五年级英语上册 Unit 3 What

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五年级英语上册 Unit 3 What一、找出下列单词中不同类的一项。(15分)()1.A.grapeBappleCcucumber()2.A.tofu Bpork Cmutton()3.A.carrot Bonion Cchicken()4.A.chicken Bfish Cpotato()5.A.tasty Bsweet Cfavourite二、连词成句。(18分)1are,healthy,and,they,fresh(.)_2dont,but,I,like,fish(.)_3do,on,Mondays,what,you,have,lunch,for(?)_三、根据首字母提示,补全对话。(32分)Mike:Whats your f_ f_?Amy:Beef.Mike:G_! Me too. Its yummy.Jack:I like vegetables(蔬菜)Theyre h_What a_ you, Amy?Amy:Me too.And I like a_Theyre s_Do you like apples, Jack?Jack:I dont like apples.I like p_四、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(25分)Zip:Whats your favourite food,Zoom?Zoom:I like beef,but Im heavy now.I have to eat vegetables.What about you,Zip?Zip:I like chicken.Its tasty.Do you like fruit,Zoom?Zoom:Yes,and carrot juice is my favourite.Its fresh and healthy.Zip:I like fruit,too.But I dont like strawberries.Theyre sour.()1.Beef is Zooms favourite food.()2.Zoom can eat a lot of meat.()3.Zoom likes carrot juice because its fresh and healthy.()4.Zip likes strawberries because theyre sour.()5.Zips favourite food is chicken.五、你知道下面这些谚语的意思吗?猜猜看!(10分)()1.A tree is known by its fruit.()2.No sweet without sweat.()3.A friend in need is a friend indeed.()4.A snow year,a rich year.A苦尽甘来。B观其行而知其人。C瑞雪兆丰年。 D患难见真情。参考答案


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