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七年级下册重点词句短语及语法点Unit 1 Can you come to my partyA.短语1. 来参与我的晚会 come to my party 2. 我情愿 Id love to.3. 在周六下午 on Saturday afternoon 4. 上钢琴课 take/have a piano lesson5. 去看医生 go to the doctor 6. 太多家庭作业 too much homework7. 下一次 another time 8. 谢谢邀请 Thanks for asking.9. 玩得兴奋 have fun 10. 去商业街/商场 go to the mall11. 棒球竞赛 baseball game 12. 后天 the day after tomorrow13. 为考试而学习 study for a test 14. 临时照看他的妹妹 babysit his sister15. 多谢邀请 Thanks a lot for the invitation. 16. 在度假期 be on vacation17. 保持宁静 keep quiet 18. 和我一起打网球 play tennis with me 19. 足球竞赛 football match 20. 文化俱乐部 culture club 21. 成天 the whole day =all day22. 整日整夜 all day and all night23. 整个故事 the whole story24. 全部学生all the students25. 过来 、顺便来访come over to26. 去看牙医 go to the dentist 27. 来参加我们 come and join us.28. 本周 this week29. 上钢琴课have a piano lesson/class30. 校队 the school team 31.邀请某人去做某事invite sb. to do sth.B句子1Can you come to my party on Wednesday 你星期三能来参与我的晚会吗 2Sorry。I cantI have a piano lesson. 对不起,我不能。我要上钢琴课。 3SureId love to当然,我情愿。 4Im playing soccer我在踢足球。 5.I have too much homework(to do) this weekend 这个周末我有太多家庭作业(要做)。 6I have to go to the doctor我得去看医生。 7On Thursday,Im studying for a test周四,我要备考。 8I cant join you because I have to help my mom。 我不能参与,因为我要帮我妈妈干活。 9Im having a piano lesson the day after tomorrow。后天我要上钢琴课。 10Can you come over to my house to discuss the science report?你能来我家探讨这份科学报告吗 11. What are you doing on Wednesday evening I am going to the doctor.周三晚上你准备做什么?我准备去看医生。12. He is going to finish the geography project on Thursday evening.星期四的晚上,他准备完成地理习题。13.I am fishing with my grandpa the whole day.我准备星期五成天和爷爷钓鱼14.I dont want to join the culture club.我不想参加文化俱乐部C.语法1.Can you/Could you 表示邀请 (答复为Sure/ great/yes, Id love to. Sorry, I cant. I have to)2.询问星期 what day is it today 询问日期 whats the date today 询问星期加日期 Whats today3.谢谢邀请thanks for asking/thanks for inviting me/ thanks for your invitation4.whole 强调整体的,放于名词前 the whole building 整幢大楼 all强调全部的,强调没一个局部,用于the 前 后加名词,多为复数all the students 全部的学生(留意all day and all night 整日整夜属于特例无the)Unit2A.短语1.长头发long hair 2.更擅长运动的 more athletic3.更外向more outgoing 4.更文雅be quieter5.正如你所看到的as you can see 6.在某些方面 in some ways7.看起来一样 look the same 8.看起来不同 look different9.喜爱参与晚会 enjoy going to the parties 10. 多于; 超过 more than11. 共用; 共有 in common 12. 同一样 asas13. 擅长; 在方面做得好 be good at =do well in 14. 与一样 the same as15. 使我大笑 make me laugh 16. 大多数 most of17. 与不同 be different from 18. 相反的观点 opposite views 19 没必要干its not necessary to do 20. 在战胜beat sb in21. 在友情中in a friendship 22. 善待孩子们 be good with children23. 喜爱讲笑话 enjoy telling jokes 24. 聘请教师 teacher wanted25. 停顿讲话 stop talking 26. 呆在家 stay at home27. 略微高一点儿a little taller28. 上一封信 last letter29. 超出more than 30. 一样的事物the same thingsB.句子1Im more outgoing than my sister我比我妹妹更爱出风头。 2He has shorter hair than Sam他的头发比山姆的短。 3Tom is more athletic than Sam汤姆比山姆更塑身。 4Liu Ying is not as good at sports as her sister.刘莹不如她姐姐擅长体育。 