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TextOnce a year,a race is held for old cars. (held 是hold 的过去分词)be held, 被召开,被举行once a year,每年一次,一年一次once a week ,一星期一次once a month,一个月一次once(一次-twice(两次-three times(三次)-four times(四次)once or twice 一两次once 曾经eg We once lived in San Francisco. 我们曾经住在旧金山。A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began.enter for 参加(比赛,考试)join in参加take part in参加handsome adj (指男子)好看的,漂亮的,英俊的,相貌堂堂的egHe is a very handsome young man. 他是一个非常清秀的年轻人。pretty/beautifuladj (指妇女或儿童)很漂亮的eg good-looking adj 好看的(复合词),即可以修饰女子,也可以修饰男子eg one of +(pl.n. 之一The most unusual car was a Benz which had only three wheels.the most unusual 最不寻常的Built in 1885,it was the oldest car taking part.taking part现在分词短语作定语修饰car take part 参加take part in+(宾语)参加比赛,同意短语有,join in/ enter foreg The professor took no small part in thedispute. 在那次争论中,这位教授参与不少。take place (必要事件)发生be held 被召开,举行occur/happen (偶然事件)发生egThe next race will take place in a years time. 下次比赛一年以后举行。After a great many loud explosions, the race began.一阵轰鸣之后,比赛开始了。a great many +(pl.许多,大量。修饰复数名词break down,抛锚, 出故障eg The telephone system has broken down. 电话系统出故障了。eg We broken down on the motorway. 我们在高速公路上抛锚了。break v 休息Many of the cars broke down on the couse and some drivers spent more time under their cars than in them!excitement 是不可数名词,用great deal修饰The most unusual car was a Ben,是一辆什么样的Benz 呢?which had only three wheels 定语从句(只有三个轮子),修饰Benz.built in 1885, 过去分词短语做状语,表示原因。相当于as it was built in 1885 (因为他建造于1885年). 可以还原成一个原因状语从句。One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost. 最漂亮的汽车之一是劳斯莱斯银铃系列的车She used to be very pretty as a child. She is now a beautiful woman. 孩提时代她很漂亮,现在她是一个漂亮的女子了。She is a very good-looking girl, and her boy friends good-looking too. 她是个好看的女孩子,她的男朋友也很好看。Once a year, a race is held for old cars. A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal ofexcitement just before it began. One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost. The most unusualcar was a Benz which had only three wheels. Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part. After a great manyloud explosions, the race began. Many of the cars broke down on the course and some drivers spent more timeunder their cars than in them! A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed offorty miles an hour much faster than any of its rivals. It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver hada lot of trouble trying to stop it. The race gave everyone a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from moderncar races but no less exciting.eg Give me a break! 够了!住嘴!without a break 好不休息地同义词 brake breikn 刹车,闸put on the brakes 踩刹车spend v 花(钱,时间,精力)于spend sth on+n 把(时间,金钱,精力)花在上eg He spent all his saving on a new car.他把所有的积蓄花光买了一辆新车。eg He spent 50 dollars at the supermarket.在超市里面,他花了50美元。spend(in doing sth 花(时间/金钱)做. ;度过eg I spent a month in Switzerland last summer. 去年夏天我在瑞士待了一个月。eg How did you spend your summer vacation? 你的暑假时怎么度过的?eg I spent it (in reading and fishing. 我看书和钓鱼了。however 在中间做插入语.of forty miles an hour后置定语,修饰speed. reach vt 到达,达到,达成,伸出手;拿到eg We will reach Beijing tonight. 我们今晚将到达北京。Reach 是及物动词,后边直接加地点。eg He reached the end of the novel. 他读完这本小说了。eg I cant reach the shelf.我够不到那个架子。arrive viat, arrive in/arrive ateg much faster than any of its rivals.much修饰比较级faster ,表示快的多,表程度的much hotter 热的多much more expensive 远远贵的多much slower 慢的多eg She is much better today. 她今天好多了。much 也能修饰最高级eg eg My favorite is usually much the most expensive.我最喜爱的通常是最贵的。much faster than any of its rivals. any做代词,表示任何一个,用于肯定句。eg I think any of his movies would interest you. 我想他的任何一部电影都会让你感兴趣的。eg Any of you can apply for the job. 任何一个人都可以申请这份工作。It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it.at the end of在结束时,在的尽头at the begining of在开始时,在的开头in the end,最后,终于= at lastby the end of在结束之前= before the end ofhave trouble in doing sth做有困难eg He has no trouble in operating the new machine.他操作这台新机器毫无困难。pleasure 是不可数名词,用great deal of 修饰was different from 与大不相同not lessthan 不亚于,不少于eg no lessthan 与一样,不比差(强调比较双方程度都很高)eg no less than 以上, 至少,相当于 at least用法some drivers spent more time under their cars than in them! 一些司机花在车下面 的时间比在车里的时间还要多。under 和in 在文中表示强烈的对比,有讽刺意味,要重读。A few cars,however,complete the race. The winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour-much faster thanany of its rivals.必须用介词in 或at, 城市,国家,省份等大地方用in, 车站,港口,机场村庄等小地方She is not less charming than her daughter. 她的魅力不亚于她的女儿。 这句话暗含Her daught may not be verycharming. 可能她的女儿不是很有魅力。That was much the best meal Ive ever tasted. 那是我吃过最好的一餐了。Best 表示最好的,用much 起强调作用。The race gave everyone a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less excoting.We arrived in New York yesterday. We arrived at the station in good time. 我们们昨天到达纽约,并赶到了车站。A dolphin is no less a clever animal than a dog is.海豚和狗一样都是很聪明的动物. (这里表示both are clever,都很聪明)no more than 以下, 充其量,至多,相当于 at most用法eg Exercises1A lot of cars entered for this rece. There were cars in it.A much 许多,只能修饰不可数名词B lot of 不是争取的表达方式,应该是a lot of或者是lots ofC lots of相当于题干中的 a lot of用法D planty 充足,plenty of是一个短语“足够的”,可修饰可数名词及不可数名词A It built意义不完整,不能构成一个独立的句子B Built 意义不完整,不能构成一个独立的句子C It was builtD Having built意义不完整,不能构成一个独立的句子3It went faster than any of its rivals. It went faster than its A opponents n 对手,敌手,反对者;指同某人对立的敌方B enemies n 敌人C competitors n 竞争者,对手,指比赛中的竞争者D partners n 伙伴,合作者,舞伴A In the case of在事件中B In the event of在事件中C In the course of为固定词组,“在过程中,在期间”D In the way of在方法中谚语:1Love is blind.爱情是盲目的。爱情使人对缺点视而不见2Love me,love my dog.爱屋及乌4 the discussion the issue of equal pay for woman was raised. 在讨论过程中,关于给予妇女同等薪酬的问题被提了出来。2 in 1885, so it was the oldest car in the race. 这是一个用连词so 连接,表示结果的并列句。因此前半句就应该是一个有主谓结构的句子。He has no less than 200 dollars. 他至少有200美元。


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