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七年级英语系列复习(一)用所给词的适当形式填空:1. Whats _(you) name? 2. Whats _(he)family name?3. _(I) first name is Lucy.4. How _(be) your father?5. My name is Eric and her_(name) Jenny.6. Look, this is _(I) mother.7. These are his _(parents).8. His _(father) a teacher.9. My _(friend) are students.10. _(this) are my friends Lucy and Lily.11.Here are ten _(photo) of my family.12. Those are his _(grandparent).13. Wei Fang, is this ruler _(you)? Yes, it is.14. This isnt _(she) knife. _(she) is green. It is _(I).15. Is this pencil box _(Tom)? No, _(he) is new.16.Are these _(you) _(pencil)? Yes, they are _(my).17. This red pen is mine. _(you) are yellow.18.Thank you for _(you) help.19. Thank you for _(help) me.20. Here _(be) my books, what about _(you)? Its there.21. He is a good boy. Lets play with _(he).22. Please help _(we) write the lost and found.23. A set of _(key) _(be) on the floor.24. Please call _(they) at 123456789.25. There is _(a) “U” and _(a) “N” in the word “uncle”.26. This is _(a) English book. This is _(a) useful book.27. Where _(be) your pen and pencil?28. Those are _(they) sisters apples.29. There are three _(radio) on the table.30. My keys and notebook _(be) in my schoolbag.31. Gina always _(ask), “where are my keys?”32. My _(brother) hat is in his schoolbag.33. The tape player is on our _(teacher) desk.34. Where are those _(thing)? Can you tell me?35.Are _(that) your keys? Yes, they are.36. I _(not know) his name.37. Bill, lets _(take) the books to the classroom.38. _ your sister _(have) a tennis? No, she doesnt.39. Mom, let _(we) play ping-pong. OK.40. He _(watch) TV on Saturday and he _(not do) his homework.41. He likes _(play) volleyball and he has two _(volleyball).42. Their ideas _(sound) good. 43. My grandparents often _(watch) TV in the evening.44. Lets play volleyball. Its _(relaxed).45. Some of my friends like to play _(sport).46. Dont let your son _(watch) TV for long.47. There are many _(sport) _(game) on TV every day.48. Here are lots of new books, one of _(it) _(be) mine.49. He _(teach) _(my) English.50. Jack like _(China) food.51. How about _(go) to the park? OK, I am think about _(go) there.52. Do Lily and Lucy like _(strawberry)? No, they dont. 53.Lets have _(tomato). Oh, no, I dont like _(they).54. My aunt ofter has _(salad) with _(carrots) _(tomato) and_(onion).55. He doesnt like _(vegetable) _(salad).56. On Sunday evening, I have lots of _(homework) to do. 57. In the morning I have some _(piece) of _(bread).58. Do you like _(carrot) or _(fish)? I like fish.59. I eat lots of _(health) food.60. Cindy Smith eats _(good) and he is a _(well) volleyball player.61. Does he want _(play) basketball with _(we)?62. How many _(book) are there on the desk?63. His parents are talking about _(eat) _(habit ) with _(he).64. He is a great _(sport) star.65. Can the people in Zhouqu eat _(good)?66. How much _(be) a pair of _(sock)?67. My brother _(need) _(buy) a T-shirt for school.68._(this) pens are only two dollars. How much are _(that) clothes?69._(come) and _(buy) your clothes at Huaxing Clothes Store.70. How _(much) _(tomato) do you want?71. October is the _(five) month of a year.72. His _(father) birthday is on July 4th.73. Jenny is _(twelve) years old. Today is her _(twelve) birthday.74. My birthday is on May the _(21).75. These are the _(child) book.76.Do you know her date of _(birthday)?77. _(Amy and Gina) mothers are at Lucys party.78. _(Lucy and Lily) father is watching TV.79.I have _(any) things for you this week.80. _(she) favorite subject is English.81. Whats _(she) _(aunt) favorite song?82. What _(be) your favorite sports?83. Does your brother like _(have) math_(class)?84.What color do you like best? _(orange)85. All her _(class) finish at 4:30 in the afternoon.86. I want _(go) _(shop).87. Dave often _(ask) his father some difficult question.88. The _(twins) room is very beautiful.89. _(children) Day is on June first and _(teacher)Day is on September tenth. 