二年级英语上册 Unit4 Lesson23-24教案 人教新起点

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二年级英语上册 Unit4 Lesson23-24教案 人教新起点教学内容1.听录音,标号码。2.画出自己想象的公园,进行描述。教学目标1.通过听录音标号,检测学生的听力,培养他们理解故事的能力。2.检测学生就家庭、朋友和公园3个单元表达方面的综合情况。教学用具1.挂图 2.投影片 3.录音磁带 4.与课文内容有关的动物头饰教学过程1.复习快速浏览6幅教学挂图,然后拿开,让学生回忆并用英文说出图上有什么东西。以pair work 或 group work 的形式进行。让全体学生参与活动,培养学生快速阅读和记忆的能力。2.新授(1)指导学生听录音2-3遍,并让他们独立完成排列顺序是任务。然后让学生相互说出自己的排列顺序。(2)再播放录音1遍,让学生分别说出正确的排列顺序,供大家核对、更正。(3) 播放录音,让学生跟着录音模仿对话,然后请模仿好的学生独白,其他学生带上事先准备好的头饰分别扮演故事中的角色、场景及道具进行表演。(4)组内进行角色表演。3.完成B部分练习。为了节约时间,让学生直接用彩笔画,引导学生在画自己想象的公园时,把自己的家人或朋友画到图画中。画完后,组织他们就图与同伴进行交流,由同伴给自己计算说出的句子数量,并让同伴根据数量在自己的花瓣上图色,最后比一比谁的花瓣涂的最多、最美丽。4.家庭作业。听录音,用英语讲所学故事给你的爸爸、妈妈听。LESSON TWENTY-FOUR教学内容讲一个关于小兔到小熊家做客的故事。教学目标1.再次复习、巩固家庭成员、形容人的外貌的词汇以及Who is she/he? She is This is 的句型。2.让学生从故事中体会去朋友家做客及接人待物的相关礼貌用语。教学难点:说出每一幅图的句子,并表演出来。教学用具1.挂图 2.投影片 3.录音磁带 4.动物头饰 教学过程1.出示教学挂图,把最后一幅图遮住,播放录音,让学生说说小兔子为什么跑掉了。2.再次播放录音并让学生看完整的教学挂图,整体地理解故事情节。3.指着教学挂图,用简单的英文和肢体动作,介绍故事内容,同时与学生进行交流,让学生配合运用学过的语言叙述故事。4.播放录音,让学生指着相应的图片,同时鼓励学生模仿并重复录音中的句子。5.在多次模仿的基础上,组织学生以group work 的形式进行角色表演,鼓励每个学生都参与到表演中。 (1) 以小组为单位练习,相互帮助,争取都能讲出故事。(2) 鼓励以小组为单位或一个人为单位表演故事。6.家庭作业:听录音,练习讲故事。完成评价表格。附送:2019-2020年二年级英语上册 Unit4 period1教案 沪教牛津版Teaching aids:Words: letters GgHh, plane, ferry, train, taxi, car, bus, van.Structures: Get How do you go toFunctions: Give simple instructions; Using connectives to add informationMaterial: Students Book 2A page 17-21Cassette 1A and a cassette playerWall chartsPhotograph page 14Alphabet CardsTeaching times:5 timesLearning targets:Basic aims:1.Be able to identify the letters Gg-Hh2.Be able to give simple instructions3.Be able to introduce oneself using Im.4.Be able to write the sentence Hello, Im .Sing a song.Further aims:1.Using more information to introduce oneself2.The sorts of the alphabetLanguage focus:1.Using imperatives to give simple instructions2.Asking How questions to find out means and Using prepositions to indicate meas3.Learning the words: planePeriod 1Teaching focus:Using imperative to give simple instructionsTeaching steps: Students activitiesTeaching activitiesTeaching MediaI. Pre-task preparation:The students listen to the teacher and actThe students copy teacherII. While-task procedure:Practise with more students.The students actA small group of students line up in front as if they are ready to get off the bus.Repeat Students listen and follow in the books.III. Post-task A Revise all the mands taught in the previous units. Say the mands and ask students. B Show a toy bus and a toy car. T: Do you often see them on the road? Do you go to school by bus? Say the words bus and car clearly. A Put two chairs in a line. Ask student to sit in the front chair and act as a car driver. Pretend to get in the car by bending over and sitting in the back chair. T: Get in the car. Practise with more students.B Invite individual students to act as passengers. Say the mand and ask them to perform the scene. Make sure students understand the mand Get in the car.C Have a small group of students line up in front as if they are ready to get off the bus. Say Get off the bus and prompt them to walk off one by one.D Repeat step C with more groups of students. Ask them to repeat the mand after you while doing the action.E Open the students book to page 17. Play the cassette tape to drill the correct pronunciation.Teach the other two mands to do with cars and buses;Get out of the car.Get on the bus.coachingScaffolding and fadingcassette


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