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JIRA 工作流的制定和使用 本人使用的是3.12.2 版本 只要说得内容也就是工作流的配置 我们使用管理员的帐户进入 JIRA 管理后台如图Add New WorkflowTo create a complete new workflow, you need to:provide a name and description to identify the workflowadd the steps the workflow will have, and link them to statuses within JIRA create tansitions between the different stepsenable the workflow and assign it to a workflow schemeu can create a new workflow below, or imoort a workflov/ from XML.名称1 1Please use only ASCII characters.描述1 11増加红色框框住的 workflows 就是我们今天要讲的内容了! 然后我们点击 workflows 进入 workflows 页面如图坝日 Project Cateuoriesv Users, Groups & Roles User Browser Group Browser Project Role Bowsev Global Settings Attachments CVS Modules Default Dashboard EheMs FishEve Confiau3tion General Confiqu日tion Global Permissions Issue Linking Look and Feel Ivlail Servers Sub-Tasks Time Trackina Trackbacks User Defaults Workflowsv Schemes口 Issue Secuit/ Schemes 口 Notification Schemes Pemission Schemes Wokfiow Schemes Scheme Toolsv Issue Fields以上红色框住的地方就是JIRA默认的工作流,是不可以删除的。如果我们不想使用JIRA的默认的工作流,那我们可以创建一个适合自己的工作流。 也就是我们今天要讲的内容了。创建一个新的工作流,第一步当然是要给工作流取一个名称。 我先给这个例子取个名先。因为我是51testing里面的版主也是51testing培训出来的。哪这个例子我们就取名增加完我们就制定我们的工作。为了大家更清楚地了解如何配置,我自己设计一个工作流出来当一个例子。然后我们就按以下的流程图去配置JIRA工作流。测试小组项目经理开发小组*测试执行/通过吗? Y 结束回归测试重新打开Y1推迟修复N现在修先说明这可不是51TESTING的流程,是本人拿51TESTING来命名而已!从流程图中我们看到 蓝色的字体,那就是BUG的状态分别是:新建打开推迟指派已解决重开关闭。 然后根据上图我们可以知道状态的转变是 :新建T打开打开T指派打开T推迟 打开T已解决 推迟T指派 指派T已解决 已解决T重开 这里说都状态我们就得在JIRA里面定义状态先!点击菜单栏下面的 Statuses UseBrowser Goud Browser Project Role Browserv Global Settings Attachments CVS Ivlodules Def 日 ult Dashbomd E 诟 nts FishEye ConfiQUation Geneml Confiauation Global Peimissions Issue Linkinu Look and Feel Mail Seives Sub-Tasks Time Tmcki na Trackbacks UseDefaults Workflowsv Schemes Issue Secufity Schemes Notification Schemes Pemission Schemes Workflow Schemes Scheme Toolsv Issue Fields Custom Fields Field Confiauaticins Field ConfiaurationSchemes Active associated with a workflow/s. Inactive - not in use.To delete a status, it must not be associated with a workflow. Trsnslste statu sesStatus DetailsModeWorkflows操作lJ 新建(new)Activejra编揖发现新的BUG 51testina母推迟(postponed)This issue is being actively worked on at the moment by the assignee.Activelira編辑C 重开(Reopened)经过认证修复的日UG 还依然:存在口Acfivejjra编辑已解决(resolved) 藤已经解决的问题Activelira编辑馭关 ffl(Closed) 认证日UG得到了修正Activejira编辑母打JF(openi)岂经察看过该问题门旦是为撇出任何更改Inactive編辑liftAdd New Status名称:* Icon URL在这里埴写:扰态的喀称挂述1下遠亍:伏蕊的作用Inmages/icons/status gen eric.gif黯朝挑选对应的状!relative to the JIRA web application e.a imagesicons OR starting with http:/)|W|到了这个页面大家应该都会如何操作了,所以就不细说了。然后再回来 workflows 页面JIRA用P:d3Vid过谑器|配宣|注稍 项目 Poiect Cateaoiesv Users, Groups & Roles User Browser Goud Browser Poiect Role Browserv Global Settings Attachments CVS hlodules Default Dashboard E廿 Ents FishEve ConfiQUMtion Geneml Confjauration Global Pennissions Issue Linkina Look and Feel Mmil Servers SubTasksView WorkflowsThe table below shows the curre nt workflows used in this vers i on of JIRA a nd whether ono t they are active.All workflows have one of two modes: Active - currently assigned to at least one scheme which is associated with one or more projects, cannot be edited. In active not assig ned to any scheme, or assig ned to schemes which are not associated with any projects, can be edited.To edit a workflow, you must first de-activate it by un assig ning it from any wo rkflow schemes oru nassociate its schemes from an y projects. To delete a workflow, you must first unassign it from any workflow schemes. View the current workflow schemes showing how the workflows are assigned to projects and issue types.