Human Resource Management

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EricEmersonSchmidtandT&C Program name: Human Resource ManagementLecture: Ms. Eileen Title of paper: Human resource management Student ID1003582By: Xing Qing Wen (Tony) TABLE OF CONTENTSSummary_3Introduction _3Question1_4Question2_5Question3_6Question4_7Question5_8Conclusion_9References_9SummaryI this paper mainly said from the perspective of human resource management to analyze T&C company conditions and recruitment and interview some advice.IntroductionTC is a local coffee shop- style caf which serves coffee, tea and toast. There are 32 outlets all over the island. TC has a family-style work environment and a policy which emphasizes” promotion- from-within”1. Explain the importance of personnel planning and recruitment from a HR perspective?Planning which includes duties is to determine the quantity and quality of work employees. How to conduct a job analysis, and clear, to determine the requirements of the different positions for the company. Monthly human resources department should be the nature of the division of labor according to the different departments and tasks the positions vacated by the loss of employees is planned in advance. Based on the employees own career interests, personality traits, aptitude, and its school expertise skills, taking into account a variety of external factors, to locate in one of the most able to play to their strengths in order to maximize the realization of self-worth.Recruitment it includes responsibility is, depending on the work demand, to attract and selecting the appropriate candidate. Its task is to ensure that the enterprise to have enough of the right positions. At present, the enterprise staff are, in the main, talent market introduction and facing the social general recruit, the two way at present obvious is insufficient, the talent market introduction, after all, is limited, cannot satisfy a rapid development of the needs of the enterprises, and the high cost of recruitment. In the face of the social recruitment from quality sells at a discount greatly, personnel quality is uneven, and easy to leave negative effects. So directly from the vocational school it is necessary to introduce talents have, a human resource department may, according to enterprises production and management needs regular contact the school, carries on the cooperation between colleges and enterprises, and to better serve the enterprise introduce various types of qualified personnel. The discretion of the employees quality directly affects the efficiency of enterprises and profits, a challenge to the enterprises survival and development space. So for a qualified can be enterprise need employees are the human resources department of the important responsibility2 How would you forecast the manpower needs of TC?I think TC for human needs will increase. Human resources demand forecasting is divided into real human resources demand and future human resources demand forecasting and loss of future human resources demand forecast three department. Human resources demand forecast should be based on the objectives of the organization as the foundation, should not only consider the current organizational structure, productivity level and other factors, and to foresee the future due to the adjustment of organizational goals and lead to a series of changes, such as organization structure adjustment, the change of product structure, improve the production process, the new technology of using and so on, and this leads to human resources demand in quantity and skills two changes.3 pros and cons of what are the TCs hiring part-time workers?Benefits can save costs, increase efficiency, when busy looking for part-time employees to help you complete the work, rather than their full-time employees because of overtime triggered many complaints, looking for part-time employees to improve efficiency when own business a lot of time, full-time internal staff is not busy here, so you can be your own business outsourcing, not only can greatly shorten the working hours, but also cost savings achieved through things with a certain flexibility and variability, we do not have to worry about what kind of person you want to hire or to dismiss what kind of person, as long as there is business to employ a few days, business will not have additional expenses.Time and work status of the disadvantages of part-time employees are uncontrollable and requires absolute obedience to the leadership, and your full-time employees, and part-time is a partnership, rather than a simple employment relationship, which to some extent hindered the conduct of business and the perfect degree, and because the requirements are different, your internal staff must be in accordance with the requirements of the company to complete the task, and part-time employees easily shrink your request can not be completed you think the most satisfactory results4 a good attitude and commitment are two important attributes that TC looks for in its job applicants. Is a job interview an effective method to assess these two attributes? what else can TC do to get reliable information on these two attributes?I think a good attitude and commitment not only from interview to assess, and people in order to enter the big companies will do well to prepare in advance, since he / she was to interview candidates is the best mental outlook, only from the side Find out his / her commitment and attitude. I think from a trial period or from his / her frequent use of communication tools such as (face book, QQ,) to evaluate his / her attitude and commitment to work.5 what suggestions would you make to TC to improve its recruiting process?Increased recruitment efforts to find the correct method of recruitment, in many aspects of the corporate human resources management, managers tend to attach great importance to the work of the more technical aspects of the performance appraisal, remuneration and benefits, staff recruitment relatively inadequate attention. In the quality of staff recruitment how enterprises tend to be fundamental, long-term, sometimes even decisive. Included staff recruitment work is very extensive, some aspects of the technical, professional and also very strong. So, anyway, the enterprise management personnel should pay full attention to recruitment.Lead to the recruitment of low efficiency and failure have not placed enough emphasis on the recruitment process, corporate recruitment positions did not do a scientific job analysis, recruitment conditions there is no basis for recruitment success consequences lag, and more complex, the arbitrariness of the recruitment inappropriate recruitment, recruitment sources of object positioning errors, the choice of advertising media, design issues, the personnel measurement tools, selection process, testers.ConclusionIf an enterprise wants to become bigger and stronger, you need to have a strong human resources, or just blowing smoke. Described the importance of human resources management, human resources demand forecasts into reality human resource needs, future human resource demand forecasts and future loss of human resources needsReferences9


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