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2022年考博英语-辽宁大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题The choir slowly walked through the ( )of the church as they sang.问题1选项A.passageB.laneC.isleD.aisle【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。passage意为“通道,走廊”;lane意为“(乡间)小路,小巷,胡同”;isle意为“岛,小岛”;aisle意为“(教堂、戏院、火车等座位间或超级市场货架间的)走道,过道”。由the church(教堂)可知选D。句意:唱诗班在唱诗的时候慢慢地穿过教堂的过道。2. 翻译题At the start of the 21st century, humankind finds itself on a non-sustainable coursethe course that, unless it is changed, could lead to grand scale catastrophes. At the same time, we are unlocking formidable new capabilities that lead to more exciting lives and glorious civilizations. This could be either humanitys last century or the century that sets the world on a course toward a spectacular future.We live on a small, beautiful and a totally isolated planet, but its population is becoming too large; enormous new consumer societies are growing, of which China is the largest; and technology is becoming powerful enough to wreck the planet. We are traveling at breakneck speed into an age of the extremesextremes in wealth and poverty, extremes in technology and the experiments that scientists want to perform, extreme forces of globalism, weapons of mass destruction and terrorists acting in the name of religion. If we are to survive, we have to learn how to manage this situation.The set of problems has a set of solutions. If we humans implement these solutions, we can gradually achieve sustainable development and a sustainable but affluent life. Working toward sustainability requires many different types of actions in different subject areas. In light of rapidly advancing technology, however, sustainability alone is not enough. We need to be concerned with survivability. There must be a move away from the untenable course we are on today toward a world where we learn to control the diverse forces we are unleashing.【答案】【参考译文】在21世纪开始之际,人类意识到自己正走上了一条走不下去的路。除非改变方向,否则这条路会将人类引向巨大的灾难。可是同时,我们也正释放出种种新的巨大潜能,而借助这些潜能,人类能迎来各种更令人激动的生活和更光辉的文明。这可能是人类的最后一个世纪,但也可能是人类拨正航程,朝光辉灿烂未来驶去的一个世纪。我们生活在一个与其他星球隔绝的美丽的小星球上,但是地球的人口已经太多;庞大的新兴消费社会正在成长,而中国是其中最大的一个;科技也正变得无比强大到足以毁坏这个星球。我们正疯狂地奔向一个极端的时代:极端的富有,极端的贫困,极端的科学技术,极端的科学实验,极端的全球化影响力,大规模毁灭性武器,还有以宗教名义进行的恐怖活动。假如想要逃此一劫,我们就得学会如何驾驭这一形势。这一系列的问题也有一系列的解决方案。如果我们人类能将这些方案付诸实施,我们就能渐渐地达到可持续发展的目标,享有一种既可持续但仍富裕的生活。达到可持续这个目标需要在不同的领域采取不同的行动。然而考虑到科技的快速发展,仅仅可持续是不够的。我们需要关注能否存活。我们必须放弃今日我们采取的已无出路的方向,朝一个新方向前行,而新世界要求我们学会掌控我们释放出的各种能量。3. 单选题There is virtually no limit to how one can serve community interests, from spending a few hours a week with some charitable organization to practically full-time work for a social agency. Just as there are opportunities for voluntary service (1)(VSO) for young people before they take up full-time employment,(2) there are opportunities for overseas service for(3)technicians in developing countries. Some people,(4) those who retire early,(5)their technical and business skills in countries(6) there is a special need.So in considering voluntary or(7) community service there are more opportunities than there(8) were when one first began work. Most voluntary organizations have only a small full-time(9) , and depend very much on volunteers