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冀教版英语八年级下册 Unit 5Lesson 25 Raising Money 教学设计教学目标:1.Knowledge objectives: Make the students use the following words and phrases correctly:pay, bake, dollar, sixteen, advertising, poster, make money. Master the rules of how to use these words: pay, spend, cost, take.2. Ability objectives:. Be able to get the key information while listening to the tape. Make sure most of the students can do some simple exercises after listening. Have the ability of comprehending the teachers question and knowing how to solve it.3. Emotion objectives: Through reading and listening to the two dialogues, make the students know that raising money is a good way to collect money for other people in need. Cultivate them to care for others. 教学重点:New words and phrases,the meaning of text. 教学难点:Ask the Ss to talk about how to raise money for our activities. 教学方法:Comiunitive Teaching,Group Teaching,Situational Teaching. 教学资源:Multimedia courseware . 教学步骤:Step1:Greeting and Lead-in Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.T:Good morning, boys and girls! Before we begin our lesson , I want to ask you some questions.1 Have you ever sold any thing to make money?2 What did you sell?3 Why did you sell?Ss: Some students answer the questions freely and bravely.T: Well done , boys and girls.You have done good job.Today we will learn Unit 5 , Lesson25 Raising Money.Then introduce sonething about this unit an this lesson. Step2: Presentation Show the pictures (p2) and ask:What are they doing? Students answer: They are raising money. T:From the pictures we can see that they are raising money to help the people who are very poor and the people who are in trouble.Step3: Show the Teaching ObjectivesStep4: Words and expressions1. The teacher adminisering the words first and then ask the students to follow2. Give the students five minutes to practise the words and remember them.Step5:Listening1. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.1 Each player needs to pay _ for the trip. 2 Jenny, Danny and Brain decide to work together to _.3 Brain wants to bake something _ to sell. Danny is going to _ a new product to sell. Jenny will make a _ to help them.2. Play the audiotape of the lesson and ask the students to listen carefully.3. Check the answers as a class.Step6: Readng1. Read the lesson and answer the questions: Why do they want to raise money? When will they have a bake sale? How much will Brians cookies cost? What is Danny going to sell? What does Jenny mean when she says, “Hmm.”? 2. Get the students to read the text aloud .3. Give them three minutes to discuss the question in group and try to find out the correct answers.4. Check the answers as a class.Step7: Explaination (Language Points)1.Show the slides (9 and 10)2. Explain the useage of the words:take ,cost ,pay and spend.Step8: Consolidation1. Show the slides (12 and 13).2. Get the students to do the exercises by themselves first and then talk about the exercises in group, at last ,give the correct answers in front of the class. Step9: Extention (Homework) Tell the students that our class will go on a field trip next Sunday ,we need to buy some food and take a bus to go there ,but we dont have enough money ,the teacher hopes them to think of some ideas to raise some money for the trip . Get them to give their plans and suggestions next time. 板书设计:Useful words and expressions:Pay for, at lunch hour, make money, good ideaSentence Structures:It takes/took/will take sb.some time to do sth.Sth. cost sb. some money.Sb. pay( some money) for sth.Sb. spend some time/money on sth./(in) doing sth. Teaching


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