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电机的选型计算电机的选型计算作者: Michel COUPATSummary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium SizerI I关于机械的背景知识关于机械的背景知识II II 再生能量再生能量 IIIIII 电机选型计算的步骤电机选型计算的步骤IVIV 施耐德伺服的计算施耐德伺服的计算V V 练习练习Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium SizerI I关于机械的背景知识关于机械的背景知识单位单位机械公式机械公式 惯量的计算惯量的计算运动学运动学摩擦摩擦惯惯量的比例量的比例 II II 再生能量再生能量IIIIII 电机选型计算的步骤电机选型计算的步骤IVIV 施耐德伺服的计算施耐德伺服的计算V V 练习练习Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium SizerSummary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizern 3 个基本单位个基本单位 : 国际单位制国际单位制 (SI)质量质量 : m单位单位 : 千克 (kg) 长度长度 : l单位单位 : 米 (m)时间时间 : t单位单位 : 秒 (s)_推导单位 :角度角度:单位 : 弧度弧度 (rad) 360 = 2radrlrlSummary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizern运动学运动学线速度线速度 : l t-1单位单位 : 米每秒 (m/s or m.s-1)角速度角速度 : t -1单位单位 : 弧度每秒 (rd/s or s-1) : : dxvdtDVt瞬时速度平均速度 : : tddt瞬时速度平均速度Wx in mWt in sWD in mWt in sW in radians60N2 W in rd/sWN in rpmSummary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizern运动学运动学 :线加速度线加速度 : l t -2单位单位 : 米每秒平方 (m/s/s or m.s-2)角加速度角加速度 : t -2单位单位 : 弧度每平方秒 (rad.s-2 or s-2) : v : tdvdt瞬时加速度平均加速度d : dt : t 瞬间加速度平均加速度Wv in m/sWt in sWt in sW in rd/sSummary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizern运动学运动学 :力力 : m l t -单位单位 : 牛顿 (N)力等于质量与加速度的乘积: F = m 重量重量 W : m l t - 单位单位 : 牛顿 (N) W = m.g (g : 重力加速度 = 9,81m/s ) 力矩力矩 M : m l t -单位单位 : 牛米 (Nm)力与长度的乘积 : M = F r (力与长度的方向垂直时) 运动力矩运动力矩 : M = J (J : 转动惯量 kg.m)能量能量: m l t - 单位单位 : 焦耳 (J)力与位移的乘积 : E = F L或转矩与角度的乘积 : E = M rFSummary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium SizertEP WE in JouleWt in sWF in NewtonWV in m/sWM in NmW in rad/sn运动学运动学 :功率功率 : m l t -3单位单位 : Watt (W) 1 W = 1 J/s* 直线运动直线运动 :P = F v* 角运动角运动 : P = M Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizer质量质量,重量重量,力力 : 单位单位 : 磅 (lb) 盎司 (oz) : 1 lb = 16 oz 长度长度 : 单位单位 : 英寸 (in) 1英尺 (ft) = 12 英寸 - 1 码 (yd) = 3英尺 时间时间 : 单位单位 : 秒 (s)线速度线速度 : 单位单位 : 英寸每秒 (in/s)线加速度线加速度 : 单位单位 : 英寸每平方秒 (in/s) 力矩力矩:单位单位 : 英寸磅 (in.lb)惯量惯量 :单位单位 : 英寸磅平方秒英寸磅平方秒 (in.lb.s)Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizer重量重量 : 1 pound (lb) = 453,59237 g = 0,45359237 kg = 4,44822 N 长度长度 : 1 inch (in) = 2,54 cm = 0,0254 m力矩力矩 :1 inch pound (in.lb) = 0,1130234 Nm惯量惯量 :1 inch pound second square (in.lb.s) = 0,112961 kg.m重力加速度重力加速度 :g = 386 in/s = 32,12 ft/s = 9,81 m/sSummary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium SizerSummary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizern 直线运动直线运动 :n 角度运动角度运动 :ctions) (with friFJMJMMP tt t 2 2000221FvPmFxvv tvxtv tx 22120002Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium SizerWE in JoulesWJ in kg.m2W in rad/sn 直线运动直线运动 :n 转动转动 : 2CIN JE212CINv mE21WE in JoulesWm in kgWv in m/s Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium SizerSummary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizern 密度密度 :单位单位 : 千克每立方米千克每立方米 (Kg/m3) 磅每立方英尺 (lb/in3) 某个体积承载的重量取决于构成的材料. 常见材料的密度常见材料的密度:VmWm : 质量 in Kg or lbWV : 体积 in m3 or in3W : 密度 in Kg/m3 or lb/in3o 钢: 7750 Kg / m30,286 lb / in3o 铝: 2720 Kg / m30,098 lb / in3o 黄铜: 8170 Kg / m30,295 lb / in3o 紫铜: 8910 Kg / m30,322 lb / in3o 塑料: 1110 Kg / m3 0,040 lb / in3Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium SizerwhLVVm(if h and W nMAX.n Nominal torque : MN Mt + Mf.Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium SizerSummary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium SizerELEMENTS TO DEFINE : n Acceleration torque : MACC = J.From all the data of the kinematics, calculate the torque to reach the acceleration requirements.n Friction torque Mf.Calculate or evaluate if possible the friction torque on the axis. FIRST APPROACH OF DRIVE CHOICE : n Maximal torque : MMAX MACC + Mf.The maximal torque available on the motor is defined by the maximal current available on the drive.Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium SizerSummary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizern From the first motor - drive association defined previously, it is necessary to check its appropriateness with the working cycle.nPlot speed versus time and torque versus time for the entire motion cycle.Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizern Calculating the average speed.cycleiiavgTtnn2nniin Calculating the equivalent thermal torque.cycleiithTtMMDuring the acceleration and deceleration times : Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizer M (Nm)n (rpm)MthnavgIntermittent regionContinuous regionnavgMthABn Compare the calculation results with the Torque curve of motor :Case A : Motor well sized for the working cycle.Case B : Choose another motor with higher continuous torque. Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium SizerSummary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizern From machine data calculate the inertia ratio between load and motor. If this ratio is to high (see typical ratio below) Either change eventually the kinematics (i.e. by using Gearbox), or use another motor with higher inertia. or both. Make a new sizing with the new inertia data.n Typical ratios of load to motor inertia can be : from 1:1 to 3:1 - for robotic applications. from 4:1 to 7:1 - for machine tool type applications. from 8:1 to 10:1 - for other factory automation applications.n More practically, we can advise to limit the inertia ratio to : 5:1 for dynamical and accurate machines. 