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西方企业员工福利满意度研究述评近年来,西方企业管理学界越来越重视员工 -福利满意度理论研究,因为员工的福利满意度会直接影响他们的工作态度、工作行为与企业经营管理工作的效果。本文概述了西方企业员工福利满意度理论研究的现状, 并根据组织公平理论和双因素理论,探讨福利管理决策公平与不同类型的福利对员工满意度的影响。一、福利决策公平对福利满意度的影响欧美学者从不同的角度研究员工福利满意度的影响因素。有些学者主要研究员工的个人特征、 心理特征对员工福利满意度的影响, 另一些学者主要研究公平对员工福利满意度的影响。 他们的实证研究结果说明, 福利决策公平是影响员工福利满意度的重要因素。 根据组织公平理论, 福利管理公平包括结果公平、 程序公平和交往公平。1 福利管理工作中的结果公平员工从企业享受的福利水平通常是影响他们福利满意度的重要因素。 根据美国学者亚当斯(Stacy Adams)公平理论,员工会对自己与他人的得失之比进展比拟,判断分配结果的公平性。 “得指企业为员工提供的各种福利,包括医疗保险、养老保险、失业保险和假期等; “失指员工在工作中投入的各种资源,包括自己的工作经历、 受教育水平和技能等。 员工会对自己和参照对象享受的福利进展比拟。 参照对象包括同事或其他企业同类员工的福利、 自己过去的福利、 自己需要或希望得到的福利等。 员工比拟的结果会直接影响他们对福利水平的满意度。如果员工认为自己的得失之比低于参照对象就会感到不满;反之,他们就更可能会对企业的福利分配结果感到满意。 员工的个人特征、 工作环境、 享受的福利水平不同,他们判断结果公平的标准也可能不同。2福利管理工作中的程序公平福利管理工作中的程序公平主要指企业福利决策过程是否公平。 许多欧美学者的研究成果说明, 员工参与企业决策过程, 可增强他们的公平感与满意度。 如果员工有时机表达自己对企业福利制度的看法, 参与企业福利制度的制定与实施过程, 就会显著提高他们对福利水平和福利制度的满意度。 加拿大学者车布雷等人对加拿大企业员工的福利满意度进展了两次实证研究。 他们发现, 与结果公平相比,程序公平对员工的福利满意度产生更大的影响。3福利管理工作中的交往公平福利管理工作中的交往公平是指管理人员在福利管理工作中与一般员工交往的公平性。 员工通常不必经管理人员审批, 就可按照他们的工种、 工龄、 级别,或根据聘任合同获得大局部福利。 然而, 他们必须得到管理人员的同意, 才可享受另一些福利。例如,管理人员对员工的休假时问、病假、事假、补休等福利拥有直接的决定权。 因此, 在福利管理工作中, 管理人员对待员工的态度和方式也会影响员工对福利的满意度。二、员工看重的福利形式对其福利满意度的影响员工对各类福利的重视程度和偏好程度不同。因此,企业提供的各类福利对员工的福利满意度会产生不同的影响。美国学者布劳 (Gary Blau污认为,员工福利满意度包括员工对根本福利的满意度和员工对职业开展型福利的满意度。 根本福利包括假期、病假、事假、工伤保险、医疗保险、人寿保险、退休方案等满足员工平安、 生活保障等根本需要的福利。 职业开展型福利指企业满足员工提高就业能力、 工作技能等需要的福利, 包括企业为员工提供继续学习、 在职培训时机, 资助员工学费, 灵活安排员工工作和学习时间, 根据员工获得的学历证书和学位证书来奖励员工等。 布劳等人指出, 随着员工职业观念的变化, 员工越来越重视职业开展型福利。 根据传统的职业观念, 企业为员工提供工作保障和员工有权获得的各种福利,换取员工的忠诚,并负责员工的职业开展管理工作。 20 世纪 80年代以来, 在许多企业里, “多变的职业观念逐渐取代了传统的职业观念。根据多变的职业观念, 员工负责自己的职业开展管理工作, 员工保持良好的工作业绩, 才能继续就业, 企业的责任是为员工提供更多职业开展时机。 美国波士顿大学管理学院教授霍尔(Donglsa T. Hall)指出,21世纪员工的职业是多变的职业。员工不断地提高自己的工作能力, 才能提高自己的任职能力, 增大自己的就职可能性。因此,许多员工越来越重视“职业开展型福利工程,希望企业为自己提供更多的职业开展时机。根据美国学者赫茨伯格(Frederick Herzberg珀双因素理论,企业缺乏保健因素, 会引起员工的不满, 但保健因素并不能调发动工的工作积极性。 鼓励因素能增强员工工作满意度, 调发动工的工作积极性。 布劳等人认为, 根本福利是保健因素, 职业开展型福利是鼓励因素。 企业为员工提供根本福利, 有助于稳定员工队伍,防止员工“跳槽;企业为员工提供职业开展型福利,才能增强员工对企业的归属感。 布劳等人的实证研究结果说明, 员工通常更重视根本福利, 员工对根本福利的满意度可增强他们对福利的总体满意度, 降低他们的离职意向; 员工对职业开展型福利的满意度会增强他们对企业的情感性归属感。 不同的员工有可能会重视不同的福利。 例如, 专业人员可能更重视职业开展型福利。 他们更可能认为这类福利可说明企业关心员工的职业开展前途。 美国学者威盛顿和坦切克的实证研究结果也支持这个观点。 他们指出, 大多数员工认为自己有权得到某些根本福利。 企业提供这些福利, 并不一定能提高员工的满意程度, 但企业不提供这些福利, 可能会引起员工不满。 除员工实际使用的福利之外, 员工有权享受的福 利也会影响员工的满意度。例如,许多员工可能不会使用企业提供的工伤保险。但是,如果员工了解他们有权享受这类福利,那么也会感到比拟满意。三、对企业管理工作的启示1 提供员工所重视的福利企业提供员工所重视的福利, 才能提高员工的满意程度。 因此, 企业应深入了解员工对各类福利的重视程度。 如果员工不需要某种福利, 企业就可取消这种福利,以便节省福利费用。如果员工高度重视平安、生活保障等根本福利,企业就应尽量提高员工对根本福利的满意程度。 如果员工高度重视自己的职业开展前途,企业就应为员工提供职业开展型福利,为员工创造更多的学习和开展时机,以便提高员工的满意度。 企业提供员工所重视的福利, 可说明企业关心员工的利益, 增强员工对企业的情感性归属感。 目前, 美国一些高新科技企业根据信息技术人才的需要,为他们提供免费洗衣、泊车、洗车、牙医效劳等“个人舒适型福利,以便吸引并留住紧缺的信息技术人才。总之,除法定的福利工程之外,企业可根据员工的需要, 提供员工所重视的其他福利工程, 才能使员工相信企业真心实意地在关心他们的利益。2尊重员工,关心员工的需要在福利管理工作中,管理人员如何对待员工,会极大地影响员工的福利满意度。 管理人员坚持组织公平原那么, 设身处地为员工着想, 防止个人偏见影响自己的管理决策,对所有员工一视XX ,在不同的时间和不同的场合始终采用一样的决策程序, 认真考虑员工的意见和要求, 及时向员工提供反应信息, 解释自己的决定, 允许员工对自己的决策提出异议, 纠正自己的错误决策, 都可说明管理人员对员工的尊重和关心, 提高员工感知的公平性, 增强员工的满意度。 管理人员在员工福利管理工作中坚持组织公平原那么, 可使员工相信企业为员工提供福利的动机是真心实意地关心员工的身心XX ,而不是被动地执行相关法律规定。3提供准确信息,帮助员工使用福利工程许多员工不了解企业为他们提供了哪些福利, 不知道自己应如何使用这些福利工程。因此,要提高员工的福利满意程度,企业应向员工提供充分的信息,使广阔员工了解他们可享受的各种福利工程, 并帮助员工使用这些福利工程。 企业可设置员工福利管理办公室或安排专职福利管理人员, 答复员工的问题, 为员工提供准确的信息, 指导员工更好地使用企业提供的各种福利工程。 员工如何选择自己的比拟标准,判断企业是否为自己提供了公平的福利组合(结果公平) ,是一个复杂的过程。 不同员工的个人特点、 工作环境、 可享受的福利工程都各不一样。他们往往会选择不同的比拟标准。 企业无法决定员工的比拟标准, 但企业可收集同类企业的信息, 并通过内部沟通活动, 让员工了解其他企业为员工提供的福利组合,以便影响员工的比拟过程,进而影响员工的福利满意度。此外,管理人员还应根据企业的福利制度,尽快补偿员工支付的费用,或帮助员工尽快获得补偿。 企业尽快为员工报销医疗费用, 不仅可减少员工花费的时间和精力, 而且可降低员工的不安和焦虑情绪, 进而提高员工对企业福利制度的满意程度。4向员工提供参与福利管理工作的时机在福利制度制定与实施过程中,企业可采用内部调查、专题座谈会、建议信箱或热线等方式, 广泛听取员工的意见, 了解员工对福利制度的看法。 管理人员在福利制度设计过程中认真听取员工的意见,深入了解员工重视哪些福利工程,并根据员工的需要来确定福利组合,或允许员工选择福利组合,可明显地增强员工的福利满意度。