2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 UNIT 3 On the move 课时跟踪检测(二)Using language 外研版必修第二册

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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 UNIT 3 On the move 课时跟踪检测(二)Using language 外研版必修第二册_第1页
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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 UNIT 3 On the move 课时跟踪检测(二)Using language 外研版必修第二册_第2页
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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 UNIT 3 On the move 课时跟踪检测(二)Using language 外研版必修第二册_第3页
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课时跟踪检测(二) Using language一、听力强化训练.听第1段材料,完成第1至4题。 根据录音内容判断下列陈述是否正确,正确的在括号内填T,不正确的在括号内填F。1David is too busy to take any exercise. (F)2David works hard all day for long hours. (T)3The woman thinks not eating meals cant help David lose weight.(T)4David agreed to go for a walk instead of watching TV on the sofa every evening.(T).听第2段材料,回答第5至7题。5Where does this conversation take place? AIn a hotel room.BIn the hall of a hotel.CIn a restaurant.6How many Chinese restaurants are there? AOne. BTwo.CThree.7What cant the woman play there? ATennis. BBasketball. CBowling.听第3段材料,回答第8至11题。8Where will John be performing? AIn an openair theater.BIn City Hall.CAt the Government Stadium.9What do people think of paying 50 for the cheapest seat? AIts still expensive.BIts too cheap.CIts OK.10What can we learn from the conversation? AThe Government Stadium is very expensive.BIt rains a lot in Iowa in March.CJohn doesnt like City Hall.11How many members are there in Johns group? A3.B4. C5.答案:57ACB811BABC附:听力材料(Text 1) W: Hi, David.I think youre fat.M: Im too busy to take any exercise.W: Thats just an excuse.You can always find some time to exercise.M: But I work hard all day for long hours.I often have no time for lunch.W: I think not eating meals cant help you lose weight.Instead, you will eat more in the evening.M: I know youre right, but what can I do? W: How about going for a walk instead of watching TV on the sofa every evening? M: But its too boring.W: Why not take your cellphone? You can enjoy the music and get healthy at the same time.M: Thats a good idea.(Text 2)W: Its a beautiful room.M: Im glad you like it.This room has a telephone, a color TV set, an air conditioner, a minibar and international newspapers.W: Thats great.Could you tell me something about your restaurant? M: We have three spacious Chinese restaurants, a westernstyle restaurant, a large banquet hall and a 24hour caf.W: Sounds great! Have you got an indoor tennis court? M: Yes, its on the first floor.And weve got a bowling room as well.W: Wonderful.Thank you so much.M: Not at all.Im always at your service.(Text 3)W: John, welcome.How does it feel to be in Iowa? M: Really good.Im looking forward to my three concerts here.W:What do you think of City Hall? M: Its a bit smaller than the kind of place we usually perform in, but it looks good to me.W: Why arent you performing at the Government Stadium? M: I was told not to risk an openair show in March.It rains so often then.W:Some fans say that 50 is too much for the cheapest seats.M: Thats a lot, I know.If we had a bigger hall, we could get more people in and they wouldnt have to pay so much.W:Therere five members in your group, arent there? Have they all been with you since the beginning? M: All except the drummer whos only been with us for a month.W: Well, John, its good to have you here in Iowa.I hope you enjoy your four days here. M: Thank you. 二、语基语法训练.单词拼写1Detailed information about our product is_available (可获得的) in this brochure.2She couldnt keep herself in balance (平衡) and fell down from it.3These_adjustable(可调节的) chairs are calculated for children.4He wondered about her response (回答), and just to clarify, he asked her another question.5This great book is_ideal (理想的) for both the travelling supporter and the armchair fan.6The problem of the environment protection_involves (涉及) us all.