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假期保险公司社会理论报告附英文我是交通运输系报关与国际货运2班的学生,我认为上班也是一种理论,在大都会人寿保险公司从事电销工作近半年,假期及每周星期六星期天我都会过去上班,我希望我毕业之后能更好的与社会接触,毕竟我都20岁了,我认为我们该为自己负起责任,有的说大学生的主要工作是学习,做兼职会浪费精力和时间不值得提倡,有的那么认为大学是学校和社会的桥梁,我们毕业之后都得面对社会,兼职也是一个锻炼的好时机,在我眼中仍然一样,这取决于你的目的是什么,是为了学习新东西呢?还是为了真正的挣钱?做电销是我人生当中第一份工作也为我赢来了人生当中的第一桶金,我知道它的重量和不容易也让我学会很多,至少是一个从学生到职业人之间的转换。我至今不愿放弃是因为人生在于学习,当 那头传来一个又一个的回绝,当我情绪受影响不稳定时我知道了怎样去面对去更好的处理。这不正是我们做兼职社会理论的目的吗?这是我在学校所学习不到的,我认为我们在学习学习好理论知识然后把它运用到工作理论当中这才是我们上大学及学习的主要目的。我也学习到了如何为人处事,建立属于自己的人际圈子,在半年工作当中我结交了很多朋友,几乎都是在校大学生有的甚至是硕士,但是我们的业绩都差不多,我认为只要肯努力学习,我将来会超过他们的!其实任何工作都一样就看你用什么态度去对待,所谓“态度决定高度”。其实在我工作的时候遇见的问题远远不只这些,有的是自己没有调整好心态造成的失败,心态良好是做好 营销的垫脚石。一个单位机构就像一个马达,每个部门是不同的工作单元,每个员工是详细的零件,马达良好运转就需要每个员工的共同协作,协作的桥梁是沟通。成员之间可以良好的将自己的意见和建议表达给对方,才能使我们的马达运转的更加有序。沟通在组织中就如人的血脉,在生活中也同样的重要。假如沟通不畅,就如血管栓塞,其后果是可想而知的。所以要学会沟通,就要一定懂得其途径。因为它不只是语言,还包括动作、姿态、眼神、表情等等。有时一个眼神,一句我来了,抱一下肩膀,笑一笑都会有很大的作用,让你工作开心、事业有成。沟通的重要目的就是人际关系,假如你的人际关系不好、沟通不畅,工作就不会顺心。因为没有人会和不懂沟通的人有良好的合作的。所以在生活和工作当中沟通是相当重要的。生活中没有沟通,就没有快乐人生。事业中没有沟通,就没有成功。工作中没有沟通,就没有效率。通过这次理论,让我不仅仅是学会了如何赠险,更多的是一种人与人之间的交际才能。班级:报关与国际货运2班学生:杨婷婷理论地点:解放碑万豪商务楼四楼中美联泰大都会人寿保险公司 Holiday social practe reportI am the transportation am the declaration and the international freight transportation 2 class of students ,I am of the view that work is also a practe.,At the Metropolitan life insurance pany sold nearlyhalf a year of work, holidays and on Saturdays and Sundays every week I will go to work, I hope to better after I graduated and social contacts,After all, I was 20 years old, and I think that we should take responsibility for themselves, some said that themain work is to learn, students do part-time will be wasted effort and time, and its not worth promotinguniversity is one of the school and munity believe that the bridge after graduation, and we have to be facedsocial, part-time is also a train, this is a good opportunity I practe in my eyes, the purpose remains thesame, it depends on your purpose, what is it in order to learn new things? Or is it for the sake of earningmoney really?PIN is the first job for me to my life to the life of the first pot of gold, the weight and I know it is noteasy and I learned a lot, at least one conversion from students to professionals.I still unwilling to ve upis because life is to learn, when ing down the phone a reject after another, when my moods affected do notstable I know how to face to better deal with.This is what we do not do part-time social purpose? This is Ididnt study in school, I think were learning good theoretal knowledge and use it to practe the mainpurpose of this is to go to College and study.I also learning to has how known things, established belonng tothemselves of interpersonal circle, in half work among I make has many friends, almost areis in school studentssome even is master, but we of performance are almost, I think as long as Kenefforts learning, I future willover they of! Some I didnt adjust mentality have failed, so good is the stepping stone of telemarketing.A unit organization looks like a motor, each department is the different working space, each staff is theconcrete ponents, the motor good revolution needs each staffs together cooperation, the cooperation bridgeis the munation.Between the member can good ves own opinion and the suggestion epression opposite party,can cause our motor revolution the order.munation in organization on like humans blood vessels, in lifealso same unimportance.If poor munation, such as blood clots, the consequences can be imaned.So learnto munate, we should certainly know their way.Because its not just language, but also including movement,posture, eyes, facial epressions and so on.Sometimes a look, one I hug the shoulders, smile will have agreat effect, to make you hy, successful career.Important purpose of the munation relationships withothers, if your relationships bad, poor munation, the work is not liking.Because people will notunderstand the munation have a good cooperation.Therefore middle the life and the work the munation is quite important.In the life has not munated,does not have the joyful life.In the enterprise has not munated, has not succeeded.In the work has notmunated, does not have the effiency.Through this practe, how let me learn to present as a ft the danger not merely, more was between one kind ofperson and humans human relations ability.Class: customs and international freight of two classes Student: Yang TingtingPracte Location: the Jiefangbei Marriott Business fourth floor of AP Thai Metropolitan LifeInsurance pany第 4 页 共 4 页


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