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辽宁省葫芦岛协作校2020届高三英语上学期第二次考试试题 考生注意:1.本试卷共120分,考试时间100分钟。2.请将各题答案填写在答题卡上。第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ATop 4 Colleges Whose Graduates Earn the Most MoneyWho says college isnt worth it? Graduates of each of these 4 small colleges can look forward to cashing in when they hit the job market.Amherst College: Amherst, MassachusettsAverage earnings:$82,000Harvard may be the more selective and well-known university in the state, but its Amherst Colleges graduates who arc pulling in the salary. Its known as one of the “Little Ivies. Despite Amhersts tiny size (2,000 undergraduates in total), its alumni(校友)network is well-connected and involved with the student body, which helps explain why graduates get top job opportunities.Lafayette College: Easton, PennsylvaniaAverage earnings: $81.000Another Little Ivy, Lafayette College graduates about the same number of students as Amherst each year. Those graduates make nearly as much as Amherst graduates, based on Zippias research. Its entirely possible that Lafayettes success in getting its graduates good jobs is that its one of the few liberal arts(文科)colleges of its size that also offer its students engineering degrees.Helene Fuld College of Nursing: New York, NYAverage earnings: $79,300Nurses are in very high demand, according to Indeed, and that demand is expected to remain strong. This contributes to the high pay offered to this nursing schools graduates. So does its location in New York City, where salaries (and the cost of living) are higher.Bates College: Lewiston, MaineAverage earnings: $75,700Another small liberal arts college-and Little Ivy-Bates offers, among other things, a small teacher-to-student rate. It is also noted that Bates has one of the most beautiful campuses around, helping draw a highly driven student body.1. What makes graduates from Amherst College get good jobs?A. School location. B. Help from schoolmates.C. Tiny size of the college. D. School recommendation.2. Why can college graduates from Helene Fuld College of Nursing get high pay?A. They have to pay high tuition fees. B. They need high living costs.C. Nurses arc greatly respected. D. Nurses are in great need.3. What do Lafayette College and Rates College have in common?A. Similar earnings. B. Beautiful campuses.C. The same type of college. D. The same number of students.BWhen we went hack to San Francisco in July his year, we went to the Port Authority Command Center to donate the money that our local firefighters had raised-$31,600. They took us to The town of Paradise in 2 of their police cars to present the check.Where are you from? the driver of police car asked all of us. I said. Michigan.” He was very moved by what we were doing for them, and the families of the Port Authority police would benefit a lot from the money.As we were presenting the check at The town of Paradise, the police officer that drove me down there said that on Nov 8, 2020 he was on duty. And then, he told me that there was a firefighter from Michigan that kept calling the command center on Nov 9, 2020 asking for directions to offer help. He gave me his name, so when he did call back. I could talk to him. he said.He looked at me, and at the same time I looked at him; I asked him his name and he told me. I then looked down at his name tag; it was the same name I wrote down on a piece of paper hack on Nov 9, 2020. You see, I had to call the command center several times to find the way to The town of Paradise; I still have that piece of paper with this Port Authority police officers name on it.When we both realized how small of a world this planet really is, we hugged and shook hands. What are the odds(概率)that the same police officer (out of thousands) that gave me directions on Nov 9, 2020, drove me hack to The town of Paradise in April of the next year?4. Who would get help from the money the author sent?A. The families of the Port Authority police. B. All the police officers in San Francisco.C. The local firefighters. D. The authors colleagues.5. What did the author want to do on Nov 9, 2020?A. Stick to his post. B. Go to The town of Paradise.C. Raise money for the police. D. Communicate with the firefighters.6. Why did the author and the officer stare at each other?A. They had met before. B. They used to be friends.C. They had been on duty together. D. They had talked on the phone.7. What makes the authors experience special?A. Sympathy. B. Kindness. C. Coincidence. D. Cooperation.CThree weeks ago, Colombian officials rescued 32 birds in a surprise raid on a group organizing cockfighting events. Officials accuse the group of setting up a songbird competition illegally, called the clash of titans on social media. People won money if they correctly predicted the winner.Songbird contests have taken place throughout the Caribbean for hundreds of years. But catching any wildlife without government permission is a crime in Colombia.Until recently, officials did not enforce the law. They were too busy fighting violence from the drug trade, rebel fighters and other armed groups. But now, as violence has fallen and with the drug trade mostly destroyed, officials arc taking another look.Colombians have grown to understand the importance of their countrys biodiversity. It is said to have the second highest biodiversity levels in the world.Officials are working to end illegal animal trade. Last year, police rescued