单句语法填空1The position of this table is_adjustable (adjust) in this restaurant.2At present, not enough data is available to scientists.3These comments came in response (respond) to specific questions often asked by local newmen.4Most of us need to lead more balanced (balance) lives to be healthy and happy.5Getting a drivers license involves learning (learn) how to drive and studying (study) the traffic rules.6Tom is always the last one to_hand (hand) in his homework.7China is one of the first countries in the world to_study (study) the science of farming.8I dream of finding a friend that will be the first to_give (give) me a hand when I am in trouble.完成句子1Every day he made one of the smaller animals_bring_him_something_to_eat.他每天叫一个较小的动物给他带来一些吃的东西。2Give me a piece of paper_to_write_on.给我一张纸写字。3The Californian ship arrived too_late_to_save_more_people.加利福尼亚号来得太晚,没能挽救更多的人。4He searched the room, _only_to_find_nothing.他搜查了房间,结果没发现什么。5He lost his cellphone while shopping, giving_away_all_his_secret_photos.他在购物时丢了手机,结果泄露了所有绝密照片。6There was no_seat_available in the bus when he got on.他上车时公共汽车上没有座位。7The boat_lost_its_balance in the strong wind.大风中小船失去了平衡。8I knocked on the door but_there_was_no_response.我敲了门,但没有响应。.语法填空Weve all heard that laughter is the _1_ (good) medicine, and its true. Laughter makes you feel better and its also good _2_ your relationships. Laughter brings people closer, and is a _3_ (power) tool for making you relax when feelings are running high. Whether with your friends and family, or coworkers, you can learn to use humor _4_ (solve) disagreements, lower everyones stress levels, and communicate in a way that deepens the relationships.Humor plays _5_ important role in all kinds of relationships. In new relationships, humor can be a useful tool not just for attracting the other person but also for getting over any awkwardness (尴尬) _6_ (arise) when we get to know each other. In old relationships, humor can keep things more exciting and fresher.Sharing the pleasure of humor _7_ (create) a sense of closeness and connection between two people _8_ (quality) that are signs of strong and successful relationships. When you laugh with one another, you create a positive relationship between you, _9_ acts as a strong buffer (缓冲剂) against stress, disagreements and disappointments in your relationship. And laughter is spreading just hearing someone laugh often makes you smile _10_ (happy) and join in the fun.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。笑是良药,它在我们的生活中无比重要。1best根据空前的the可知,此处应用形容词的最高级形式。2forbe good for . “对有好处”。3powerful形容词作定语,修饰后面的名词tool。4to solveuse sth.to do sth.“用来做某事”。5anplay an important role in .“在中发挥重要的作用”。6arisingawkwardness与arise之间为主动关系,故用现在分词作后置定语。7creates主语为动名词短语,且本句陈述一般事实,故填create的第三人称单数形式creates。8qualities根据空格后的are signs可知,此处填名词的复数形式。9which空格处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为前面的整个句子,故填which。10happily副词修饰省略to的动词不定式。.完形填空When I was 13, my only purpose was to become the star on our football team.That meant _1_ Miller King, who was the best _2_ at our school.Football season started in September and all summer long I worked out.I carried my football everywhere for _3_.Just before September, Miller was struck by a car and lost his right arm. I went to see him after he came back from _4_.He looked very _5_, but he didnt cry. That season, I _6_ all of Millers records while he _7_ the home games from the bench. We went 101 and I was named most valuable player, _8_ I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blame for Millers _9_.One afternoon, I was crossing the field to go home and saw Miller _10_ going over a fence which wasnt _11_ to climb if you had both arms. Im sure I was the last person in the world he wanted to accept _12_ from. But even that challenge he accepted. I _13_ him move slowly over the fence. When we were finally _14_ on the other side, he said to me, “You know, I didnt tell you this during the season, but you did _15_. Thank you for filling in for _16_.”His words freed me from my bad _17_. I thought to myself, how even without an arm he was more of a leader. Damaged but not defeated, he was _18_ ahead of me. I was right to have _19_ him. From that day on, I grew _20_ and a little more real.