5Both girls go to lots of parties两个女孩都参与了很多晚会。 6In some ways we look the same,and in some ways we look different。在某些方面,我们看起来一样,在某些方面,我们看起来不同。 7My good friend is good at schoolwork我的好挚友擅长做学校事务。 8I think a good friend makes me laugh我认为好挚友会使我发笑。 9I am much healthier than her.我比她安康的多10He is a little more athletic than me.他比我强健一点点11. He made the child cry yesterday.他昨天把那个小孩弄哭了12.He is good at/ does well in sports, but he isnt good at/ doesnt do well in dancing.他擅长运动,但不擅长跳舞。13. Its not necessary for friends to be the same. 对于挚友来说,没有必要一摸一样14. He dances as well as his sister, but he isnt as good at singing as his sister. 他跳舞跳得跟他姐姐一样好,但唱歌颂得没有他姐姐好。C语法一.The comparative degrees of adjectives (形容词的比拟级)1.Adj.比拟级: 表示两者的比拟2.构造:用“A+形容词的比拟级+than+B”。翻译为表示“比更”,3.than用于比拟级,既可作连词,又可作介词。than后跟人名、地名、人称代词的宾格等时,than是介词;than后跟从句或人称代词的主格时,than是连词。如:Im more athletic than him in sports.(than作介词)Tom is calmer than she is.(than作连词)4.比拟级前面可以用even(更加),much(得多),far(得多),a littlie(一点),a bit(一点),slightly(些微地),a great deal(大量),a good deal(大量),a lot(大量),still(还,还要)等词语表示不定程度或数量。5.比拟级规则改变1. 干脆在形容词后加-er。 2. 以不发音的e结尾的形容词干脆在其后加-r。3. 以重读闭音节结尾并且末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个辅音字母再加-er.(辅-元-辅,两辅夹一元,中间元音字母发短元音即可)4. 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,先改“y”为“i”,再加-er。5. 多音节和局部双音节形容词在其前面加more。(留意以-er/-ow结尾的双音节干脆-er;但是以-ed/-ing/-ful/-less等结尾的双音节在词前面加more)同学们请留意:一个单词有几个元音因素就有几个音节,有两个元音因素就是双音节词,有两个以上的是多音节词6.比拟级规则改变口诀比拟级,要改变,一般词尾加er。(long-longer)词尾若有哑音e, 干脆加r就可以。(nice-nicer)重读闭音节, 单辅音字母要双写。(hot-hotter)辅音字母若加y, 记得把y变为i。(happy-happier) 7.不规则改变的形容词比拟级:good /well - betterbad/ill - worse many/much -more little - lessfar - farther /further8. 表示两者是同等程度,用“as+形容词原级as”; 表示不同等程度,用“not as(so)+形容词原级as”9. 注:表示否认比拟还可用“less+形容词原级than”, 这种用法常用“not as/so原级as”所代替。10.用“比拟级+and+比拟级”的构造来表示事物本身程度的增长,译为“越来越”11. 7. 用“the+比拟级,the +比拟级”的构造表示一方的程度随另一方的程度平行增长,译为“越(就)越 The more you eat, the fatter you are.12、形容词的比拟级前面一般不加冠词,但表示“两者中较”的时候,要用“the+比拟级+of ”。She is the taller of the two girls.二.反义词tall-shortthinfat/heavylightheavyweak-athleticlongshortcurly-straightcalm-wildfunny-serioussad- happybeautifuluglyouting-quiet三.两者都both and . both of ( both放在be 后,动词前).We are both outgoing, and we both enjoy going to parties.我们两个都外向,而且我们两个都喜爱参与派对。Unit3A.短语1. 剥去香蕉皮 peel the bananas 2. turn on 翻开(电器等) turn off 关(电器等) turn up 调大(把声音开大)turn down 调小(把声音关小)3. turn on the blender 启动搅拌机4切碎 cut up cut up three apples 切碎三个苹果5.把放入内put into / in pour yogurt into the blender把酸奶倒人搅拌机里6. make a banana milk shake 做香蕉奶昔7. 多少 how many(可数名词复数)how much (不行数名词) 8. 做水果沙拉 make fruit salad 9. 2 teaspoons of relish 两茶匙调味品10. put in two teaspoons of honey 参加两匙蜂蜜11. 混合在一起 mix up mix it / them all up 把它(他们)混合在一起12.一片面包a slice of bread 13. 两片面包 two slices of bread14. 把放在上 puton 15. 把加到上 addto add the ingredients to the noodles 把这些原料参加面条中16. 在顶部 on the top of 17. 一个的食谱 a recipe for a recipe for a great turkey sandwich 巨型火鸡三明治食谱18 .嫩洋葱green onion19. check you have all the ingredients. 