单片机 电气工程及其自动化 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 单片机的休眠运算复位和抗干扰能力完善

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单片机 电气工程及其自动化 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 单片机的休眠运算复位和抗干扰能力完善_第1页
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单片机 电气工程及其自动化 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 单片机的休眠运算复位和抗干扰能力完善_第2页
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单片机 电气工程及其自动化 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 单片机的休眠运算复位和抗干扰能力完善_第3页
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英文资料Single-Chip Microcomputer dormancy computing reset and the anti-interference ability is perfectAbstract:Introduce a kind of dormancy of using- restore to the throne in the operation way and improve the anti-interference ability method of the one-chip computer,Analyse its scope of application, provide and use the circuit concretely; Combine the instance, analyze the characteristic of the hardware and software design under these kind of operation way.Keyword: Single-Chip Microcomputer Restore to the throne, dormancy, anti-interference Preface: With the development at full speed of the micro electric technique, the performance of the one-chip computer improves rapidly, demonstrate the outstanding advantage in the operation, logic control, intelligent respect, replaced and enlarged the measuring that the circuit made up, control circuit by digital logical circuit, operation originally to a great extent, use very extensively. But because it have system halted, procedure run critical defect of flying etc, make it limit in a lot of important application of occasion. A lot of technology in anti-interference , for example set up the software trap, add the hardware to guard the gate in dogs circuit etc, can make this problem have better settlement, but still the existing problem: Guard the gate dog at the movement, mean and appear mistake already and run some time, this is not allowed in some occasions; Procedure appear circulation mistake very much sometimes, but just guard the gate dog control link include and enter, adopt and guard the gate as to such a mistake dog unable to discern; In measure and control cycle among the long system, one-chip computer spend wait for the peripheral hardware a large amount of time, will be interfered too when carry out and wait for the order. To these situations, we have tried the method restored to the throne voluntarily in practice, alternate pulse of adopting etc or restore to the throne waking according to external terms to the one-chip computer up. After being restored to the throne each time, the one-chip computer carries out the corresponding procedure, enters dormancy in time after finishing carrying out the task, wait to be restored to the throne neatly. Have solved above-mentioned problems well with this method, and has got better result in the agricultural voltage transformer comprehensive protector experiment. Now take 51 serial one-chip computers as an example and probe into the concrete principle and implementation method, restored to the throne the signal as the high level. 1 A principle and implementation method 1.1 Unconditional regular reset Use timer, special clock chip or other pulse generator in a certain part of the regular produce reset signal. This method is especially suited for measuring instrument; this kind of method is especially suitable for the measuring instrument. In not running actually, sample the analog quantity of introduction with A/D converter often, then store showing. This course is very fast, but steady for reading, the data per second are only upgraded 1 -2 times, a large amount of time of CPU is used for waiting. Let CPU carry out and enter dormancy directly after the task , restore to the throne and wake by external world up It carry out the next operation, this is to restore to the throne the law regularly In this way can make anti-interference ability strengthen greatly , have 2 points mainly: . At the dormancy, procedure stop run can appear PC indicator disorderly procedure that causes run and fly. Work time in dormancy proportion 1:9, that is to say 1 s have 0.1 time of s used for measuring, sending off showing, there is time dormancy of 0.9s, the probability that the procedure is interfered is 1/10 while running at full speed, whole anti-interference ability raise by 10 times. Because every 1s