语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。在学校“我”喜欢踢足球,并且很崇拜Miller King,但是他因为车祸失去了右臂而不能参加比赛了。“我”代替了他,并且取得了骄人的成绩。“我”心里感觉对不起他,但是他的话让“我”深受感动。1A.cheering forBbeating outCrelying on Dstaying with解析:选B联系空前的“to become the star on our football team”和空后的“who was the best .”可知,“我”要成为足球队的明星,就意味着要击败(beating out)最好的球员(player), Miller King。 cheer for“为欢呼”;rely on“依靠”;stay with“与待在一起”。2A.coachBstudentCteacher Dplayer解析:选D参见上题解析。3A.practiceBshowCcomfort Dpleasure解析:选A联系前文“all summer long I worked out”可知,整个夏天“我”都带着足球,在外练习(practice)。show“表演”;comfort“安慰”;pleasure“乐趣”。4A.schoolBvacationChospital Dtraining解析:选C联系前文“Miller was struck by a car and lost his right arm.”并结合常识可知,他出车祸,住院了,然后从医院(hospital)回来。5A.paleBcalmCrelaxed Dashamed解析:选A联系前文“他刚从医院回来”可知,他脸色苍白(pale)。calm“平静的”;relaxed“放松的”;ashamed“羞愧的”。6A.heldBbrokeCset Dtried解析:选B联系下文“We went 101 and I was named most valuable player .”可知,“我”打破(broke)了Miller所有的纪录。hold“保持”;set“创造”;try“尝试”。7A.reportedBjudgedCorganized Dwatched解析:选D联系空后的“the home games from the bench”可知,他坐在凳子上看(watched)比赛。report“报道”;judge“裁判,评判”;organize“组织”。8A.andBthenCbut Dthus解析:选C前后两部分在语意上是转折关系,因此用but。9A.decisionBmistakeCaccident Dsacrifice解析:选C联系空前的Millers以及前文讲述的Miller因为车祸致残不能参加比赛的情况可知,作者总是责备自己,因为Miller遭遇车祸(accident)了自己才有机会。decision“决定”;mistake“错误”;sacrifice“牺牲”。10A.stuckBhurtCtired Dlost解析:选A联系后文“which wasnt _11_ to climb if you had both arms”可知,如果有两只胳膊,过篱笆对于他来说,不是难(hard)事。因为现在失去了右臂,他过篱笆时被卡住(stuck)了。11A.steadyBhardCfun Dfit解析:选B参见上题解析。12A.praiseBadviceCassistance Dapology解析:选C联系下文“I _13_ him move slowly over the fence.”可知,“我”帮助(helped)他从篱笆上下来,但是“我”认为他是最不想接受“我”的帮助(assistance)。praise“表扬”;advice“建议”;apology“道歉”。13A.letBhelpedChad Dnoticed解析:选B参见上题解析。14A.droppedBreadyCtrapped Dsafe解析:选D由前文的“move slowly over the fence”和空后的“on the other side”可知,最后我们安全(safe)了。15A.fineBwrongCquickly Dnormally解析:选A联系前文“We went 101 and I was named most valuable player”可知,他说“我”做得很好(fine)。wrong“错误地”;quickly“迅速地”;normally“平常地”。16A.usByourselfCme Dthem解析:选C联系空前的“filling in”可知,因为Miller受伤,作者代替了他,此处是Miller说的话,所以用me。17A.memoriesBideasCattitudes Ddreams解析:选D联系前文“I often had crazy dreams”可知,他的话让“我”从这些不好的梦(dreams)中摆脱出来。memory“记忆”;idea“主意”;attitude“态度”。18A.stillBalsoCyet Djust解析:选A联系空前的“Damaged but not defeated”可知,Miller尽管受伤,但是没有被打败,他仍(still)在“我”的前面。19A.challengedBcuredCinvited Dadmired解析:选D联系前文“Miller King, who was the best _2_ at our school.”可知,“我”崇拜(admired)他。challenge“挑战”;cure“治愈”;invite“邀请”。20A.healthierBbiggerCcleverer Dcooler解析:选B联系空后的“and a little more real”可知,自己渐渐长大(bigger)。healthy“健康的”;clever“聪明的”;cool“酷的”。三、交流阅读训练.补全对话AM: What sports do you like, Susan?W: I like swimming. I swim every weekend. _1_M: What other sports do you like?W: _2_ Actually, its my favorite sport. I do it at least three times each week.M: _3_W: I used to play table tennis, but I dont play anymore. Do you like sports, too?M: I sure do. Doing sports helps me stay in shape.W: _4_ It seems that you havent changed at all in the past five years. Do you go to the gym often?M: No. _5_ I dont like the smell there. I like walking my dog in the park near my home. I also often do situps at home.W: Do you play basketball?M: No, but I often play football.AI dont like going to the gym.BI also like playing tennis.CI used to be fat, but since I started swimming, I have lost a lot of weight.DDo you like table tennis?EYou really look fit. 