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2013年检测说明 2013-12-14(一)until one at record give safe we take gun while in doDereck Joubert and his wife, Beverly, have made many films about wild animals in Africa. Their films and photographs are very popular and 66 of the photographs has been on the front cover of a National Geographic magazine.A working day for Dereck and Beverly starts very early-at 4 : 30 in the morning! Thats when they get up and begin filming(录影). And its a long day-they often work _67 8: 30 in the evening. In winter its very cold and 68 summer it can be 401C. Dereck always does the filming-Beverly never does that, and she doesnt write. But Dereck never takes photographs or 69 the sound. They work very well as a team, and they both believe we should shoot animals with cameras-not with 70 .When they have finished filming and 71 photographs for the day, they have dinner and Dereck usually writes 72 Beverly looks at her photographs. At night, they usually sleep in a small tent, but they sometimes sleep in the Land Cruiser-when youre very close to wild animals. Its sometimes 73 to sleep in the car. Dereck and Beverly have also travelled around the world and 74 talks about their work. Dereck says that animals are not just something to look at-they play an important role. Beverly thinks the wild animals can teach 75 a lot about ourselves.A: Hi, Lisa. This is Jim.B: Oh, Jim.76. _? A: Fine, thanks ,Lisa. Would you like to go to a concert with me this Sunday? B: Id love to, but I cant. 77._. A: Oh, I see. How about next Sunday night?B: ItII be frne. 78._?A: At eight. We could have dinner together frrst.B:79 _A: Ill wait for you at 5:30 at the school gate. 80. _?B: Lets take a taxi there.A: OK. Im looking forward to it. Thanks a lot for inviting me.B: You are welcome.(二) America clean in good activity and celebrate they we final on what Today, people all over the world take time out to celebrate Earth Day. Some will take part in _66 to protect environment. Others will volunteer in _67 their towns or save water and electricity at home. Maybe you even have some ideas of how you can help to make our environment _ 68 . The idea for Earth Day( April 22) came from an 69 , Gaylord Nelson, who was worried about pollution 70 the health of plants and animals. In 1969, he decided that there should be a special day to teach people about 71 we could do to make our environment better. This idea quickly caught on and in 1970, the first Earth Day was 72 . Since then, people have used Earth Day to educate people about 73 role in protecting our planet. 74 Earth Day became a celebration around the world. People come together 75 this day to talk about such matters as global warming, protecting the animals in danger, or saving our energy resources(资源) .A:Hello, Andy! You look very tired. 76. _?B : I went to sleep quite late last night.A: Why didnt you go to bed early? What were you doing?B: 77. _ . It was so exciting.A: Which game did you watch?B : The game between England and Italy.A: Really? It must be an amazing game to watch. 78_?B : England beat Italy 2:0.A: Wonderful! England Team is my favorite.B: 79. _?A: Yes. I often play soccer with my friends on weekends.B : Why not play soccer with me this afternoon?A: Good idea! 80._.B: OK! See you.(三)English happy help one between difference they so house have and be May 2nd . 2013Dear Li Hua, Its very 66 to know something about the British meals before travelling. In many English 67 _, people eat four meals a day.They are breakfast ,lunch , tea and dinner. Breakfast takes place at any time from 7: 00 to 9: 00 in the morning. They usually 68 eggs, bread with butter, cheese and so on. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one oclock. It can 69 a hamburger or a three-course( 三道菜) meal.Aftemoon tea is 70 _ 4:00 pm and 5 :00 pm. Dinner begins at about half past seven. The 71 course is soup. The next is often meat or fish with vegetables. Then come fruits of _72 kinds : apples, pears. bananas and so on. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have 73 dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast,dinner,tea and supper. _ 74 all these meals are usually simple. Wish you a good time in 75 ! Yours , CathyA: Great weekend again! 