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新概念英语第二册,Lesson 25 Do the English speak English?,Do you know something about English?,Scotland,Northern Ireland,England,England castle,University of Cambridge,University of Oxford, Oxon,Scotland plaid skirt,harp,Listen and answer: Why does the writer not understand the portor?,Do the English speak English?,I arrived in London at last. The railway station was big, black and dark. I did not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter.I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well. The porter ,however,could not understand me.I repeated my question several times and at last he understood.He answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly.,I am a foreigner, I said. Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him.My teacher never spoke English like that! The porter and I looked at each other and smiled. Then he said something and I understood it. Youll soon learn English! he said. I wonder.In England,each person speaks a different language.The English understand each other,But I dont understand them! Do they speak English?,About the title: Do the English speak English? English:n.英语,英国人,英格兰人 adj. 英国的,英格兰的 the English:统称英国人,所以助动词用复数 English指英语,谓语动词用单数 e.g. English is interesting. The English are friendly.,I arrived in London at last., arrive in + 大地点 arrive at + 小地点:arrive at my school 表示“到达”:get to , reach,I arrived in London at last.,at last:强调通过努力最后。 e.g.At last,he succeeded in his business. in the end:强调一种结果 e.g.They broke up several times,but married in the end finally:一种次序上的最后 firstly,secondly,finally,The railway station was big, black and dark.,dark:adj. 黑暗的light 皮肤黝黑的fair(white) 深的:dark bluelight 忧郁的:dark expression 坏的:look on the dark side look on the bright side,The railway station was big, black and dark.,n.铁路(BrE) = railroad(AmE) 表示道路的单词:highway,freeway,motorway,expressway, highway:公路 motorway(BrE) = freeway(AmE) :高速公路(主要指城市与城市之间的),express: v. 表达 adj. 表示快速的、特快的 e.g. express service: 快递服务 EMS express mail service expressway 快速通道(主要指城市内的,例如高架桥),high way,free way,rail: n.扶手,栏杆,围栏,出轨: Jump the rail 楼梯的扶手 : stair rails ride the rails 逃火车票 火车站 railway station,BrE AmE 火车站 railway station train station 地铁站 underground subway/tube station 加油站 petrol station gas station Porter:n.(火车站等)行李搬运工 旅客、俱乐部的服务员 bellboy (AmE) /pageboy(BrE),I did not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter.,the way to: to 是介词,介词短语充当the way的定语,类似的如: 房门的钥匙:the key to the door 问题的答案:the answer to the question 大楼的入口:the entrance to the building 都表示一种由此及彼的方向。,I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well.,not onlybutas well = not onlybut (also) 这个句子我们可以换成: I not only spoken English very carefully,but also very clearly. e.g.He is not only clever,but also diligent. He is not only clever,but diligent as well.,The porter ,however,could not understand me.I repeated my question several times and at last he understood., more than three but fewer than many. 修饰可数名词复数 e.g.I repeated my questions several times. 各自的 Several men,several minds. 人各有志,Question 4,_ did you repeat your question? Several times.,a) How many times b) How many c) How much d) How,a,Question 8,I repeated my question several times.I repeated it _ times,a) much b) a number of c) only a few d) three,b,Question 9,At last he understood. He understood _ .,a) in the end b) at least c) lastly d) at the finish,a,He answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly.,neither.nor.:表示两者都不 e.g.I have neither time nor money to travel. She likes neither butter nor cheese. 当neither.nor.连接两个主语时,也应遵循“就近原则“。e.g.Neither dad nor mum is at home today. Neither you nor I am in. 若将neither.nor.句型变为肯定句,只需把neither.nor.改为both.and.即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式。 e.g.Both dad and mum are at home today. 今天父母都在家。,Question 5,He didnt speak slowly and he didnt speak clearly_.,a) neither b) either c) too d) nor,b,I am a foreigner, I said. Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him.,e.g. a blue-eyed foreigner 蓝眼睛外国人 entertain foreigners 款待外国人 foreign: adj. 外国的,海外的 外国留学生:foreign students 洋货:foreign goods 外交事务:foreign affairs 外交政策:foreign policy,陌生的 e.g. The subject is foreign to us. Adj.+ern. strangestranger foreignforeigner lightlighter(打火机),Question 10,I come from abroad.I am _.,a) foreigner b) strange c) overseas d) abroad,a,My teacher never spoke English like that!,like:prep.像 He is very like his father. 她一定也不像她的妈妈 She looks nothing like her mother. Like father,like son. 有其父必有其子,Question 11,My teacher _ me English.,a) learnt b) trained c) instructed d) taught,d,The porter and I looked at each other and smiled.,英语当中一般都把第一人称“我”放在并列主语后面,与中文刚刚相反。 e.g.My friend and I went to the theatre yesterday.,Question 6,The porter and I looked at each other._ both smiled.,a) I b) He c) We d) They,c,Question 7,He said something and I understood it. He said something _ I understood.,a) who b) whose c) whom d) which,d,Then he said something and I understood it.,Youll soon learn English! he said. I wonder.,n.奇观 世界七大奇观: the seven great wonders in the world What a wonder!多么奇妙 Its a wonder that he survived the plane crash. 短语:No/little wonder,No wonder that =Its no wonder that e.g.Shes jumping the rail.No wonder her husband dumped her. A wonder lasts but nine days . 奇闻只存在九天 a nine-day wonder: 一时的轰动却很容易被人忘却 e.g. As a pop star she is a nine-days wonder: she only made one successful record .,v.觉得奇怪,不明白 +at sth e.g.She wonders at her own stupidity. +从句(从句用陈述句的语序) e.g. Im wondering what I should do. I wonder who he is.,礼貌地提问或请求别人做某事 e.g. Im wondering whether I could ask you out. Im wondering if you could help me. Wonderful:adj.