检查全部的原料20. roll the pancake 卷起煎饼21. boil dumplings 煮饺子22. a bag of 一袋23. a box of 一盒24. a teaspoon of 一匙25. a slice of 一片26. a cup of 一茶杯 27. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 B.句子1】How do you make a banana milkshake 你如何做香蕉奶昔 1Turn on the blender翻开果汁搅拌机。 2Cut up the bananas切开香蕉。 3Pour the milk into the blender将牛奶倒入果汁机里。 4Put some relish on a slice of bread将调味品涂到一片面包上。 5Put the bananas and yogurt into the blender将香蕉和酸奶倒人果汁机。 2】First, put 1 teaspoon of relish on the sandwich.首先,在三明治上放一茶匙。 3】我们须要多少西瓜?How many watermelons do we need4】你想要多少盐?How much salt do you need5】你想要多少杯酸奶?How many cups of yogurt do you need6】首先放一些黄油在两片面包上面。First put some butter on two slices of bread.7】你喜爱三明治里的生菜吗?Do you like lettuce in the sandwiches8】. How much yogurt do we need 须要多少酸奶?9】. How many apples do we need 须要多少苹果?10】. I need some help. 我须要扶植。11】. Lets make fruit salad. 咱们制作水果沙拉吧。12】. Turn on the blender for about two minutes. 翻开果汁机大约两分钟。C语法1表示依次的副词有First, then, next, finally/at last/in the end, 开场,然后,下一步,最终 2.pourinto 把倒进(倒时的是是液体,如水,牛奶,果汁等)Unit 4 A.短语1. school trip 郊游 /学校旅行 2. go to the aquarium 去水族馆3.buy a souvenir/some souvenirs买纪念品4.buy sb. sth.=buy sth. for sb.给某人买某物5.on the school trip 在学校郊游中 6.take photos /pictures照相,拍照7 . 闲逛 hang out hang out with sb. 和某人闲逛8. win a prize 获奖(金)9. take the bus back to school 乘公共汽车回学校10. eat/have some ice cream 吃冰激淋11. at the end of 在的终点 at the end of the day 在一天完毕时/黄昏时 12. go for a drive 开车兜风13.其余什么 what else =what other things 14.get ones autograph 得到某人的亲笔签名get his autograph 得到他的亲笔签名 15. thanks for doing sth. 感谢某人做了某事16. on ones day off 在某人的休息日17. on my next day off 在我的下一个休息日/我明天休假时 18.一个繁忙的休息日 a busy day off 19.成天 all day 21. have fun doing sth. 很兴奋做某事22. in the yard 在院子里 23. have a yard sale 进展庭院旧货出售24. on the school trip 在学校郊游中25. in the future 将来,将来26. a famous actor 闻名演员 27.have a great/good/wonderful/nice time =have fun=enjoy oneself过得开心/玩的开心28. watch a movie about .看一部关于 的电影watch a movie about sharks 观看有关鲨鱼的影片29. watch a dolphin show观看海豚表演30. watch videos 看录像 31. after that = then 之后,然后32. at the end of the day 在当天完毕的时候33. take/have a class =have a lesson=have classes=have lessons=go to class 上课 34. the Visitors Center 旅游者中心 35. sleep late 睡懒觉/起得晚 = stay up (late) 熬夜 36.kind of boring 有点无聊 37.get wet变潮 38. go camping in the rain 在雨中野营39. finally = at last = in the end 最终40. put out 把 放到外面41. no one = nobody = none 没有一个人42. in my opinion 我认为,依我看,在我看来43. a movie about living in the future 关于将来生活的影片44. in yesterdays singing competition 在昨天的歌颂竞赛中45. be with sb. 与某人在一起46. the outdoor pool 露天水池47. the gift shop 礼品店48. give sb. a ride/lift 让某人搭车49. get a ride from sb. 搭某人的车50. 从回来 come back from 回到:get back( to ) B.句子1. What else did you do你还干了别的什么事?2. Did you have fun camping?你们野营开心吗?3. How was your day off 你的休息日过得怎样?4. There werent any sharks ,but there were some really smart seals. 没有鲨鱼,但有一些的确聪慧的海豹。5. Were you with your family 你和你的家人在一起吗?6. We watched a movie about living in the future. 我们观看了一部将来生活的影片。