more than 34,600 animals illegally trapped in the wild-a 44% increase over 2020 levels. Many of the animals were found at airports and bus stations by dogs trained to find bird feathers or skin.Colombian government lawyers are also going after criminals that use the illegal animal trade to earn money. Police say illegal sales of birds and animals are nearly as profitable as illegal drugs or arms trade. Worldwide, the wildlife trade is worth more than $10 billion.The rescue of the 32 birds was the result of a secret police operation. In May, police rescued 16 birds, including an endangered one, from small cages in three homes. Information gathered in that operation enabled the police to uncover the group that held the songbird contests.A video published on a closed Facebook group explained the competition. While onlookers cheered, judges measured the loudness and the number of calls from each bird. The owner of the winning bird received $ 100. Environmental officials say the birds were abused.8. What does the underlined word raid in paragraph 1 mean?A. Survey. B. Attack. C. Attempt. D. Purchase.9. What was the group mentioned in paragraph 1 charged with?A. Making their voice heard through the competition.B. Allowing people to catch wild birds.C. Holding songbird contests illegally.D. Selling bird feathers or skin.10. Why have Colombian officials started to protect wild life only recently?A. They were too weak to take measures.B. They have realized the value of animal trade.C. They were busy doing more important tasks before.D. They have found violence has disappeared.11. What contributes to the illegal animal trade most?A. The huge profit. B. The joy of hunting.C. The excitement of competition. D. The inability of the government.DDoctors are advising parents to feed babies peanut products before their first birthday to reduce the childrens risk of developing a peanut allergy(过敏).A team of allergy experts and child care specialists wrote the new guidance. They suggest adding soft, crushed peanuts to a babys diet beginning at four months of age. They say babies should continue to get large amounts of peanut products in their first year of life.The new guidance is a complete changeover from earlier advice to parents. Earlier guidelines suggested waiting to feed children peanut products until they were much older.Gupta is a pediatrician(儿科医生)and food allergy researcher at Northwestern University in Evanston. Illinois. She predicted that many parents will he fearful of following the new guidance.Peanut allergies usually develop before age 2. They are a major worry for parents, who need to closely watch everything their children eat inside and outside the home.Allergic reactions to peanuts can include skin conditions, difficulty breathing and low blood pressure. The person can feel sick to the stomach, and develop swelling of the tongue, eyes or face. In severe cases, a peanut reaction can kill, unless the child is given an injection of epinephrine(肾上腺素).Because of such risks, doctors had been urging parents to avoid giving peanut products to babies. But a 2020 study led medical experts to reconsider the guidelines.The study involved 640 babies, all of whom were younger than 11 months. Each child had either an egg allergy or the skin disease. Both disorders increase the childs risk for developing a peanut allergy. But researchers found that when these high-risk babies were fed a small amount of peanut butter three times a week, only three percent went on to develop the allergy after five years. By comparison, 17 percent of children who avoided peanuts became allergic.This will help the bodys natural defenses against disease and learn how to process and deal with peanuts.12. What do we know about the new guidance?A. It remains to be tested. B. It is a wrong theory.C. It is dangerous to babies. D. It is contrary to previous guidelines.13. What does paragraph 6 mainly talk about?A. Harm of eating peanut. B. Treatment of peanut allergy.C. Symptoms of peanut allergy. D. Prevention of peanut allergy.14. What were the babies involved in the study like?A. They more likely suffered from peanut allergy. B. They were in favor of peanut.C. They were free from any allergy. D. They were in good health.15. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Babies Eat Peanuts This Way Without Harm.B. Give Babies Peanut Products to Reduce Allergy RiskC. Give Babies Peanut Food as Much as PossibleD. New Guidance of Peanut Eating Is Controversial第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。American HamburgersThe favorite food in the United States is the hamburger. A kind of round sandwich of cooked beef, 16 At fast food restaurants, people order their food, wait a few minutes, and carry it to their tables themselves. People also take their food out of the restaurant and eat it in their cars or in their homes. At some fast food restaurants, people can order their food, pay for it and pick it up without leaving their cars.17 Most of them sell hamburgers, French fries and milkshakes, which are traditionally popular foods among Americans. In addition, there are many fast food restaurants that serve Chinese food, Mexican food, Italian food, chicken, seafood and ice cream. 18 The idea of a fast food restaurant is so popular in the United States. In fact, they reflect American life style.First, they are not formal restaurants. Customers wear any type of dress when they go to a fast food place. 