译文Western enterprise employee benefits satisfaction research mentaryin recent years, the western enterprise management scholars pay more and more attention to X- welfare satisfaction theory research, becauseof employee benefits satisfaction will directly affect their work attitudes, behaviors and enterprise management work. This article provides an overview of the western enterprise employee benefits satisfaction theory research present situation, and based on the theory of organizational justice and the double factor theory, to explore the welfare management decision justice and different kinds of benefits to the employee satisfaction effect.one, welfare decision justice on welfare effect of satisfactionScholarsfrom different angles of the welfare of the staff satisfaction factors. Some scholars mainly study the employees personal characteristics, psychological characteristics on employee benefits satisfaction, somether scholars mainly study the justice on employee benefits satisfaction effect. The empirical results show that, the welfare decision justice is the impact of employee benefits satisfaction are important factors. According to the theory of organizational justice, welfare management fairness includes result fairness, procedural justice and interactive justice.1、welfare management of the result fairnessEmployees from enterprises enjoy welfare level is usually affecting their welfare satisfaction are important factors. According to the American scholar Adams ( Stacy Adams ) of the fair theory, employeeswill be for yourself and others gain ratio were pared, determine the distribution of fair results. refers to the enterprise to provide a variety of benefits, including medical insurance,endowment insurance, unemployment insurance and holidays; lost refers to the staff at work to input a variety of resources, including our own work experience, level of education and skills. Employees will be on their own and enjoy the benefits of the referenceobject of parison. Referenceobject including colleaguesor other similar enterprise employeewelfare, his past welfare, he needs or wants to get welfare. Employee parison results will directly affect their level of satisfaction of welfare. If employeesfeel that their loss is below the referenceobject. They will be unhappy; instead, they are more likely to be satisfied with the result of the distribution of welfare enterprises.Staffs personal characteristics,work environment, enjoy the benefits of different levels, they judge the result fairness criteria may also be different.2、benefits in the management of procedure justiceWelfare management of the procedural justice refers to the welfare enterprises decision-making process is fair. Many western scholars research results indicate, employee participation in corporate decision-making process, can strengthen their sense of fairness and satisfaction. If employees have the opportunity to express their views on enterprise welfare system, to participate in the formulation and implementation of corporate welfare system process, will improve the welfare and welfare system satisfaction. Canadian scholars such as Chebre of Canada employee benefits satisfaction conducted two empirical study. They found that, pared with result fairness, procedural justice on employee benefits satisfaction have a greater impact.3、benefits in the management of interpersonal justiceWelfare managementof interpersonaljustice refers to the managementstaff in the welfare managementand generalstaff munication fairness. Employees are usually not necessary management approval, can according to their types, age, rank, or according to the employment contract to obtain the majority of welfare. However, they must get management approval, can enjoy some benefits. For example, managers on the staff of the vacation time, sick leave, personalleave, vacation benefits have a direct decision. Therefore, the welfare management,managerstreat employeesattitude and can also affect employee satisfaction of welfare.two, employee value welfare on the welfare effect of satisfactionStaff of the various welfare attention degree and different preferences.Therefore, enterprises to provide various types of welfare benefits to the employee satisfaction will have different effects. American scholar Blau ( Gary Blau ), think, employee benefits satisfaction include employees of basic welfare satisfaction and employee on occupation developing welfare satisfaction. Basic welfare including vacation, sick leave, personalleave, work injury insurance, medical insurance, life insurance, retirement plans and other staff to meet the safety, security and other basic needs of welfare. Occupation developing welfare refers to the enterprise to meet the staff and improving employment ability, working skill needed