三年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1 Lesson 3(1)教案 沪教牛津版

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三年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1 Lesson 3(1)教案 沪教牛津版教学内容Teaching Contents功能目标Functional Targets语言目标Language Targets情感目标Emotional Targets3B M3U1 Period 3Read and guess.通过用英语描述某人的衣服特征,猜出他/她是谁。Basic aims:Words: dress. blouse. T-shirt. shirtStructures: She has a Who is she?He has Who is he?Further aims:能用更多句型描述某人的特征。培养学生的观察能力。教学过程Teaching ProcedurePre-task ActivitiesStep 1Daily Talk. Questions: 1. What day is today? 2. What can you see in the classroom? 3. What has Peter got?(Make a telephone) 4. What have you got?(Make a robot) 5. Have you any rubbers? 6. How many rubbers have you? 7. Do you like violet? Step 2Picture talk. Eg: T: Who are they? P: They are Ben, Mark, Alice and Kitty. T: Has Ben a white shirt? P: Yes, he has. Step 3Practice in pairs. Ask and answer with the picture. While-task ActivitiesStep 1Learn the new words: dress, blouse, T-shirt, shirt T: Look at the picture. Who has a dress? P: Kitty has a dress. T: What colour is it? P: Its red and white. T: Kitty has a red and white dress. Practice this sentence. Step 2T: Who has got a T-shirt? P: Eddie has got a T-shirt. T: What colour is it? P: Its green and grey. T: Eddie has a green and grey T-shirt. Practice this sentence. Step 3T: This boy has curly hair. He has a shirt. Who is he? P: Hes Ben. T: Ben has a blue and white shirt. Step 4T: Has Alice a blouse? P: Yes, She has. T: What colour is it? P: Its pink and yellow. T: Alice has a pink and yellow blouse. Practice this sentence. Post-task ActivitiesStep 1Ask students to colour the clothes and cut them. Step 2Put the clothes on paper boy/girl. Then say: This is He/she has a Step 3Say sth. about picture. (P31) 板书设计Blackboard Writing. She has a red and white dress. Who is she?She is 课后作业 Assignments课后反思 Reconsideration 1. Listen to the tape. 2. Copy the sentences. 附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1 Unit 1 Maybe Ill go to the zoo教案 外研版(一起)一、教学目标与要求1、 知识与能力目标能够听说读写下列句子:Well see lions and tigers.Will Sam go, too? Yes, he will.Will you go too, Daming?No, I wont.能听说读写的词语:will, wont, tiger, lion, school, zoo, park能听说读下列句子I /she/he wont Who willWhere dose live?Is there there? 并能用学过的句子进行询问、交流各自将要做的事情,例如到哪去,干什么?用于表达将要上的课程等。2、情感态度目标 培养学生的表达及交际能力。使学生在英语学习中获得快乐的学习体验。二、教学重点及难点 一般将来时态的一般疑问句的使用及回答:Will ? Yes,will./No,wont.三、课前准备 TAPETVHEADDRESSCARDS TEXTBOOK/ACTIVITYBOOK四、教学过程Step 1 Warm upGood morning, boys and girls.Do you want to visit London?(puter)What will you see? Ill see(学生说出伦敦的著名城市景点 课件)Boys and girls, this weekend, I will go to the supermarket to buy lots of things. Could you tell us what you will do this weekend? S:Ill go to T:What will you see at the zoo? T:Ill see (zoo)(板书)Step 2 Presentation and practiceBoys and girls, Let look at the video:?“What will Amy, Sam and Daming do this weekend?”Now, watch the video,please.Then Think it over. (课件)1.What will Amy do this weekend?2.What will Amy see?Are you ready?Lets see(go).(课件全课) (Watch TV) Headdress. The student will be Amy.Show a picture.(仅一屏)HelloAmy. What will you do this weekend?(为什么用well,请记住这个问题)。(Who wants to be Amy?) Listen carefully. S:I dont know. S: Maybe Ill(well) go to the zoo. Lets go on.What will you see? S: Well see lions and tigers.(板书)(为什么用well?) (read the tiger)Look at the picture:(Listen)Who is he? Daming, how do you ask about Sam? S:Will _go too?(板书) S: Yes,_will.(板书)(卡片)反复读,跟读,齐读。Pay attention ,please.Amy and Sam are two children. what will you See? Ill or Well?(头像Amy and Sam) S: Well see lions and tigers.(有节奏的读)Show the puter.T:Will Daming go too?(Listen carefully.)S:No, I wont.(板书)(卡) (Read it one by one.)Now, Daming wont go to the zoo. How does Amy ask? Please listen carefully. Who will be Amy?How do you ask? S:Will you go too,Daming?(板书)(卡)(Try to say.)S: No, I wont. T:What will you do Daming? s:I will visit my grandpa in the countryside.(板书) countryside(读几遍) T: Will you see tigers/lions there? S:No.I wont tigers/lions.T: What will you see?S: Ill see duckslots of pigs.Boys and girls, please look at the blackboard. This weekend, Amy will go to the zoo. Sam will go too 。Sam and Amy (They)will see lions and tigers. But Daming wont go to the zoo. He will go to the countryside. He will visit his grandpa. He wont see lions and tigers. But he will see lots of pigs.Now ,by this way please watch the video again. 根据老师讲的再看一遍录像Now open your book and turn to page 10.Lets listen and say.O.k? Listen and say.Step 3 Consolidation and extension1. Listen to the tape recorder then say. Boys and girls,please open your book,and turn to page 10. Listen and say.2.lets do exercises to check up what you have learned.Now open the activity book .(Part 1)Have you finished?No.1 Who wants to tell us your answer?If you are all right, please raise your hands.3.Do you like games?Lets play a guessing game.书P114. Boys and girls,what will you do this weekend? Lets talk about it with your partner in your groups. Then e to the front and act out.Ok.(找2、3名学生演示)5.Boys and girls, Pay attention. Ms. Smarts family will have a good weekend. Are you interesting in this story? Ill give you some questions. Please find out the answer.(让学生听录音)Questions: What will they do? What will they see?Step 4 Summary 同学们,今天我们学习了一般将来时态的句子的表达方法。如果我们要谈论将来发生的事情,比如:周末的打算、想法,我们就可以使用这种表达的方式。Step 5 Homework1. Listen to the tape recorder then remember these new sentences.2.Free talk with your parents.What will you do this weekend?Step 6 Blackboard designModule3 Unit 1 Maybe well go to the zoo.zoo Well see lions and tigers. countryside(图片) Will Sam go, too? lots of pigstiger Yes, he will.lots of Will you go too, Daming?(单词卡) No, I wont.


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