7. I think that sounds fun. 我认为那听起来好玩。8.Did you go to the zoo 你去了动物园吗?No,I didnt . I went to the aquarium.不,没去。我去了水族馆。9.Did you see any seals 你看了海豹吗?Yes,I saw some seals. 是的,我看了海豹。10.Were there any sharks 有鲨鱼吗?No, there arent any sharks. 不,没有鲨鱼。11I went to the aquarium,I didnt go to the zoo我去了水族馆,我没去动物园。 12Did you take any photos 你照相了吗 13Id like to eat some ice cream我情愿吃些冰淇淋 14.We often hang out with our friends我们常常同挚友一起去闲逛。 15. Would you like to go for a drive 你情愿去开车兜风吗 16. Did Tina buy a souvenir 蒂纳买纪念品了吗 17Toby won a prize托比赢了奖金。 18. Did Tina meet a famous actor 蒂纳遇见一位闻名演员了吗 19.The students had a terrible school trip同学们度过了一次糟糕的学校旅行 20. 很快见到你 See you soon. 21.你的上一个休息日怎么样?How was your last day off22.那听起来像是一个繁忙的假日。That sounds like a busy day off.23.在我的下一个休息日,我想呆在家里帮父母清扫庭院。I want to stay at home and help my parents clean the yard on my next day off.24.上周末你还做了别的什么?What else did you do last weekendC.语法1.no one=nobody (当他们作主语时,为三单形式)2. 1)luck (n) 运气 good/bad luck 2) lucky(adj) 幸运的 Tom is a lucky boy. 3) luckily (adv)幸运地 e.g. Luckily, he passed the exam.3. some of 其中一些 all of全部 most of大多数 none of没有Unit 5A.短语1.国际体育明星international sports stars 2.诞生于be born in/on 3.一位了不得的中国乒乓球运发动a great Chinese ping-pong player4.世界纪录名册Book of world records5.世界打嗝/打喷嚏纪录 Hiccupping/sneezing world record6.打破纪录break the record 创.的纪录have world record for7. start doing (to do) sth. 开场做某事begin doing (to do) sth. 开场做某事8.stop doing sth. 停顿做某事 stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事9. see sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事 see sb. doing sth. 看见某人在做某事10.first have a party 首次实行聚会11. a professional soccer player 一个专业的足球运发动12. all his free time他的全部空闲时间 / 业余时间13.太以致于不能 tooto 14.例如;比方for example=such as 15.打高尔夫球play golf 16.创作/写音乐write music17.为国家对效力play for the national team 18.由于because of19.成为一个明星become a movie star 20.学会骑自行车learn to ride a bicycle21.学会做某事learn to do sth.22.和某人度过时间spend time with sb.23.滑冰ice skating24.一段音乐a piece of music25.在某人岁时at the age of 26.在70年历史中in the 70-year history of27.主修;主研major in28.一个闻名的小提琴家/钢琴家a famous violinist/pianist 29.开场滑冰start ice skating30.一位和善而慈祥的奶奶 a kind and loving grandmother31.成为一位滑冰冠军 become a skating champion32.在美国巡回演出tour the U.S.33.学手风琴learn the accordion 34.参与take part in take (an active) part in (主动)参与35.在国际肖邦钢琴大赛上in the Chopin International Piano Competition36.获一等奖win the first prize 37.健在/活着be alive38.上清华高校go to Tsinghua University 39.女子单打选手a womens singles player40. a comedy called 一个名叫的喜剧41. the number one womens singles player 女子单打头号种子选手42. spend all the free time with sb. 与 度过全部的空闲时间43. hold the record 保持纪录44. break the record 打破纪录45. set the record 创建纪录 B.句子1. When was she born 她什么时候诞生的She was born in 1973她诞生于1973年。2. You are never too young to start doing things. 你多早开场做事都不为过。3. He is alive. 他还活着。4. He began to learn the accordion when he was a small boy. 当他还是个孩子的时候就开场学手风琴了。5. How old are you when you started learning English 你多大开场学习英语的?6. How long did he hiccup 他打嗝多久了?7. He hiccupped for 69 years and five months. 