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Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date口语口译大赛主持稿口语口译大赛主持稿B:比赛即将开始,请大家把手机调至关机或静音状态,谢谢您的配合。A:Good evening, my distinguished judges, my dear teachers and fellow students. Welcome to the final competetion of 2011 interpretation contest. I am the hostress Monica.B:I am A:Tonight with great honor, we invited 9 guests. At the very beginning of today contest, please allow me to introduce our honorable judges and guests. They are vice president *, our teacher *B:Weclome! A:Ladies and gentlemen, there are three parts of todays competetion. The first part is to translate English into Chinese. There is 40 mins for this part. And the second part is to translate Chinese into English. The third part is interpretation. B:今天的比赛将分为三个部分,第一部分是英译中,第二部分是中译英,第三部分是中英互译。A: Ok, lets waste no time to come to our competetion. Now lets come to the first part. There is 40 mins for this part. The contestants should choose one video which is from BBC or VOA on the screen and then translate it into Chinese in 2mins, four contestens will be eliminate in this part. B: 我们的第一个环节是英译中,时间为40分钟。届时,工作人员将播放一段关于VOA或者BBC的英语音频(时间约为1分钟),选手需边听演讲边做速记,音频播放完毕后,选手将有2分钟的时间将听到的英语翻译成中文。是的,本环节将淘汰四位选手,剩下的八位选手晋级第二环节。A:Now, lets warmly welcome contestant No.1,郑康妮,from 2009teaching class two. Now,you can choose a number.-2、*2011 teaching class33、*2008teaching class 44、*2009translation class5、*2010teaching class26、*2010teaching class17、*2010business class8、*2010teaching class19、*2011teaching class110、*2011business classA:What a fantasy proforment! I really feel so excites tonight.B:是的,其实我们台下的观众也是卧虎藏龙的哦。A:Really? 不过光听你说,我可不信呢。B:嗯,既然这样,就让我们现场考考观众朋友们吧。现在,我们的大屏幕上有一些中英文俚语的互译题目,当主持人念完一题,数到3的时候,观众举手抢答。答对的同学还将获得精美小礼品一份。同学们,你们准备好了吗?A:看来大家都是热情高涨呢,那么事不宜迟,让我们马上开始我们的互动环节吧!请我们可爱的小纯先到台下。让我们看看第一题:B:由于时间关系,我们的互动环节就告一段落了,接下来我们要公布的就是进入第二轮的选手名单。A:Yes, four contestants will come to the second round. Who is the lucky dog? Let me show you the answer. There are *B:Congradulations.A:Now lets cme to the second round: Translate Chines into English. Well, in this round, the eight contestants are demanded to translate Chinese into English. They can also choose a video which is about current politics in three times. The first and second time, the contestants can take some notes, and make full understanding the material. In the third time playing, contestants are requested to interpret the material. This time, four contestants will be eliminate. B:第二环节就是中英译环节,时间为25分钟。届时我们将播放一段关于时政英语的中文视频(时间约为1分钟)。视频按照常速播放三遍,第一二遍播放原版视频,选手需边看视频边做速记,第三遍播放经过消声处理并配有中文字幕的视频,当第三遍播放时,选手根据中文字幕并结合自己对视频的理解进行口译。在本环节将淘汰四位选手,剩下的四位选手晋级第三环节。A;Ok, now lets warmly welcome contestant *B:Welcome!A: Really good proforment, lets give a big hand to them. Susan, I know we are going to have another exciting wordguess.B:是的,现在又到了我们现场观众秀出自我的时候咯我们的舞台属于你!那么我们的Monica 将会走到现场,知道答案的同学可以举手示意主持人。A:Time is so limit B:没错,我们的互动环节也将结束了,晋级第三轮的名单已经在我手上了A:Wow, let me guess wo can enter the next round. Contestant no.?B:yes, you are do clever. A:Ok, congratulations. And who is the next contestant.B:*A:Congratulation! Now lets come to the third part of tonight s competetion: English-Chinese translation, about 25 minutes. At this time, we will invite a Chinese guest and an English guests to the stage, and they will discuss some hot issues. Our contestants are the interpreter of the guest. Two honored guests take in turns, each statement in less than one minute. The whole dialogue is about 5minutes, after that, the two sides need to exchanged the interpreter, and continue the dialogue and interpretation for about 5 minutes. B:比赛的第三环节是中英互译(时间为25分钟),此环节将有一位中文嘉宾和一位英文嘉宾围绕某一热点问题进行谈话,每位嘉宾配一位选手担任译员,为其所负责的嘉宾进行口译。两位嘉宾轮流发言,每次发言不超过一分钟,每位译员依次为所负责的嘉宾口译,对话完成5分钟左右时,中英双方的译员对调,继续进行对话和口译。这一环节持续5分钟左右。(比如选手1本来是为说英文的老师翻译的,一轮后与选手2换位置为说中文的老师翻译)嘉宾交流期间,选手须做速记,嘉宾说完后,选手开始作答。选手的作答时间与嘉宾发言时间相一致。现在,决赛第三轮正式开始。A:lets warmly welcome * and *. Now lets welcome contstant NO.A:Tonights competetion is so exciting, and now, it is time for the judges to give us some comments. Lets warmly welcom *B:好的,让我们掌声请出*A:Thank you * for such a splendid conclusion. Here comes the result. Who is the champion of tonightcompetetion? Now letsee. The bronze-medalist goes to contestant * * *B:有请* 为获奖选手颁奖 获得第二名的选手是:* * *A:有请*为获奖选手颁奖.The champion of tonight is contestant No. .B:恭喜以上选手们。朋友们,口译赛为我们们提供一个展现自我专业技能的舞台,让我们收获良多。A:Yes, we really have learned so much from the competetion. Wish all of us could make progress everyday. Maybe we are nobody todayB: but we will be somebody one day. A: Wish you good night!B:good night!


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