and part-times. This means that working relationships are different from those in commercial organizations, and values may be different(10) some ways they many seem more casual and less efficient, but one should not(11) them by commercial criteria. The people who work with them do so for different reasons and with different(12) , both personal and(13) . One should not join them(14) to arm them with professional expertise, they must be joined with commitment to the(15) , not business efficiency. Because salaries are (16) or non-existent, many voluntary bodies offer modest expenses. But many retired people take part in community service for(17), simply because they enjoy the work.Many community activities possible(18) retirement were also possible during ones working life but they are to be undertaken(19) seriously for that. Retired people who are just looking for something different or unusual to do should not consider(20) community service.问题1选项A.over seaB.overseaC.overseasD.over seas问题2选项A.soB.asC.thatD.then问题3选项A.qualifyingB.quantityC.qualifiedD.quality问题4选项A.partlyB.partiallyC.passionatelyD.particularly问题5选项A.operateB.orderC.occupyD.offer问题6选项A.whereB.whichC.thatD.as问题7选项A.paidB.payingC.payD.to be paid问题8选项A.latelyB.beforeC.everD.never问题9选项A.numberB.teamC.crowdD.staff问题10选项A.byB.inC.throughD.with问题11选项A.commentB.look atC.judgeD.enjoy问题12选项A.subjectB.subjectiveC.objectsD.objectives问题13选项A.organizationalB.organizationC.organizingD.organized问题14选项A.to expectB.expectingC.expectedD.being expected问题15选项A.causeB.courseC.cautionD.case问题16选项A.smallB.littleC.bigD.large问题17选项A.freedomB.freeC.somethingD.money问题18选项A.onB.beforeC.atD.in问题19选项A.very muchB.muchC.no lessD.no more问题20选项A.to takeB.to be takenC.being takenD.taking【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:D第5题:D第6题:A第7题:A第8题:C第9题:D第10题:B第11题:C第12题:D第13题:A第14题:B第15题:A第16题:A第17题:B第18题:D第19题:C第20题:D【解析】(1)考查逻辑关系。由后半句中的“for overseas service”可知此处填overseas,作副词,意外“在海外,在国外”,voluntary service overseas指“海外志愿服务”。(2)考查固定句型。(just)as.so. 意为“正如,就像”。(3)考查词义辨析。qualifying意为“使具有资格的”;quantity意为“数量,大量”;qualified意为“具备的学历(或资历),具备的知识(或技能),符合资格的”;quality意为“质量,品质”。因此填qualified作定语修饰technicians,指“符合资格的技术人员”。(4)考查副词辨析。partly意为“一定程度上,部分地”;partially意为“部分地,不完全地”;passionately意为“充满热情地,激动地,炽热地”;particularly意为“特别,尤其”。可将“44 those who retire early”看作一个插入语,表示“特别是那些退休早的人”。(5)考查动词辨析。operate意为“运转,操作”;order意为“命令,指挥”;occupy意为“使用,占用”;offer意为“提供,给予”。此句的主语为Some people,宾语为technical and business skills,空格处为谓语动词,“提供技术和商业技能”最符合逻辑,因此选D。(6)考查定语从句。定语从句中不缺少主干成分,且先行词countries表示地点,故选关系副词where。(7)考查非谓语动词。or连接的是两个并列成分,故空格处与voluntary(自愿的)相对,表示“付费的”修饰community service(社区服务),因此用paid过去分词作前置定语,含被动意义。现在分词作定语,含主动意义,不定式作定语,表将来。(8)考查副词辨析。lately意为“近来,最近”;before意为“以前,过去”;ever意为“(进行比较时用以加强语气)以往任何时候,曾经”;never意为“从不,从来没有”。由“there are more opportunities than there _were”可知是将现在的情况和以前的情况相比,因此选C。(9)考查名词辨析。number意为“数字”;team意为“组,对”;crowd意为“人群,观众”;staff意为“全体职工(或雇员)”。由后面的“depend very much on volunteers and part-times(非常依赖志愿者和兼职)”可推测推测空格处表示全职员工少,因此选D。(10)考查固定搭配。in some ways为固定搭配,意为“在某些方面,在某种程度上”。(11)考查动词辨析。comment意为“议论,评论”;look at意为“看,考虑”;judge意为“评判,判断”;enjoy意为“享受,欣赏”。由后面的“by commercial criteria(按商业标准)”可知C选项最符合逻辑。(12)考查词义辨析。subject意为“主题,话题,学科”;subjective意为“主观的”;object意为“物体”;objective意为“目标,目的”。