他打嗝打了69年5个月了。8.When did he start hiccupping 他什么时候开场打嗝的?He started hiccupping in1922. 他1922年开场打嗝的。9.Deng Yaping is a great Chinese pingpong player邓亚萍是一位了不得的中国乒乓球运发动。 10.For example,Tiger Woods started golfing when he was only ten months old. 例如,泰德。伍德十个月大时就开场打高尔去球。 11.Arthur is a loving grandfather亚瑟是一位慈祥的爷爷。 12.He spends all his free time with his grandchildren他全部业余时间都跟他的孙子在一起。 13.She become a skating champion when she was ten 当她十岁时,她成了一位溜冰冠军。 14.He won the first prize in his group他在小组里赢得了第一名。 15. He was also the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year history of the Chopin International Piano Competition to win this prize. 在有七十年历史的肖邦国际钢琴竞赛中他也是第一位获此荣誉的中国钢琴家。 16.他在世界锦标赛中赢了金牌。He won a gold medal at the World Championships.17.他是什么时候在什么地方诞生的?他是1985年11月在东莞诞生的。When and where was he born He was born in Dongguan in November,1985.18.Lily打嗝多久了?他打嗝69年5个月了。How long did Lily hiccup She hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months.19.Lucy是什么时候开场打喷嚏的?他是在1981年1月13日开场打喷嚏的。When did Lucy start sneezing She start sneezing on January 13,1981.20.Tom是在一个晴朗的下午开场学自行车的。Tom began / started to learn to ride a bike on a sunny afternoon.C.语法 1.at the age of=when he/she was2.too +形容词、副词(for sb)to+动词原形- 译为:太以致于不能e.g. Tom is too young to go to school.=Tom is so young that he cant to school=Tom isnt old enough to go to school.3.called 叫做 e.g. Yesterday I saw a movie called Mr Bean.Unit 6A.短语1.at home 在家 relax at home 在家放松 2.how long 多久 3.get back 回来 4.think about 思索 5.decide on(doing)sth. 确定选定 ( decide to do sth. ) 6.theGreat Wall 长城 7.finish doing sth.完成某事 8.take a vacation 去度假 9.something different 不同的东西 (something +adj)10.go camping 去野营 sports camp 运动野营 go bike riding 骑自行车旅行 11.go hiking 徒步行 go sightseeing 去观光 go fishing 去钓鱼go shopping去购物go swimming去游泳12.go away 分开 13 send sb sth 寄给某人看某物 = send sth to sb 14. show sb sth 给某人看某物 = show sth to sb 15 .have a good time 玩得开心 have a time (doing) 16. get back to 回到17.rent videos 租录像 18.take walks 去漫步 = take a walk =go for a walk /go for walks 19.vacation plans 假期安排 take a long vacation 过长假20.think about (doing ) 考虑 21.take with 随身携带22.do something different 做点不同的什么事 23.plan to do sth 安排去做某事 24.a relaxing vacation 一个轻松的假期 25.an exciting vacation 一个让人激昂的假期26. forget all my problems 遗忘我全部的苦恼 27.at night 在晚上 28.cant wait to do 迫不及待想干 29. make a movie 拍一部电影30.sleep a lot 好好睡觉 31.a good place to do干什么的好地方32.leave for 动身前往 B.句子1 .A: -what are you doing for vacation 假期你会做什么? -I am babysitting my sister. 我将照看我的小妹妹B: -what is he doing for vacation -He is going camping.C:. -what are they doing for vacation-They are visiting my grandmother.2、I dont like going away for too long . 我不喜爱分开太久3、This time I want to do something different. 我想去做些不一样的事. 4、I heard that Thailand is a good place to go sightseeing我听说泰国是一个好地方去观光巡游5、Im hoping the weather is nice in the mountains.