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编辑:ZZUnit1 ParentsA:“Today is Mothers Day, what present have you prepared for our mother?B: Oh, my god! I have forgotten it. But I think its a great idea that we say to mum We love you, love you always, love you for your greatness, love you forever A: Great! How can you come up with such a good idea? B:Oh, in fact I have seen the advertisements of how to express our love to mother on TV last night. A: Really? Perfect! Lets think together how to say love . Quickly, Anna!Unit2 CoincidenceA:What a coincidence! The boat races is going to be held at the Kunming Lake later, lets go and watch.B: They are crowded across the lake. They are so lively! Are these boats over there called dragon boats?A: Yeah. The boat races is held annually all over China and is a celebrated tradition.B:The dragon boats look very interesting. Whats the boat race for?A: To memorize ancient the patriotic poet -Qu Yuan. When he jumped in the river, people tried to rescue him by rowing their boats out into the water.B: It comes to me. Chinese people who live abroad organize their own dragon boat races every year.Unit 4 MarriageA: Mary and I are going to married next week.B: Thats wonderful! Congratulations to you !A: Thank you. We would love you to come to our wedding.B: Id love to .What date is that?A: Its June 19th.B: What day is the 19th?A: Its Saturday.Could you afford the time?B: Yes, sure. What time will the wedding begin?A: At 9:30.B: Very good. Im looking forward to it.And I wish you the best of luck!A: Thank you very much.Unit5 YouthA: Judy, do you have some time? I want to talk to you. B: OK, mum.A: You didnt get scholarship last term.B: Yes, I know, I think I tried all my efforts but still failed, I am stupid. A: No, never despise yourself. You are great and capable of achieving great things so believe in yourself. You are the best in my heart and you can prove it to other people.B: Thank you, mum.Unit6 StressA: Stress is a really sensitive topic, but well try to have fun talking about it.B:Yes.A: So, first, were going to talk about the things that cause stress, so stress factors. Right?B: Yeah. What causes people to feel stress in Canada?A: You know, stress can come from so many different things depending on the person, but there are generally some things that stress people out more than others. So, sometimes people get stressed out from a big event in their lives, like planning a wedding or planning a big trip.Unit8 EnvironmentA: How to controlenvironmental pollution or the sake of peoples health?B: There are many methodsadopted by the government. But it is pretty hard.A: Why is that?B: Somepurification(净化,提纯)devices are not so effective. Some effective devices are so expensive that manufacturers cant even afford.A: Then why not consider reducing someheavy industries?B: Almost impossible! China is a developing country and needs heavy industries to increase its GDP.Unit9 Single currencyA:CanIhelpyou?B:Yes.Idliketochangesomemoney.A:Yes,madam.B:WhatstheexchangerateofRMBtoUSdollartoday?A:6.92yuantothedollar.B:Itsthesameastwoweeksago.A:Thatsright.Theexchangerateherehasbeenquitestablethoughitssubjecttoalteration.B:Isee.Idliketochange500USdollarsA:Youwanttochange500USdollars.Sothatwillbe3460Yuan?Whatdenominationswouldyoulike?B:100Yuannoteswouldbebetter.Bytheway,couldIbuysomegoldcoinshere?A:Imsorry,notatthiswindow.Youhavetogotowindow19.B:Thatsallright.Illdothatafterthis.A:Yes,madam.Hereare41onehundredYuannotes,onefiftyYuannoteandonetenYuannote.Andhereisyourreceipt.Pleasekeepthemsafe.Unit10 CinemaA: what do you think about the movie?B:Oh! no doubt. it definitely deserve to be get into the first-rate movie club !A: then what about the character development?B: I have to admit that it isnt very strong. A: yep! I totally on your side . I think the weak characterization has something to do with the casting .B: no. the casting is not the point. I think the screen play should take full responsibilityA: alright .but the acting really pissed me off .its so poor.B: you wrong ! its rather poor . A: its the lines satisfied you? B: its too boring. like I said . its a poor written screen play and dont contains too many interesting or witty lines. A: anyway . the heroine attracted my attention .she is so hot . B: yep! but youd better stop dreaming!Unit13 InventionA: Today we are going to talk about a great invention. It looks like a human being. What is it?B: Its a robot. It appeared several centuries ago, didnt it?A: Of course not. The first robot was invented in 1921.B: Can it do some washing?A: Sure. They can take the place of humans to do some boring work. They can also do a lot of dangerouswork instead of humans.B: E. Will robots be the same as people?A: No. Robots can do a lot of work instead of people in many ways, but people wouldnt be replaced byrobots. Is that clear?B: We get it.Unit14 WomanA:Jane,who do you think need more care?Men or women? B:Women! A:Why?Dont you think that men should get more care?B:You must be joking,Jack!A:I do think that men work harder than women do,so it is a privilege for men to get more care.Dont you agree?B:Not real.As far as I am concerned,women is helpless without the care from men.第 4 页 共 4 页


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