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2022年冀教版六年级英语下学期期末学业质量监测复习同步练习题单班级:_ 姓名:_ 看图题写单词1. 看图,根据所给的首字母写出句子中所缺的单词。 Taking e_is the s_to good health.2. The children are h_a party for Childrens Day and s_a song now.3. We are going to v_Guangzhou M_next Sunday.4. Tom b_his t_twice a day.5. What d_you do yesterday? I r_my bike to the library.2. 根据图意,将下列对话补充完整,每空一词。1. A: Su Hai, you look so nice.B: Thank you. Dancing_me beautiful. 2. A: Tomorrow is_. Lets have a big party.B: Good idea!3. A: I have a_.B: You should brush your teeth. You shouldnt_too much sweet food.3. 看图完成对话。1My brother bought a new_2Bobby_every day.3My teacher wasnt at_.4The_is so exciting.5Dont always read_.4. 看图回答问题。1.What is your hobby?2.Does he like playing football?3.Does he like hiking?5. 看图片,写单词。1 23 456. 看图,回答问题。1How do you come to school?2How do your parents go to work?3Does he go to school on foot?4Can we drive fast?7. 看图片,写句子。1She2He3458. 看图回答问题。 1-What do you want to eat? 2-What do you want to eat?- -3-What do you want to eat?- 填空题9. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1What do you want_(be) in the future?I want to be a teacher.2That boy is a football_(play).3Everyone_(have) a dream.4My aunt is a_. She likes_(write) stories for children.5My sister likes_(play) the piano. She wants to be a_(piano) in the future.6He wants to take care of_(children) teeth.7Music_(make) me happy.8Dancing makes people_(health) and beautiful.10. 把下列形容词改成副词。1excited 2quiet3loud 4sad5happy 6angry7easy 8heavy9good 10beautiful11fast 12careful11. 按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。1. love(同义词)_ 2. make(第三人称单数)_3. we(形容词性物主代词)_ 4. I (宾格)_5. them(主格)_ 6. America (形容词)_12. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1My parents_(go) to the park yesterday.2Please eat more vegetables. You need to_(be) strong and healthy.3 How often does Tom_(read) books? He reads books every day.4What are they doing on the playground?They_(play) a football game.5There_(be) many oranges in the bag this morning, but now the bag is empty(空的).13. 词汇,根据句意,首字母或所给词提示填入所缺单词。1请朗读以下月份,并按其在一年中出现的先后顺序排列抄写。JulyAugustNovemberFebruaryMarchMonth List:2Here is a cat_the table.3He likes_.4There are_dogs.5We are_(look) for the school bus.6Jack_(study) for the English test last Sunday.7Bobby is watching a cartoon. Hes very_(excite).选择题14. My brother _ many presents from his friends yesterday. ( )A.gets B.getting C.got15. I can look _ the new words in the book. ( )A.at B.on C.up16. _ a mess! I cant find anything. ( )A.What B.How C.Where17. I often have _ eggs and _ milk for breakfast. ( )A.a few; a few B.a little; a little C.a few; a little18. 选出不同类的一项:( )A.sun B.rainy C.windy句型转换19. 句型转换。1Eddie swam in the swimming pool yesterday. (改为现在进行时)2I did something else. (改为一般疑问句)3Miss Fang takes the children to the parkthree times a year. (根据主题意思提问)4He likes to make model planes. (改为一般疑问句)_he_to make model planes?5We are going to visit the Ming Tombsin the afternoon. (对句子主题意思提问)20. 句型转换。1I am reading a book now. (变为一般疑问句并做肯定回答)2There are some birds in the tree.(变为否定句)3Tom usuallyplays basketballafter school. (对句子主题意思提问)4I likespringbest. (对句子主题意思提问)5Did,you,what,last, do, weekend( ? )21. 按要求完成下列句子。1. The children have some apples. (改为单数句)The_.2. Her house is nice. (改为复数句)_nice.3. I didnt feel well yesterday, so I stayed at home all day. (改为同义句)I_yesterday, so I stayed at home all day.4. This is a book. Its my sisters. (用两种形式将两句合并为一句)This is_.This_is_.22. 句型转换。1She showed us her new clothes.(同义句转换)She_her new clothes_us.2There are a lot of apples in the tree.(同义句转换)There are_apples in the tree.3My aunt lives in Shanghai.(用two years ago改写)My aunt_Shanghai.4The lion was nice to the girl.(改为一般疑问句)_the lion nice to the girl?5How beautiful a girl she is! (同义句改写)_beautiful girl she is!6The king is wearing some clothes.(改为否定句)The king_wearing_clothes.7Two men, the king, make, new clothes, wanted, to, for(连词成句)23. 按要求改写句子。1. He wants to eat an ice cream.(改为否定句)He_to eat an ice cream.2. My father gave me a new book.(改一般疑问句)_your father_you a new book?3. He can get to the zooby bus.(对句子主题意思提问)_he_to the zoo?4. The students usually have lunchat school.(对句子主题意思提问)_the students usually_lunch?5. I bought a notebook in bookstore.(改为否定句)I_a notebook in bookstore.阅读理解24. 读短文,选择正确的答案。