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English Curriculum Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Fluency and accuracy 2.the ability to speak with a good but not necessarily perfect command of intonation, vocabulary, and grammar; 3.the ability to communicate ideas effectively; 4.the ability to produce continuous speech with causing comprehensible difficulties or a breakdown in communication. Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Fluency and accuracy Accuracy refers to the ability to produce grammatically correct sentences but may not include the ability to speak or write fluently. Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University The role of interaction in the classroom Interaction pushes learners to produce more accurate and appropriate language, which itself provides input for other students. Hedge, 2002 Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University The role of comprehensible output 1. Output can serve a consciousness- raising function by helping learners to notice gaps in their interlangauges. 2.Output helps learners to test hypotheses. 3.Learners sometimes talk about their own output, identifying problems with it and discussing ways in which they can be put right. Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Enlightenment 1.Teachers should encourage students to test hypotheses and to notice gaps in interactive processes. 2.Students are supposed to learn English by using English and interacting with others. Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Learning and communication strategies learning strategies metacognitive strategies cognitive strategies social mediation strategies communication strategies compensatory strategies avoidance Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Metacognitive Strategies advance organizer directed attention selective attention self-management advance preparation self-monitoring delayed production self-evaluation self-reinforcement Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Cognitive Strategies repetition grouping note-taking deduction auditory key word contextualisation elaboration transfer inferencingNortheast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Social Mediation Strategies cooperation question for clarification Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Natural Context Using English in real situations Informal learning Direct participation and observation No articulation of rules Learning knowledge of the language Subconscious learning Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Educational Context Classroom learning situation formal learning Decontextualized Articulation of rules Learning knowledge about the language Conscious learning Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Learning and acquisition Acquisition natural pick up learning unconscious informal non-school like no focus on linguistic form Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Learning and acquisition Learning unnatural deliberate or systematic learning conscious formal school like focus on linguistic form Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Why do learners use “avoidance”? They feel inadequate and do not want to touch what they do not feel sure of for their secure identity. They do not want to lose marks as trying can produce mistakes. vAvoidance is not helpful to language learning. Without trying, students have no chance to test hypotheses and to come to a higher level. Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Knowledge sources for comprehension (1) Knowledge needed Schematic knowledge background knowledge - factual - sociocultural procedural knowledge - how knowledge is used in discourse Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Knowledge sources for comprehension Contextual knowledge knowledge of situation - physical setting, participants, etc. knowledge of co-text - what has been, will be said Systemic knowledge - syntactic - semantic - morphological Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Knowledge sources for comprehension (2) Roles of the knowledge allowing for effective guess (system knowledge) building meanings by drawing on a wider range of sources (including semantic and contextual knowledge. Sound recognition is not enough.) Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Knowledge sources for comprehension making effective inference (previous knowledge) Cutting down the range of possible meanings (situational context) meaning understanding is required bottom-up and top-down processes Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Knowledge sources for comprehension Cutting down the range of possible meanings (situational context) meaning understanding is required bottom-up and top-down processes Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Unit 3 The English curriculum and coursebooks Aims of the unit: 1. What is curriculum? 2. Whats the difference between curriculum and syllabus? 3.Whats the difference between the teaching of coursebooks and teaching by the use of the coursebooks? Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Defining curriculum It refers to the program of studies of an educational institution. It refers to the substance of what is taught in a given subject: (a) defining objectives, (b) determining content, (c) indicating some sort of sequence or progression. Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Defining syllabus A syllabus provides a focus for what should be studied, along with a rational for how the content should be selected and ordered. Characteristics of a Syllabus: 1. Consists of a comprehensive lists of - content items (words, structures, topics) - process items (tasks, methods) 2. Is ordered (easier, more essential items first) Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Defining syllabus 3. Has explicit objectives (usually expressed in the introduction) 4. Is a public document 5. May indicate a time schedule 6. May indicate a preferred methodology or approach 7. May recommend materials Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University 综合语言 运用能力 情感态度 学习策略文化意识 语言技能语言知识 国际视野 祖国意识 合作精神 自信意志 兴趣动机 交际策略 资源策略 调控策略 认知策略 跨文化交际 文化理解 文化知识 话题 功能 语法 词汇 语音 写 读 说 听 课 程 目 标 Affect not change her mind airthin; hard to breathe interested weathercoldinterested Wang Weis characteristics stubborn; energetic; careless; determined While-reading activities 2. Reading comprehension questions a.Questions of literal comprehension. b.Questions involving recognition or interpretation. c.Questions for inferences. d.Questions for evaluation or appreciation. e. Question for personal response. Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University While-reading activities 3. Understanding references 4. Making inferences e.g.: Blandida is a country which has every climatic condition known to man. When she came into the room the large crowd grew silent. Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Post-reading activities 1. Discussion 2. Role-play 3. Gap-filling 4. Retelling 5. False summary 6. Writing Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Teaching writing Problems in writing tasks: 1. They are mainly accuracy-based. 2. They are designed to practise certain target structures. 3. There is insufficient preparation before the writing stage. 4. There is no sense of audience. 5. There is no sense of authenticity. Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Teaching writing 6. Students are given ideas to express rather than being invited to invent their own. 7.There is no opportunity for creative writing, particularly for expressing unusual or original ideas. 8. Many of them are test-oriented. Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Teaching writing The product-oriented method of teaching writing: It pays great attention to the accuracy of the final product but ignores the process, which the students go through to reach the final goal. Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University A process approach to writing It is a kind of approach which emphasis is on the process of writing, rather than on the finished product. 1. Creating a motivation to writing Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Motivate students to write Make the topic of writing as close as possible to the students life Leave students enough room for creativity and imagination. Prepare students well before writing. Encourage collaborative group writing as well as individual writing. Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Motivate students to write Provide opportunities for students to share their writings. Provide constructive and positive feedback. Treat students errors strategically. Give students a sense of achievement from time to time. Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University A process approach to writing 2. Brainstorming E.g.: Smoking Bad for health Expensive Pollute the air Dangerous Waste of money Cause lung cancer Bad for non-smoker Cause fire Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University A process approach to writing 3. Mapping 1. Bad for health Cause lung cancer Bad for non-smoker 2. Expensive Waste of money 3. Pollute the air Indoor smoking Smoking in public place 4. Dangerous Cause fire Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University A process approach to writing Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University Smoke bad for health dangerous cause fire cause lunge cancer Bad for non-smoker pollute the air expensive waste of money Indoor smokingpublic places A process approach to writing 4. Free-writing 5. Outlining 6. Drafting 7. Editing (peer editing & self-editing) 8. Revising 9. Proofreading 10. Conferencing Northeast Normal UniversityNortheast Normal University


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