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By Shelly,复合不定代词,复合不定代词: something, somebody, someone, anything, anybody, anyone, nothing, nobody, no one, everything, everybody, everyone 等。 它们在句中可用作主语、宾语或表语,但不能用作定语。,1. 复合不定代词受定语或不定式修饰时,定语或不定式应放在它们后面。,There is nothing wrong with the radio. 这收音机没有毛病。 Havent you got anything to do? 你无事可干吗?,2.指人的复合不定代词若用作主语,其谓语动词一般用单数,Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。,Everyone knows this, doesnt he ? 人人都知道这一点,不是吗?,但当要对一群人讲话时,可使用以复合不定代词作主语的祈使句,句中的动词用原形。,Nobody move!= Don anybody move! 都别动! Everyone lie down! 统统趴下!,指事物的复合不定代词若用作主语,谓语动词只能用单数,相应的人称代词也只能用 it,而不用 they。,Everything is ready, isnt it? 一切都准备好了,是吗?,3. anyone, everyone 等只能指人,不能指物,且其后一般不接of 短语。若是指物或后接 of 短语,可用 any one, every one (分开写)。但no one(=nobody)“没有人”,只用来指人,通常不和介词of连用。,any one of the boys 孩子们当中的任何一个 every one of the students 每一个学生,回答who引导的特殊疑问句时用no one; 回答how many引导的特殊疑问句时用none。,-Who was late ? -谁迟到了? -No one.-谁也没有迟到。 -How many cows do you keep? -你养几头牛? -None. -一头也没养。,4. 除与-thing构成的复合不定代词外,都有所有格形式;,Everybodys business is nobodys business. 大家的事情没人管。,当其后有else时,“”要加在else后面。,That must be somebody elses coat. 那一定是别人的外衣。,含any-的一般用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中,但表示“无论何事”时,可用于肯定句 。,Do you have anything to say? 你有什么话要说吗?,5.含some-和any-的复合不定代词间的用法区别,含some-的一般用于肯定句,也用于表示请求邀请的疑问句或预计是肯定回答的疑问句。,I have something to ask you. 我有事情要问你。 Are you expecting someone this afternoon? 今天下午你是不是等什么人?,在那次聚会上我没有碰到任何生人。 I didnt meet anybody new at the party. 如果有人能做此事,那就是约翰了。 John can do it, if anyone can. 只要能过上安宁的日子他什么都愿意做。 He will do anything for a quiet life.,Translation.,6.复合不定代词的否定,“not every-”表示的是部分否定,意为“并非都,不都”。,Not everything will go well. 并非一切都会那么顺利。 The teacher didnt call everyones name. 老师并没有点所有人的名。,1. I agree with most of what you said, but I dont agree with _. A. everything B. anything C. somethingD. nothing 2. I will never know what was on his mind at the time, nor will _. A. anyoneB. anyone elseC. no one D. no one else,【分析】答案选A。noteverything是否定,意为“我并非同意你讲的一切”,与前一分句意思相符。而notanything=nothing与前一分句意思矛盾。,【分析】答案选B。表示后者与前者“一样不。表示后者与前者”,nor本身就是否定的,后面要用肯定的,排除C和D;又因为用else才可排除“I”,所以选B。,“not any-”和no-均表示全否定。,He listened, but heard nothing. = He listened, but didnt hear anything. 他听了听,但什么也没听到。 You havent called anyone/anybody up, have you? = You have called no one/nobody up, have you? 你没给谁打过电话,是吗?,7.复合不定代词作名词,someone/somebody, anyone/anybody的意义是“重要人物,大人物”,everyone/everybody意为“最重要的人”,no one/nobody则意指“无关紧要的人,小人物”。,His wife is now somebody in television. 他的妻子现在是电视界的大人物了。,something,anything的意义是“重要事情(东西)”,everything表示“最重要的事情(东西)”,nothing则指“毫无趣味的事情,无关紧要的东西”。,Money isnt everything. 金钱不是一切。,习语 for nothing(徒劳,免费) nothing doing(不行,我不干) nothing but(仅仅,只不过) Its nothing. (不用谢,不必在意) anybody else(别人),-Is_here? -No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave. A. anybodyB. somebody C. everybodyD. nobody 2. -One weeks time has been wasted. -I cant believe we did all that work for _. A. something B. nothingC. everything D. anything,【分析】答案选C。由答语可知问的是“到齐了吗?”所以用everybody。请比较:Is anybody here? 这里有人吗?,【分析】答案选B。for nothing是习语,意为“徒劳,没有好结果”“免费”。,Thank you,


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