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新目标大学英语:综合教程 第二册U1Textbook StudyListening1)without thinkingwithout learning2)modestexceeds3)The wise are activethe humane endure4)followchange5)who know the truthwho delight in itText B1)b2)c3)f4)e5)d6)aWriting(范文示例)The dictionary defines harmony as “the state of being together in a pleasing way so that each part goes well with the others.”To me, harmony means the peaceful relations with other people.Harmony could be found in the warm atmosphere at home. While there may be quarrels, you love each other and care for each other. For instance, although there is generation gap between parents and children, given that they consider things from the viewpoints of each other, obstacles can be overcome and the gap be bridged.Harmony could be seen in the respectful relations in the workplace/dorm room. In spite of occasional disagreements, you respect each other and still get along with each other. People from different family/education backgrounds tend to hold different attitudes to a certain issue. If they show their tolerance, problems can be solved.Moreover, harmony also exists in the mutual respect between teachers and students. On the one hand, a teacher adheres to a certain syllabus and teaching procedures, while at the same time, he/she also takes the learners needs into consideration and makes adjustments when necessary. On the other hand, the students should follow teachers instructions and provide feedbacks and suggestions to them.In brief, when we live in harmony with each other, we live a happy life.CET-Oriented StudyListening1、B2、D3、C4、B5、D6、AReading Comprehension1-5: ECGIA6-10: DGFHBParagraph Translation(翻译参考)Couplets of the Spring Festival are couplets hung on the columns of a hall in the Spring Festivals Eve. It is called “Chun Lian” in Chinese. Being a unique literary form to China, the Couplets of the Spring Festival mostly describe the bustling atmosphere during the Spring Festival and express Chinese peoples hopes for prosperity in the New Year. New Year couplets are usually posted in pairs as even numbers are associated with good luck and auspiciousness in Chinese culture. People in north China are used to posting paper-cut on their windows. When sticking the window decoration paper-cuts, people paste on the door large red Chinese character “福”.Unit TestsUnit Test - I1-5: ABCAB6-10: CACDA11-15: AABDA16-20: BDBBCUnit Test - II1-5: DCAAD(6)E. thought(7)J. brewed(8)L. preference(9)C. optimize(10)F. behavior(11)K. mentality(12)H. flavors(13)N. solutions(14)H. cupfuls(15)O. continuity16-20: BBCAD21-25: BACDAU2Textbook StudyListening1)benefits2)customers unmet needs3)high-quality4)technically superior5)resource6)motivating7)coordinating8)influence and lead9)delegate10)running smoothlyText BCommentator(左侧表格)site managerfatherComments on Parker Maroney(右侧表格)2)Its my favorite.4)Hes doing it for a worthy cause, and you dont see that often.1)We really enjoy him being here.2)This young man shows a lot of initiative.1)people are liking the lemonade.2)worth it in the end.3)fun learning process.Writing(范文示例)Subject-by-subject pattern Topic sentence: Tom and Joseph are both my roommates, but it seems that they come from two different worlds. Roommate A: Tom is not tall and is a little overweight. He looks cute and friendly. Whenever we are back in the dormitory, we can always hear him gossiping around. He is very extroverted and has made a lot of friends since he came to the university. His favorite pastime is playing video games. Roommate B: Joseph is tall and thin. He is introverted and looks a little timid, but he is friendly to others. Whenever he has time, he plays the violin or listens to music. Concluding sentence: Although they are different in many ways and make a weird match when they are together, they are good friends now. Point-by-point pattern Topic sentence: Tom and Joseph are both my roommates, but it seems that they come from two different worlds. Appearance: Tom is not tall and a little overweight, while Joseph is tall and thin. Personalities: Both Tom and Joseph are friendly to others. Different from Joseph, who is introverted and looks a little timid, Tom is extroverted and talkative. Whenever we are back in the dormitory, we can always hear him gossiping around. Hobbies: Toms favorite pastime is playing video games, but as far as Joseph is concerned, whenever