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课程名称(中文):转基因食品的检测及安全性评价课程名称(英文) : Detection and Risk Assessment of genetically modified (GM) Food学分数/学时数:2/40开课单位/开课学期:生物工程研究中心/三年级的第二学期课程类别:选修面向专业:生物防治与食品安全(必修) 课程负责人:徐增富教授袁美妗讲师 课程内容简介(中文):主要介绍转基因食品的检测方法及其安全性评价的原理、方法和实例;并介 绍了全球公众对转基因食品的认识、各国对转基因食品的管理法规、政策及发展 趋势。”转基因食品的检测及安全性评价”包括十三章。第1章概述转基因生 物和转基因食品研究和开发的历史、现状和发展趋势。第2、3、4章分别具体介 绍获得转基因微生物、转基因植物和转基因动物的方法,以及用这些转基因微生 物和动植物为原料生产的各种食品。第5章介绍转基因食品检测的原理和方法。 第6章介绍转基因食品安全性评价的内容及其方法。第7章介绍各国对转基因食 品的管理法规和政策。第8章讨论目前转基因食品的检测及安全性评价研究中存 在的主要问题及其对策。课程内容简介(英文):Detection and Risk Assessment of genetically modified (GM) Food will int roduce the anal yti cal met hods for the ide nti fica tion and det ermina tion of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food and food ingredients, and the principles, met hods and examples for risk assessmen t of GM Food. Public opinion around the world on GM food, legislation on the authorization and labeling of GM food and the future of GM food will be included in t his course. This course comprises eigh t chap ters. In chap ter 1, the his to ry, curren t status and t rends in detection and risk assessmen t of GM food will be outli ned. Chap ters 2, 3 and 4 will describe the met hods to obtain transgenic microbes, plants and animals, and various food made from t hese GMOs. In chap ter 5, the principles and met hods for the detection of GMOs in food and food ingredients will be presented. Chapter 6 will discuss the theoretical and practical aspects of risk assessment of GM food. The legislation and regulatory system for GM food in different cou nt ries will be int roduced in chap ter 7. Finally, chap ter 8 will address the problems and approaches related to the detection and risk assessment of GM Food.课程编号:33103856课程名称(中文):鱼病学课程名称(英文) :Diseases of Fishes学分数/学时数:2/2开课单位/开课学期:生命科学学院/6课程类别:专业选修面向专业:生物科学课程负责人:吴金英,吕军仪课程内容简介(中文):鱼病学以鱼类形态学、鱼类组织学、鱼类生理学和鱼类免疫学为基础,涉及 寄生虫学、微生物学、流行病学、病因学、毒理学、药物学和药理学等领域,是 一门理论联系生产实际密切性强的综合性学科,直接为水产养殖和渔业生产服务 的。鱼病学是研究鱼病的发生原因、病理机制、流行和消亡规律以及诊断、预防 和治疗方法的科学。主要内容是研究鱼类疾病的病原体及其生物学、发病条件、 病理变化和防治方法等。课程内容简介(英文):Diseases of Fishes are the applied science which base on Morphology of Fish, Histology of Fish, Physiology of Fish and Immunology of Fish. It involves in the field of Parasitology, Microorganism, Toxicology, Pharmacology, Epidemiology, Etiology and so on. This course will include: the principles and methods of cause, pathological mechanism, epidemic regularity, diagnosis and prevention, treatment.课程编号:33113987课程名称(中文):应用微生物遗传学课程名称(英文) :Applied Microbial Genetics学分数/学时数:2学分/40学时开课单位/开课学期:生物化学系/每学年第一学期课程类别:专业选修 面向专业:生物技术专业、生物科学专业、生物技术及应用专业三年级本科生 课程负责人:曹理想 课程内容简介(中文):微生物遗传学是微生物学与遗传学相结合的学科,它既是微生物学的分支学 科也是遗传学的分支学科,对微生物遗传和变异的研究促进了微生物学和遗传学 一些基本理论的阐明,同时也促进了分子生物学的发展。随着现代分子生物学技 术的建立和应用,使微生物的体内遗传学研究与体外遗传操作紧密结合起来,大 大促进了微生物遗传学的发展和实际应用。微生物基因组学研究所取得的理论和 技术进步,为人类基因组计划提供了极其有益的借鉴。本课程主要讲解医学微生 物及工业微生物代表菌株的基因组学;难培养微生物的分子生物学研究技术;病 毒分子遗传学;链霉菌分子遗传学;丝状真菌分子遗传学;酵母分子遗传学及微 生物育种等内容。课程内容简介(英文):Microbial genetics contains some important contents derived from microbiology and genetics. Studies on microbial heredity and mutation have elucidated some basic theory in microbiology and genetics and promoted the development of molecular biology. By using modern molecular biology t echnology, microbial gene tics in vivo and manipula tion in vitro can be done easily. The resuIts promoted the development and application of microbial genetics. The resuIts derived from microbial genomics have been helpful for the studies on human genome projects. The major contents contained genomics of medical and industrial important microbes; molecular technology used in uncultivable microbes; virus molecular genetics; Streptomyces molecular genetics; filament fungal molecular genetics; yeast molecular genetics and microbial breeding.