(呼和浩特专用)2022中考英语高分总复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练(五)Modules 1-2(八上)习题

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(呼和浩特专用)2022中考英语高分总复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练(五)Modules 1-2(八上)习题_第1页
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(呼和浩特专用)2022中考英语高分总复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练(五)Modules 1-2(八上)习题_第2页
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(呼和浩特专用)2022中考英语高分总复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练(五)Modules 1-2(八上)习题_第3页
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(呼和浩特专用)2022中考英语高分总复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练(五)Modules 1-2(八上)习题.单项选择1.xx通辽 Since you are danger, why not ask help?A.in; for B.in; to C.with; for D.with; to2.2019原创 Dont make noise, it is impolite to shout in public.A.loud; aloud B.loud; loudly C.aloud; loud D.loudly; loudly3.xx遂宁 Tim, were going to Beijing for vacation. Please some information online.OK.A.look at B.look out C.look after D.look up4.xx达州改编 Could you please offer me some on my research?Yes, sure.A.idea B.message C.suggestion D.advice5.I miss my elder sister very much.She has been abroad for three years but she will be back in a week.Pardon? I about something else just now. will she e back? A.was thinking; How longB.thought; How oftenC.was thinking; How soon D.thought; When 6.Dont forget the lights when you leave the classroom.I wont.A.to turn on B.to turn offC.turning off D.turning on7.The team really looks better because the coach has them every night this week.Practice makes perfect.A.a little bit; practise B.a bit; practising C.a bit of; to practise D.a little; practised 8.I think reading is more important than speaking.I dont agree.Speaking is reading.A.as important as B.less important thanC.the most important D.the same as9.xx 凉山改编 Can I swim in the river?.Look at the sign.It says “No swimming”.A.Its possible B.No doorC.Its impossibleD.No problem10.xx常州 Are you going to try out for the host of the English party? It is such a good chance to improve my spoken English.A.Whats up B.Whats wrong C.Why me D.Why not.完形填空At present, almost everyone has a mobile phone, but have you ever thought that cell phones 11 be bad for your health? A study shows that heavy mobile phone use may cause hearing loss.This study shows that people who use cell phones for about an hour a day have a 12 time hearing some similar sounds, especially in their right ears.It is getting harder for 13 to tell the difference between the sounds of “s” and “f”, and “t” and “z”.Researchers studied 100 people who used cell phones and 14 them with 50 people who did not.The study lasted for 12 months.What the researchers found was that cell phone users had more hearing 15 than those who did not use cell phones.Besides this, our ears have many little 16 inside them.Too much noise will cause these hairs to get weak and 17 die.When these hairs die, it affects our ability to listen.However, cell phone users dont care too much 18 this study.One man said, “Id be more worried about people who 19 MP3 players.They put those earphones in their ears and listen to very 20 music.I think that is more likely to cause hearing loss than a cell phone.”11.A.should B.need C.might D.must12.A.busier B.happier C.harder D.shorter13.A.us B.you C.it D.them14.Apared B.suggested C.showed D.taught15.A.advantages B.problems C.rules D.experiences16.A.noises B.pains C.hairs D.pimples17.A.hardly B.actually C.clearly D.finally 18.A.to B.with C.about D.of19.A.produceB.use C.discover D.see20.A.beautiful B.soft C.loud D.light.xx赤峰阅读理解Believe it or not, my friends often e first in my heart because I want to make them happy.If anyone asks me for help, I always say “Yes!”.“Can you help me with English practice?” Grace asked me on the first day after she became my deskmate.“Of course,” I replied without hesitation.Grace has been working really hard on her studies and she needed my help though I didnt have much time left for her.One day after school, while I was doing lots of homework, Graces phone call came.She plained(抱怨) a lot and it made me feel bored, but I still felt bad about saying no.When Grace ended the call, it was 00:15 a.m.But I still had homework left and I wanted to sleep.This was bad for a junior high school student in Grade Three who is going to take an important exam this June.Finally I began to cry.I felt so tired and realized that the stress had an effect on my health.I tried to get myself out.Studying is more important than other things, so Grace has to e second.Its now important for me to say no, no, no.