安徽省2022届中考英语总复习 语法组合练 题组二(含最新预测题)精练 (新版)人教新目标版

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安徽省2022届中考英语总复习 语法组合练 题组二(含最新预测题)精练 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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安徽省2022届中考英语总复习 语法组合练 题组二(含最新预测题)精练 (新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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安徽省2022届中考英语总复习 语法组合练 题组二(含最新预测题)精练 (新版)人教新目标版_第3页
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安徽省2022届中考英语总复习 语法组合练 题组二(含最新预测题)精练 (新版)人教新目标版1.2019预测A student who is always helping others is worth being loved. . Jack usually helps others and we like him very much. A.Dont mention itB. I totally agree C. Please hold onD. Wait a moment2.2019预测With the development of IT, we can get much on the Internet anytime and anywhere.A. photos B. idea C. messages D. information3.My neighbor has two cats. One is white, and is black.A. the otherB. another C. otherD. others4.2019预测 I get it done tonight, madam?No, you . You can send it to our customer this Wednesday.A. Must; mustnt B. Must; neednt C. Can; neednt D. Can; mustnt5.Carla, you stayed up late working again. Youd better have a rest.Thanks, Mom. , Im not as tired as you thought. I slept for the whole afternoon.A.Without doubtB. In factC. After allD. At least6.2019预测My mother goes to bed late at night because she has to finish all the housework every day.A.always B.sometimes C.hardly D.seldom7.2019预测It was of us to forget to lock the door. Yeah, luckily, nothing serious happens, but we should be careful next time.A. carelessB. carefulC. kindD. polite8.Bob is a clever boy, he doesnt study hard at his lessons.A. so B. and C. but D. because 9.UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会) was in Europe in 1946. A. set up B. put up C. taken up D. held up10.2019预测Dont touch the products on show unless you to do so.A. have asked B. are asking C. will be asked D. are asked11.Can you tell me ?A. where do you live B. what time are you leavingC. where have you been D. where you have been 12.2019预测I like places are surrounded(环绕) by trees and plants.A. where B. when C. which D. who 13.2019预测Too much homework has made me tired these days, Mrs. Smith.Thats true. But a small tree wont grow into a big one it experiences lots of winds and rain.A. if B. because C. when D. unless14.Have you finished your homework,Micky?Sorry.I it yet.But I will finish it as soon as possible.A.will finish B.wont finishC.have finished D.havent finished15.2019预测Thank you very much for your advice on the design of the project. . I hope itll be helpful to you.A. With pleasure B. Pretty goodC. Congratulations D. Good idea【参考答案】1.B【解析】考查情景交际。根据答语中的Jack经常帮助他人,我们很喜欢他可知答话人十分赞成上句说话人的观点。故选B。2. D【解析】考查名词的用法。photo照片;idea主意;message信息(可数);information信息(不可数)。根据题干中的much及句意可知答案为D。3.A【解析】考查代词的用法。one.the other.表示(在两者之中)一个另一个,为固定用法。4. B【解析】考查情态动词的用法。句意: 今天我必须完成这项工作吗,夫人?不,你不必。你可以在这周三把它发给我们的客户。故选B。5.B【解析】考查短语辨析。句意:卡拉,你昨晚又熬夜学习了,你最好休息一下。谢谢,妈妈。实际上,我不像你想得那么累,我睡了一下午呢。根据句意可知选B。6.A【解析】考查副词的用法。结合句中的she has to finish all the housework every day可知,我妈妈总是睡得很晚,故选A。7.A【解析】考查形容词的用法。根据题干中的我们忘记锁门了及我们下次应该谨慎点可知careless符合题意。8.C【解析】考查连词的用法。设空前是说,Bob是一个聪明的男孩;设空后是说,他在学习上不努力。由此可知设空前后存在转折关系,故选C。9.A【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:联合国儿童基金会是1946年在欧洲建立的。set up建立;put up张贴;take up开始从事;hold up举起。故选A。10.D【解析】考查动词的时态和语态。句意:不要摸那些在展览的商品,除非你被要求这样做。unless引导条件状语从句遵循主将从现的原则,故此处应用一般现在时;又you与ask为被动关系,应用被动语态。故选D。11.D【解析】考查宾语从句的用法。宾语从句用陈述语序,故选D。12.C【解析】考查定语从句的关系词。先行词是places,且关系词在从句中作主语,故选C。13.D【解析】考查连词的用法。此处是说,但是一棵小树不会长成大树,除非它经历许多的风雨。故选D。14.D【解析】考查动词的时态。根据答语中的我会尽快完成可知此处是说,我还未完成。故选D。15. A【解析】考查情景交际。对别人的感谢进行回答时可用with pleasure,表示乐意效劳。故选A。


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