课程编号:02243937 课程名称(中文):新药研究开发原理与法规概括课程名称(英文) : Principles and regulations of new drug research and development学分数/学时数:30 开课单位/开课学期:20042005学年,第一学期 课程类别:专业选修课 面向专业:生物技术、生物科学、药学 课程负责人:苏薇薇 课程内容简介(中文):新药研究开发原理与法规概括主要讲述新药研究领域中的有关技术以及与 新药研究相关的国家法律法规。概括起来,主要包括以下几方面内容:首先,讲 授新药的定义与新药的分类,新药研究的选题原则,新药的制剂学、药理学、毒 理学研究,新药的质量控制以及新药临床研究的有关内容。其次,讲授新药研究 中应遵循的原则与方法。再次,讲授有关新药开发的国家法律法规。新药的研究 工作需要从业者既要有药学专业知识,又要熟悉与新药开发相关的法律法规。故 此课程主要为与药学相关专业的高年级学生开设。通过本课程的学习,使学生对 新药研究的工作有一个总体认识,对新药研制的方法有一个清晰的思路,对新药 研制的程序有一个初步了解。课程内容简介(英文):Principles and Regulations of New Drug Research and Development is to introduce the technologies and regulations used in the field of new drug research and development. In general, the course contains the following items. First, the definition of new drug and its classifications will be given to help the students get a general idea of new drug. The rules on how to establish a new drug research project will be further introduced, followed by pharmaceutics, pharmacology, toxicology and clinical research. Then the rules and methods of new drug research and development will be taught, both of which are important. When the theoretic and technologic teaching is finished, the regulations concerning new drug research and development will be instrueted, which is also a useful skill for the students. Considering that not only specialty in pharmacy but also the acquisition of related regulations are called for to meet the needs of new drug research and development, we decide to open the course for senior students majoring in pharmacy or biology. We believe the students must get an entire understanding and a clear thinking of new drug research and development. As a result, they can deal with the whole procedures during a new drug application in the futu re.课程编号:33103566课程名称(中文):现代生物学实验技术课程名称(英文) : Methods in Modern Biology 学分书/学时数:108学时,4学分开课单位/开课学期:生命科学学院生物科学与技术系,第6学期 课程类别:选修 面向专业:生物科学 课程负责人:张以顺 课程内容简介(中文):本课程为生物学专业开设的以分子生物学实验为主的综合性实验。课程融设 计性和创新性为一体,包括植物RNA的提取分离及电泳分析、组织切片和核酸探 针原位杂交、植物基因组DNA的分离纯化、质粒DNA转化大肠杆菌及检测、PCR 技术及PCR产物的Southern blot鉴定、植物基因的转化、cDNA文库构建及目 的基因分离、蛋白质电泳技术、自行设计实验(开放实验)等。课程内容简介(英文):This course is for students majoring in Biological Sciences, who are interested in the integrative experimental techniques on Molecular Biology. This course is aimed to inspire the creativity of all the participants. The proposed experiments will include: Isolation and electrophoresis of Plant RNA, Tissue microsectioning and Nucleic Acid in situ Hybridization, Isolation of Plant genomic DNA, Transformation of bacteria by plasmid DNA, PCR techniques and Southern blotting. Transgenesis in Plant, cDNA library construetion and screening, Protein electrophoresis, and open experiment designed by yourself, etc.课程编号:33101035课程名称(中文):细胞生物学实验课程名称(英文) :Experiment of Cell Biology学分数/学时数:2/54开课单位/开课学期:生命科学学院/第五学期课程类别:专业必修面向专业:生物科学、生物技术、生物技术应用、生态学专业课程负责人:何炎明 课程内容简介(中文):细胞生物学实验课程是生物科学、生物技术、生物技术应用、生态学专业一 门重要的必修基础课程,在生命学科的本科教学中有着十分重要的地位。课程内 容包括基础验证和基本技能性实验、综合性实验、创新性实验。基础验证和基本 技能性实验主要是配合理论课的教学,使学生加深理解和掌握有关的知识,同时 也达到提高实验技能的目的。