“Can you give me a hand?” Grace asked.“SorryI just have to review my chemistry notes,” I answered.“All right, its up to you,” she said.I felt pletely relaxed when I heard her reply. Anyway, its not so hard to say no at all.To be honest, I have felt much happier since learning to refuse.I have more time to spend on my study at present.I still try my best to help others, but sometimes I say no because I know everyone has a limit.21.At first the writer always said “Yes!” because .A.he wanted to make his friends happy B.he had nothing to doC.he was working hard D.he replied without thinking it over22.Whats the meaning of the underlined word “hesitation”?A.思考B.想象C.犹豫D.欺骗23.The writer thought was more important than other things as a junior high school student in Grade Three.A.asking for helpB.studyingC.playing football D.saying yes24.Which is TRUE according to the passage?A.Grace had no time to study chemistry. B.They often stayed up too late.C.The writer felt pletely relaxed after he said no to Grace.D.They shouldnt help each other.25.What does the writer want to tell us?A.To learn to keep healthy. B.Helping others is more important.C.Learning to say yes is interesting.D.We should learn to refuse.日常对话A: Dad, we were told to collect some information about Fuzhou Subway. 26.B: Sure.Its reported that Subway Line 1 will have its test run at the end of this year.A: Great! 27.B: It has a total length of 29.2 kilometres.A: How many stations are there?B: 28. And it connects four main areas of the city from the north to the south.A: Then how about the ticket price?B: Well, it still remains unknown. 29.A: Hope not. 30.A.How long is it? B.When will it be put into use? C.It covers 24 stations.D.But I hope the ticket wont be expensive.E.Would you please tell me something about it? F.Does it cover many stations? G.Im looking forward to taking the subway to school! .xx荆门改编阅读理解填词Reading is important in our daily life.But have you ever thought what we read 31.f, information or skills? How do we feel when we read, excited or upset? We read word by word aloud and think about them.Is that enough? I think reading is more than 32.p or thinking about words. 33.RTheReader, a very popular TV programme, has been staged(上演) in the form of reading.Its a 34.n reading programme.Dong Qing works 35.a both a hostess and a producer.TheReader hopes to tell us 36.w the world is like and it takes us to see the beautiful world by reading.The show has invited some influential(有影响力的) guests who have rich experiences and touching stories, like Ni Ping, Wang Yuan from TFBOYS and Yao Chen.“Reading touches peoples hearts” is the slogan(口号) of TheReader. What it wants to 37.s isnt reading skills but real feelings.They are what touches the audience(观众) most.“I have long thought about working on a programme related to(与有关) the human spirit; so far TheReader has 38.b a turning point in my career in hosting and the programme has brought me quite a huge challenge,” said Dong Qing.TheReader is of great 39.i to the audience and Chinese culture.It also tells us if we understand what we are reading; we will know what reading really is and will bee better 40.r.参考答案.1.A2.B3.Dlook at意为“看”;look out意为“小心”;look after意为“照顾”;look up意为“查阅”。根据空格后面的宾语“some information online”可知此处表示上网查阅信息。故选D。4.D本句中有some,后接可数复数名词或者不可数名词。idea, message, suggestion均为可数名词,且为单数形式。故选D。5.C6.Bforget to do sth.意为“忘记做某事(表示事情未做)”;turn off意为“关掉”。根据句意“当你离开教室时,不要忘记关灯”可知应选B。7.A8.A9.C标识牌上写着“禁止游泳”。由此可以知道在这里游泳是不可能的。故选C。10.D.1115CCDAB1620CDCBC.主旨大意 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述的是作者把朋友情谊看得非常重要,起初对朋友提的各种要求都毫不犹豫地答应,结果让自己身心疲惫。后来作者学会了拒绝别人的请求,生活变得轻松起来,也给自己的学习腾出了更多的时间。通过这个故事我们可以认识到:不要一味地答应别人的所有请求,要学会对别人适当地拒绝。21.A细节理解题。根据第一段中的“my friends often e first in my heart because I want to make them happy.If anyone asks me for help, I always say Yes!.”可知,无论什么情况,作者都对朋友提出的请求表示同意,是因为他想要让他的朋友们开心。故选A。22.C词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句的上文“my friends often e first in my heart”可知,作者把朋友放在内心最重要的位置,因此他对朋友提出的请求,都会毫不犹豫地答应。故猜测画线词意为“犹豫”。故选C。23.B细节理解题。根据第二段的最后“This was bad for a junior high school student in Grade Three who is going to take an important exam this June.”以及第三段中的“Studying is more important than other things”可知,作者认为对于初三学生来说,没有事情比抓紧学习,为6月份的重要考试做准备更重要了。故选B。24.C细节理解题。根据第四段最后两句“I felt pletely relaxed when I heard her reply. Anyway, its not so hard to say no at all.”可知,当作者对Grace提出的要求拒绝之后,他感觉非常轻松。故选C。25.D观点态度题。通读全文可知,本文通过作者自从学会拒绝别人的请求后,感到心情非常轻松、开心这一情况,旨在告诉我们:在生活中应该学会适当地拒绝别人的请求。故选D。.2630EACDG.31.for32.pronouncing33.Recently34.national35.as36.what37.show38.bee39.importance40.readers


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