二年级英语下册 Unit 7Is it a pear(6)教案 北师大版

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二年级英语下册 Unit 7Is it a pear(6)教案 北师大版Teaching Aims:1Can use the sentences and write the words correctly.2The students like to learn English.3The students can be ask and answer the dialogue.Teaching Emphasis: Use “Whats this?” in the dialogue. And answer it.Emphasis sentence: Is it a? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.Teaching Difficulty:The children can read and write the words.Teaching step:一、Greetings. 二、Presentation. Step 1 Trace the words 1Hold up the card for banana. Ask “What is it?” Elicit from the students, It is a banana. 2Have the students open their books at page 8.Draw their attention to the first sentences. Say, we are going to write what I said just now. 3T: Watch me write the word. Stand with my back to the class. Write the word in the air, using large arm movements. 4Ask the students to write the word in the air after me. Repeat it. 5Have the students turn to the “Trace the words” activity in their books. 6Have the students trace over other words by themselvesStep 2 Find and circle 1. Display my book. Point to each picture in turn and say the matching word. Ask, what is this? And have the Ss circle the word. 2. Repeat the procedure for the other pictures of fruit. 3. Put the Ss into pair, tell them that they must find the other fruits names in the puzzle and circle them out. Step 3 Uncle Books blackboard 1. Hold up the card, what and this, read it to the Ss, point to the words as I read them. 2. Have the Ss repeat the words after teacher. 3. Now explain the meaning of this sentence. 4. In the same way, review Is it and introduce It is. 5. Now have Ss opened the book, model the structures by reading. 6. Divide the class into two groups. Have one group repeat the question, and for the other group repeat the answer. Have the group change places. Step 4 Guess and say. 1. Have the students practice saying the sentences of this unit. 2. Display my book, and explain that when I point to a fruit, I will ask a child to guess and say. 三、Homework Ask students to finish tracing words on page 8. 教学后记:通过实物教学 (水果) 学生能很快直接地接受新词的意思,该课新知识都是学生在日常生活中比较熟悉的,通过实物或卡通形式来激发学生的学习兴趣,在复习中也能提高学习的积极性。附送:2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 7Is it a pear(7)教案 北师大版教学目标:1.通过Talk together的对话练习继续复习询问某种物品名称的句型、单词,及肯定回答和否定回答。2.通过听录音,体会复音字母b、p的发音。教学重点:1.通过听录音,复习询问某种物品名称的句型、单词,及肯定回答和否定回答。2.体会复音字母b、p的发音。教学难点:根据复音字母的发音,来填写单词的首字母。课型:新授教学准备:师:卡片、录音机、磁带。生:每人带一种水果。教学过程:复习引入;a)师生问好,组织教学。b)用卡片复习单词句型。(1)教师依次举起每张教学卡片,问学生:“Is it a (nut)?”引导学生说:“Yes, it is.”(2)依次举起每张教学卡片,教师问:“Whats that?”引导学生说:“Its a pear.”(3)选一个学生依次举卡片,教师问:“Whats that? Is it a (nut)?”故意说错水果名称。让学生回答:“No, it isnt. Its a (lemon).”3.呈现操练:a)Talk togetherStudent Book page 6(1)教师将自己书的这一页展示给学生,让他们注意书的上半部。A学生看书,教师询问:图中有几个人,图中还有什么?B他们会谈论什么话题呢?估计:学生会说出送礼物。但用英语不会说。对策:1教师教礼物单词gift礼物,认读gift,指名读,2读句子,its gift from my father .C让学生猜猜什么礼物?估计:学生有的单词不会说,如帽子、裙子、玩具对策:在学生不会的地方帮助说,主要练习 isit?的句子。D学生做肯定回答,或否定回答估计:学生在isnt不会读对策:1教师示范读isnt,学生跟读。2教师讲解isnt=is not,告诉学生他们的意思相同,但读法不同。3学生读no ,it isnt.(2)教师引导学生读一读说过的话,让学生指着相应的单词,让学生跟读。(3)听录音,学生跟读对话。(4)俩人一组练习talktogether 的对话。(5)俩人展示读。小游戏:教师宣布游戏规则:两人为一组,一名同学蒙上眼睛,另一名学生拿出自己带的水果,通过摸、闻等方法,利用学过的句型来猜一猜。 小组游戏。b)Listen and numberStudent Book page 6(1)引导学生观察书上的六幅图片,看一看图片上的水果各是什么。 (2)教师告诉学生他们将要把每组句子的顺序号写在图上。 (3)放录音,每次放两句话,每两句话放完后暂停。问学生:“哪幅图与这两句话相匹配?”让学生指出相匹配的图。 (4)再次放录音,这次让学生按听到的顺序给图片标顺序号。c)Sounds and letterStudent Book page 7(1)教师出示第七页所示的单词卡片,引导学生认一认,读一读。(2)放录音,引导学生听一听。(3)放单词baby、ball、book、bag,请学生听一听字母b的发音。(4)指生回答,师生共同总结出字母b发/b/的音。(5)用同一中方法来总结字母p的发音。4、Listen and writeStudent Book page 7(1)让学生看下半页的两行图,把这一页给学生展示。(2)师生用句型“Whats this? Its a peach.”来进行问答。(3)听录音,让学生看图下方的单词。问:“Which letter is missing?”引导学生回答字母p。(4)再放录音,这一次让学生把字母写在横线上补全单词。(5)用同样的方法完成其他的词。三、巩固练习:1.跟录音机一起来读单词。2.听单词,说一说单词的首字母。四、布置作业:Student Book page 6给第6、7页的水果涂上颜色。


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