奇妙的,精彩的,极好的 e.g.I would be a wonderful wife.,Question 12,Youll soon learn English! he said.I wonder. I _ .,a) am not sure b) am sure c) wander d) know,a,to help,to take,agreed,protecting,been awarded,Do the English speak English?,I arrived in London at last. The railway station was big, black and dark. I did not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter.I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well. The porter ,however,could not understand me.I repeated my question several times and at last he understood.He answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly.,I am a foreigner, I said. Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him.My teacher never spoke English like that! The porter and I looked at each other and smiled. Then he said something and I understood it. Youll soon learn English! he said. I wonder.In England,each person speaks a different language.The English understand each other,But I dont understand them! Do they speak English?,Unit 25 Grammar,There are four boys and four girls in my class. But there is only one teacher.,Neither the boys nor the girls are rich. But both the boys and the girls study very hard.,Not only Lily but also Mary wants to help people one day.,They want to be either doctors or nurses.,We must study hard, or well never make our dream come true.,There are four boys and four girls in my class. But there is only one teacher. Neither the boys nor the girls are rich. But both the boys and the girls study very hard.,Grammar,and 和,but 但是,neithernor 既不也不,bothand 和,Not only Lily but also Mary wants to help people. They want to be either doctors or nurses. We must study hard, or well never make our dream come true.,Grammar,not onlybut also 不仅而且,eitheror要么要么,or 否则,Fill in the blanks.,1. Hurry, _ you will be late. 2. _ you_ your parents go with us. 3. _ Jenny_ Leo is playing basketball. 4. In spring, it is _ hot_ cold here. 5. Go along the street, _ youll find the shop 6. I want to have _ coffee _ tea.,or,eitheror bothand neithernor and or not onlybut also,neither,nor,Not only,Both,and,and,but also,either,or,57,57,Grammar,并列句的语序 由并列连词将两个或两个以上简单句连在一起且各简单句之间关系平等的句子。 and, but, so, or, yet, bothand, eitheror, neithernor, not onlybutas well,名称,含义,关键词,Grammar,59,59,Grammar,E.g. He teaches both English and French. 他教英语和法语。 Not only I but also he hates it. 不仅是我,他也讨厌它。 Now I must go or I will be late for school. 我必须走了,否则会迟到的。 He liked the book very much, so I gave it to him. 他很喜欢这本书,所以我把它给他了。,用适当的连词将两个句子连起来.,I did not know the way to my hotel. I asked a porter. 2. I spoke English very carefully. I spoke very clearly. 3. I repeated my question several times. At last he understood.,I did not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter.,I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well.,I repeated my question several times and at last he understood.,4. He answered me. He did not speak slowly. He did not speak clearly. 5. Then he spoke slowly. I could not understand him. 6. Then he said something. I understood it. 7. The English understand each other. I dont understand them.,He answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly.,Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him.,Then he said something and I understood it.,The English understand each other, but I dont understand them.,A,A,D,B,D,Sample test:,B,D,A,C,C,THANKS,Anita,Homework:,听读背lesson 25 抄写并默写lesson25和两个词组 完成一课一练lesson25 造句:(8个并列句),How to do these exercises. He isnt a student. (She) 2. She doesnt study English. (Mary) 3. They didnt play football yesterday. ( we),She isnt a student, either. Neither is she.,Mary doesnt study English, either. Neither does Mary.,We didnt play football yesterday, either. Neither did we.,4. Jim always works hard. Marys mother is a Chinese. 6. She said she would come to see me.,So he does.,So she is.,So she did.,对上文所说的事加以肯定,某人(事)怎么样.这种情况也适合另一个人(事). 肯定式.too, also, so 否定式.either, neither,either两个中的任何一个 neither 两个都不 1. Will you come here this evening or tomorrow evening? Either is OK. Im free. (Neither . Im very busy.) 2. I have an apple. Either of you can take it. I want to eat it. Neither of you can take it.,either.or ” 或或,是还是,不是就是”,(谓语就近原则) Either you or he has to go there. Either mum or I wash clothes. Either you or I am right. Either you or she is going. Either he or his brother knows the way there.,neithernor, (既不也不) not only but also(不但而且),(谓语就近原则) eg:Neither you nor he is wrong. Neither Dad nor my brother helps. Not only you but also your teacher was wrong. Not only Li Ming but also his wife works in the USA.,bothand(两者都),谓语复数形式 Both you and your teacher are wrong. Both Li Ming and his wife work in USA. My father has friends both at home and abroad.,Choose the right verb form to complete the sentences. Both my brothers _ in Italy. ( lives/ live) Neither of his parents _ butter and cheese. (likes/ like) Neither John nor Mary _ at home. ( was/were) Both Peter and Mike often _ football match but neither of them_ football very well. (watches/watch) (plays/play) Either you or I _ going to cook supper tonight. (are/am) Either my father or my mother _ dinner. Both my brother and I _ them on weekends. (cooks/cook) (helps/help) All the people in my family _the housework. (does/do),live,likes,was,watch,plays,am,cooks,help,do,Fill in the blanks with “ eitherorneithernor both(and) My father and my mother are _ teachers. They teach in the same school. 2. _he _she can join us. We want both of them. 3. The trousers are _ too short_ too long. Neither of them is the right size. 4. She is _Chinese _ Japanese. She comes from Korea. 5. Everyone helps parents with the housework because my parents _ work.,both,Either or,either or,neither nor,both,Fill in the blanks with the proper verb forms Either your mother or your father _(be) a worker. 2. Either they or he _(be) a student. 3. Neither you nor Tom _(have) this book. 4. Both your parents and your sister _(be) at home.,is,is,has,are,


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