he has time, he plays the violin or listens to music. Concluding sentence: Although they are different in many ways and make a weird match when they are together, they are good friends now.CET-Oriented Study Listening1、A2、D3、B4、D5、A6、BBanked Cloze(1)F. external(2)B. although(3)D. access(4)J. successful(5)A. Instead(6)O. relying(7)C. overly(8)E. fruitless(9)H. fact(10)L. highestParagraph Translation(翻译参考)What entrepreneurial students mention the most when talking about challenges is their lack of experience, funding and a business location. But there is a solution for these problems: a start-up business incubator that offers rent subsidies, financial support and start-up training. Many incubators are established by national and local human resources and social security bureaus. Qingdao Business Incubator Center for University Students is one of them. It was created by the human resources and social security bureau of Qingdao, so students who set up a business there can get help from the local government.Unit Tests Unit Test - I1-5: DACAB6-10: DACCA11-15: BCDBC16-20: ADCBAUnit Test - II1-5: CACBA(6)C. supplement(7)F. insurance(8)D. interacts(9)M. specialty(10)I. mentor(11)K. Entrepreneurship(12)A. mowed(13)B. productive(14)O. venture(15)G. bulk16-20: CDACB21-25: DCCBDU3Textbook Study Listening1)public facilities2)adjusted3)improve security4)the weather5)book6)private or public spaces7)reduces air pollution8)aims to9)intelligent switching10)consumers habitsText BParagraph statement(表格左侧)Para.7lets you, the home cook, create the same types of foods from within the walls of your own kitchen.Para.8one of the most advanced toilets ever.Specific details(表格右侧)1)drop on all sides2)connected speakers and a large high-definition projector screen3)all other compatible devices1)create a physical and chemical reaction during cooking2)tasty liquids like foams and jellies1)bluetooth2)motion sensor, bidet functionality, a heated seat, and ambient lighting3)heat vents for your feetWriting(范文示例)General statement 1: Smart phones have changed our ways to communicate with others.Specific instances: We can download such instant messaging apps as We-Chat, emails or video phones, enabling us to communicate with others over long distance at anytime anywhere.General statement 2: Smart phones have also changed our ways to learn.Specific instance 1: With a smart phone, we are able to take online courses or record an exciting lecture.Specific instance 2: We can arrange a reasonable study schedule via personal class table and other apps.Specific instance 3: Whats more, we can have rich resources at hand via Baidu, icloud, etc.General statement 3: Smart phones have also provided us new ways of entertainment.Specific instance 1: We listen to the music on the phone.Specific instance 2: We watch movies on the phone.Specific instance 3: We can even play online games especially when Wi-Fi is available.CET-Oriented Study Listening1、C2、B3、D4、B5、A6、CReading Comprehension(1)G(2)D(3)J(4)B(5)F(6)J(7)H(8)I(9)E(10)CParagraph Translation(翻译参考)Although the concept of smart home is still in the early stages of development in China, it promises to be a potential gold mine. According to Juniper Researchs report, by 2018, Chinas smart home market is likely to expand to RMB 100 billion, and Chinese companies are jumping in to get a piece of the pie. Powering the growth of the industry in China is the consumers urge for change. The tech and white goods giants have already started making moves in this industry. E-commerce giant Alibaba has teamed up with white goods manufacturer Midea to co-produce a smart air-conditioner which is now available on Tmall.Unit Tests Unit Test - I1-5: DDAAB6-10: CAADA11-15: BDABD16-20: CBCCAUnit Test - II1-5: BDBDA(6)C. invisible(7)F. transparent(8)L. function(9)N. swayed(10)A. aims(11)D. pump(12)H. compatible(13)O. tendency(14)I. grant(15)G. by16-20: DBBCB21-25: DAADBU4Textbook Study Listening1)4002)at the events dinner3)a historic speech4)161 billionaires and near-billionaires5)try to help solve6)creating markets7)in long-term8)October 8, 2012 issueText B1)e2)f3)a4)g5)b6)c7)dWriting(范文示例)I spend most of my spare time reading. I read because I want to get well-informed, especially about things that happened in history and things that are happening around the world. I read also because I can always gain inspiration from the author and the life experiences