八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版

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八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版_第1页
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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?Section A (1a-2c)预习案预习导学教学建议 课前自学是学生在老师的引导下自主学习,老师课前要进行相应的指导,确保学生在规定的时间内独立完成。一、词汇精粹学习建议 在文中勾画出单词和短语,思考语法聚焦中的问题,标记好疑难,准备课上质疑探究。1.娱乐;消遣 2. neither 3. space museum 4.游乐场 5.水上公园 二、听力内容预测学习建议 请仔细观察课本上的图片和文字描述,完成下列题目。1. What are the two girls talking about?(1a) 2. Who has been to the zoo?(1b) 3. Where are Tina and John going?(2a) 4. Has Harvey been to Water World before?(2a)三、语法聚焦学习建议 尝试翻译下列句子,总结语法现象。1. Have you ever been to an amusement park? Yes,I have. 2. Have you ever been to an aquarium? No,I havent. 3. Ive never been there. 4. I have been to the zoo a lot of times. 观察上面的句子和语法聚焦部分的例句,完成下面的问题:1.我们学过陈述发生在过去的事情用 时态。2.这一组句子与过去时在助动词和时间状语上有什么不同? 3.谓语在句子中发生了什么变化? 教学建议 老师要指导学生在预习过程中积极动脑思考,尝试自己总结词汇与语法的规律和用法。预习自测一、词汇精粹根据汉语提示填空:1. Theres a new (娱乐)park near here.2. (两个都不)of them will go to the aquarium.3. Do you know what there are in the (航空博物馆)?4. He likes going to the (水上公园)on Sunday.二、语法聚焦根据实际情况回答问题:1. Has China entered the WTO? 2. Have you learned to play the piano? 3. Has your father been to America? 4. Have your parents been to your school? 5. Has your uncle been to Beijing? 我的疑惑?请你将预习中未能解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,待课堂上与老师和同学探究解决。探究案导入新课 方案一:The competition. Guess the different places of China according to different statements. Then ask them,“Besides enjoying the beautiful scenery out of the city,where can we relax in the city? Where do you often go during holidays or weekends?”方案二:The vocabulary.Show students a series of pictures of different places,such as the amusement park,the zoo,the space museum and so on. Ask them to tell the names of these places. The ask them where they have been before and where they want to go.洗耳运动1. Listen and answer the questions:(1)Who went to Fun Times Amusement Park last year? (2)Can Claudia swim? (3)Where are they going at last? 2. Listen again and finish the table in 1b. 3. Listen to the dialogue in 2a and finish the questions in 2a and 2b.质疑探究教学建议 现在完成时,have been to / have gone to是重难点,一定要进行深入的展示、点拨与练习,明确与其他时态的区别并能灵活运用。探究点一 单词和短语探究1. neither adj. & pron. 二者都不(的)adv. 也不(1)Neither have I. 我也没(去过)。(2)Neither of them is a teacher. 他们两个都不是老师。(3)Neither you nor he is naughty.你和他都不淘气。(4)Neither shop is open on Sunday.这两家商店周日都不开门。思考:(1)neither作为副词,习惯用倒装结构,如例句1),总结该结构 ,意思是 (2)作代词,意为 ,习惯与介词 连用,其后名词用复数形式,若neither of+名词作主语,谓语动词用 形式。(3)作形容词,置于 形式的名词前,谓语动词用 。(4)neither nor 表示“ ”,连接并列的主语时,谓语动词与它最近的主语在 上保持一致。(5)连接两个主语,谓语适用于“就近”原则的短语和句型还有 。2. have been to 去过(1)He has been to Beijing twice.他去过北京再次。(2)He has gone to Beijing and he wont come back until tomorrow. 他去了北京,明天才能回来。(3)He has been in Beijing for 20 years.他在北京呆了20年了。思考:(1)have been to表示“ ”,现在已不在那里了,可与just,ever,never等词连用;并且后面可接次数表示到过某地的次数。(2)have gone to 表示“ ”,表示到了某地或正在去某地的途中,这时,当事人在不在现场? (3)have been in表示“ ”,常与表示 的时间状语连用。