10:1 for standard machines. Higher if we only need stop accuracy without time cycle constraint. Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium SizerSummary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizern Check if an external braking resistance is required :See chapter II.Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium SizerI IMechanical reminderMechanical reminderII II Energy regenerated Energy regenerated IIIIII Different stages of sizingDifferent stages of sizingIVIV Schneider Motion Schneider Motion SizerSizerV V ExercisesExercisesSummary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizern Help to choose the right motor - drive association from :Kinematics definition.Velocity profile of the cycle.n Help to choose the best ratio of inertia between motor and load.Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizern Choose the units of works :Metric units.US standards (Anglo-Saxon units).Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium SizerKinematics parameters to define Load InertiaSummary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizern Definition of the velocity profile of cycle work :Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizern Select the best criteria to choose the motor :Stability : select the best load/motor inertia match.Dynamic : select the smallest motor.Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizern To define the limits of value for selecting motors :Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium SizerList of motors selectedInertia ratio : Message “Gearbox ?” is noted if inertia ratio 10Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizer Here is indicated ifan external brakingresistor is requested Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizern Lexium sizer creates a professional looking application report for every axes.Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizern Select the best inertia ratio can induce to choose an higher motor than the cycle requests.Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium SizerI IMechanical reminderMechanical reminderII II Energy regenerated Energy regenerated IIIIII Different stages of sizingDifferent stages of sizingIVIV Schneider Motion Schneider Motion SizerSizerV V ExercisesExercisesSummary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizer Machine Data : - Motor pulley (mp) : D : 14 cm m : 3,6 Kg - Gearbox pulley (gp) : D : 21 cm m : 10 Kg - Belt mass : 50 g - Gearbox Ratio : 8,25 Inertia (gb) : 0,021 Kg.m Efficiency : 98% - Main pulley (md) : D : 20 cm m : 9,2 Kg - Load mass : 700 Kg - Belt conveyor mass : 4,5 Kg - Coefficient friction : 0,1 Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizer1-1 : Calculate the inertia reflected to the motor shaft.1-2 : Calculate the resistant torque to the motor shaft.1-2-1 Horizontal axis1-2-2 Vertical axis1-2-3 Axis 451-2-4 Check the calculation with Schneider Sizer. Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium SizerTriangular Profile :- Move distance : 6 m - Move time : 5 s - Dwell time : 0 s 1a-1 : Calculate the thermal torque for horizontal axis.1a-2 : Check the calculation with Schneider Sizer. Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium SizerTrapezoidal Profile : - Move distance : 6 m - Move time : 5 s - Dwell time : 0 s 1b-1 : Check the calculation with Schneider Sizer.Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium SizerTrapezoidal Profile :- Move Speed : 1 m/s - Move time : 5 s - Accel./Decel time : 0,2 s - Dwell time : 0 s 1c-1 : Calculate the thermal torque for horizontal axis.1c-2 : Check the calculation with Schneider Sizer. Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium SizerTrapezoidal Profile :- Move distance : 6 m - Move time : 3600 s - Accel./Decel time : 60 s - Dwell time : 0 s 1d-1 : Check the calculation with Schneider Sizer. Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium SizerLead screw :L : Screw length = 1,4 mDs : Screw diameter = 0,04 mp : Screw pitch = 0,01 m/rev : Friction coefficient = 0,2 : Screw efficiency = 0,95Load :mL : Load + table mass = 500 kgCoupling :mL : Coupling mass = 1 kgDc : External diameter = 0,06 mHorizontal axis = 0JMJS, pmLJCFfrFP , FgSummary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium Sizer2-1 : Calculate the inertia reflected to the motor shaft.2-2 : Calculate the resistant torque to the motor shaft.2-2-1 Horizontal axis2-2-2 Check the calculation with Schneider Sizer. Summary Michel COUPATM8 lex15 Lexium SizerTrapezoidal Profile :- Axis speed : 15 m/mn - Move time : 1,2 s - Dwell time : 0,3 s 2a-1 : Calculate the thermal torque for horizontal axis.2a-2 : Check the calculation with Schneider Sizer.


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