76. _?B : Id like to do sports.A: Me, too. 77._. Why not come along?B: Sounds like a good idea. But the radio says it will be rainy tomorrow .A: Its just the time for it ! I enjoy cycling on rainy days.B: Well, that might catch a cold. 78. _?A: Thats also good. OK, lets meet at the Sunshine Sports Center then.B: 79. _?A: 9:00 am tomorrow?B: No problem. 80. _. A: OK. See you then. B: See you.(四)final worry win be danger between they study with why womanVenus and Serena Williams are sisters. They are also both tennis_66 who often have to play each otherl!Venus is now eleventh in the world, and her sister Serena has moved up to third.The two sisters were born in a poor and 67 area of California. Venus spoke about the time 68 _ she and Serena were practicing tennis and they had to run to safe place from time to time._69 , in 1991, the sisters and their family moved to a safer area.The sisters father, Richard, has always _70 very strict with his daughters, training 71_ hard to compete against each other.Brandi, the sisters mother, taught her daughters at home so that they completed their high school. Today, both sisters are 72 design(设计) at college.In 1999 and 2002, Serena won the US Open, and in 2002 and 2003. she was the 73 singles champion at Wimbledon. Has tennis ever caused problems 74 the sisters? Luckily, no. Weve played each other before and it hasnt 75 us yet! says Venus. If she wins, Serena jokes , Mama says she has to do the dishes ! A: Hi! Bill! You are reading the novel again? B: Yes, Tom. I just cant help reading it once more. A: 76. _? B: Three times. Every time I read it, I can always learn something new. A: Really? 77. _?B: Charles Dickens. I think he is a great English writer. A: Right.He is also my favorite foreign writer. 78. _? B: OK, here you are! What do you think of it? A: Its very interesting. 79. _. Where did you buy it? B: In the Red bookshop. A: I dont know where it is. 80._? B: No. Only 10 minutes walk from here, next to the Lindas Shop. A: Oh, I see. Im going there to get one, too. Thank you.(五)make as many from success if travel idea he soon when to Do you know Steven Jobs, the designer (设计师) of Apple computer? In Stevens early years, he was not quite 66 and he was not among the best students at school. He often got into trouble with 67 classmates and teachers. He was full of new _ 68 _, but few people could see the value of them. Things were still the same 69 he went to college and he dropped out halfway. Steven Jobs worked first 70 a video game designer at Atari. He worked there for only a few months and then he 71 to India. He hoped that the trip would give him 72 ideas and more changes in life. After he had returned 73 India, he began to live on a farm in Califomia. And then, in 1975, Steven Jobs began 74 a new type of computer. He chose the name apple because he thought of a happy summer he once spent in an orchard (果园 ) in Oregon. His Apple computer became such a great success that Steven Jobs75 became famous all over the world. A: Hello. John. Tomorrow is Saturday. 76. _? B: Im not sure. What about you? A: Id like to go to the library. A new library opened two weeks ago near our school. 77._? B : No , I havent. Many teenagers like playing computers in their spare time. Why are you so interested in books? A:_. B: I really agree with you. Id like to go and have a look with you. A: A library card will be needed if you want to borrow books. So youd better get one. B:_? A: Ten yuan. B: OK. 80._? A: At 9 0clock tomorrow morning. Ill give you a call when I leave home. B: OK. See you then.(一)66. one 67. until 68. in 69. records 70. guns 71. taking 72. while 73. safer 74. given 75. us 76. How are you How is everything going77 78.When will the concert(it) begin( start) 79. That sounds nice(great good) GreatGood idea 80.How will we goget there(二) 66. activities 67. cleaning 68. better 69. American 70. and 71. what 72. celebrated 73.their 74. Finally 75. on 76. Whats wrong/the matter What has happened( to you) 77. I was watching a soccer game on TV. 78. Whats the result Which team won it/was the winner79. You like playing soccer( very much) , dont you Do you like playing soccer( very much) 80.Ill .