and连接的是两个并列成分,由前面的“different reasons and different_(不同的原因和不同的_)”可知D选项最符合逻辑。(13)考查词义辨析。organizational意为“组织的”;organization意为“组织”;organizing意为“组织上的”;organized意为“有组织的,有条理的”。由“both. and(两者都)”可知与personal(个人的)相对的为organizational,因此选A。(14)考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构,“One should not join them”为主句,“_to arm them with professional expertise”为伴随状语,故用现在分词表示主动意义,选B。此处表示“一个人加入到他们当中,不要期待着给他们专业经验”。(15)考查名词辨析。cause意为“(支持或为之奋斗的)事业,目标,原因”;course意为“课程,讲座”;caution意为“小心,谨慎”;case意为“事例,实例,实情”。be joined to the course意为“加入到事业中”,因此选A。(16)考查形容词辨析。small意为“小的”,词的本身不带任何感情色彩,只作客观地描述;little意为“小的”,通常带有一定的感情色彩(如高兴、满意、同情等);big意为“大的”,指程度,范围,规模,容积,重量,数量等方面;large意为“大的”指面积,范围,可表示数和量。由空格后的“or non-existent(或者不惨在的)”可推测salaries(薪水)是很少的,因此选A。(17)语义题。由“simply because they enjoy the work(仅仅因为他们喜欢这份工作)”可知很多退休的参加社区服务不是想要得到什么,仅仅是因为喜欢,再根据前面提到的薪水,可推测他们是无偿加入社区服务的,for free意为“免费”,因此选B。(18)考查固定搭配。由“during ones working life(在工作期间)”可推测前面指不在工作期间,即退休后,in retirement为固定搭配,意为“退休后”,因此选D。(19)考查词义辨析。very much意为“非常,确实”;much意为“非常,很”no less意为“仍然,依旧,还是”;no more意为“不再,也不”。由but可知此处表示转折关系,表示“但退休后他们还是会认真地做这些工作”,因此选C。(20)考查固定搭配。considering doing sth.意为“考虑做某事”。此句意为“正在寻找不同或不寻常的事情的退休人士不应该考虑接受社区服务”。4. 单选题Should this crisis continue, the Palestinian heath system will further (deteriorate)and services will be disrupted.问题1选项A.improveB.recoverC.worsenD.decrease【答案】C【解析】考查同义动词辨析。A选项improve“提高,增进”;B选项recover“修复,弥补”;C选项worsen“恶化,变得更快”;D选项decrease“减少,减小,降低”。句意:如果这一危机继续下去,巴勒斯坦保健系统将进一步恶化,服务将受到破坏。Deteriorate“恶化,变坏”,由此可知C选项与该词意思最相近,因此C选项正确。5. 翻译题It was a bleak, rainy day, and I had no desire to drive up the winding mountain road to my daughter Carolyns house. But she had insisted that I come and see something at the top of the mountain.Turning down a narrow track, we parked the car and got out. We walked along a path that was thick with old pine needles. Huge black green evergreens towered over. Gradually the peace and silence of the place began to fill my mind. Then we turned a cornerand I stopped and gasped in amazement.From the top of the mountain, sloping for several acres across folds and valleys were rivers of daffodils in radiant bloom. A profusion of colorfrom the palest ivory to the deepest lemon to the most vivid salmonblazed like a carpet before us. It looked as though the sun had tipped over and spilled gold down the mountainside.A riot of questions filled my mind. Who created such beauty? Why? How?As we approached the home that stood in the center of the property, we saw a sign: ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS I KNOW YOU ARE ASKING. The first answer was: ONE WOMANTWO HANDS, TWO FEET AND VERY LITTLE BRAIN. The second was: ONE AT A TIME. The third: STARTED IN 1958.As we drove home, I was so moved by what we had seen that I could scarcely speak. “She changed the world,” I finally said, “one bulb at a time. She started almost 40 years ago, probably just the beginning of an idea, but she kept at it.” The wonder of it would not let me go. “Imagine,” I said, “if Id had a vision and worked at it, just a little bit every day, what might have I accomplished?”【答案】【参考译文】凄风细雨,山路蜿蜒,我毫无兴致驱车前往女儿卡罗琳的家。可女儿一定要我前去看看山顶上的景致。转过一条狭窄的小道我们停下车出来,沿着铺满厚厚一层松针的小路走去。头顶上高大的墨绿色常青树耸入云霄。渐渐地这地方的平和宁静开始令我陶醉。