2022年高一英语 Warm-up导学案学生版 北师大版必修2

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2022年高一英语 Warm-up导学案学生版 北师大版必修2_第1页
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2022年高一英语 Warm-up导学案学生版 北师大版必修2_第2页
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2022年高一英语 Warm-up导学案学生版 北师大版必修2. Preparations Before Class (课前准备)Task 1: Cultural Background (文化背景).The Day After Tomorrow 后天描绘的是以美国为代表的地球一天之内突然急剧降温,进入冰期的科幻故事。故事中,气候学家杰克霍尔(丹尼斯奎德饰演)在观察史前气候研究后指出,温室效应带来的全球暖化将会引发地球空前灾难。杰克博士曾警告政府官员采取预防行动,但警告显然已经太晚。杰克霍尔博士于是急告美国副总统宣布北纬30度以南全美民众尽速向赤道方向撤离,该线以北民众要尽量保暖。而就在此时,霍尔博士得知儿子山姆(杰克吉伦荷饰)只身前往纽约去营救女友,于是决定冒险前往纽约,在冰天雪地中展开救援行动。这时候灾难从纽约开始,曼哈顿摩天大楼遭到强烈旋风的袭击,大部摧毁。突然间,地铁隧道里涌出狂暴不止的汹涌洪水。大水吞噬了纽约,淹没了美国,欧洲也在洪水之下不复存在。此后,冰层和白雪覆盖了整个地球表面,冰期时代开始了。当镜头再次回到美国时,那些侥幸生还的美国人都逃往墨西哥,请求进入那里的难民营。影片末尾处美国总统不得不叹息承认道,他所奉行的气候政策是一次巨大的败笔。.A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) about people you admire is a xx science fiction film co-produced, written, and directed by Steven Spielberg. It was the last project on which filmmaker Stanley Kubrick worked he died before the film started shooting, and Spielberg dedicated the film to him. 人工智能在机器人的发展过程中,赋予机器人以情感是最富有争议的,也是最后未能做到的事。通常机器人被视作为一个极其复杂的装置,人们认为他们不会具备感情。但是,现在有很多父母失去了自己的孩子,时代的需要就使这种可能性大大增加了。终于,Cybertronics Manufacturing制作公司着手解决了这个问题,制造出了第一个名叫大卫的具有感情的机器人。但是,一系列意想不到的事件的发生,使得大卫的生活无法进行下去。大卫开始踏上了旅程,去寻找真正属于自己的地方。 .From the Earth to the Moon 从地球到月球是根据历史真人真事改编的作品,它借用了著名科幻小说家、法国人儒勒凡尔纳的纪实小说A Man on the Moon 站在月球上的人的内容和素材改编而成。它全景式地描写和反映了围绕二十世纪人类最重要的科学活动“登陆月球所发生的种种事件,再现了这个人类历史上最伟大的探险壮举中的无数感人片断。.Star Wars 银河帝国的各星系居民饱受暴政之苦,达度尼星球的居民起而反抗。莉雅公主潜入帝国基地,偷走了足以摧毁暴君的秘密武器-死星中心结构资料,不料公主被捕,但她以把数据输入机器人R2D2的计算机中。 机器人R2D2和3PO逃亡到一个遥远的星球,这个星球的年轻人卢克发现了R2D2中的求救信息,卢克找到在反抗帝国的战斗中仅存的绝地骑士奥比温,奥比温要求卢克和他一起去救公主,他们一行在梭罗的帮助下,营救出了公主,并一同对帝国进行了毁灭性的打击。 本片故事的意义在于把如此真实的一个科幻世界在70年代就展示给世界,这种展示改变了人们对80年代的看法,这主要反映在它在某种意义上改变了人们看问题的角度。.Task 2: A guessing game (猜一猜)May: Hi, Jacky! Can you help me out? Jacky: Okay, with pleasure.May: I met a new word which describes the place where messages, information, pictures, etc. are when they are sent from one puter to another. Can you tell me what the word is? Jacky: Well, a really tough question. But as for me, its a piece of cake. Its _. Activities in Class (课堂活动) Task 1: Rewarding time (比一比)Task 2: Word recognition (词汇热身)网络空间n._全球世界的adj._全球变暖_实现_人造的adj._气候n._洪水,水灾n._淹没vt. & vi._虚拟的adj._真实,现实n._病毒n._Task3. Listen to some short passages, and try your best to fill in the following blanks. . Well, thats a very interesting question. It is already _to make artificial body parts, but it wont be possible for a very long time to make _ _ that can think or feel in the same way _ we do. We know that the planets _ is changing. The Earths atmosphere is slowly _ warmer. There is a real _that the sea level will go up and there will be _in different countries in the world. This is already happening in some parts of the world. Well, it may _ surprising. _the situation of two twins brother and sister. The sister goes into space and travels _ _ _ _light for ten years. When she es back to Earth she is thirty years older than her twin brother!. _, this is a very real danger for the planet. A new _ could develop that we _ _ _ _ stop. It is something we really should be _ _.Task4. Have a break (歇一歇) Play a short video -Selected from The Day after Tomorrow. Practice after class (课后巩固) Task 1. Have a try (挑战高考). In line with this, Jeff Warren, a producer at CBC Radios The Current, tells us that the way we sleep has changed fundamentally since the invention of artificial(人造的) lighting and the electric bulb. (背诵). Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Im Li Hua from Fujian, China. Its my great honor to be here to say something about the global water shortage and ways of dealing with it. As we know, the global water shortage is being increasingly severe mainly due to global warming, environmental pollution and the ever-increasing population. (xx年福建卷书面表达范文- 背诵). Due to the heavy rain and flooding, ten million people have been forced _their homes. (xx上海春招) A. leaving B. to leave C. to be left D. being left. Some people maintain that watching violence on TV is one of the major causes of _behavior and crime in society. (xx上海春招卷). A. childish B. artificial C. aggressive D. heroic. Even though global warming may have made our climate more mild, many animals are still hibernating(冬眠). I rained heavily in the south, _ serious flooding in several provinces. (xx年天津卷12)A. caused B. having caused C. causing D. to cause.The present situation is very plex, so I think it will take me some time to _ its reality. (xx湖北卷) A. make upB. figure out C. look through D. put off.Reality is not the way you wish things to be, nor the way they appear to be, _ the way they actually are. A. as B. or C. but C. and . The World Health Organization gave a warning to the public without any_ when the virus of H1N1 hit Mexico in April, xx. (09福建) A. delay B. effort C. schedule D. consideration. Since Tom _ downloaded a virus into his puter, he can not open the file now. (xx 上海卷) A. readilyB. horriblyC. accidentally D. irregularly


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