(三)66. helpful 67. houses 68. have 69. be 70. between71. frrst 72. different 73. their 74. And 75. England76. Whats your plan for the weekend/What would you like to77. I want to go cycling/ Ill go cycling/. . .78. How about playing tennis ( instead)/Why not play basketball in the Sports Center/. . .79. When shall we meet/. . .80. Remember to bring some water/lll wait you right there at 9 oclock tomorrow/. .(四) 66. winners 67. dangerous 68. when 69. Finally 70. been71. them 72. studying 73. womens 74. between 75. Worried 76. How many times have you read it 77. Who wrote it Whats the writers name of this book/Whats the name of the writer/Whos the writer of the book 78. Can I read it/ Can I have a look at it 80. Is it far from here(五) 66. successful 67. his 68. ideas 69. when 70. as71. travel(l)ed 72. more 73. from 74. making 75. soon 76. What are you going to do Do you have any plans for the weekend 77. Have you ever been there (before) Have you ever been to the library 78.79. How much does it cost How much is one/a card How much is it for one card 80. When shall we meet(一) 21 . -What should I buy for Tonys birthday? -How about _ camera? He loves taking photos. A. a B. an C. the D.不填 22. Im looking for my lost dog. Its white and black. Have you ever seen _like that? A. it B. that C. one D. this 23. -Your broken watch needs a new part. Youll have to take it back to the shop. -ThatII be a _ because I didnt buy it. It was a gift. A. question B. problem C. excuse D. reason24. My brother lost his game this morning and Im very _ him. He must be very sad. A. proud of B. angry with C. helpful to D. worried about 25. -How can I do well in ping-pong? 一If you practice more often, you _ good at it soon. A. are B. will be C. were D. have been 26. -The environment of the city is becoming better and better. -Yes. We can see the whole city _ the top of the mountain now. A. from B. since C. across D. through 27. -I got up late this morning and I_ _ the weather forecast this morning. Did you listen to it? -Yes. It said partly cloudy today, with a strong wind from the northeast. A. made B. watched C. heard D. missed28.-Helen, could you please help me_ _ on the Internet when the plane will take off? -Sure. Ill check it right away. A. find out B. look out C. work out D. get out29. -There are only a few weeks left _ the start of the summer holidays. -Right! Lets study harder to get a better grade for the final exams. A. after B. when C. while D. before30. It is so quiet in the park that I can _ hear the traffic in the streets and I can even hear the birds singing. A. nearly B. hardly C. always D. seldom31. Dont worry. Your bag _till six oclock. Please enjoy your shopping here. A. will keep B. has kept C. was kept D. will be kept32. -Whats your job? -I work for a shop _ sells sun glasses. A. who ,B. whom C. which D. what33. -Three hundred dollars for such a dress! You _ be joking! -Im serious. Its made of silk. A. need B. may C. must D. can34. _ smart boy he is! He passed the face-to-face examination to Tsinghua University last week. A. How B. What C. How a D. What a35. -Im wondering _ today. -I dont know, either. A. what is she doing B. where she would go C. when did she come back home D. why she is absent from school(二)21. -Hi, Tony! Do you know woman in white? -Yes. She is _ _ new teacher in our school. A. a; a B. the; the C. a; the D. the; a)22. -Both of these shirts are very beautiful. Can I have one, mum? -Sure, you can choose _ of them. A. either B. all C. neither D. each)23. -Have you told your parents you won first prize in the English competition? -Not yet, because I want to give them a _ A. gift B. surprise C. call D. report)24. _ they are waiting for the New Year, people listen to music, sing songs and have a party. A. After B. Until C. While D. Since)25. -Great changes have taken place since we _ E- Times. -I agree with you. And Intemet is getting us much closer. A. enter B. entered C. have entered D. will enter )26. -Someone is knocking at the door. Maybe its Terry. -lt - _ be him. Hes gone to Hong Kong. A. can B. must C. cant D. mustnt8


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