名希Active / In activeSchemesNumber of steps摆作jira (Read-onlySystem Work flow)The default JIRk workflow.InactiveUses by projects with no associate*: workflow scheme and by workf few schemes with unassigned issue types5Steps I XML I Copy51 testing21MB 51testing 培训.QTP 版主: 小孩 MSN:Inactive 51tesina1Steps | XML I Cody Time Tacki na Trackbacks UseDefaults Workflows* Schemes Issue SecuitY SchemesAdd New WorkflowTo create a complete new workflow, you needto: provide a name and description to identify the workflow add the steps the workflow will have, and link them to statuses within JIRA刚才我们添加了 51TESTING 这个工作流,现在我们就来制定这个工作流,我点击2慣hUMlin備谓 QTPJtfifinacEive中損 MSN: 51tesina点击 Steps 连接 然后根据新建-打开打开T指派打开T推迟打开T已解决 推迟T指派 指派-已解决已解决T重开再在以下的页面设置流程我们先把步骤添加完Step Name nd)Linked StatusTranisitions i 叫操作畑u(i)i l 新inew)Add Transition | 編辑 I View Propertiesor)em 辱打幵(open)Add Transition | 編辑 I Delete Step | View Propertiesposttoni&ci 孝推迟ipostponedAdd Transition | 編辑 I Delete Step | View Propertiesassiaend 4指派(assigned)Add Transition | 編辑 I Delete Step | View Propertiesresolved 卓已解决(resolved)Add Transition | 編辑 I Delete Step | View Propertiesreooenedl :总牡重 Jf (Reopened)Add Transition | 編辑 I Delete Step I View Propertiesclosed! a;歆关闭(Closed)Add Transition | 編辑 I Delete Step | View Properties然后就跟进我们的状态转变来设置了!先来一个 新建打开单击步骤NEW的Add Transition连接如图上所填然后按增加再来二个 打开指派单击步骤open的Add Transition连接其它的我们就不再重复了!然后我们来说一下Transition name:这个名称就是工作流中出现的名称了Step Name 幻Linked StatusTransitions 讪操作N&vj(1)占新建(new) QpenView Propertiesopen 母打开(open)指派21: assigerKi 推迟B1: postponedView Propertiesoostoonedl y孝推迟(postponed)View FDDDertiesassioend :耳:1 指派(assigned)View FnDDertiesresolved!丐4已解决(resolved)View ProgertiesreoDened 0:軽重开(Reopened)View Propertiesclosed :朝关闭(Closed)View Properties描述:描述可填可不填的所有就不用多说了Destination step:这个就是点击这个事务以后会到那个步骤这个就是我点击打开以后就跳到了 OPEN的那个步骤,BUG的状态也转变了 OPEN的对 应状态No view for transitionNo view for transitionDefault Screen Resolve Issue ScreenTransition view:这里总共有四个选项 Workflow ScreenNO VIEW FOR transition 事务触发后不会有任何页面跳出 Default Screen跳出一个和创建BUG差不多的页面 Resolve Issue Screen 跳出一个解决问题的页面 Workflow Screen 跳出一个问题分配的页面OK 不知道大家工作流创建完没有!然后我们来说如何应用这个工作流新建一个项目后项目:51testingKey: TS冋址:投有网址Project Team:项目负责A: davidDefault Assignee: Project LeadProject Roles: MewIssue Type Scheme: Default Issue Type Scheme (选择 | 编辑 | 閘日n日)Notification Scheme: Default Notification Scheme i:选择 | 漏辑)Permission Scheme: Default Permission Scheme (I 編辑)Issue Security Scheme:无(选择)FieldConifiguration Scheme:DefultFiElij ConfiqijnaticjriIs右Screen Scheme: De科ult Issue Type Screen Scheme (选挥 | 编辑;Woirkflow SchEine:无选择CVS MMules:无(EeIe匚:t hlcdLilEE ;Mail Conifiguiratiorii: Mail notifications from this project will come from the default address (Edit mwil ccinficiu日tici门)Project Category:无(Select CmtEqciry)单击 Workflow Scheme 项的 选择 连接点击 ADD点击 ADD WORKFLOW SCHEME填完名称 点击 增加点击 ASSIGN A WORKFLOWAdd Workflow to Scheme国Please select the issue type and workflow you wish to add to scheme: 51testing.问题类型:All Unassigned Issue Types vSelGct the issue type for this wDikflow.工作疣:snssiwBi VSelect the wcrkflow for this issue type).増加W然后选择我们的工作流 我的是 51TESTINGEdit Workflows for 51testing国On this page you can edit the workflows for the 51testing workflow scheme. AssiQ门自 woirkflowto 甘仃 issum type fdthis scheme. View all wokflDw schEmesi冋題类型工作盍操作All Unassigniedl Issue Typesissues of all typm nut axplicrt assigned tekyw will use this workfkw.51 testing删除工作流添加成功不过项目还没有应用然后再 点击 项目点击 名称下面 51TESTING然后再 点击 Workflow Scheme 项的 选择 连接在SCHEME里面选择51TESTING 单击 ASSOCIATE按钮Associate Workflow Scheme to Project: 51testingStep 2 of 2: Migrate statuses from the old workflow scheme to the new one.There are no issues to migrate.Associate | 取消最后点击 ASSOCIATE 按钮这下应用成功项目:51testingKey: TS网址:没有网址Project Team:项目负责人:davidDefault Assignee: Project LeadProject Roles: View membersIssue Type Scheme: Default Issue Type Scheme (选择 | 编辑 | M3ri3ge )Notification Scheme: Default Notification Scheme (选择 | 编辑)Permission Scheme: Default Permission Scheme (| 编辑)Issue Security Scheme:无(选择)Field Configuration Scheme: System Default Field Confiaurstionssue Type Screen Scheme: Default Ispue Type Screen Scheme (选择 | 编辑) Workflow Scheme: 51testing (选择)1VS Modules;无(SeleulMail Configuration: Mail notifications from this project will come from the default address ( Editm3il confiaur3tion ) Project Category:无(Select Category)


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