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2022届高三英语一轮总复习Module5NewspapersandMagazines区域过关集训外研版必修2 .语法填空1(2017北京卷)Artificial intelligence (AI) may bee extremely good at _ (achievement) something other than what we really want.答案achieving2 A study found that a strong Nino in 198798 helped Americas _ (economic) grow by $15 billion.答案economy3 I was _ (delight) at the presence of such a student.答案delighted4One traditional _ (believe) about television is that it reduces a childs ability to think and to understand the world.答案belief4 Yet there is _ (evident) suggesting that the trend is growing.答案evidence6 To catch the early _ (fly), we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early.答案flight7It might seem odd, but it is a _ (culture) tradition.答案cultural8With efficiency also es mass _ (produce)答案production.选词填空1.The passengers went _ the plane at 9:00 am.The students _ on weekdays and go home on weekends.They went _ to buy some goods.答案aboardboardabroad2.I _ you on passing the exam.They _ his birthday and bought some presents for him.答案congratulatecelebrated.单句改错1I have just finished my work when the boss came in._答案havehad2We offered him our congratulation on his success in business._答案congratulationcongratulations3Mr. Brown stood at the door, weled newers with a large smile._答案weledweling或weled前加and4He looks happy;in other words, he looks delightful._答案delightfuldelighted5The plane crashed killing all 200 people on aboard._答案去掉on6Founding in the early 20th century, the school keeps on inspiring childrens love of art._答案FoundingFounded7In the total, we spent three days on the project._答案去掉第一个the8Well replace bricks for stones._答案bricks前加the.单句写作1This is the first time that I _(跑这么远)答案have run so far2_ (既然你们已经读了) the text, we neednt read it again.答案Now that you have read3We _ (正在举行聚会) when it began to rain.答案were holding a party4They _ (向我们祝贺) on winning the match.答案offered congratulations to us5That was the second time that I _ (参观南京)答案had visited Nanjing


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