即时练习:1. Which do you prefer,tea or coffee? is OK. I dont care.A. Either B. Neither C. Both2. of the hats suited him,so Jack had to try on the third one.A. Neither B. Either C. Both3. Where are the Greens,may I ask? Well,they England. They have been there for nearly a week now.A. have been to B. are going to C. have gone to探究点二 重难点句子和语法探究1.现在完成时(1)I have never been to the aquarium.我从没去过水族馆。(2)He has already been to America twice.他已经去过美国两次了。(3)Have you ever been to the water park? 你曾经去过水上公园吗? Yes ,I have./No,I havent. 是的,我去过。/不,我没去过。思考:(1)在上面句子中,有一个相同的结构have been to ,意思是 ,其中have/has是助动词。(2)现在完成时表示 发生的动作对 造成的影响或结果。现在完成时与哪些时间状语连用? (3)现在完成的构成是 肯定句式: +过去分词+其他否定句式: 疑问句式: 肯定回答: 否定回答: 2. Me neither.我也没去过。思考:(1)此句为省略句,常用于口语中,表示说话者的情况与上述否定句中陈述的内容 , me neither的反义表达是 ;前者表示 ,后者表示 (肯定还是否定)。(2)I dont smoke. (我也不抽)(3)写出上一句所填内容的同义句: 即时练习:1. you to a water park?A. Has;gone B. Have;been C. Has;been2. He been to Shagnhai. He there last year.A. have;go B. has;go C. has;went D. have;went3. How long has she been a nurse? .A. Since 2020 B. In 2020 C. For years ago D. Last year4. I have been to the zoo a lot of times. (我也是)5. Ive never been to a water park. (我也没去过)Section A (3a-4)预习案教材助读(二轮阅读)一、一轮阅读做题目1. Read the passage and check the statements:(1)There are several Disneyland parks in the world.( )(2)Disneyland is only an amusement park.( )(3)The Disney Cruise is very interesting but it doesnt have the Disney theme.( )2. Read it again and answer the questions:(1)What is Disneyland? (2)Whats the theme of the Disneyland? (3)What are Disney characters doing all the time? (4)Where does the boat end up? 二、二轮阅读找难点学习建议 在文中勾画出单词、短语、重点句型和交际用语。根据语境猜测其含义或根据汉语写出英语。(一)单词和短语:1.迪斯尼乐园 2. character 3. see的过去分词 4.主题 5. attraction 6.甲板 7.巡航 8. route 9.岛屿 10.米老鼠 11. most of 12. hear of 13. 迪斯尼人物 14.主题公园 15. of course 16.过山车 17. all the time 18.在船上 19. end up 20.兜风 (二)重点句子:1. Perhaps we have even seen them in movies. 2. In fact,there are now several different Disneyland amusement parks around the world. 3. It has all the normal attractions that you can find at an amusement park,but is also has a theme. 4. This means that you can find Disney characters all over the roller coaster. 5. And you can see Disney characters walking around Disneyland all the time! 6. You can take a ride on the boat for several days,and you can sleep and eat on board. 7. There are also many attractions on board,just like any other Disneyland. 8. The boats take different routes,but they all end up in the same place. 我的疑惑?请你将预习中未能解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,待课堂上与老师和同学探究解决。探究案导入新课 T:Do you like cartoons? Which cartoon characters do you like?Ss:/T:Do you like Donald Duck? What about Mickey Mouse? Where do they like?Yes,the Disneyland.Today lets come to Section A:3a to see what the Disneyland is like.质疑探究教学建议 建议展示点评过程要迅速、内容要简练。过程之中老师要充分发挥课堂的主导性作用,及时对学生的点评进行点拨鼓励,引导学习对所学内容进行正确判断、拓展延伸以及方法规律的总结。要充分利用即时练习进行跟踪练习、强化理解与记忆。学习建议 请你认真浏览并思考探究案中的问题,结合自己在预习中的疑问开始下面的探究学习。探究点一 语篇探究Whats the structure of this passage?(语言尽量简洁)Para 1: Para 2: Para 3: Para 4: 探究点二 单词和短语探究1. attraction n.