然后我们拐了个弯,我停下了脚步,惊诧不已。从山顶往下好几英亩的山坡上,满是怒放的水仙花,犹如江河直下,越过山坳,穿过峡谷,一片五彩缤纷:有洁净无比的象牙白,有极其浓郁的柠檬黄,有鲜艳夺目的鲑鱼橙,如同一幅地毯展现在我们而前,令人眼花缭乱。仿佛太阳倾翻了,把一片金光溢泻到了山坡上。一大堆问题在我的脑海中翻腾。谁创造了这种美景?为什么要创造?又是如何创造的?我们走近这块宝地中央的屋子,只见一块牌子上写着:我知道你要问的问题,答案如下。答案一:一位妇女,一双手,两只脚,而且天资不高。答案二:一次种一株。答案三:开始于1958年。驱车回家的路上,我为所见的一切感动不已,无言以对。“她改造了世界,”我终于说道。“一次种一株。她几乎40年前就开始了。当时也许只是一念之闪,但她持之以恒。”这一奇观令我回味良久。“试想,”我说道,“如果我有一个梦想,并为之努力,每天干一点,最后我会做出怎样的成绩呢?”6. 单选题Tony has not the least( )of giving up his research work.问题1选项A.intentionB.interestC.wishD.desire【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项intention“打算,意图,意向”,后可接of 短语,也可以接不定式短语;B选项interest“兴趣,爱好,利息,趣味”,后接介词in;C选项wish“希望,愿望;祈求,心愿;祝愿,祝福”与D选项desire“欲望;要求,心愿”后一般接不定式。句意:托尼毫无放弃其研究工作的打算。因此A选项正确。7. 翻译题Put the following 3 English sentences into Chinese and 3 Chinese sentences into English.因为博客的实质只不过是一种“网络白志”,即在网页上按照吋间顺序排列个人信息 的一种记录形式。博客的最大特点就是利用网络空间,发表自己的观点主张,最大 程度地彰显个人的自主性或独立性。尽管它正在成为-种越来越重要的文化载体甚 至社会载体,但是无论如何都不可能取代最古老的知识传承方式读书。中国的传统节日的食俗丰富多彩,且有悠久历史。刚刚过去的春节是我国最最重要 的节日,人们通常从它的前夜-除夕就开始准备了。这一天人们一般都会吃鸡、 鸭、鱼、肉、饺子等。再过几天就是端午节了,这个节日的重要食俗就是吃粽子(rice dumpling)。而吃月饼则是中秋节最具代表性的习俗,人们都喜欢在这天与家人团聚, 边饮酒赏月,边吃月饼。我要强调的是,我们不能因为成功举办了奥运会和经济发展较快而太过骄傲自满。 必须认识到,我们只是一个发展中国家个人口大国、经济小国。对于这么一个国家,不管有多么可观的收入,只要除以13亿,立刻就变成很低的人均水平。 所以,中国的发展道路离真正的富强还很漫长,万里长征才走了几步啊!我们需要 一直努力才行!It was a match of the century between human champion of the Chinese board game Go and Googles computer program kicked off in Seoul last Wednesday, which drew great attention. Googles artificial intelligence software has won its third straight match against a grandmaster of an ancient board game called Go. Googles program, AlphaGo, won four games and lost one in a series of five against Lee Sedol, whos considered one of the worlds best Go players. This means Google has secured the $1 million in prize money from the competition, which it says it will donate to charity. But this was about more than money and bragging rights for Google.The Zika virus was first isolated in 1947 from a monkey in the Zika forest of Uganda. Its historical home has been in a narrow equatorial belt stretching across Africa and into equatorial Asia. For decades, the disease, transmitted by the Aedes genus of mosquito slumbered, affecting mainly monkeys. In humans, Zika occasionally caused a mild disease of low concern. In 2007, Zika expanded its geographical range to cause the first documented outbreak in the Pacific islands, in the Federated States of Micronesia. From 2013-2014, 4 additional Pacific island nations documented large Zika outbreaks.Chinas stunning economic rise is one of the biggest legends of this generation. In just three decades since beginning to embrace market economics, China has left its desperate poverty behind to become the worlds top exporting nation. The transformation has occurred so quickly that myths and misperceptions abound about the challenges and opportunities that China poses to America and the rest of the world.