welfare, including for employeesto continue learning, training opportunities, aid employee tuition, flexible employeesworking and learning time, according to the staff of the diploma and degree certificates to reward employees etc. Blau pointed out that, along with the change of the concept of employeeoccupation, employeespay more and more attention to the Developmental Welfare occupation. According to the traditional concept of occupation, enterprises provide job security and employee has the right to obtain various benefits, in exchange for loyalty, and is responsible for the employees occupation development management. Since the nineteen eighties, in many enterprises, changing occupation concept gradually replaced the traditional occupation concept. According to the changeful occupation idea, the staff responsible for their own occupation development management, employees to maintain good working performance, can continue to obtain employment, enterprise responsibility is to provide more opportunities for the development of occupation. The United States Boston University School of management professor Holzer ( Donglsa T.Hall ) points out, twenty-first Century is changeable employee occupation occupation. Staff to constantly improve their ability to work, to improve their work ability, increasetheir inaugural possibility. Therefore, many people attach more and more importance to occupation development welfare project, hope for their own enterprises to provide more opportunities for the development of occupation.According to the American scholar Herzberg ( Frederick Herzberg ) of the double factor theory, enterprises lack of hygiene factors, causes of employee dissatisfaction, but health factors can not arouse the enthusiasm of the staff. Motivational factors can enhance employees job satisfaction, arouse the enthusiasm of the staff. Blau and others, the basic welfare health factors, occupation developing welfare is the motivating factor. Enterprises provide basic welfare, contribute to the stability of staff, to prevent employee to find new job; enterprises provide occupation developing welfare, can strengthen the employees a sense of belonging to the enterprise. Blau et al. The empirical results show that, employees usually pay more attention to the basic welfare, staff of the basic welfare satisfaction can enhance their welfare satisfaction, reduce their turnover intention; employee on occupation developing welfare satisfaction will enhance their sense of belonging to the enterprise of emotion. Different people may be attachedto different welfare. For example, professionals may pay more attention to the development of occupation of welfare. They are more likely to think that this kind of welfare that enterprises care employee occupation career development. The United States of America scholar via meal and Tanqieke empirical findings also support the idea. They pointed out that, most of the staff considers himself to be entitled to certain fundamental welfare. Enterprises to provide these benefits, not necessarily can improve employee satisfaction, but the enterprise does not provide these benefits, may cause employee dissatisfaction. In addition to the actual use of the welfare of employees, employees have the right to enjoy the benefits will also affect employee satisfaction. For example, many employees may not be used to provide the work-related injury insurance.However, if the employee know they are entitled to the benefits, so it would be more satisfactory.three, to the enterprise management1、 to provide staff to provide the welfare enterprise employee welfare, can improve the employee satisfaction degree. Therefore, enterprises should understand the importance of various types of employee welfare. If the employee does not require some benefits, enterprises can cancel the welfare benefits, in order to save cost. If the employee pay great attention to safety, security and other basic benefits, enterprises should try to increase employee satisfaction of basic welfare. If employees attach great importance to their occupation career development, the enterprise should provide occupation development and welfare, to create more staff learning and development opportunities, so as to improve employee