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American ValuesAmerican values一Origin and causes二Contents三Spread and effects一、一、Origin美国的建立与基督教尤其是新教息息相关。 The foundation of America is related to both Christianity and Protestantism.The foundation of the New World by ColumbusBuild a relationship with EuropeThe Catholic came to AmericaThe spread of Christianity The development of EuropeUK became a metropolitan state of North America America is a highly modern society, and it is a religious country as well. Three fourths of Americans are Christians. It is one of the countries whose principle of separation of church and state is carried out thoroughly, but there are some politic factors discovered in their political life and social life. American values exists in this background. With the development of America history, its key value combined and developed with society, and it gradually formed the mainstream of socialist core values, which based on substance, Individualism and so on.CausesAmerican values has a closely connection with the construction of America. Most of the people are immigrants, no matter where are you come from, only with persistent struggle, can you survive on the continent.二、二、Content 1.Individualism(个人主义)2. Strong sense of time3.Future orientation(未来至上)4.Work orientation(工作至上)5.Practical6.Money orientation(金钱至上)7.Take an active part in charityI am the Saviour(救世主)(救世主) Americans think that they are the master of nature, they can control the environment around them. When they get into trouble, the first thought come into their mind is that they can conquer it without others help.1.Individualism(个人主义个人主义)Americans citizens Americans citizens emphasize on achievements and respect heroes. They believe that ones personal value is equivalent to his achievement in his career.Personal rights cannot violate(侵犯) All men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. the Declaration of Independence 人人生而平等;造物主赋予他们若干不可剥夺的人人生而平等;造物主赋予他们若干不可剥夺的权利,其中有生命权,自由权,追求幸福的权权利,其中有生命权,自由权,追求幸福的权利。利。 独立宣言独立宣言EqualityFAmericans believe that all people are created equal and that all should have an equal opportunity to succeed.FParents and children are friends.FAmericans hate to treat the person who has a higher social state with great respect.Individual competitionAmerica is a country that the weak are the prey of the strong(弱肉强食). In order to change their social class and make their lifetime dream come true, they have to compete with others, and competition has already became one popular attitude in the society.Personal thinkingPeople were nurtured to learn autocriticism(自我反省)、self-management、self-affirmation(自我肯定),not follow the herd, especially do as others instruction. So, Americans good at thinking, not trust other people easily, especially the government.Directness(直接) and openness(坦率)Americans are likely to be completely honest in delivering their negative evaluations. If you did something wrong, theyll tell you directly, not like people in other countries to express their opinions in a polite way.2. Strong sense of timeTime is of utmost importance to most Americans. Their lives seem controlled by the little machines they wear on their next appointment on time. So, in the US, “make an appointment(预约)” and “arrival on time(准时到达)” are very important. 3.Future orientation(未来至上)Americans devalue the past. They are hopeful that the future will bring even greater happiness. They can face up to varieties of frustrations in their lives since they looking forward to the future.4.Work orientation(工作至上)Americans extremely despise(鄙视) the deadbeat people(游手好闲者). In their view, work is the matter must be treated seriously. Since you live in the world, you have the “vocation(天职)” to work.Such a “no-nonsence(绝不胡闹)” attitude toward life has created a class of people known as “workaholics(工作狂)”.5.PracticalWill it make money? What can I gain from it?These are the kinds of questions Americans are likely to ask, rather than: Will it be enjoyable? Will it enrich my knowledge?6.Money orientation(金钱至上)(金钱至上)The acquisition of money is very important to the American people, because its the clearest proof of success-though there are other acceptable proofs.When you show your success, there is no better way than making other people know your ability of enjoy the material goods.7.Take an active part in charity三三 Spread of American ValuesMoviesFast foodTransnational corporationmoviesCaptain AmericaIron ManIndividualism; praise heroes:future orientationConclusion: there are often many dilemmas, but those difficulties can finally be solved by the main characters. Accept unconsciously.Fast foodCherish timeTransnational corporation American officals support the transnational corporation to develop all over the world.In this process, American values gets spread. And influence all over the world. FHigh divorce rate(高离婚率)FHomosexuality(同性恋) in the US is legal and brought into the publicFAmericans have the gun freedom. Since Abraham Lincoln was assassinated(遇刺), in 1865, there were 6 presidents assassinated, four of them died. As for the other aspects of shooting deaths, more than one million one year, about 80 people died every day. American values一Origin and causes二Contents三Spread and effectsCausesAmerican values has a closely connection with the construction of America. Most of the people are immigrants, no matter where are you come from, only with persistent struggle, can you survive on the continent.4.Work orientation(工作至上)Americans extremely despise(鄙视) the deadbeat people(游手好闲者). In their view, work is the matter must be treated seriously. Since you live in the world, you have the “vocation(天职)” to work.Fast foodCherish time FHigh divorce rate(高离婚率)FHomosexuality(同性恋) in the US is legal and brought into the publicFAmericans have the gun freedom. Since Abraham Lincoln was assassinated(遇刺), in 1865, there were 6 presidents assassinated, four of them died.


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