有吸引力的事物(或人)(1)There are also many attractions on board just like any other Disneyland.(3a)和其他的迪斯尼乐园一样,船上也有许多吸引人的地方。(2)The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tide.月球对地球的吸引力造成潮汐。(3)The scenery at the sea is attractive.海边的风景非常有魅力。思考:(1)attraction意为 时,它是一个 名词。(2)它的动词是 ,形容词是 。2. on board(1)There are also many attractions on board,just like any other Disneyland.(3a)和其他的迪斯尼乐园一样,船上也有许多吸引人的地方。(2)The meeting will be held on board next month.会议将于下个月在船上举行。(3)The plane is taking off. Lets see who is still not on board.飞机就要起飞了。我们看一下谁还没登机。(4)Lets go on board now.现在让我们登船吧。思考:(1)on board是 短语,可放在be动词之后作 ,也可放在句子中作 。(2)on board意思有 。(3)be on board表示状态,而go on board表示 ,意为 。3. end up 以结束;结果为(1)The professor ended up his lecture with a comic story.教授以一个滑稽的故事结束了他的讲座。(2)The boats take different routes,but they all end up in the same place.(3a)这些船有不同的路线,但是它们都会在同一个地方结束航程。(3)We ended up dancing at 11:00 pm yesterday.我们昨天晚上十一点停止跳舞。思考:(1)end up 后可直接跟 ,意思是 。(2)如果跟动词需用动词的 形式,因为up是 。此时短语意为 。(3)例句(1)中和例句(2)中end up的用法分别是 。(4)end up with的反义短语是 。即时练习:1. All the passengers must get on time.A. board B. on board C. on boarding2. Pop music had great for me.A. attract B. attracts C. attractive3. Most of programs end up this song.A. in B. at C. singing D. with探究点三 重难点句子探究1. In fact,there are now several different Disneyland amusement parks around the world.事实上,现在世界上已经有好几座不同的迪斯尼乐园游乐场了。思考:(1)in fact意为 ,常放在句子 ,用以引出某一事实或说明事实。(2)several相当于 ,修饰 。(3)这是一个 句型,表示 。2. This means that you can find Disney characters all over the roller coaster.这意味着你可以在过山车上发现到处都是迪斯尼人物。思考:(1)这是一个主从复合句,that引导的句子作means的 。(2)mean的意思是 ,后跟动词时用 形式。它还有“意图;打算;故意”的意思,后跟动词 形式。即时练习:1. There so many children on the square.A. are;play B. are;playing C. are;being playing D. are;are playing2. Success means (work)hard.3. He didnt mean (hurt)you.Section B (1a-2c)预习案教材助读一、听力内容预测学习建议 在回答问题之前,先仔细观察图片。牢记单词,扫清听力障碍。看2a图片,回答下面的问题:1. What is the boys name? 2. How long has he been studying English? 二、词汇精粹学习建议 在文中勾画出单词、短语、重点句型和交际用语,结合语境猜测其含义或根据汉语写出英语。(一)短语:1. last name 2.交换生 3.说英语的国家 4. start doing 5. improve English 学习建议 由于该部分无重点或难点句型,听力内容中有几个重点句子,试试看你在不看听力原文的前提下,翻译下面的句子。比比谁翻译的最好。(二)重点句子:1. Its fun to learn another language. 2. Have you ever been to an English-speaking country? 3. How long have you been studying English? 4. I want to travel the world,and you need English to do that.(听力对话) 我的疑惑?请你将预习中未能解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,待课堂上与老师和同学探究解决。探究案导入新课 Ask them questions:1. How long have you been studying English?2. Why do you study English? (参考1a)3. What do you think is the best way to improve your English?I think studying abroad is a good way to improve English. The next dialogue is going to show us the boy who is and exchange student. That means he has studied abroad before.Or ask them:Do you want to travel abroad? Which countries do you want to visit most? By travelling,we can learn a lot and improve English by the way.洗耳运动学习建议 先感知问题,再有目的地去听,边听边记录要点,听不清的先暂时放弃,做好标记,听第二遍时重点解决。1. Listen do the dialogue and finish 2a. 2. Answer the questions.