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【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流经济学专业英语教学大纲.精品文档.经济学专业英语教学大纲大纲说明课程代码:3025050总学时:40学时总学分:2.5课程类别:必修预修要求:西方经济学一、课程性质、目的、任务:本课程兼顾英语语言的学习应用和经济专业知识两个方面,学生在锻炼英语应用能力的同时,又可学到经济学方面的知识。通过将英语与经济学方面的原理和基础知识相结合,培养学生具有较强的阅读能力、一定的会话及翻译能力,使他们能以英语为工具,顺利阅读本专业的英语材料、获取和交流本专业所需的信息、了解和熟悉经济学的最新发展与动态,并能在实践中加以运用。二、课程教学的基本要求:教学形式以课堂讲解为主,结合单元练习培养和提高学生应用英语的能力,能熟练掌握经济学基本概念和基本理论以及专业术语。加强学生的口头交流能力和书面表达能力,个人发言和小组讨论相结合。除了完成课堂教学外,要求学生在课余进行广泛的相关内容的阅读。三、大纲的使用说明:1、推荐使用教材Pindyck 和Rubinfeld合作编著的Microeconomics第6版,清华大学出版社2、本课程建议学时为40学时。根据计划课时的不同,授课内容可作适当调整。大纲正文Chapter 1 Preliminaries 时间:4学时Key points: limits; trade-offs; prices; markets; models; positive versus normative analysisContents:The themes of microeconomicsWhat is a marketDiscussion Questions: The importance of limits for economic analysis Why people have to face trade-offs? Why economists think with models? What difference is positive economic analysis from normative economic analysis?Additional Text: Markets for prescription drugsPractice Vocabulary Complete the statements according to the text. Translation Role play Writing taskChapter 2 The basics of supply and demand 时间:4学时Key points: supply curve; demand curve; market mechanism; elasticities of supply and demand; short run versus long run elasticities; price controlsContents:Supply and demand The market mechanismChanges in market equilibriumElasticities of supply and demandShort run versus long run elasticitiesPrice controlsDiscussion Questions: The relationship of time and elasticities The result of price controlAdditional Text: The demand for gasoline and automoilesPractice Vocabulary Complete the statements according to the text. Translation Role play Writing taskChapter 3 Consumer behavior 时间:4学时Key points: indifference curves; indifference maps; the marginal rate of substitution; budget constraints; corner solutionsContents:1.Consumer preferences2.Budget constraints3.Consumer choiceDiscussion Questions: The types of indifference curves The solutions of consumer choiceAdditional Text: Marginal utility and happinessGasoline rationingPractice Vocabulary Complete the statements according to the text. Translation Role play Writing taskChapter 4 Individual and market demand 时间:4学时Key points: normal versus inferior goods; engel curves; substitution effect; income effect; the Giffen good; consumer surplus; the bandwagon effect; the snob effectContents:1.Individual demand2.Income and substitution effects3.Market demand4.Consumer surplus5.Network externalitiesDiscussion Questions: The Engel curves and marketing in China Does Giffen good exist?Additional Text: The effect of a gasoline taxNetwork externalities and the demands for computers and E-mailPractice Vocabulary Complete the statements according to the text. Translation Role play Writing taskChapter 5 Production 时间:2学时Key points: the production function; average and marginal products; the law of diminishing returns; returns to scaleContents:1.The technology of production2.Production with one variable input3.Production with two variable inputs4.Returns to scaleDiscussion Questions: Why do we have the law of diminishing returnsAdditional Text: Malthus and the food crisis Practice Vocabulary Complete the statements according to the text. Translation Role play Writing taskChapter 6 The cost of production 时间:4学时Key points: opportunity cost; sunk costs; fixed costs and variable costs; marginal and average cost; the isocost line; long run versus short run cost curves; economies and diseconomies of scopeContents:1.Measuring cost2.Cost and its shape in the short run and long run3.Economies of scopeDiscussion Questions: The types of cost curves and their significance The types of economies of scopeAdditional Text: the learning curve in practice Practice Vocabulary Complete the statements according to the text. Translation Role play Writing taskChapter 7 Profit maximization and competitive supply 时间:2学时Key points: profit maximization; marginal revenue and marginal cost; long run supply curveContents:1.Perfectly competitive markets2.Choosing output in the short run and long run3.The industrys long run supply curveDiscussion Questions: When does the firm stop product? How doe the economic rent come into being?Additional Text: The short run world supply of copperPractice Vocabulary Complete the statements according to the text. Translation Role play Writing taskChapter 8 The analysis of competitive markets 时间:2学时Key points: minimum prices; price supports and production quotas; import quotas; tariffsContents:1.The efficiency of a competitive market2.Price supports and production quotas3.Import quotas and tariffs4.The impact of a tax or subsidyDiscussion Questions: The analysis of public policies Why is there public polices?Additional Text: Supporting the price of wheatThe sugar quotaPractice Vocabulary Complete the statements according to the text. Translation Role play Writing taskChapter 9 Market power 时间:4学时Key points: natural monopoly power; rent seeking; price regulationContents:1.Monopoly2.Monopoly power3.Sources of monopoly power4.The social costs of monopoly power5.The antitrust lawsDiscussion Questions: Sources of monopoly power The enforcement of the antitrust lawsAdditional Text: Markup pricingThe pricing of videosPractice Vocabulary Complete the statements according to the text. Translation Role play Writing taskChapter 10 Externalities and public goods 时间:2学时Key points: negative and positive externalities; market failure; property rights; common property sources; public goodsContents:1.Externalities2.Ways of correcting market failure3.Externalities and property resources4.Public goodsDiscussion Questions: Ways of correcting market failure What is public goods?Additional Text: Crawfish fishing in LouisianaThe demand for clean airPractice Vocabulary Complete the statements according to the text. Translation Role play Writing task本课程对学生自学的要求:要求学生达到或超过四级英语水平,具有经济学方面的基础知识。要求学生大量阅读经济学文章,逐渐具备较强的读、说、译能力。课时分配:本课程共有10个独立的章节组成。根据不同专业不同的计划课时以及学生的专业情况和英语水平,授课内容可做适当调整。ChapterTimeChapter 1 Preliminaries4Chapter 2 The basics of supply and demand4Chapter 3 Consumer behavior4Chapter 4 Individual and market demand4Chapter 5 Production2Chapter 6 The cost of production4Chapter 7 Profit maximization and competitive supply2Chapter 8 The analysis of competitive markets2Chapter 9 Market power4Chapter 10 Externalities and public goods2Paper reading1:the economics of privacg 2Paper reading2:marrage,divorce,and quas rents6Total40考核方式与要求:本课程以卷面考核为主(占70),辅以考察作业完成情况和课堂讨论等(占30)。推荐教材与参考书目:1.翟象俊,经济学专业英语教程(1)(大学专业英语系列教材), 中国人民大学出版社,1999年版2.翟象俊 张勇先,经济学专业英语教程(2)(大学专业英语系列教材), 中国人民大学出版社,2000年版3.翟象俊 张勇先,经济学专业英语教程(3)(大学专业英语系列教材), 中国人民大学出版社,2002年版


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