19 People who are busy do not want to spend time preparing their own food or waiting while someone else prepares it. In fast food restaurants the food is usually ready before the customer even orders it. Finally, most food in a fast food restaurant is not expensive. 20 However, they may not he able to afford a more traditional and more expensive restaurant very often.A. Second, they are fast.B. Chinese diets are also welcome.C. You can find nearly every kind of food in one.D. They will go to a good restaurant for important guests.E. The favorite place to buy a hamburger is a fast food restaurant.F. Therefore, people can afford to eat at a fast food restaurant often.G. There are many kinds of fast food restaurants in the United States.第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。As soon as his granddaughter learned to walk, dad was worried about the umbrella stand full of little willows that stood by our front door. He 21 that someday Reyn would get one of those soft willow pods(柳树荚)stuck up her nose. He strongly recommended that I should remove the willow in case of it. Thats 22 , I thought. Why would our bright child want to 23 one of those furry things and put it in her nose? Dad finally quit 24 it to me.One morning, Reyn came into the kitchen, saying a willow pod stuck up her 25 .We tried to get it out but in 26 . Whats worse, Reyn couldnt 27 well and began to cry. I started to 28 . Swallowing my 29 , I called my father. When he picked up, I got straight to the 30 . There was one terrible beat of silence. At least my dad didnt 31 . He remained 32 and told me not to be 33 and he would go to hospital with us. He would 34 us at the entrance to the community.We were almost to the meeting spot when Reyn let out a huge, explosive 35 . Its 36 ,” she said. I wiped off her face, 37 around for the pod. I found it on the ground.I returned home and threw away the 38 in the garbage before my father came in. How on earth did my dad 39 the willow pod plug-up? I asked him that once. He smiled 40 . Grandparents just know these things,” he said.I know to be a parent is not an easy thing. Experience from former generation is sometimes very valuable. Im fortunate that my father is always there with me to help me get through the stresses of parenthood.21. A. promisedB. concludedC. insistedD. wondered22. A. reasonableB. ridiculousC. interestingD. comfortable23. A. give awayB. ask forC. pick offD. make up24. A. mentioningB. presentingC. showingD. returning25. A. earB. mouthC. eyeD. nose26. A. painB. tearsC. turnD. vain27. A. breatheB. sleepC. speakD. walk28. A. doubtB. panicC. recallD. believe29. A. sympathyB. respectC. despairD. pride30. A. contraryB. minuteC. pointD. letter31. A. admitB. laughC. apologizeD. answer32. A. calmB. awakeC. anxiousD. angry33. A. worriedB. ashamedC. disappointedD. bored34. A. interviewB. protectC. joinD. recognize35. A. coughB. sneezeC. screamD. cheer36. A. goneB. hiddenC. brokenD. lost37. A. hangingB. glancingC. pushingD. gathering38. A. rubbishB. paperC. foodD. plant39. A. designB. explainC. predictD. consider40. A. romanticallyB. narrowlyC. nervouslyD. mysteriously第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。At least one-third of the ice in the Himalayan Mountains will disappear at the end of this century because of rising temperatures, scientists said this week. This 41 (threaten)river flows that provide water resources for 1.9 billion people.Himalayan glaciers feed 10 major rivers, including the Yangtze, Ganges and the Indus. Farmers 42 (live) in the area use glacial melt water for their 43 (crop) in the dry season. About 250 million people live in the mountains. Another 1.65 billion people live in river valleys below. Changes in river flows could also damage hydropower(水力发电)production 44 (serious) and cause more landslides in the mountains.Along with 45 (globe) warming, air pollution is also affecting the area, the study found. Air pollutants like black carbon and dust land on the glaciers, 46 speed up their melting, too.The report said that one-third of the ice would melt in 2100 even if governments worldwide could meet goals set by the 2020 Paris climate 47 (agree) to reduce greenhouse gas emission(排放). But if governments fail 48 (limit) greenhouse gas emission, about two-thirds of ice in the Himalayas could disappear in 2100.The study said governments in the region must prepare 49 droughts, change their existing agriculture systems 50 put up early flood warning systems.第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下而写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。When traveling by train to Beijing, I see a girl standing on the train. Felt tired, she looked around and expected that anybody would help her. Thus, none of the travelers seemed to he interesting in it. Although she was a few metre away from me, I got up from my seat and offered them to her. The smile on her face told me about everything that she felt at that point of time. She thanked me a lot. I learned a truth from the experience what it is a joy to help others. I hope if you find someone in same situation, you will help him or her in a similar manner.第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,你的英国网友Tony来信就“学生是否应该参加课外活动(extra-curricular activities)”和你展开讨论。就此请你用英语给他回封信,内容包括:1.你的观点;2.你的理由(至少三点)。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头和结尾已给出,不计人总词数。Dear Tony,Yours,Li Hua


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