天津市滨海新区七年级英语下册 Module 5 Shopping Unit 3 Language in use导学案(新版)外研版

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天津市滨海新区七年级英语下册 Module 5 Shopping Unit 3 Language in use导学案(新版)外研版_第1页
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天津市滨海新区七年级英语下册 Module 5 Shopping Unit 3 Language in use导学案(新版)外研版_第2页
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天津市滨海新区七年级英语下册 Module 5 Shopping Unit 3 Language in use导学案(新版)外研版学习目标语法复习:特殊疑问句What can I do for you? What colour does she like? What size does she take? How much are they? When are they going to the shops? How many/much would you like? How do you pay for it?程序集体备课内容个案学习过程一、自读与反馈质疑(自学Language practice,找出语法点)二、合作交流 知识梳理 辨析:how much or how many.不同用法。三、即时训练 做课内练习1-4四、 达标检测 I. 根据句意,用恰当的疑问词及相关短语完成对话。1. _ is your name? Li Daming. 2. _ is the pen? Its red.3. _ are you in? Im in Class 3. 4. _ does she take? Size M. 5. _ are you? Im a student. . 根据要求完成下列各小题。1. Kate will spend ten yuan on the book. (改为同义句) Kate will _ ten yuan _ the book.2. 请稍等一会!(翻译成英语) _3. I want to swim because it is very hot. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you want to swim?4. The girl likes blue and red. (对划线部分提问) _ _ does the girl like? 5 The oranges are ten yuan a kilo. (对划线部分提问)_ _ are the oranges? . 从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话。A: (1)_B: Yes, please. I want some meat. How much is it? A: 24 yuan a kilo. (2)_B: A kilo. A: OK. (3)_B: Apples. How much are they?A: (4)_ Now 4 yuan a kilo. B: Two kilos, please. A: OK. That is 32 yuan in all (总共). B: (5)_ A: Thank you! (A. What else do you want?B. Can I help you? C. Heres the money. D. How much do you want?E. They are half price. )板书Module 5 Shopping Unit 3 Language in useOne of. Compare to/with change our way of life and so on反思


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