【答案】The core of the blogs is just a kind of “network diary,namely, a recording form of displaying the personal information on the web page chronologically. The biggest characteristic of the blog is to use the network space to issue your own point of view and show your personal independence or autonomy by the greatest degree. Although it gradually becomes a more and more important cultural carrier or even the social carrier, no matter what, it could not replace the most ancient way of passing knowledge down wayreading books.China has witnessed a long history of the eating customs of traditional festivals, which is full of variety. The Spring Festival just over the past is the most significant festival of all in China. People have prepared for it from eve of it, the New Years Eve. This day, people would eat the chicken, duck, fish, meat and dumplings. In a few more days, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming. The eating custom of this festival is to eat the race dumplings, while to eat the moon cakes is the most representative eating custom of the Mid-autumn Festival. People would reunite with their families, drinking and enjoying the moon while eating moon cakes.I want to emphasize that we should not be too proud and complacent because of the successful Olympic Games and the rapid economic development. We must realize that ours is just a developing country with a large population but weak economy. For this country, any considerable amount of financial resource, divided by 1.3 billion, becomes a very low per capital level. Therefore, China is far away from prosperity. How few steps the long journey we have taken! We are going to be working hard.上周三,中国围棋人类冠军与谷歌电脑程序在首尔举行了“世纪之战”,引起了广泛关注。谷歌的人工智能软件已经连续第三次击败名为Go的古老棋盘游戏的大师。名为“阿尔法狗”的谷歌软件在和世界最好的围棋选手李世石的五场比赛以四胜一败结束。这意味着谷歌已经从竞赛中获得了100万美元的奖金,并表示将捐赠给慈善机构。但是这场胜利的意义已经超过了奖金和胜利本身。塞卡病毒最初是1947年从乌干达塞卡森林的一只猴子身上分离出来的。它的历史发源地是一条狭窄的赤道带,横跨非洲,一直延伸到赤道亚洲。几十年来,这种病毒由伊蚊 属蚊虫传播,消无声息,主要感染猴子。在人类身上,塞卡病毒偶尔会引起一种低关注度的轻微疾病。2007年,寨卡病毒扩大了地理范围,导致在太平洋岛屿密克罗尼西亚首次爆发有记载的疫情。2013年至2014年,又有4个太平洋岛屿国家记录了大规模寨卡病毒的爆发。中国惊人的经济增长是这一代人最大的传奇之一。自开始接受市场经济以来的短短三十年里,中国已经摆脱了极度贫困,成为世界上最大的出口国。这种转变发生得如此之快,以至于出现了大量关于中国对美国和世界其他地区带来构成威胁的传说和误解。8. 单选题In the Spring Export Commodities Fair the( )of fine china attracted much attention of customers from all over the world.问题1选项A.successionB.arrayC.stringD.procession【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。succession意为“一系列,继承”;array意为“大量,大堆,阵列”;string意为“细绳,一串”;procession意为“队伍,行列”。句意:在春季出口商品大会上,陈列精美的瓷器吸引了来自世界各地的客户的广泛关注。9. 单选题England became unified late in the 15th century. On Bosworth Field, in 1485, Henry Tudor put an end to the civil strife of the Wars of the Roses and crowned himself Henry VII. Forcefully bringing recalcitrant nobles to heel, he strengthened his authority. For the first time in nearly a century, the country had stability in government and a considerable degree of peace and prosperity. Henry, therefore, could devote his attention to the promotion of commerce. He encouraged English merchants to enter foreign trade, supported the formation of trading companies, and restricted the activities of the foreign merchants in London and Bristol, who had monopolized trade. Columbus even sent his brother to England when he failed to obtain support from the Portuguese or Spanish Kings for his proposal that Cathay could be reached by sailing west across the Atlantic. Henry VII agreed to finance the voyage and urged Columbus to come at once to England. But, before the latter left Spain, the Spanish monarchs experienced