我盼望山上有个好天气6、I am planning ( plan) my vacation to Italy this weekend 我安排这周假期去意大利.7、He thought about going to Greece or Spain, but decided on Canada 他(原)考虑去希腊或西班牙,但(后)确定去加拿大8、I just finish making my last movie. 我刚拍完我上部影片9.I hope I can forget all my problems . 我盼望我能遗忘我全部的苦恼。10. I want an exciting vacation. I cant wait. 我想要一个激烈人心的假期,我已等不及了C.语法1.be doing 如今进展表将来如今进展时可以表示将要发生的事情(注:doing前不要忘了加be动词)2.表示将来的时间状语有:tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, next Saturday, later等3.句子构造:主语+be动词+ 动词ing 例如 : What are you doing for vacation I am going camping . 4.形容词后置的构造: something + adjsomething different nothing intereting exciting (形容词放在不定代词之后)6. 同谓语 Ben Lambert, the famous French singer 指的是同一个人 又如: Miss Liu, our English teacher, is talking to us. Unit 7A.短语1.一位电脑程序设计师a computer programmer 2.学习计算机科学study computer science3.专业演员a professional actor a professional basketball player一位职业篮球运发动4.上表演课take acting lessons5.练篮球practice basketball 6.长大grow up 7.将要/ 准备be going to 8.搬到move to 9.一些好玩的地方somewhere interesting 10.搬到有意思的地方move somewhere interesting 11. 高中毕业finish high school 12.听看来像sound like13.时装表演fashion shows 艺术展 art exhibitions 实行艺术展have/hold art exhibitions 14.时尚杂志的记者 a reporter for a fashion magazine 15.找份兼职工作find a part-time job a part-time job 一份零工,一份兼职工作a full-time job 一份专职工作16. 找一份当语言教师的工作 find a job as a language teacher 17. 一位外语教师a foreign language teacher18. 一份教学的工作a teaching job 19在艺术学校at an art school20. 省钱;攒钱save some money make money 挣钱、赚钱21.同时at the same time22.周游世界 travel / tour all over the world 23. 8. a /one year or two = one or two years 一两年24.send to 送到25. somewhere interesting 好玩的地方move somewhere interesting 搬到某个好玩的地方26.move to 搬到某地27. have/hold a meeting 实行会议28.普及世界各地all over the world=around the world29.一门外语a foreign language 30.引退到某个宁静漂亮的地retire somewhere quiet and beautiful31. 制定新年准备make New Years resolutions 32.学习弹奏一门乐器 learn to play an instrument33.学习电脑科学. study computer science 34.组建足球队 make the soccer team 35.上吉它课take guitar lessons 36.学习外语learn a foreign language37.加大熬炼量get a lot of exercise 38.吃更安康的食物 eat healthier food 39.保持安康keep fit / stay healthy 40.学习上更努力work harder in school 41.与沟通communicate with sb. 42.为国际性杂志投稿write for international magazines43.召开迎新会 have a welcome party 44. get sth. from sb. 从某人那儿获得到某物45. exercise more to keep fit /keep healthy /stay healthy 多做运动来保持安康46. leave ones job 离任,辞职47. write for 为写东西48. have a welcome party 实行欢送会49. get lots of exercise 做大量练习50. think of a six-point plan 想出一个六点安排51. some American exchanged students 一些美国交换生52 . make a resolution 做确定53. in the speech competition 在演讲竞赛中54. a fashion show 时装表演55. be sure to do 确定要做某事 B.句子1. What are you going to be when you grow up 你长大了要干什么?2. Im going to be an actor. 我要成为一名演员。3. How are you going to do that 你准备怎样去做呢?4. Im going to take acting lessons我要去上表演课。5. When I grow up, Im going to do what I want to do. 我长大后我要做我想做的事。6. Im going to study French at the same time. 同时,我要学法语。7. Im going to get good grades. 我要获得好成果。8. Were goin


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