(1)Spell the name of the boy. (2)Which country has he been to? (3)How old is he? 3. Listen for the last time and finish questions in 2b. 质疑探究教学建议 老师可指导学生自主学习,时间根据具体情况而定,然后进行同学之前的一对一交流,或学习小组内部的合作探究。学习建议 请同学认真思考下面这些问题,并结合预习中自己的疑问开始下面的探究学习。探究点一 单词和短语探究1. exchange v.交换(1)People will exchange their gifts on Christmas Day.人们往往在圣诞节交换礼物。(2)Can I exchange dollars for RMB here? 我能在这儿把美元兑换成人民币吗?(3)He is an exchange student. 他是一名交换生。思考:(1)exchange作为动词,后面跟 ,意思是 。例句(2)中的用法是 (2)例(3)中它是 词,意思是 ,用法是 。2. last name(1)Can you spell your hast name? 你能拼一下你的姓吗?(2)His last name is Zhang.他姓张。思考:(1)last name在汉语中意思是 ,同义表达有 。(2)first name/given name表示 。(3)英文中的姓名是如何构成的? 即时练习:1. Workers exchange labor for room and board.(翻译) 2. The last name for James Green is ,and the given name is .探究点二 重难点句子探究When did you start study English? 你是什么时候开始学英语的?思考:(1)句子中用了 时态,从课本中找出它的答语 (2)start意为“开始”,同义词是 ,它后面可以跟 。(3)start 在这里的用法是start doing,什么情况下不用doing只用to do? 即时练习:1. When I was eight,I often (go)to my mothers shop to help her.2. The weather changed suddenly. And it started (rain.)3. She began (wonder)whether the road was right.Section B(3a-4)& Self Check预习案教材助读(二轮阅读)一、一轮阅读做题目1. Check whether they are true or false.(1)Mei Shans job is interesting because she travels around the world.( )(2)David Feng has a job as a tour guide now.( )(3)Both of them have been t the Hilltop Language School.( )2. Answer the questions following the 3a. 二、二轮阅读找难点学习建议 认真阅读Section B(3a-4)。在文中勾画出单词、短语、重点句型和交际用语,并结合语境猜测其含义或根据汉语写出英语。(一)单词和短语:1. attendant 2.发现;发觉 3. 要求 4. guide 5. film 6.空中乘务员 7. tour guide 8. change ones life 9. the best way 10. take lessons 11.考虑 (二)重点句子:1. Heres that two of our students said about our school. 2. When I was a young girl, all I ever wanted to do was travel, and I decided that the best way to do this was to become a flight attendant. 3. I discovered that the most important requirement was to speak English well 4. It was because I could speak English that I got the job. 5. so Ive started taking lessons at the Hilltop Language School. 6. Ive been a student here for a year now, 7. Maybe when I leave school Ill think about becoming an English teacher rather than a tour guide! 我的疑惑?请你将预习中未能解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,待课堂上与老师和同学探究解决。探究案导入新课 Lead students to have a brainstorming session.T:How can English study help you? For example,in your future job or other things.Ss:English can help me communicate with foreigners./ It can help me go abroad T:So does English help you achieve your goals or dreams?Ss:T:Mei Shan and David Feng get the benefit.质疑探究教学建议 1.建议老师先让学生读一遍短文,核对预习案中的答案之后再探究;2.可针对学生在探究过程中普遍存在的问题再设探究点,帮助学生加深对知识的理解,拓宽知识面。学习建议 请学生用5分钟时间认真思考这些问题,并结合预习中自己的疑问开始下面的探究学习。探究点一 语篇探究1. Answer the questicns.(1)Whats the main purpose of this article? (2)What are the methods of this article?(作者运用什么方法增强说服力?) 2. Fill in the blanks and retell the passage.学习建议 根据你对课文的记忆,不看课文完成填空。 