Golden monkey is one of the animals in danger. Most of them live in the southwest (西南部) of China They are very cute with golden hair. Their tails are almost (几乎) as long as their bodies. Golden monkeys live in forests or mountains with their families. They love eating leaves, flowers and fruits. Sometimes, they eat eggs of birds.People cut trees, so there is no quiet place for golden monkeys to live. And people kill them for their beautiful fur and the meat. Now, they are in great danger. Lets join in to help them.(1)Which picture is golden monkey?( )A. B. C.(2)Golden monkeys dont eat _.( )A. fruits B. birds C. eggs of birds(3)People kill golden monkeys for the meat and their _.( )A. horns B. eggs C. fur(4)Golden monkeys live in the _ of China.( )A. south B. west C. southwest(5)Which is Not True?A. Golden monkeys live in forests or mountain.B. Golden monkeys have short tilsC. Golden monkeys are very cute.(6)We must help golden monkeys, because _.( )A. they are in great danger.B. they are very cute with golden hair.C. they live in China.25. 阅读短文,回答问题。Anny sat in their backyard(后院), thinking. She was trying to think of a way to earn money during the summer vacation. Suddenly, she had an idea! Her parents paid her to walk their dog every day. Maybe other people would pay her to walk their dogs.Anny went to many houses and asked the people if she could exercise their pets. Some of the people didnt have a dog. Ohters wanted to walk their own pets themselves, but five people did hire Anny. She was delighted.Every morning that summer she walked the dogs. By the end of the vacation, Anny had saved eighty dollars.1The best title is _.( )A.Traveling During the Summer B.Waiting for School to BeginC.A Girl Finds a Pet D.Getting Paid to Walk Dogs2During the vacation Anny saved _.( )A.five dollars B.eighty dollarsC.one hundred dollars D.ninety dollars3To earn money, Anny _.( )A.washed windows B.sold papersC.went to school D.walked dogs4When Anny was working, she was _.( )A.outside B.in a carC.in a lake D.inside a house5The underlined word delighted means _.( )A.very tall B.very happyC.sick D.cold26. 阅读短文,判断正误。My name is Tom. I am going to high school. My school is big and pretty. There are 100 teachers and 1000 students in my school. There are 25 classes in my school. Teachers are kind. There are many flowers and many tall trees in my school. My classmates are enthusiastic (热情的). I am happy every school day. I like my school very much.( )(1)Toms school is big.( )(2)There are 1000 teachers in Toms school.( )(3)Toms teachers are kind.( )(4)There are many tall trees in Toms school.( )(5)Tom is very happy on his every school day.27. 阅读理解。A judge was working in his room one day when a neighbour ran in and said, “If one mans cow kills anothers, is the owner of the first cow responsible(明白是非的,负责任的)?”“It depends(依靠,依赖,因而定), answered the judge.”“Well”, said the man, “your cow has killed mine.”“Oh!” answered the judge. “Everyone knows that a cow can not think like a man ,so a cow is not responsible, and that means that its owner is not responsible either.”“I am sorry, Judge”, said the man. “I made a mistake. I meant that my cow killed yours.”The judge thought for a few seconds and then said, “When I think about it more carefully, this case is not as easy as I thought at first”. And then he turned to his clerk and said, “Please bring me that big black book from the shelf behind you.”Multiple choice1The neighbour asked the judge_. ( )A.whether the first cow was responsibleB.whether the owner of the first cow was responsibleC.whether both cows were responsibleD.whether both the owners were responsible2When the neighbour reported that the judges cow had killed his, the judge answered that_.( )A.a cow was reponsibleB.its owner was not responsibleC.neither a cow nor its owner was responsibleD.his cow was responsible3When the neighbour heard this, he told the judge that_.( )A.there was nothing happenedB.his cow had been killedC.it was his cow that had killed the judgesD.both cows had been killed4When the judge heard that his cow had died, he_.( )A.got angry B.said nothingC.put his neighbor into prison D.changed what he had said at first5In this story the judge was_. ( )A.a clever judge B.a humorist(滑稽者)C.unfair D.foolish28. 阅读理解。对的“T”,错的“F”。One day Mr and Mrs White went shopping by car. They stopped their car near a store. They bought a lot of things and they wanted to put the things in the car. But Mr White couldnt open the door of the car, so they asked a policeman to help them. The policeman was very friendly to help them. Just then a man came up and shouted: “What are you doing with my car?” Mr and Mrs White took a look at the cars number and they were frozen there. It wasnt their car.