is restored to the throne once unconditionally, once present the system halted during a job, can certainly resume when restored to the throne next time. As to only instrument that show, some reading mistake that 1s appear accidentally there is no memory to the next measurement, be could bear, belong to “pass mistake. This kind is restored to the throne the advantage of dogs circuit for guarding the gate regularly, first, change waiting time into a dormancy state, time to shorten and may be interfered; Second, avoided happening that the dog controls the death circulation of the link to include guarding the gate. 1.2 The external condition is restored to the throne the law Some arrival that export or measure is controlled by the outside. For instance, the hot form of heating, rotate the pulse produced and calculate heat by hot water wheels, there is no hot water to flow, there is no heat to export, CPU only need in fact keep number value, do not need to count. Can imagine hot water wheels rotate when parking warm , CPU idle in will it be will it be one season autumn spring and summer, If let dormancy its , measure have water wheels pulse constantly, anti-interference ability can strengthen greatly. So, so long as link up the restoring to the throne of the pulse of the water wheels and CPU, the water wheels rotate a circle each time, CPU is restored to the throne once, hot form can work normally , this is restored to the throne the law by the external condition . Similar application have half electron kilowatt-hour meter , go on one count just when the machinery degree wheels and transfers to a circle, users do not need the electricity, CPU has been knowing the dormancy all the time . The restoring to the throne in the interval not to be regular, but confirmed according to the external condition of this method. In some occasions, the time of the dormancy will be very long, very effective to improving anti-interference ability. 2 The hardware realizes the main point 2.1 Restored to the throne regularly unconditionallyGenerally it has 2 kinds of methods. Use the timer or the special-purpose clock chip to be restored to the throne. Fig1, in order to use the timing circuit that 555 circuit makes up; Can use the clock chips of X1126, etc, wake CPU up with the alarm signal after setting up warning time. This kind of method is suitable when the long interval is made, can also follow the result of this operation ,determine to wake time up in alarm next time temporarily, very flexible and convenient. The signal of using the system to be inherent is as reducing the pulse regularly. Use 50Hz worker power make reducing after having a facelift frequently, already omit the timer, gathered the corresponding signal for the phase place which measured the electric current signal at the same time, as Fig. 2 shows. 2.2 External conditions are restored to the throneSend external condition pulse to and is restored to the throne the end son after having a facelift. To that above-mentioned water wheels or the ammeter spend a pulse produced, can use Schmitts trigger to have a facelift; For writing down the instrument of the biggest or minimum,can use the window comparator. In order to realize the electrification that is regulated,can use the electronic electric potential device, establish upper and lower limits with the order of the one-chip computer. 2.3 Reduce cycle and restored to the throne the high electricity at ordinary times In Fig3, restored to the throne the signal during high level Tr, the one-chip computer is in the state of restoring to the throne, the procedure does not run, anti-interference ability is the strongest; After the high level, the one-chip computer begins to hold the conduct procedure. That is to say, are restored to the throne and suitable for the time that the procedure carries out during the low level Td of the signal, this time should be greater than the execution cycle of the procedure each time. It is restore to the throne cycle and restore to the throne high level of signal take empty than very much important to choose rationally. As to simple to show instrument, restore to the throne cycle determine data break cycle, low electricity is it measure, hence over all time shown to greater than to want at ordinary times; otherwise, it cant present forever the mistake of the intact executive program. Monolithic integrated circuit in