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阅读专题3阅读技巧阅读技巧阅读技巧l一、略读(skimming) l二、找出信号词 l三、找到中心思想l四、正确处理阅读中出现的生词,提高阅读速度 l五、跳读法 (scanning) 阅读专题3阅读技巧阅读技巧阅读技巧l一、略读(skimming) l略读不是略去某些词不读,而是指不可以逐字逐词阅读。要抓住关键词,阅读句群,把握整体意思。l使用略读法时,要省去各种细节的知识,如数字、公式、时间、地点、人物年龄等, 要抓住句子的主干成分: 主语、谓语、宾语。l注意主要情节,抓住中心意思。l在方法上,阅读时可以跳跃某些句子,但要注意关键词、关键段落和问题。阅读专题3阅读技巧lThe fact that the general literature on interviewing does not deal with the journalistic interview seems to be surprising for two reasons;first,it seems likely that most people in modem Western societies are more familiar,at least in a positive manner, with journalistic interviewing than any other form of interviewing. 阅读专题3阅读技巧阅读技巧阅读技巧l二、找出信号词 l信号词用来连接细节或是强调内容,并可完成段落的转换,暗示读者下文要讲的内容,标志出作者要提出一个新的思想或者观点,或者是作者要对所论述的观点举例说明,或者要详细论述同一观点。 阅读专题3阅读技巧找出信号词找出信号词l To sum up,Aristotle thought that all motions resulted either from the nature of the moving object or from a sustained push or pullThere is never only a single force in a situationFor example, in walking across the floor,we push against the floor, and the floor in turn pushes against us阅读专题3阅读技巧找出信号词找出信号词l To sum up,Aristotle thought that all motions resulted either from the nature of the moving object or from a sustained push or pullThere is never only a single force in a situationFor example, in walking across the floor,we push against the floor, and the floor in turn pushes against us阅读专题3阅读技巧信号词信号词lA表示递进关系 lB表示时间和顺序 lC表示空间顺序 lD表示下文要引出例子 lE表示因果关系 lF表示比较或对比(下文要开始转折) lG表示结论和概括意义 l 阅读专题3阅读技巧信号词信号词lA表示递进关系 lalso,besides,further,furthermore,even,too,moreoverin addition,in particular,even more importantlB表示时间和顺序 lbefore,now,next,first,finally,at first,at last,then,until,soon,later,after,eventually,in the past,afterwards,meanwhile。in the meantimel 阅读专题3阅读技巧信号词信号词lC表示空间顺序 lbeside,between,beyond,from(to),outside,next to,opposite tolD表示下文要引出例子 lsuch as, i.e.,for example,for instance,in factlE表示因果关系 lbecause,thus,so,so that,as a result,therefore,consequently, for this/(that) reason,hence,accordinglyl 阅读专题3阅读技巧信号词信号词lF表示比较或对比(下文要开始转折) l(un)like,similarly,likewise,in the same way,in spite of,despite,on the contrary,by comparison,in contrast,but,however,although,on the other hand,yet,nevertheless,conversely,otherwiselG表示结论和概括意义 lto conclude,to sum up,in sum,in conclusionIn short,in brief,on the whole等。阅读专题3阅读技巧阅读技巧阅读技巧l三、找到中心思想l每一组的中心词: lAapple fruit orange lBanimal cat dog bird lcgreen red yellow color lDchair table furniture couch lEnurse profession teacher lawyer 阅读专题3阅读技巧三、找到中心思想三、找到中心思想l段落的中心意思与句子的中心意思类似:l表明的中心意思l隐含的中心意思阅读专题3阅读技巧找到中心思想找到中心思想lAs the sun went down , the scene from the bridge was beautiful. It had been a perfect day. Up and down on either side of NY the bright blue water lay gently rippling, while to the south it merged into the great bay and disappeared toward the sea. The vast cities spread away on both sides. Beyond rolled the hilly country until it was lost in the mists of the sky. All up and down the harbor the shipping, piers , and buildings were still gaily decorated. On the housetops of both Brooklyn and NY were multitudes of people. 阅读专题3阅读技巧找到中心思想找到中心思想lTennis is not a difficult game to play , and you do not need a lot of equipment to play it. There must be two or four players. Each player should have a comfortable tennis racket. The players will also need some tennis balls. Of course, it is necessary to have a tennis court. 阅读专题3阅读技巧阅读技巧阅读技巧l四、正确处理阅读中出现的生词,提高阅读速度 :l根据构词法判断词义。