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九年级英语全一册词性填空Chapter1 Body language1,。With the development of science and technology, _ is much easier than before. (communicate)1. Who will make a _ at the class meeting? (speak)2. He drove too fast and the car was out of _when he was going around the corner. (control)3. Inside _ is the most important for a person. (beautiful)4. My parents got an _ from one of my cousins to his party. (invite)5. Take care not to be _ to the customers. (polite)6. She is very ill but she looks as _ and happy as ever. (cheer)7. Are you _ now? You look a little tired. (health)8. We all shouted _ (cheer) when we saw the firework in the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics. 9. Can you give me some _ (advise)?10. Mr White is one of the mans _ (employee)11. My mother looks _ (happe). Look! She is cooking _(happy)12. I dont think speech is the only method of _(communicate)13. Thanks for your _ (invite)14. The boy likes to do homework while _ (listen) to music. 15. _ (stare) at others is impolite. 16. -How do you study English ? - By _ (ask) teachers for help. 17. I think the way we say something is _ (important) than the thing we say. 18. _ (speak) is the way of communication. 19. Swan Lake is one of _ (famous) ballets. 20. -_ you even_ (be) to Paris ? -Yes, I have. 21. Your clothes are too dirty. They need _ (wash)22. The coat _ (cost) me 2 yuan last week. 1 communication 2 speech 3 control 4 beauty 5 invitation 6 impolite 7 cheerful 8 healthy 9 cheerfully 10 advice 11 employees 12 happy, happily 13 communication 14 invitation 15 listening 16 Staring 17 asking 18 more important 19 speech 20 the most famous 21 Have, been 22 washing 23 costChapter2 Care for hair1. Short hairstyles usually suit round faces. They make the face look _. (long)2. This film is not _ for kids under 18. (suit)3. The students showed great interest in the scientific experiment and they took an _ part in it. (acitvity)4. They were all _ when they saw the beautiful scenery in the valley. (amaze)5. He tried to please his little sister by making faces, but she didnt seem _(please)6. Before _ in your exercises, you need to check them carefully. (hand)7. A _ mistake cost the company millions of dollars. (care)8. Would you mind _ some room for the old lady? (make )9. This professor is a famous _ in making spaceship. (science)10. Its hard to avoid _ him as it is such a small village. (meet)11. The children are _ (interest) in the book. 12. This is an _ (excite ) film. 13. Listening to music makes me _ (relax)14. How _ (amaze) the film is!15. Im _ (surprise) at the news. 16. Would you mind _ (open) the window?17. My brother studies English by _ (listen) to the tape. 18. I promised _ (buy) a present for my daughter. 19. I enjoy _ (take) photos, but I dont like having my photos _ (take). 20. I think it difficult _ (finish) the work in 2 days. 1. longer 2 suitable 3 active 4 amazed 5 pleased 6 hand 7 careless 8 making 9 scientist 10 meeting 11. interested 12. exciting 13 relaxed 14 amazing 15 surprised 16 opening 17 listening 18 to buy 19 taking taken 20 to finish Chapter 3 Places of interest1. _ in Guilin is also great fun. (cycle)2. The _ that is in charge of all the travel agencies in China is CNTA. (organize)3. An _ girl, slim and beautiful, caught his eye at the party. (attract)4. Mary suggested _ the umbrella with me when it started to rain. (share)5. Shenzhen is also an attraction for _. (tour)6. What _ of cell phone do you prefer, Nokia or Motorola? (make)7. They want to know more about _ in China. (travel)8. Would you please give me an _ of it? (introduce)9. The parcel was returned to the sender because the address was _. (correct)10. _too much fast food is bad for your health. (eat)11. We arrived at the small village _ (final). 12. The Great Wall is a good place _ (visit). 13. The busier my father is, the _ (happy) he is. 14. _ (walk) to the museum took a long time. 15. Dont worry. We ll do what we can _ (help) you. 16. The sick woman needs _ (look) after. 