of the characters. A third reason for my reading is that I truly enjoy the quiet moments of reading while others are gossiping or hanging around. Reading has become a habit as well as my favorite pastime.CET-Oriented Study Listening1、B2、D3、A4、A5、B6、BBanked Cloze(1)B. span(2)D. addition(3)H. charge(4)M. alike(5)N. against(6)G. hated(7)E. worse(8)L. opposed(9)A. ignore(10)J. thenParagraph Translation(翻译参考)Mencius was a great thinker of the mid-Warring States Period. He was a successor of Confucius and has been called the “Second Sage after Confucius. He spent his life traveling from country to country, lobbying the rulers from one feudal court to another, debating among the politicians, in the hope of finding some rulers who would follow his teachings. His philosophical thoughts were established in the process of his political activities and were compiled in a book bearing his name. The theory of benevolent governance is based on Mencius belief that human beings are good by nature. He held that this goodness is innate and can be acquired without learning or thinking.Unit Tests Unit Test - I1-5: ADBCC6-10: BCAAB11-15: CBBCB16-20: BDACCUnit Test - II1-5: CADBD(6)G. medieval(7)C. trusty(8)F. predecessors(9)N. absorbed(10)H. inquiry(11)I. misleadingly(12)K. systematically(13)M. mysterious(14)B. faculty(15) E. nerves Test II、CACDBCABDAU5Textbook Study Listening1)through a different cultural lens2)serve you well3)an investment in your future4)perseverance and commitment5)will last a lifetime6)more sensitive and wiser international citizensText B1)22)1/113)34)45)56)67)88)79)910)12Writing(范文示例)(Before the party) I still remember the moment when I saw the poster of a Halloween Party on campus. I was so excited and eager to have a Halloween Party for the first time. It was three days before the party that I began to prepare for the dress and ornaments that I would wear to the party. When the day finally came, I went back early to the dormitory to dress myself.(At the party) It was about 8 oclock in the evening. I went to the party by taxi. The party was now in full swing. Some people were singing an Italian opera, some were performing court dances, some were playing scenes from Romeo and Juliet and still others were just having small talk by the chair. After about 11 oclock, the party came to an end.(After the party) At about 12 oclock, we went back to the dormitory.CET-Oriented Study Listening1、D2、C3、A4、D5、C6、BBanked Cloze(1)H. interaction(2)M. exchange(3)D. accessible(4)I. regularly(5)O. urge(6)A. socialize(7)F. aspects(8)N. enforced(9)J. essential(10)C. ensuringParagraph Translation(翻译参考)In the last decade, mainland Chinese students have reshaped the international student body at U.S. colleges and universities, notably at Ivy League institutions. In the 2009-2010 academic year, China surpassed traditional study abroad heavyweights like Canada, India and South Korea, to lead international enrollment across U.S. higher education, according to the US Institute of International Education. But while mainland Chinese students dominate international enrollment, they comprise a small fraction of the overall student body. This is even more the case at the undergraduate level, as most international students are graduates.Unit Tests Unit Test - I1-5: ADCCC6-10: BCAAB11-15: CBBCB16-20: BBBCCUnit Test - II1-5: DBAAC(6)D. provide(7)G. by(8)N. through(9)E. ecstasy(10)A. from(11)O. vibrant(12)C. imaginable(13)F. warmth(14)H. in(15)J. timeless16-20: ACADB21-25: BDDCAU6Textbook Study Listening1)pleasant king2)dance in a ring3)the pretty birds do sing4)all day5)this merry lay6)kiss our feet7)sit8)do greetText Bthe brilliant red maples;the quaint New England villages;Robert Frost Memorial Traillocaloutside the gourds, pumpkins, Indian cornnearby trees, a creek, a cornfield, a crow, and leavesIowa red barns, fields, and treesinside the front door, the pillow, and the foodsWriting(范文示例) A City Tour to ChangshaTopic:A City Tour to ChangshaThe beginning of the tour:We joined a one-day city tour around Changsha city on May Day.The first stop:At about 9 a.m., we arrived at Yuelu Academy. Walking through the front door, we saw many couplets at the gates and stone inscriptions in the walls along the corridors deep inside. In the middle hall was the platform where teachers gave lectures. On both sides were then classrooms and dormitories, including a Temple of