l第二种是根据与上下文的关系推测其词义,生词不是孤立的、封闭的,它所出现于其中的句子、段落都会提供很多的暗示和线索.阅读专题3阅读技巧根据上下文推测词义根据上下文推测词义l1同义词或复述线索。在同一句子中使用另外一个词,该词与生词具有基本相同的意义;或者,使用几个词来复述生词的意义。l AThe woman found herself in a difficult situationIn fact her plight was so serious that she decided to get help l BChildren often try to emulate or copy the behavior that theysee on television 阅读专题3阅读技巧根据上下文推测词义根据上下文推测词义l2比较对照线索,on the other hand,however,although,unlike,yet和but等转折语,提醒用一个与生词具有相反意义地词语。 lASome people like to walk quickly home after work,but I prefer to stroll home and look at the store windows along the way. lBAlthough the doctor usually performed the operation perfectlythe nurse knew he had slipped when she saw the patients blood pressure suddenly rise 阅读专题3阅读技巧根据上下文推测词义根据上下文推测词义l3例释线索。作者有时给出一些例子,指示或解释生词的含义。 lAThere was a kind of detachment about the old mans behaviorIt appeared as if he didnt care what you were saying to himas if what you were saying were of no interest to him lBIn a battle situation he always appeared calm and relaxedIt was this calm demeanor that earned him the respect and admiration of the other soldiers 阅读专题3阅读技巧根据上下文推测词义根据上下文推测词义l4直接解释的线索。lAThe powerful poison was imperceptible when mixed in liquid;that is,it could not be tasted,seen,or smelled lBFrom the shelf above him, the old man took down a phial,a small glass bottle used to keep liquids,and he placed it on the table in front of him 阅读专题3阅读技巧根据上下文推测词义根据上下文推测词义l5经验线索或情景线索。lAAlan found himself on the first floor of an old,seemingly abandoned building,as he walked up to the second floor he could hear the old wooden stairs creak with each step he took lBIt was the first time Nancy had been in a big cityShe felt a little apprehensive as she walked out onto the streetwith so many strange faces staring at her 阅读专题3阅读技巧阅读技巧阅读技巧l五、跳读法 (scanning)l头脑中带着问题,寻找问题的具体答案阅读专题3阅读技巧跳读法跳读法 (scanning) l AWhat _ (in 1836;a new car;yesterday) l BWhy _ (last week;for some ice;very carefully) l CWhich _ (the green box;45 cents;in ten minutes) l DHow_($649;very quickly;a new red car) l EWhere _ (at 9 PM;every morning;in Florida) l FWhen _ (under the table;with Susan and Joe;about five hours ago) l GWho _(a very good coach;MrRoberts;some pens and pencils) 阅读专题3阅读技巧Q: What can be inferred from Beths story?lA. Prejudice against women still exists in some organizations.B. If people want what they deserve, they have to ask for it.C. People should not be content with what they have got.D. People should be careful when negotiating for a job.阅读专题3阅读技巧l l It is easier to negotiate initial salary requirement because once you are inside, the organizational constraints influence wage increases. One thing, however, is certain: your chances of getting the raise you feel you deserve are less if you dont at least ask for it. Men tend to ask for more, and they get more, and this holds true with other resources, not just pay increases. Consider Beths story:I did not get what I wanted when I did not ask for it. We had cubicle offices and window offices. I sat in the cubicles with several male colleagues. One by one they were moved into window offices, while I remained in the cubicles. Several males who were hired after me also went to offices. One in particular told me he was next in line for an office and that it had been part of his negotiations for the job. I guess they thought me content to stay in the cubicles since I did not voice my opinion either way .l


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