重个体差异。)3).Attach as many opportunities as possible for the students to output after input.As we all know,reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning.The input has great effect on output,such as speaking and writing.(听,读是信息(听,读是信息(xnx)的输入,说,写是信息的输入,说,写是信息(xnx)的输出。)的输出。)Part 6.Teaching evaluations and Thinking.(教学评估设计及反思教学评估设计及反思)第19页/共22页第二十页,共22页。.After learning,students can master key words and phrases correctly.Reading ability can be improved and have a good comprehension of UKs geography,history politics and culture.(学生知识技能的掌握情况:对于文章的理解、阅读技能的掌握及学生知识技能的掌握情况:对于文章的理解、阅读技能的掌握及综合综合(zngh)运用语言能力,学生英语学习的情感态度。运用语言能力,学生英语学习的情感态度。)2.Thinking(教学教学(jio xu)反思)反思)1).The advantages in teaching(优点优点)2).The disadvantages in teaching.(不足不足)Students oral English is not very good to express their ideas.Teacher must encourage them to open their mouth.(学生学生(xu sheng)口头表达欠佳,需要老师口头表达欠佳,需要老师激励。激励。)3).Improving(改进改进)Teacher must control the whole teaching procedures flexible and changeable.Students will have some difficulties in expressing their ideas about foreign places and time.Teacher could lead them to express some places and time that they are quite familiar with.It will make great progress So long as they are willing to open the mouth and talk about something.(课堂上老师的掌控要灵活多变,例如,如果学生(课堂上老师的掌控要灵活多变,例如,如果学生(xu sheng)说外国地名和说外国地名和时间的表达有困难,可以让他们去说出自己熟悉的地名和时间简单描述自时间的表达有困难,可以让他们去说出自己熟悉的地名和时间简单描述自己熟悉和喜爱的地方只要能开口说就是进步和收获。)己熟悉和喜爱的地方只要能开口说就是进步和收获。)第20页/共22页第二十一页,共22页。第21页/共22页第二十二页,共22页。


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