a change of heart and supported the voyage that was to give Spain an empire.Meanwhile, Henry VII never gave up his hope of obtaining for England a share of the rich Eastern trade. British merchants established a trade link with Iceland about 1490. And encouraged by news of Columbus voyage, on March 5, 1496, Henry VII granted letters-patent to the well-beloved John Cabot and his three sons to sail across the Atlantic to Asia. An Italian-born navigator, Cabot had lived in England since 1484. As a youth, he had visited the East, and when he arrived in London he had already decided that an all-water route could be found to the trading centers there. He may have made a few trips to Iceland before the King commissioned his trans-Atlantic voyage.In May of 1497, Cabot left Bristol with a crew of 18 and, after a voyage of 52 days across the North Atlantic, landed on Cape Breton Island and took possession of the land for Henry VII. From there, he explored several islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and in August returned to England and the praise of Henry VII, who granted him new letters-patent. When Cabot sailed again, in 1498, he had perhaps 5 or 6 ships, whose crews totaled some 300 men. The King personally financed a substantial portion of the expeditions cost. On his second voyage, Cabot probably explored the North American coast from Newfoundland south to the Delaware or Chesapeake Bays.Having failed to find the shores of Cathay (China) or Cipango (Japan), the English turned in the opposite direction. Henry s son, Henry better known for his martial involvement and his break with the Popeenthusiastically began to build “a fleet the like of which the world has never seen.” John Cabots son, Sebastian, became a renowned navigator. After serving Spain for a number of years, he returned to England and opened the northern sea-land route to Moscow. He also helped found the company of Merchant-Adventurers, predecessor of the Muscovy Company, and became its president for life.Thus, for nearly a century, Englands interest was diverted from the New World and her energies were concentrated on the development of a commercial empire and a merchant fleet that became second to none in Europe. But John Cabot had given England a claim to the northern shores of the New World, and in the course of time the sea dogs and other English mariners were to breathe new life into it.1.The main purpose of the passage is to( ).2.Which of the following statement is best supported by information in the passage?3.The author cites Columbus chiefly to( ).4.According to the Passage, Sebastian Cabot and Christopher Columbus( ).5. The author suggests that Henry s interest in navigation was chiefly( ).6.According to the passage Henry s policies included all of the following EXCEPT( ).7.Which of the following statements is best supported by information in the passage?8.For the purposes of this passage, the end of the wars of the Roses was important chiefly because( ).9.For the purposes of this passage, John Cabots principal importance is that he( ).10.According to the passage, the initial voyages of Christopher Columbus and J


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