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北京语言大学21春英语语法在线作业二满分答案1. Many people are worried about the effect of _on local culture.A. globalizationB.Many people are worried about the effect of _on local culture.A. globalizationB. globalC. globalisedD. globalise参考答案:A2. Considering our good cooperation in the past , we agreed to accept the payments by installments. PleConsidering our good cooperation in the past , we agreed to accept the payments by installments. Please remit the 30% down payment to us by T/T and payment of balance is to be covered by the collection.既然我们过去合作得很好,这次我们接受分期付款。请先电汇30%的定金,剩余的款项以托收方式支付。3. The new suitcase _you got yesterday is full already. A. where B. which CThe new suitcase _you got yesterday is full already.A. whereB. whichC. in which参考答案B4. Do you like the book the color of which is yellow.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B5. The word it in the second sentence of the second paragraph refers toAmicrobeBsmall lifThe word it in the second sentence of the second paragraph refers toAmicrobeBsmall lifeCworld of microbesDword正确答案:C“it”这个代词应该是代替本句中前面提到的theworld(ofmicrobes)。6. She spends a great _ of money on new clothes every month.A. manyB. amountsC.dealDShe spends a great _ of money on new clothes every month.A. manyB. amountsC.dealD. number答案:C7. The old bookcase isn&39;t really _. Let&39;s throw it away. A) able to use B) caThe old bookcase isnt really _. Lets throw it away.A) able to useB) capable of many usesC) of much useD) of much usefulnessC“be of+名词”表示人或物的特征。use作名词,意为“使用(用途)”,不可数。8. Could you please tell me_get to the nearest bookshop?Ahow I canBhow can ICwhere caCould you please tell me_get to the nearest bookshop?Ahow I canBhow can ICwhere can IDwhere I can正确答案:A9. John was a suitable child to take into their home.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A10. A lot of people have ( ) on the similarity between them.A、saidB、toldC、remarkedD、remade参考答案:C11. 【C17】AonBinCbyDfor【C17】AonBinCbyDfor正确答案:Bingreatnumbers“大量地,大批地,成群结队地”,指人成群地来,固定搭配。12. The manager came over and asked the customer how _?A.did the quarrel came aboutB.the quarrel had come aboutC.had the quarrel come aboutD.had the quarrel come about参考答案:B13. If I were rich, I would buy a shopping mall.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B14. _ I&39;ve been without a car for most of my life, I&39;ve always managed to get about as much as I&39;ve wanted.A.althoughB.howeverC.so thatD.yet参考答案:A15. l rn enjoying the long surnrner evenings. _arn I. A.So B. Neither- l rn enjoying the long surnrner evenings.- _arn I.A.SoB. NeitherC. Nor参考答案A16. The president promised to keep all the board members _ of the negotiations.(inform)The president promised to keep all the board members _ of the negotiations.(inform)informed17. She seems to _ language -whatever language she learns,she learns it well.A.take an interest inB.have a gift forC.take advantage ofD.play a role in参考答案:B18. 请对H2284号信用证作下列修改: (1)将交货期展至5月31日。 (2)将有效期展至6月15日。 等候修改通知书。请对H2284号信用证作下列修改:(1)将交货期展至5月31日。(2)将有效期展至6月15日。等候修改通知书。We request you to have L/C No H2284 amended as follows: (1) Extend the time of shipment till 31 May (2) Extend the validity of the L/C till 15 June Await your amendment advice 19. He made a lot of noise and it is why they want him to get out.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A20. Can those _ at the back of the classroom hear me? -No problem.A.seatB.sittedC.seatedD.sat参考答案:C21. ICC (C) shall not cover deliberate damage to or deliberate destruction of the subject matter insuredICC (C)shall not cover deliberate damage to or deliberate destruction of the subject matter insured or any part thereof by the wrongful act of any person or persons.msg:,data:,voicepath:22. We can assure you that all your orders will receive our immediate and careful attention.We can assure you that all your orders will receive our immediate and careful attention.我方保证对贵方所有订单予以及时、仔细的处理。