综合性、研究型创新性实验,目的旨在培养和提高 学生应用各种实验技术的能力,培养和训练学生的创新意识和创新能力以及严谨 的科学态度和实事求是的作风,提高分析问题和解决问题的能力,为今后独立从 事科学研究打下坚实的基础。课程内容简介(英文):Experiment of cell biology, which exerts an important role in undergraduate study of life sciences, is a main course for bioscience, biotechnology, biological technical application and ecology. This course is made up of four parts, including the basic theories validation, basic technologies study, comprehensive experiments and creative experiments. The basic theory validation and the basic technologies study that cooperate with the teaching of theories make it easy for students to unders tand and mas ter releva nt knowledge and achieve the goal of improving their technical ability in experiments at the same time. While the comprehensive and creative experiments aim at cultivating and enhancing students ability to use various kinds of experimental techniques, fostering and training their creative consciousness and creative ability, developing their rigorous scientific attitude and practical spirit, and improving their ability in analyzing and solving problem, all of which will lay a solid foundation in their future independent scientific research.课程名称(中文):细胞培养课程名称(英文) :Cell Culture学分数/学时数:2/2开课单位/开课学期:生命科学学院/第六学期课程类别:选修面向专业:生物科学(生物防治与食品安全)课程负责人:杨凯课程内容简介(中文):培养细胞技术是分子生物学、发育生物学和生物技术领域的一个重要工具。本课程分为 细胞培养的基本理论和实验室技术两部分。讲座部分包括细胞培养的基本概念和理论、有关 无菌技术的基础知识、从培养瓶到反应器的大规模培养策略、在生命科学研究和工业领域的 应用。实验课包括细胞计数、传代培养、病毒感染细胞DNA转染细胞等。课程内容简介(英文):Cell culture technique is an important tool in molecularbiology, developmental biology, andbiotechnology. An introduction to cell culture theory and laboratory techniques is covered in this course. The lecture portion will encompass principal concepts and theory of cell cultures, a basic knowledge regarding aseptic techniques, scale-up strategies from T-flasks to bioreactors, application in life science research and industry. Participants will have hands-on laboratory experience including cell counting, sub culturing, infection with virus, transfection with DNA, etc.课程编号:33113975课程名称(中文):基因工程原理课程编号(英文) :Principles of gene engineering学分数/学时数:2/36开课单位/开课学期:生命科学学院/第六学期课程类别:专业选修面向专业:生物科学专业课程负责人:王金发课程内容简介(中文):本课程是为中山大学生命科学学院高年级本科生开设的专业理论课,是中 山大学的重点课程。课程以基因操作中涉及的“分离、切害0、连接、转化、筛选、 鉴定”等六个关键环节为主线,系统讨论基因工程的基本原理。课程分为两部分 共十二章,第一部分包括前8章内容,主要基因操作的基本原理,包括基因概念 的发展、工具酶、载体、体外重组、外源基因的导入和筛选鉴定等。第二部分为 后4章内容,主要是基因工程在应用方面的原理和技巧,包括在工业、农业、临 床医学、化学制剂等方面。本课程的教学目的是让学生对基因工程技术所涉及的主要环节的基本原理进行系统地学习和掌握,培 养学生能够通过这些原理进行基因工程方面的设计能力。在基因工程原理课程的讲授过程中对学生进 行基因操作与社会伦理方面的教育,重在素质和能力的培养。课程内容简介(英文):Gene engineering emerged as a research field that arose as a result of recombinant DNA technology and traditional industrial biotechnology In this course, we introduce and explain what principles of gene engineering actually are as a scientific discipline, how the research in the area is conducted and how this technology may realistically impact on our lives in the future.This course emphasizes the principles of recombinant DNA technology, We have, wherever possible, used actual methodological strategies to illustrate basic concepts.This course consists of 14 chapters, grouped into two parts.Part I including 8 chapters, explores the basic known biological processes and law out critical points to consider when interpreting cloning experiments that are now being conduc ted.Part II including 4 chap ters, describes the met hods uti lized during cloning in an att emp tto make them available.


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