答案:15CBDEABW: Were glad to invite Jackson, 1.a_great_shortdistance_runner (一位优秀的短跑运动员) to our program today. Good afternoon Jackson. I hear you will have a race this Saturday. How do you feel about it?M: Happy and very excited.W: Lets 2.talk_about_your_training (谈谈你的训练). I imagine its pretty hard.M: Yes. But I have a really good program and I think Im in firstclass condition.W: Tell us about it.M: Well, I dont like training early in the morning. I dont know why. So I start around ten.W: And what about your lunch?M: I dont have lunch. Lunch makes me tired. I 3.train_through the_day until_about five_oclock(全天训练到五点钟左右)W: Really, until five?M: Yes! Then I have a shower and go back home.W: What do you do 4. in_your_spare_time (在你的业余时间里), Jackson?M: I dont have much spare time. Im studying to be a technician.W: Dont you have any free time?M: Not much. But when I am free, I like 5.listening_to_music_to_relax (听音乐放松). Music is really special to me.W: Well, thank you. Good luck!.阅读理解Baseball was always where my heart lay. However, my father did not care for baseball. Two recreational activities he enjoyed were golfing and fishing, neither of which I considered a real sport. He didnt talk much and he wasnt good at expressing himself. Frankly, I wasnt entirely certain he cared about me. In a way, my father was like a familiar stranger I saw every day.One day, watching the play on television made me want a glove of my own. To my surprise, my father said he wanted one, too. He was on the portly side, but then again, one of the famous pitchers (投手) on the Mets was even fatter. So I thought, why not?We bought two gloves, and that evening, he suggested we go out to the courtyard and toss (掷) the ball around. Id already practiced catching and throwing at school, but I could tell this was the first time for my father, because every time he caught the ball, it landed directly in his palm. If youve ever caught a ball with a baseball glove, you know how much this hurts.But my father caught ball after ball this way. Slap! Slap! He winced (龇牙咧嘴). After about five minutes, I told him Id had enough. It wasnt out of mercy, but for my own selfinterest. Neighborhood kids were watching and would no doubt tease me later for having an old man who didnt know how to properly catch a baseball. When my father took the glove off, his palm was red and swollen.Dad, who passed away 11 years ago, never told me he loved me. But that sound of the baseball landing in the soft flesh of his hand over and over again it spoke its own tender language, though at the time, all I felt was shame.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章作者通过回忆父亲陪自己打棒球的经历体现了父亲对自己深深的爱。1.Why did the father want a glove?AHe was interested in baseball.BHe was impressed by the play on television.CHe wanted to show his improvement in baseball.DHe wanted to make the author happy.解析:选D推理判断题。第一段提到父亲不喜欢棒球,而且是个不善言辞的人,他知道作者想要一只棒球手套后就说自己也想要,而且下文中提到他甘愿当作者的陪练,这说明他想让作者开心,故选D项。2What does the underlined word “portly” mean in Paragraph 2?AExperienced.BCool.CFamous. DFat.解析:选D词义猜测题。由画线单词后面的even fatter可知,父亲是一个体形偏胖的人,所以portly意为“胖的”,故选D项。3What can we learn from the passage?AThe father didnt hurt when catching the ball.BThe father didnt understand his child at all.CThe author didnt realise his fathers love at first.DThe author criticised his father when playing.解析:选C推理判断题。作者在第一段提到当时觉得父亲是一个熟悉的陌生人。这说明他没有意识到父亲对自己的爱,故C项表述正确;文章倒数第二段提到父亲接球时龇牙咧嘴,这说明他很疼,故A项表述错误;父亲明明不喜欢棒球,却主动要求买手套,这说明他很理解作者,故B项表述错误;D项在文中没有提及。4What could be the best title for the passage?AA Crying Shame for BaseballBThe Sound of LoveCA Loving Father and His SonDLove That Comes Late解析:选B标题归纳题。作者以前认为父亲不关心自己,甚至觉得他是个熟悉的陌生人,但是多年以后作者为自己当时的想法感到羞愧,因为父亲一直用自己的行动表达对作者的爱,故B项作为文章的标题最合适。11


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