17. Are you better than him at _ (swim)18. Smoking _ ( not allow) in the bus. 19. Would you mind my _ (talk) here?20. When did you get your room _ (paint)1. cycling 2 organization 3 attractive 4 sharing 5 tourists 6 make 7 travelling 8 introduction 9 incorrect 10 Eating 11. Finally 12 to visit 13 happier 14 walking 15 to help 16 looking 17 swimming 18 isnt allowed 19 talking 20 painted Chapter4 What should I do 1. Do you know the topic of the _ at the meeting? (speak)2. Please wash your feet before _ the swimming pool. (enter)3. I find the book quite _ because it doesnt contain any information I want. (help)4. The president has accepted the _ to visit China. (invite)5. I am _ to read your letters. (please )6. Ill strongly _ Eric to apply for that job. Its a wonderful chance for him. (advice)7. Without _ he went into the office of the boss. (hesitate)8. _ between people who speak different languages is difficult. (communicate)9. Please fill out the form with your _ information. (person)10. People in this country can enjoy free _ care. (medicine)11. I made a decision _ (am) a doctor when I grow up. 12. I received an invitation _ (visit ) my old friend. 13. The workers are made _ (work) twelve hours every day. 14. The boy was too frightened _ (speak) in front of the whole class. 15. We dont know what _ (do) with the problem. 16. He agreed to come here without _ (hesitate). 17. He seems _ (is) a doctor. 18. You must persuade your father _ (join) the party. 19. As a student, you should tell your teacher the _ (true). 20. I saw a small boy _ (steal) in a shop. 1 speaker 2 entering 3 unhelpful 4 invitation 5 pleased 6 advise 7 hestation 8 comomunication 9 personal 10 medical 11. to be 12 to visit 13 to work 14 to speak 15 to do 16 hesitation 17 to be 18 to join 19 truth 20 stealing Chapter5 Surpirses at the studio1. There is an _ to the story on the first page of the book. (introduce)2. My brother Angela kept _ the questions right. (get)3. He was very nervous when the teacher asked him to recite the text because he was _ for the lesson. (prepare)4. My parents respect me and believe I can make a better _ on my own, but Id like to listen to their ideas. (choose)5. Do you have to watch it from the _ to the end? (begin)6. The film Day of Dragon will be _ on Friday 28 October at 5: 30 p.m. in Room 36B. (show)7. We were very _ when we knew Tim won the arts and crafts competition. (excite)8. With an MP3 player, you can listen to high-quality music. You no _ have to carry CDs or cassettes with you. (long)9. He had to _ the price to sell the house because he was in great need of money. (low)10. I remember _ the book to her but she said I didnt. (return)11. What _ the word _ (mean)12. He is old enough _ (drive) a car. 13. _ (compare) with watching TV, using DVD is a big step forward. 14. My teacher allows us _ (take) some food into the hall. 15. Your cousin looks much _ (strong) than before. 1 introduction 2 getting 3 unprepared 4 choice 5 beginning 6 shown 7 excited 8 longer 9 lower 10 returning 11 does, mean 12 to drive 13 Compared 14 to take 15 stronger Chapter 6 Food for thought1. Would you mind _ a few questions? (answer)2. The group did a lot of _ research to study DNA of human beings. (science)3. Its not necessary to risk _ alone in the rain forest. (travel)4. -The cost of living will come down. - I _ with this idea because I dont think that is true. 5. Our country is rich in natural resources, _ coal and oil. (include)6. Do you have a _ diet? If not, what can you do to improve your diet? (balance)7. My friend Joan talked _ than before. I wondered what was wrong with her. (little)8. At rush hour, the streets are very _ in the centre of the city. (crowd)9. Ivy stayed _ the whole night after she broke up with her boy friend. (wake)10. Tom was not strong enought and picked the _ apples of all the boys. (few)11. The old man _ (die) for 2 years. 12. The animals have to _ (give) drugs to keep healthy. 13. Its better for you _ (be) a vegetarian. 14. There _ (be) no more hungry people in the future. 15. They were made _ (work) for over 12 hours a day. 16. The _ (improtant) of food is quite clear. 