90.Its about two _(hour) walk.91. There are two _(hundred) students.92 There are four _(woman).93. He is usually busy _(finish) _(do) his homework on Saturday afternoon.七年级英语系列复习(二)须识记:1. 周日至周六_ _ _ _ _ _2. 月份_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3. 序数词:第一至第二十一、第四十_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. 科目:语文_ 数学_ 英语_ 历史_ 地理_ 生物_ 体育_ 音乐_ 科学_ 5. 单数变复数:this_ that _ book_ key_ boy_ class_ box_ watch_ dish_ family_ strawberry_ party_ man_ woman_ child_ sheep_ knife_ tomato_ potato_ Chinese_ Japanese_ foot_ tooth_ 6. 代词: 人称代词(主格)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _人称代词(宾格)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _物主代词(形容词性)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _物主代词(名词性)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _7. 自我介绍: 我叫Tom, 13岁,来自美国,是一名中学生。我喜欢吃健康的食物,我早上通常喝一杯牛奶。我在郎溪二中七(6)班上学。在我班上,有38个女生,33个男生。在我的班上,我有一个朋友,他学习很好。中午,我和他在学校吃午饭,午餐时间是从12点到1点,我吃许多蔬菜,但我的同学不,他说他不想变胖。本学期,我学很多学科,我最喜欢英语,我认为英语有趣,Mr. Qin 教我们英语。我喜欢运动,每天放学后,我和同学们打两小时的篮球。如果你想和我交朋友,请打我电话123456789. 谢谢!七年级英语系列复习(三)之句型转换1. My telephone number is 0538-7527863(提问)2. I am a teacher(一般疑问句和提问)3. That is a tree.(复数)4. Is that your uncle? (肯定回答)5. Isnt he a student?(她是学生) (写出答句)6. Is Lucy your name? (肯定回答)7. Is Lucy your brother?(肯定回答)8. Is this boy your brother (否定回答)9. Those are photos (单数)10. Are those your parents?(否定回答)11. My father loves me and my mother loves me.(同义句)12. This is Toms father. (提问)13. These are her pencils. (同义句)14. There are some women teachers in our school. (改为单数和否定句)15. I can see a cat on the sofa. (否定句和一般疑问句)16. Can you take the letter to your teacher? (该为祈使句和作肯定回答)17. He knows his name. (否定句和一般疑问句)18. He buys a book for me(同义句)19. He gives me a dictionary.(同义句)20. I think tennis is very interesting(提问)21. I play sports every morning.(否定句)22. Jim has 8 basketballs.(提问)23. I like broccoli and oranges. (否定句)24. There is a bottle of coffee on the table. (提问)25. Youre welcome/ _ all right/ Thats _.26. These shoes are 100 yuan. _ _ _ these shoes is 100 yuan.27. Mr Cooper sells many balls to my friends every year.(一般问句)28. My father needs five boxes (提问)29. We have a school day each year at our school. (提问)30. Whats your age? (同义句)31. What do you think of your math teacher?(同义句)32. My father can play the violin. (提问)33. He can sing and dance.(否定句)34. I can help my sister learn English. I can help my sister _ English.35. I do my homework after school.(提问)36. Li Ming does his homework after dinner(一般问句)37. Please tell me about your morning.(否定句)38. My favorite day is June 1st.(提问)39. Its July 2nd today.(提问)40. Mr Green teaches me English.(提问)41. You cant stay here (改为祈使句)42. The girl doesnt like math because its difficult.(提问)七年级英语系列复习(四)之句子翻译1. 你能向他要这本书(ask.for.)2. 你喜欢美术还是体育?3. 这是Mary的全家照,他们是美国人,穿黑色衣服的人是Mary的父亲。他喜欢游泳。4. 在学校,我不吃任何东西。5. 他们对我们的健康没有好处。6. 让我们吃健康的食物。7. 我们家有4口人。8. 你想成为我们的朋友吗?9. 我游泳很好。10. 我们有红色的毛衣。11. 这些衣服价格合理。12. 我们有60元的黑色鞋子。13. 你想了解我的朋友吗?(know about)14. 星期天他忙于做作业。15. 放学后我们通常踢两小时足球。16. 星期六她经常和妈妈去购物。17. 我喜欢所有的学科。18. 我喜欢数学课。19. 足球是男孩子们最喜欢的运动。20. 她为什么喜欢英语?21. 午饭他喜欢米饭。22. 桌子上有一串钥匙。23. 他问一位足球运动员的饮食习惯。24. 我不想去那儿。25. 让我们考虑一下食物。


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