Ts and Tr period all can effectively the antigambling, but is best the unnecessary time arrangement in Tr. When the program time is long, as far as possible the request reduces Tr,it may join the differentiating circuit, like chart 1 center C30, R26, D9.2.4 Have the electricity to measure and restore to the throne manually Some systems in its initialization and run-time need first electrical impulses. Restored to the throne and already become the beginning condition of normal running each time while adopting the way of restoring to the throne to run, it is unable to distinguish and have the electricity for the first time. In some pin connects the electric capacity of one Leif to the ground, measure this pin after being restored to the throne, if low level to have electricity for the first time. Give system set up one restore to the throne button, that is to say a common one manual to restore to the throne, this button is not joined and being restored to the throne in the end, is connected in parallel in the electric capacity both ends to the ground of above-mentioned pins.Result: Conclusion Anti-interference is an important problem in an electronic design, especially Important in the one-chip computer. This is because the one-chip computer has procedures to run particularity that flies, the consequence that it is interfered may be the system halted, may send out various kinds of mistakes or illegal movements before the system halted too, make the whole system produce the mortality mistake. So, only guarantee it is not enough yet for one-chip computer not to crash, study how to reduce the risk interfered, it can befault-toierant how is it after and make mistakes. This text is it act as some exploration from two these to try hard, hope these elementary opinions can play some function of casting a brick to attract jade, helpful to everybody; Hope to every colleague explore together, improve our design level together.中文翻译单片机的休眠运算复位和抗干扰能力完善摘要:介绍了一种通过运算复位来改善抗干扰能力的重复使用的单片机,分析其适用范围,提供和分析其所使用的电路,结合实例分析在某些运行方式下的软硬件设计。关键词: 单片机复位,休眠,反干扰前言: 随着微电子技术迅速开展,单片机性能也得到迅速提高。智能维护逻辑控制电路取代了以往的测量电路的数字逻辑控制电路,并将其开展。这操作被扩展到更大的范围,并得到广泛使用。因为它有系统的停顿,所以运行程序有致命缺陷在许多重要场合受到限制。很多反干扰技术例如有软件隔栏;将硬件的接口放入狗的电路中等等可以使这一问题的到很好的解决,但仍然存在着问题: 连接狗的电路运行时好时坏,这是在某些场合是不允许的。 程序时常出现很多电路错误,仅仅是狗的连接环节也会时常出现无法识别的错误。 在测量和控制周期之间的时间长时,单片机要花费大量时间等待周边其他硬件,在运算处理等待命令时它将会受到太多的干扰,对于这些情况,在实践中我们已经尝试过主动复位的方法,采用后续脉冲外界条件触发单片机工作。在每次复位后单片机将进行相应的程序,执行命令后立即进入休眠,为下次复位做好准备,用此种方法很好的解决了上述的问题,在农业电压互感器综合保护装置实验中得到很好的效果。现在用51系列单片机作为一个例子,并具体探讨高电平复位的原理和实施方法。1 原理和实施方法1.1 无条件定期复位使用定时器,专用时钟芯片或其它脉冲发生器在某一局部定期产生复位信号。这种方法尤其适合于测量仪器。在这种运行中,模拟量通过A/D转换器后并将其存入显示。这当然是非常快的,但在稳定的运行中,数据每秒只有1-2倍的提高,在大量的时间内CPU是用来等待让CPU的工作并工作后进入休眠,复位和外界条件触发CPU执行下次指令,这就是复位,这样才能使抗干扰能力大大加强。其有两个主要内容: 在休眠程序停止运行时可以出现CP机指示无序的程序。工作时间与休眠时间比例为1:9,那就是说1秒内有0.1秒时间是用于测量,传送,显示,有0.9秒时间是休眠。这概率也就是说一程序在全速运行时间只有十分之一的干预时间,整个抗干扰能力提高十倍。 因为是每秒的复位,一旦无条件或目前的工作运行停止,下一个周期一定能够实现恢复复位。至于唯一的数据显示,虽然有些读入数据在1秒内出现错误但对下次测量没有影响或可以承受的都属于可忽略的错误。这种复位的好处是狗的电路在定期控制着。首先,改工作到休眠状态的时间,并有可能干预,二是可以防止发生该狗门电路的控制导致接口连接不畅。1.2 外部条件复位法局部进入是由外界控制的,举例来说,加热升温供暖的旋转脉冲产生,并计算有热水车轮产生的热量,没有热水流量也没有热出口量时中央处理器只需要在事实上使用的数值,也不用计数。可以想象热水车轮转动时保持温度,CPU空闲,它可能会有高温情况,如果让其有休眠情况,并衡量水车脉冲不间断,其反干扰能力可以得到大大的加强。所以,只要把复位的脉冲水车轮和CPU连接其来,水车轮每转一圈CPU复位一次,供暖才能正常进行,这就是复位法的外部条件。类似的专利申请有一半是电子电度表,正当机械程度车轮和转移到一个循环时用户不需要用电,此时中央处理器已经知道所有的休眠时间。该复位无规律间隔出现,但它被证实了是有根据的外部条件方法。在某些场合,时间的休眠会很长,但更有效的提高了抗干扰能力。2 硬件的具体主要点2.1 定期无条件复位一般有两种方法: 使用定时器或特殊用途的时钟芯片来复位或使用由555电路组成的时钟电路可以使用时钟芯片的X1126等设立预警时间后通过报警信号唤醒CPU。这种方法适用于间隔时间比拟长的情况下,还可以按照对这次行动结果,快速确定下次唤醒的时间,非常灵活方便 信号的固定使用制度是为降低脉冲定时性。50Hz电力使用后已经省略定时器,在同一时间内聚结相应的信号相位,其中包括测量电流信号。2.2 外部条件复位发送外部条件脉冲复位后立刻有了新的进展。在这上面提到的水车轮或电流表产生脉冲也可以使用施密特的触发代替会有个新的效果。可以利用窗口比拟器得到仪器的最大最小值。为了实现电子化即标准,可以使用电子电气设备的潜力,也可以通过常规单片机来制定上限下限。2.3 在日常生活中减少周期和复位的用电量复位信号在高层次的TR和单片机是在程序不运行时抗干扰能力是最强的,之后高层次的单片机开始进行执行程序。这就是说,复位也适合在这一段程序的低层次TD信号进行,这个时候时间应该大于执行周期的每个程序时间。这是复位周期的复位高电平采取占空比的非常重要的选择理由。以简单的显示工具来确定复位周期数据打破原周期,低电平就是它的措施,有时其会超过平常任何时候所表现出来的数据,否那么目前完整执行方案永远是错的。单片集成电路在TS和TR时期里都可以有效的抗干扰,但最好是不必要的时间安排TR。当程序的时间很长,尽量要求降低TR,可以参加电路鉴别。2.4 具有电力测量,手动复位有些系统在它初始化和运行时还是需要第一次电脉冲。复位造成一开始正常运行的状况,对每个时间而采用的复位方法来说,它是无法识别第一次电脉冲的。在复位后测量这些引脚如果第一次测量是低电平那么一些引脚是连接电容后接地。给系统设置一个复位按钮,那就是说一个共同的复位,此按钮是不是参加复位,要看最后并联在电容两端的引脚接地情况。结果:反干扰是电子设计中的重要问题,尤其是在单片机中。这是因为单片机程序运行的特殊性所导致的。干预可能导致该系统停止运行,也可能引发个种错误或非法转移,使整个系统产生死机的错误。就这么一说对单片机整个开展来说是不够的,我们要研究如何降低干扰风险,使它完善以减少不必要的错误。这文章只是充当一些探索,从这两个方面努力,希望这些小小的建议,可以发挥一些效果,铸造抛砖引玉,帮助大家,也希望每为同时共同探讨,提高我们设计水平。


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