17. We should eat a _ (balance) diet. 18. We each _ (have) a book. 19. Without _ (say) anything, he left the room. 20. Neither Tom nor his friends _ (like) playing soccer. 1 answering 2 scientific 3 traveling 4 disagree 5 including 6 balanced 7 less 8 crowded 9 awake 10 fewest 11. has been dead 12 be given 13 to be 14 will be 15 to work 16 improtance 17 balanced 18 have 19 saying 20 like Chapter 7 A trip to the theatre1. This old temple was _ built in the Tang Dynasty. (original)2. To our _, the fish was still alive though it was fished out by the cat. (surprised)3. After a months repair, the old palace was _ to the public. (open)4. Why is British theatre _ famouse according to the passage? (espacial)5. She has a pair of pretty eyes and looks extremely _ (charm).6. The head teacherreceived some flowers from his students. He looked_ (excite).7. Do you prefer modern music or _ (classic)8. Because of your _ , it is clear to me now. (explain)9. He made the final _ after thinking about it for a whole night. (decide)10. The couple often fought after they got _. At last, they got divorced. (marry)1 original 2 surprise 3 reopened 4 especially 5 charming 6 excited 7 classical 8 explanation 9 decision 10 married Chapter 8 Great minds 1. Einstein received many invitation to explain his theories at different _. (university)2. We visited a _ village in the countryside far from the city. (distance)3. In my opinion, the way she dealt with the matter was _ fair and reasonable. (perfect)4. He described his travel in South America in a _ way. (humour)5. Heavy _ broke out as soon as she finished speaking. (applaud)6. His interest in my work was a great _. (encourage)7. Chairman Mao was one of the greatest _ of China. 8. After all, he s only a child. How can he _ be as strong as a grown-up? (possible)9. Alfred Nobel was a Swedish chemist and the _ of dynamite. (invent)10. This kind of mushroom can be eaten because its _. (harm)11. We all like the boy _ (call) Ben. 12. Its a pleasure _ (go) for a walk with you. 13. I _ (listen) to this piece of music many times. 14. The visitors _ (lead) to many places of interest yesterday. 15. I wish I _ (be) to the Great Wall beofore. 1 universities 2 distant 3 perfectly 4 humorous 5 applause 6 encouragement 7 leaders 8 possibly 9 inventor 10 harmless 11 called 12 to go 13 have listened 14 were led 15 had beenChapter 9 The weird world of plants1 There is an imaninary flower that is known as _ as any real flower. (wide)2. The _ on the trees turn green in spring. (leaf)3. The expriment was much _ than we had expected. (easy)4. Which is _ country, Canada or Australia? (large)5. The fifth orange is _ of all. Give it to that small child. (big)6. Wei Fang is only six, but she speaks English as _ as her mother. (perfect)7. This year they have produced _ grain than they did last year. 8. English is one of _ languages in the world. 9. Therere _ of stars in space. (million)10. He is as _ as his father, the great scientist. (success)11. There are many _ (leaf) on the tree. 12. One of the _ (tall) boy is my borther. 13. A gingko tree _ (discover) in Hebei Province, China. 14. This kind of plants grows _ (slowly) of all the plants. 15. My father often encouages us _ (work) hard. 16. The plant moves _ (quick) than the insect. 17. I can do _ (well) than before. 18. Debbie spoke _ (accurately) than Mary. 19. Tom can jump _ (high) of all the boys. 20. I believe our city will have _ (many) trees and _ (little) pollution than before. 1 widely 2 leaves 3 easier 4 the larger 5 the biggest 6 perfectly 7 less 8 the most important 9 millions 10 successful 11 leaves 12 tallest 13 was discovered 14 the most slowly 15 to work 16 more quickly 17 better 18 more accurately 19 the highest 20 more less Chapter 10 Friend or enemy1 Some snakes bites are _ , arent they? (danger)2. -Would you mind my using your bike? - _ not. (certain)3. She gave us some _ information and it worked indeed. (use)4. Last night, I watched a programme that has _ changed my views on spiders. (complete)5. The children appear _ and happy in the school. (health)6. _ of people were attached by the disease at that time. (million)7. The _ of our environment is very important. (protect)8. Coal and oil are _ products. (nature)9. Water pollution has also increased with our citys _. (develop)10. When I went into the cave at first, I was _ with horror. (fill)11. I am afraid of _ (speak) in front of the class. 