Confucius on the right. At the back stood the three-story Royal Library.Leaving from the back door, we climbed up to Yuelu Mountain. The famous Aiwan Pavillion, named after a poem by Dumu in Tang Dynasty, was hidden amid the green trees in the valley.The next stop:Descending from Yuelu Mountain, we had lunch and then took the bus to the next stop, the Orange Island in the middle of Xiangjiang River. The island was big and we had a sightseeing tour by bus. The driver also acted as the tour guide and introduced the attractions on the way, dropping us off occasionally to walk around and take pictures.Along the bank were green willow trees, and in the middle orange trees, flowers and grassland. At the southern end, there was a huge statue of Chairman Mao in his late 20s, together with some stone inscriptions of his poems.The end of the tour:When it was getting dark, our city tour also came to an end. The tour bus took us to Huogong Dian, the Temple of God of Fire and now also a restaurant with local food. While enjoying the delicious food as well as the local opera, we lost ourselves in the local culture.CET-Oriented Study Listening1、D2、C3、A4、C5、B6、ABanked Cloze(1)N. outdoors(2)F. negative(3)L. toll(4)I. trace(5)K. majority(6)C. confined(7)J. evolved(8)E. separation(9)D. contemporary(10)M. trainParagraph Translation(翻译参考)The bamboo is the most popular plant in China. Almost every village in Southern China is surrounded by bamboo groves. The drooping bamboo leaves cross one another, as if they are composing the Chinese character An (tranquility). In the order of the Four Gentlemen (the seasons of the year), the bamboo represents the spirit of summer. But since the bamboo lasts through all seasons, it is frequently associated with pine and plum as the Three Winter Friends”. The bamboo is considered a gentleman with perfect virtues. It combines integrity with accommodating flexibility; it has the perfect balance of grace and strength, or the Yin and the Yang. When the storm comes, the bamboo bends with the wind. When the storm ceases, it resumes its upright position. Its ability to cope with adversity has always been admired by Chinese people.Unit Tests Unit Test - I1-5: ADCDC6-10: BCBAC11-15: CBBCB16-20: BCCBCUnit Test - II1-5: BACDB(6)F. carefree(7)C. southwest(8)D. quaint(9)K. upon(10)N. pedestals(11)I. spectacular(12)L. dressed(13)A. filled(14)H. species(15)M. embroidered16-20: BAADC21-25: BDCDDU7Textbook Study Listening1)undergoing dramatic change2)digital media culture3)embracing the new technologies4)valuable target market5)new-media content6)digital marketplace7)academic research8)holds both promiseText BA:312B:a b c e f hgdWriting(范文示例)Concession: Despite some criticism, E-learning is changing our way of learning and even the form of education.Argument: More and more people, including researchers, teachers and of course students, hold the opinion that E-learning, instead of traditional classroom settings, should be a dominant approach to education.Reason 1: E-learning is convenient in that students can study anywhere they have access to a computer and Internet connection, thus reducing travel time and travel costs for off-campus students.Reason 2: E-learning offers the flexibility that the traditional classroom can not. Class work can be scheduled around work and family. Self-paced learning modules allow students to work at their own pace. Moreover, E-learning can accommodate different learning styles and facilitate learning through a variety of activities.Reason 3: E-learning, through developing knowledge of the Internet and computer skills, will help learners throughout their lives and careers.Conclusion: E-learning can be a good choice to supplement the traditional classroom and can also be a major form of adult education and lifelong education.CET-Oriented Study Listening1-5: CCAACBanked Cloze(1)E. multiple(2)J. combing(3)G. fingertips(4)A. reliant(5)L. capitalize(6)N. previously(7)M. stuck(8)I. neglected(9)H. strength(10)K. respondsParagraph Translation(翻译参考)China intended to issue a digital currency as soon as possible, the central bank said Wednesday, a move that could help the yuan offset the global dominance of the US dollar and limit capital outflows. The announcement by the Peoples Bank of China came as it wrapped up a symposium on digital currency in Beijing,


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