( )1. Mr and Mrs White went shopping by bike.( )2. They bought many things.( )3. Mr White could open the door of the car.( )4. The policeman was very friendly to help them.( )5.The car wasnt theirs29. 阅读短文,选出正确答案。Zhao Hua lives in Guangzhou. His mother is an English teacher. She goes to work by bus every day. Zhao Huas father is an engineer(工程师).He works in a toy company. He likes designing(设计)toys. He goes to work by car. Zhao Li is Zhao Huas twin sister. Zhao Li likes playing the piano and watching cartoons. She goes to school on foot. Zhao Hua likes swimming and riding a bike. He goes to school by bike. On the weekend, Zhao Li plays the piano and watches TV. Zhao Hua swims or rides a bike. They are happy.1What does Zhao Huas mother do?( )A.Shes a teacher. B.Shes an engineer.2Whats Zhao Huas fathers hobby?( )A.He likes playing the piano. B.He likes designing toys.3How does Zhao Li go to school?( )A.On foot. B.By car.4What are Zhao Huas hobbies?( )A.Swimming and riding a bike. B.Playing the and watching cartoons.5How do they feel?( )A.They are happy. B.They are worried.30. 阅读短文。I really enjoy Australia. Now I live with an Australian family.The family is very friendly. They often make a nice warm Australian meal for me every day.The family has a 16-year-old girl, Mary. We are the same age and become friends soon after I come to the family. We talk about the school, friends, TV, and many other things. On weekends I spend time with the whole family. I help them cook dinner. Sometimes we go to see a film, have a picnic or walk the dog. Mary also takes me to her friends parties. So I get to make more friends.( )(1)Mary is the writers _ .A. classmate B. neighbour C. friend( )(2)Where does the writer live?A. China B. Australia C. England( )(3)With whom(和谁) does he writer spend time on weekends?A. Mary and her family B. Mary C. Marys father( )(4)Which of the follow is not true?A. They often talk about the school, friends.B. The family is very friendly to the writer.C. The writer dont make many friends.( )(5)Maybe the writer is a _.A. student B. worker C. teacher31. 阅读理解。Its Sunday. Its fine. Tom does not go to school today. But he is not at home. Hes now sitting(坐) on a Chinese bus. He is going to the movie house. All his classmates(同学) will go to see a movie this afternoon. His teacher Mr Wang will go there, too. They will meet at 2:00 p.m. at the gate(门口) of the movie house.An old man gets on(上车) the bus. Tom stands up and says(说) to the old man, “Come and sit here, please.” The old man goes over and sits down. He says, “Thank you very much, my boy. You are a good student.” Tom answers, “Youre welcome.”“What school are you in?” the old man asks Tom.“I am in No. 2 Middle School.” Tom answers.“No. 2? Thats a good school. My son is a teacher there. He is an English teacher.” The old man says.“English teacher? Excuse me, grandpa. Whats your sons name, please?” Tom asks.“Mr Wang,” says the old man.“Ah, ah, he is my English teacher.” Just then, the bus stops near the movie house. Tom says goodbye to the old man and gets off(下车) the bus. The old man smiles(微笑) to Tom.( )1. In the sentence“the bus stops near the movie house”. “stop” means _.A.车站 B.开 C.关 D.停( )2. Which(哪一句) is right?A. Its Saturday today.B. Its not fine today.C. Tom goes to school on Sunday.D. Tom is a student of No. 2 Middle School.( )3. Mr Wang is_.A. at home today B. the old mans sonC. the old mans father D. a Chinese teacher( )4. What do you think of Tom?A. Tom is a good student. B. Tom is a bad(坏的) student.C. He does wrong(错) things. D. He is a good teacher.( )5. Which is right?A. Tom goes to the movie house on an English car.B. Only Tom and his teacher go to the movie house to see a movie.C. They go to the movie house for a meeting(会议).D. The old mans son is Toms English teacher.写作32. 作文。假设你叫Jack,通过因特网认识了一位美国的笔友Tommy。用不少于(5)句话向你的笔友介绍一下你自己,必须用上所给的提示词。数字可以用阿拉伯数字表示。开头与结尾已为你写好。arTommy,Jack33. 你打算周末去哪?去干什么?怎样去?快来写一写吧。要求:1.注意时态2.不少于10句话。My weekend34. 用英语描述一下你和你的爸爸、 妈妈去公园的经历。要求:1). 条理清晰,意思明确,语句通顺、 连贯,用词得当,语法正确。2). 书写规范。3). 不少于50个单词。35. 书面表达。以一种文具为题,按要求写一篇英语小作文。要求:1.要写出此文具的主要特点。2.条理淸楚,意思连贯,标点正确,书写规范。3.不少于50个单词。18 / 18


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