12. The spiders stomach is _ (fill) with insects. 13. Silk is _ (strong) than steel and _ (light) than a feather. 14. Dont worry. Your mother appears _ (health)15. There were many _ (enemy) in the village. 16. -How is Ann? - I_ (not see) her for a long time. 17. Will you please _ (give) it to me on Friday?18. Mid- Autumn Day usually _ (come) in September or October every year. 19. Now the students each _ (have ) an English -Chinese dictionary. 20. I dont know if my aunt _ (come). If she _ (come), I ll go with her. 1 dangerous 2 useful 3 Certainly 4 completely 5 healthy 6 Millions 7 protection 8 natural 9 development 10 filled 11 speaking 12 filled 13 stronger lighter14 healthy 15 enemies 16 havent seen 17 give 18 comes 19 have 20 will come, comesChapter 11 Points of view1. The long walk across the desert is _ his strength. (consume)2. Whos in charge of the _ of students in this school? (manage)3. Tree planting can _ prevent sandstorms. (effective)4. What do you think fo the idea little _ are big ones ? (spend)5. He works in an _ company as a vice-director. (advertise)6. I wont go to the concert _ because I have no money to waste. (simple)7. Lower _ levels make it difficult for some people to find good jobs in big cities. (educate)8. Some educators believe children who watch many TV advertisements will become more _ in possessions. (interest)9. The Game is the biggest sports event for _ People. (Asia)10. Its _ for people under 18 to drive cars. (legal)11. We must try our best to make our country _ and _ (beautiful)12. It is illegal for you _ (make) him _ (work) for a long time. 13. Thirty percent of the children _ (be) allowed to stay here. 14. He makes commercials _ (get) the attentions of the young viewers. 15. Weve had several phone calls this morning from _ (advertise)16. In my opinion, more money should _ (spend) on books. 17. We all hope therell be _ (little) pollution in the future. 18. Our teacher made a decision _ (have) a picnic tomorrow. 19. You shouldnt cause your parents _ (worry) about you. 20. We arent _ (permit) to litter everywhere. 1 consuming 2 management 3 effectively 4 spenders 5 advertising 6 simply 7 educational 8 interested 9 Asian 10 illegal 11 more, more beautiful 12 to make, work13 are 14 get 15 advertisement 16 be spent 17 less 18 to have 19 to worry 20 permitted Chapter 12 Job hunting 1. By the end of last week, we had received over a thousand letters of _ for the job. (apply)2. Let me give you my _ card, call me whenever you want! (person)3. We are determined to defend our motherland at all _ (cost)4. When she was called, she walked _ into the interview room. (confident)5. When being interviewed, usually you are _ to give a brief account of your work experience. (require)6. The _ asked the interviewer about the pay for the job. (apply)7. I served _ in a restuarant and put food on the shelves. 8. Since Amy loved _, she deciede to look for a job in a department store. (shop)9. Thank you for _ to see me in the hospital. (come)10. Some deaf and mute people have strong lip-reading _. (able)11. Can you tell me your _ (weak)?12. Im _ (delight) with the boy. 13. Tom, pay attention to your _ (behave)14. You must send your letter of _ (apply) to the company. 15. Dont worry. I ll help you at all _ (cost). 16. If I _ (be) you, Id go to the museum with them. 17. Do what you can _ (help) the girl. 18. He advertised his mother _ (cook) a big dinner for us. 19. You must persuade your brother _ (not stay) up at night. 20. -When _ you _ (bear) ? -On May 2nd1 application 2 personal 3 costs 4 confidently 5 required 6 applicant 7 customers 8 shopping 9 coming 10 ability 11 weakness 12 delighted 13 behaviour 14 application 15 costs 16 were 17 to help 18 to cook 19 not to stay 20 were, born


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