satisfaction. panies to provide staff to welfare, that enterprises concerned about the interests of employees,to enhance a sense of emotional sense of belonging. At present, the United States of America some high-tech enterprises based on the information technology talented persons need, to provide them with free parking, car washing, washing, dental services such as personal fort welfare, to attract and retain the shortageof information technology talents. In conclusion, in addition to the statutory welfare projects, enterprisescan according to the needs of employees,to provide staff to other welfare items, to make employees believe that enterprises have a genuine and sincere desire to care about their interests.2、 respect for employees, the staff concerned about the needs ofIn the welfare management, managers treat employees, will greatly affect the benefits of the staff satisfaction. Management organizations adhere to the principle of fairness, place oneself in others position for the sake of employees, to prevent individual biases influence their own managementdecisions, to all the staff to make no exception, in different time and different occasions always adopt the same decision procedure, careful consideration of the opinions and demands of staff, timely to provide feedback information, explaining his decision, allowing employees to his decision raised objections, to correct its erroneous decision, can show managers on the staff of the respect and care, improve employees perception of fairness, improve employee satisfaction. Managers in the managementof employeewelfare work organizationsadhere to fair principle, can make the employees believe that enterprises provide welfare motive is to have a genuine and sincere desire to care for their health, rather than passive implementation of relevant laws and regulations.3、to provide accurate information, help employee welfare projectMany employees do not understand the enterprise provided them with what benefit, do not know how to use these welfare project. Therefore, to improve employeebenefits satisfaction,enterprisesshould provide sufficient information, so that the majority of employees to know they can enjoy various welfare programs, and help the staff to use the benefits of the project. Enterprises can set up employee benefits management office or arrange full-time welfare management, answer the questions, provide accurate information, guide employeeto make better use of enterprisesto provide a variety ofbenefits programs. The staff how to choose their own standard of parison, judge whether the enterprise to provide for their own fair welfare portfolio ( Justice ), is a plex process. Different individual characteristicswork environment, can enjoy the benefits of the project are not the same. They will often choose different parison criteria. Enterprises cant decide employee parison standard, but the enterprise can collect similar enterprise information, and through the internal munication activities, let the staff understand other enterprises provide the welfare portfolio, in order to affect employee parison processes, which affect the employee benefits satisfaction.In addition, the managers also should be based on the enterprise welfare system, as soon as the pensation of employeespay the costs, or to help staff to get pensation. Enterprises as soon as possible for employees reimbursement of medical expenses, can not only reduce the employees spend time and energy, but also can reduce the employee uneasiness and anxiety, improve employee benefits system satisfaction.4、 to provide staff welfare management jobsThe welfare system in the establishmentand implementation, enterprise can use internal investigation, symposia, suggestion box or hotline, extensively, listen to the views of staff, know the staff welfare system. Management staff in the welfare system design process, seriously listen to the views of staff, in-depth understanding of staff pay attention to which welfare project, and according to the staff of the need to determine the welfare portfolio, or allow employees to choose the welfare portfolio, can significantly enhance the welfare of the employees satisfaction.资料 .


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