23. Very _ people were flying because of terrorist activities.A.fewB.little参考答案:A24. The opposition leader&39;s speech stole the headlines from the government.The opposition leaders speech stole the headlines from the government.反对党领袖的演讲在报纸上大出凤头,使政府相形见绌。25. Under DDP term , the seller bears the maximum obligation; under EXW term, the buyer bears the maximuUnder DDP term ,the seller bears the maximum obligation;under EXW term,the buyer bears the maximum obligation.在DDP下,卖方的责任最大;而在EXW下,买方的责任最大。26. Exercise every day_you will stay fit. A. if B. then C. whenExercise every day_you will stay fit.A. ifB. thenC. when参考答案B27. Frankly speaking, I&39;d rather you (say) _ nothing about it for the time being.Frankly speaking, Id rather you (say) _ nothing about it for the time being.said在would rather后接从句时,常用虚拟语气,此处用动词过去式表示虚拟语气。意思为:坦白地说,我宁愿你现在对此什么都别说。28. Seeing from a distance, it looked like a human face.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A29. These are two ( ) ingredients in making this kind of pie.A. indispensableB. independentCThese are two ( ) ingredients in making this kind of pie.A. indispensableB. independentC. unnecessaryD. internal参考答案:A30. Monica, Id like you to meet Philip、He is the monitor of our class.( )A、It is so good.B、Oh, I am happy.C、Nice to meet you.D、Good!参考答案:C31. Her _ (old)sister is much _ (slim)than she is.Her _ (old)sister is much _ (slim)than she is.elder$slimmer32. Dear Sirs, We have received your letter of Feb.23 that ponited out the price offered by us for ourDear Sirs,We have received your letter of Feb.23 that ponited out the price offered by us for our product is found to be on the high side.We regret to say that there is no possibility of our cutting the price to the extent you indicated,i.e.3%.These days,we have received a crowd of inquiries from buyers in other directions and expect to close business at something near our level.At present,we cannot see our way to entertain your counter-offer.We assure you that your inquiries will receive our immediate attention.Yours truly,(Signature)尊敬的先生: 2月23日函收悉,得知贵方认为我方产品价格偏高。很抱歉,就价格来说,我方目前不能满足贵方提出的减少3%的要求。最近几天,我们已从别的方面收到大量询价单,预计能在接近我方报价水平上成交。故目前我们无法满足贵方还价的要求。 我方保证贵方的询盘函将受到即时的关注。 致 礼 签名 33. We consider it _ to make it clear that for further transactions D/ P will only be accepted if tWe consider it _ to make it clear that for further transactions D/ P will only be accepted if the amount involved for each transaction is below1000.00 or its _ in Renminbi at the conversion rate then prevailing.Aadvised, equalBadvised, equalCadvisable, equivalentDequivalent, advisableC34. The boy _ I believed to be honest deceived me.A.whoB.whom参考答案:B35. They have_their shoes.Aworn awayBworn offCworn outDworn downThey have_their shoes.Aworn awayBworn offCworn outDworn down正确答案:C36. If I _ in university, I _ the present job.A.didnt study, would getB.hadnt studied, would getC.didnt study, didnt getD.hadnt studied, wouldnt get参考答案:D37. The bank is opposite the newsagents.The bank is opposite the newsagents.参考答案银行在报刊亭对面。38. The rates quoted by us are very moderateOf course, the premium varies with the range of insurance.The rates quoted by us are very moderateOf course, the premium varies with the range of insurance.我们所收取的费率是很有限的,当然,保险费用要根据投保范围的大小而有所不同。39. software maintenance 英译中software maintenance 英译中参考答案软件维护40. Would you give him this letter if you_to see him this week?Awill happenBhappenCoccWould you give him this letter if you_to see him this week?Awill happenBhappenCoccurredDoccur正确答案:B41. I have two cats and I like_. Aall of them Bthem both Cevery one of themI have two cats and I like_.Aall of themBthem bothCevery one of themDthem eachB42. So _ in the darkness that he didn&39;t dare to move an inch.A.he was frightenedB.was he frightenedC.frightened he wasD.frightened was he参考答案:D43. In the Great Fire of London in 1666, people managed to feel the heat miles away.