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新目标人教版八年级英语上册第一单元测试卷 一、单项选择。(70分) 姓名:( )1.She is new here,so she has _friends at school. A, much B. few C, little D. a little( )2.-Help _to some fruits. Thank you.A. yourself B. your C.you D.yours( )3.-I am going to London for a holiday next month. -_! A. Have a good time B. Its terrible C. Good job D. What a pity( )4.Youd better not read todays newspaper because there is _ in it. A. nothing special B. anything new C. Everything important D. Something interesting( )5.-What do you think of the 3D film Titanic last night? -It was _ . I enjoyed it a lot. A.boring B. Wonderful C. strange D. Terrible( )6. Last Sunday we went to the beach . We had great fun _ in the water. A. playing B. plays C. play D. to play( )7.My father tries _vegetables eleven to twelve times a week . A. eat B. to eating C. to eat D. ate( )8.Why dont you ask _to help you? A.no one B. nobody C. someone D. anyone( )9.My mother and I _ at my home _ that snowy night A.were, at B. was, at C. were, on D. was , ( )10.Its spring now, so we decide _ to the mountains. A. to go B. going C. to going D. go( )11.I was late for school _the bus was too crowed (拥挤的) for me to get on. A. because B. because of C.so D.but( )12. He did not write _,though(尽管)he had _. A. careful enough; enough time B. carefully enough;enough time C. enough careful;enough time D.enough carefully; time enough( )13. Everyone in my class _the poor boy without parents. A. want to help B. want helping C. wants to help D. wants helping( )14. I felt _when I heard the _ news. A.exciting; excited B. excited;exciting C. exciting; exciting D. excited; excited( ) 15, - Where she on vacation? - She visited her uncle. A, did, go B, does, go C, does, went( ) 16, _ bad _ weather! A. What; a B. What; / C. How; a D. How; /( ) 17, - How was your weekend, Mingming? - A, I dont like it B, Yes, its OK. C, It was great!( ) 18, - Do you have to say for yourself? - No, I have to say. A, something, anything B, anything, nothing C, everything. Nothing( ) 19, - Would you like to eat? - Thanks, please. A, something B, anything C, nothing( ) 20, Paul and I tennis yesterday. He did better than I. A, were played B, played C, are playing( ) 21,- What did Mr. Smith do before he came to China? - - He in a car factory. A, worked B, works C, is working( ) 22, My grandma enjoys in the countryside. A, lives B, to live C, living( ) 23, The new kind of ring is expensive. I dont have money. A, too much, much too B, much too, too much C, much too, too many( ) 24 -,- Dont forget your homework, John?, - OK, Ill do it right now. A, doing B, to do C, do( ) 25, - Jack, could you help me when the plane will take off(起飞) on the Internet? - Im sorry, my computer doesnt work. A, get out B, look out C, find out( ) 26, He works in the school a teacher. A, as B, by C, about( ) 27, I didnt go to the mountains the bad weather. A, because B, so C, because of( ) 28, - Kate, Im going on business. Please look after well. - Dont worry, Mom, I will. A, yourselves B, myself C, yourself( ) 29, - Where would you like to go on your summer vacation, Mike? - Id like to go . A, nowhere interesting B, interesting anywhere C, somewhere interesting( ) 30, I arrived in Leishan last Sunday. A, got B, got to C, reach( ) 31, went camping last weekend because of the rainy weather. A, Someone B, No one C, Everyone( ) 32, The bag is heavy I cant carry (搬动) it. A, too, to B, so, that C, as, as( ) 33, Today is my mothers birthday, I want some flowers her. A, buy, for B, to buy, of C, to buy, for( )34, The only problem was that there was nothing much to do in the evening read. A, but B, so C, about( ) 35, I bought nothing, because everything very expensive. A, were B, was C, are( ) 36, He seems very happy. A, is B, to is C, to be( ) 37, We to Penang Hill last Sunday. The city looked beautiful the top of the hill. A, go, on B, went, from C, goes, in( )38. Did you try paragliding yesterday? Yes. I I was a bird. It was so exciting! A. looked like B. made sureC. thought of D. felt like( )39._ kind girl Jenny is! A.What B. What a C. How D. How a ( )40.Ispend2hoursdoingmyhomeworkandIneed_tofinishit A.theotherhourB.anotheronehourC.oneanotherhourD.anhourmore( )41.Whenitsveryhot,I_swimminginthepool. A.wouldlikeB.wantC.feellikeD.decide( )42.Thereare_people,soitsverycrowded(拥挤的). A.quiteafewB.alotC.alittleD.few( )43.-Iusuallygotherebytrain.