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Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date外研社英语小学四年级下册重点单词和句子外研社英语小学四年级下册重点单词和句子外研社英语小学四年级下册复习提纲Module 1 Friends 朋友短语;1、a bit 句型:1、This is Ms Smart. 这是斯马特女士。 She is a nice teacher.她是一位好老师。2、This is my big brother. Hes cool.Module 2 London伦敦短语:a book about London the capital ofbe from来自 Buckingham Palace白金汉宫River Thames泰晤士河 Big Ben大本钟Hyde Park海德公园 Tower Bridge伦敦塔桥many boats许多船 on the river 在河上句型:1、Im from London.2、London is the capital of England.Its very big and very beautiful.3、This is the River Thames.。 Its long and wide. Module 3 Picnic野餐短语on Saturday have a picnic举行一次野餐take your kite go to the parkdo my homework visit my grandmahelp my mother read my books句型:1、Were going to have a picnic.2、Will you take your kite?Yes,I will./No, I wont.3、On Monday Ill go swimming.4、Will you play football on Monday?Yes, I will./No, I wont.Module 4 Robots机器人短语:help children learn make cakes句型:1、One day, robots will do everything.2、Will it be windy in Beijing?Yes, it will. / No, it wont.Module 5 Size尺寸短语:Mount Qomolangma珠穆朗玛峰 the Great Wall长城 the Summer Palace颐和园句型:1、Sam is shorter than Lingling.2、The Changjiang River is longer than the Yellow River.长江比黄河长。Module 6 Music 音乐短语:the first girl be quiet Chinese musicplay the erhu play the zither play the guitarpop music play the drums 句型1、I think this girl is better than the first girl.2、What music do you like?你喜欢什么音乐? I like pop music.我喜欢流行音乐。Module 7 Countries国家短语:my project speak Englishin the east/west/north/south1、San Francisco is in the west.旧金山在西部。 2、Beijing is the capital of China.北京是中国的首都。Module 8 Changes变化短语the little girl so short my grandparents 句型: 1、They were young then. 他们那时很年轻。 They are old now. 现在他们老了。2、 I was four then. Now I am thirty. 3、 They werent old then.他们那时不老, They were young.他们很年轻 werent were not wasnt was notModule 9 Weekend周末短语;phone grandma cook meat walk in the parkplay on the computer a nice day help your mum句型1、 I helped Mum.我给妈妈帮忙。2、 Did you cook meat yesterday? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.3、Did Dad cook lunch? Yes, he did. / No, he didntModule 10 Accidents事故短语:go for a bike ride hungry and thirsty buy a watermelon fall off the bike bump my head have got a cold/stomachache/headache/fever句型:1、Sam and I went for a bike ride yesterday.And then ?然后?2、 Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday.3、 So today hes got a stomachache.形容词比较级变化规律:1、 形容词后直接加er 2、e结尾直接加r3、辅音加y结尾,yier4、辅元辅 (元音为短音),双末尾加er不规则:goodbetter badworse many-more动词的一般过去式变化规律:1、 动词后直接加ed 如cooked2、 动词末尾是不发音的e的直接加d 如phoned3、 辅元辅,双写末尾加ed 如stopped4、 辅音加y结尾,变y为i加edam/is-was are-were do-did go-went fall-fell come-came take-took feel-felthave/has-had buy-bought hold-held-


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