Mei Shan wanted to be a flight(1) . The most important(2) was to speak English will. So she studied English at the Hilltop Language School for five years. She has(3) a flight attendant for two years now. Its really(4) job because she travels all over the world. It was because she could speak English(5) she got the job. David Feng wants to be a (6) . He wants to travel,States and Australis. So he has to(8) His English. He has top Language School has really helped him learn English. He has been a student here for a year now,and he really loves it . Maybe when he leaves school hell think about(10) an English teacher rather than a tour guide!探究点二 单词和短语探究1. discover v.发现(1)She discovered that the man was lying.她发现那个人在说谎。(2)Who first discovered America? 谁最先发现的美洲?(3)His lost bike was discovered in the market.他丢了的自行车在市场被找到了。思考:(1)discover的意思有 ,是动词;名词是 。(2)同义词(组)有find;find out;look for,分析它们的区别: 2. requirement n.要求;必要条件 I cant meet your requirements.我不能满足你的要求。思考:(1)requirement是一个 名词,可以有单复数的形式。(2)requirement的动词为 ,意为 。表达“某事需要被做”时,用 结构。其后跟从句时,用 结构。即时练习:1. 用find;find out;look for,填空:(1)她在床底下找到了那本书。She the book under the bed.(2)我们必须查明真相。We must the truth.(3)你在找什么?What are you ?(4)我们发现有人闯入了我们的房子。We that someone had broken into our house.2. There is something wrong with my old car. It requires .A. repair B. to repair C. repairing D. repairs探究点三 重难点句子探究1. When I was young girl,all I ever wanted to do was travel,and I decided that the best way to do this was to become a flight attendant.当我还是小女孩时,我曾一直想做的事就是旅游,而且我认定实现这一目的的最佳途径就是成为一名空中乘务员。思考:(1)I ever wanted to do 是 从句,all是 ,省略了 。(2)that the best way to do was to 作decided的 。travel和to become在句子中作 ,to do 作了 the best way的 。2. It was because I could speak English that I got the job. 正因为我会讲英语才获得了这份工作。思考:(1) 这是一个强调句,强调的是 (2) 总结该句型结构: ,强调部分是人作主语时,还可用 连接,指人作宾语时还可用 。3. Maybe when I leave school Ill think about becoming an English teacher rather than a tour guide!或许当我毕业时,我会考虑当一名英语教师而不是一名导游!思考:(1)本句中含有一个when引导的 从句, when的意思是 ,主句用 时态,从句用 ,该用法类似连词 。(2)think about意思是 ,后跟动词时用 形式,rather than意思是 .即时练习:1. Peter met a friend yesterday.(强调宾语) 2. 强调上一句的时间状语: 3. When he ,please tell me.A. comes B. came C. will come D. come4. I dont know when he .A. comes B. came C. will come D. come5. His wish is a good artist.A. be B. to being C. to be D. beingReading预习案教材助读(二轮阅读)教学建议 课前自学是学生在老师的引导下自主学习,老师课前要进行相应的指导,确保学生在规定的时间内独立完成。一、一轮阅读做题目1. Read and answer the questions.(1)Why is Singapore a wonderful place to visit? (2)Can you find any Chinese food in Singapore? (3)What is special about the zoo in Singapore? (4)Why is the temperature always the same all year round in Singapore? (5)When is the best time to visit it? 2. Correct the mistaken statements in 3c. 二、二轮阅读找难点学习建议 在文中勾画出单词和短语,思考语法聚焦中的问题,标记好疑难,准备课上质疑探究。(一)单词和短语:1. whenever 2.害怕;担心 3. simply 4. wake u. 5. awake 6. excellent 7. wonderful 8.勇敢的 9. 自然的 10. India的形容词 11.东南部 12.温度 13.环境 14.人口 15. quarter 16. fox的复数 17.一方面,另一方面 18.的人口 19.叫醒某人 20.一个讲英语的国家 21. have problems doing 22.入睡/睡着了 23.醒着的 24.东南亚 25.整年 26. the best time to do sth. 27. be close to 28. 离遥远 29. a wonderful/good place to do sth. 30. take


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