- Whynot_byboat? A.totrygoingB.trytogoC.totrytogoD.trygoing( )44.Wekeep_anditkeepsus_ A.toswimhealthB.swimming;healthyC.toswimhealthyD.swimming;health( )45.Iwas_tiredthatI_inclass. A.too,sleepB.so,sleptC.too,sleptD.so;sleep( )46.Did you do _ on your vacation, Alice?A.anything fun B.fun anything C.something fun D.fun something( )47. Did you try paragliding yesterday? Yes. I I was a bird. It was so exciting!A. looked like B. made sure C. thought of D. felt like二.、完形填空(每小题2分,共计40分) Most people like traveling on vacation. Last year I 1on a trip to Italy(意大利). I visited 2places. My favorite 3was Venice(威尼斯). There are 4roads in Venice. There are canals(运河) between the 5 , instead. There is 6of water in the canals. People 7Venice use boats just like we use buses and bikes. They go to work 8boat. We go to work by bike and bus. Venice is famous for 9canals and boats. Venice is beautiful because of the 10. I hope to visit it again.( ) 1. A. have B. having C. go D. went( ) 2. A. many B. little C. much D. lot( ) 3. A. park B. country C. city D. museum( ) 4. A. no B. not C. any D. some( ) 5. A. streets B. buildings C. roads D. boats( ) 6. A. many B. little C. a lot D. bit( ) 7. A. on B. at C. in D. for( ) 8. A. to B. at C. with D. by( ) 9. A. its B. it C. their D. its( ) 10. A. house B. grass C. water D. treesJohn had a(n) 1 weekend. On Saturday morning, he 2 to the library. He 3 math. 4 Saturday afternoon he went to the park. He played tennis 5 his friend,Lea. Lisa was busy on Saturday,too. She 6 her room in the morning. In the afternoon she 7 her friend,Kim. They played computer games.On Sunday morning John and Lisa played 8 tennis. They had 9 . In the afternoon Lisa was busy. She studied math and science in the library. But John was 10 . He watched TV.( )1.A.busy B. exciting C. free D. quiet( )2.A.go B.goes C.goed D.went( )3.A.study B. studies C.studied D.studyed( )4.A.On B.In C.At D.For( )5.A.and B.with C.during D.or( )6.A.is cleaning B.clean C.cleans D.cleaned( )7.A.visited B.called C.phoned D.saw( )8.A.the B.a C.an D./( )9.A.a fun B.fun C.funny D.funs( )10.A.interesting B.interested C.boring D.bored 三、阅读理解。(20分)Notice to Visit the Palace MuseumApril 1st- October 31stNovember 1st- March 31stOpening time8:30-17:008:30- 16:30Last tickets are sold(停止售票)16:0015:30Last entry(停止进入)16:1015:40Price60 yuan40 yuanSpecial 20 yuan tickets are for studentsTransportation(交通)To Shenwu Men, take the No. 101, 111, 124, 846 buses:To Wu Men, take the No.120, 20, 37, 59 buses:To Tianan Men Dong, take the No. 2, 10, 802 buses:Or take the No.22 37, 52 buses, to Tianan Men Xi.( ) 1, The Palace Museum is open for hours a day in May. A, 7.5 B, 8.5 C, 9( ) 2, You cant enter the Palace Museum after in summer. A, 15:30 B, 16:00 C, 16:10( ) 3, Zhang Yu is a student. He wants to visit the Palace Museum with his parents In July. They need to spend yuan. A, 100 B, 120 C, 140( ) 4, If you want to go to Tianan Men Dong, you can take the bus. A, No. 10 B, No.52 C, No. 37( ) 5, You can take the No. 22 bus to get to . A, Shenwu Men B, Wu Men C, Tianan Men XiThe summer vacation is the best part of the year for most of American children. The weather is usually good, so they can have a good time outdoors. If one lives in the countryside, he or she may have fun playing in the woods or fields(田地). If one lives in a city, he or she likes to go to the park to play. Tom, an American boy, enjoys traveling very much. He always travels in his country. Last summer he did something different. He was interested in Chinese history. So he went to Beijing and Xian by plane. He left on the 15th of July and went back to New York on the last day of the month. He had a nice vacation. During that time, he visited places of interest and went shopping. At night, he took walks to enjoy night views(风景). He had a wonderful vacation.( ) 6, The weather in summer in America is usually . A, terrible B, cool C, good( ) 7, Children in the like to play in the park. A, city B, countryside C, town( ) 8, Tom comes from . A, China B, Japan C, America( ) 9, Last summer Tom went to on vacation. A, Japan B, China C, France( ) 10, Tom went back home on . A, July 31st B, July 20th C, July 18th 一, 书面表达。(20分)请你写一篇80词左右的英语短文,描述你印象最深刻的那个假期。包括以下内容,也可适当发挥。1, Where did you go? 2, What did you do?3, How was the weather there? 4, How were the people and the food there?5, What did you think of it? My last vacation


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