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A44. You can find a tower at _ ends of the bridge. Aboth Ball Ceach DeitherYou can find a tower at _ ends of the bridge.AbothBallCeachDeitherA45. Adam was busy writing.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B46. Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine for which you asked.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B47. Online courses _ self-discipline.A.requireB.requires参考答案:A48. As the most important environmental conference in more than a decade gets under way in Copenhagen thAs the most important environmental conference in more than a decade gets under way in Copenhagen this week,much of the talk,as usual,is on reducing greenhouse-gas emissions.But theres another issue that needs to be addressed-one that is crucial for reaching an overall agreement,but doesnt get nearly as much attention.That issue is adaptation.十几年来最重要的环境会议本周即将在哥本哈根召开,和以往一样,讨论大多集中在温室气体的减排上。然而,还有另一个问题急需解决这个问题对能否达成一个整体协议至关重要,但尚未引起人们足够的关注。这就是适应机制问题。这则新闻采用了英语新闻语言的表达习惯,使用复合句。译者通过对原文的理解,将adaptation译为“适应机制问题”,使译文便于理解。49. Arthritis _ a disease causing pain and swelling in the joints of the body.A.isB.are参考答案:A50. He is too weak to _ the heavy box. A) rise B) arise C) raise D) arouseHe is too weak to _ the heavy box.A) riseB) ariseC) raiseD) arouseC及物动词raise“举起,抬起”,“the heavy box”作其宾语;rise“上升,升起”,为不及物动词;arise“起立,起身”,为不及物动词;及物动词arouse表示“唤起,激起”。51. You have been drinking at least ten cups.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A52. Have you been to New Zealand? -No, I&39;d like to, _.A.tooB.thoughC.yetD.either参考答案:D53. No matter how much money there is it cant _ a healthy body.A、compareB、fitC、defeatD、No matter how much money there is it cant _ a healthy body.A、compareB、fitC、defeatD、match正确答案:D54. What time do you think _?A.will Tom come backB.Tom will come backC.is Tom coming backD.can Tom get here参考答案:B55. 请你根据以下要点,拟一则有关家教的招聘启事。 (1)家教老师(英语)必须是一位男性,年龄30岁左右;请你根据以下要点,拟一则有关家教的招聘启事。 (1)家教老师(英语)必须是一位男性,年龄30岁左右; (2)必须有授课经历,并且有耐心和信心; (3)工作时间是每周六日,每天8小时,待遇丰厚; (4)联系电话是8101688。 写作要求: (1)标题为Help Wanted; (2)内容可适当发挥; (3)词数100个左右。正确答案:Help Wantedrn I want a man English teacher aged about 30 to teach my son at home. If you are or used to be a teacher as well as have patience and confidence you are my best choice.rn You should work at my home from Saturday to Sunday 8 hours per day. Of course youmay stay up for the night if you like. In spite of this you are sure to get good wages.rn What do you think of it? You are welcome to call 8101688 at any time except at night.HelpWantedIwantamanEnglishteacheragedabout30toteachmysonathome.Ifyouareorusedtobeateacheraswellashavepatienceandconfidence,youaremybestchoice.YoushouldworkatmyhomefromSaturdaytoSunday,8hoursperday.Ofcourse,you,maystayupforthenight,ifyoulike.Inspiteofthis,youaresuretogetgoodwages.Whatdoyouthinkofit?Youarewelcometocall8101688atanytimeexceptatnight.56. You don&39;t need to describe her. I _ her several times Ahad met Bhave met Cmet DmeetYou dont need to describe her. I _ her several timesAhad metBhave metCmet DmeetB首先,本题强调对现在的影响,即我知道她的模样,你不用描述; 其次,由several times可知为反复发生的动作,因此用现在完成时。57. This has caused us much _ as we have already made preparations for shipment according to the _This has caused us much _ as we have already made preparations for shipment according to the _ of the said sales confirmation.Astipulations, inconvenienceBstipulations, convenienceCconvenience, stipulationsDinconvenience, stipulationsD58. Although he is poor nevertheless, he is satisfied with his situation.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A59. With the countrys population increasing to 3 billion, many of Chinas rivers, including theWith the countrys population increasing to 3 billion, many of Chinas rivers, including the legendary Yellow River, _Ais drying upBwill be drying upChad dried upDare drying up正确答案:D60. On the stairs was _ a small dark-haired girl.A.sittingB.sat参考答案:A


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