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2018-2019 学年人教版必修二 Unit 2 The Olympic Games learning about language 课时作业(4)Unit 2 The Olympic Games 课时作业learning about language第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. In depe ndent study is not inten ded as a(n)for reduci ng course-scheduli ng difficultiesbut as a mea ns for explori ng in greater depth academic subject matter.A. excha ngeB.deviceC.suggestio nD. reas on2. Teen agers should be cautious about the content on social n etwork ing sites, for their tastes andprefere ncesby what they see in the media.A. shapeB.wereshapedC.are shapedD. have shaped3. If the product is sig ni fica ntly differe nt fromdescribed in the ad, you have every rightto compla in to the local authority.A. oneB. onesC. thatD. those4. Preside nt Trump announced that the Un ited States would from the Paris ClimateAgreeme nt, which would possibly weake n efforts to fight global warmi ng.A. ben efitB. withdrawC. ariseD. suffer7 / 75. Peter has bought ano ther new phone aga in in this mon th?It s justof him to lose interest and waste money.A. typicalB. wiseC. con siderateD. gen erous6. Shutt ing doors, finishing chapters or whatever; what matters is notwe call it but toleave in the past those mome nts in life that are over.A. whatB. howC. whereD. which7. This means that, uni ess you say, no one can perform a piece writte n by you or makecopies of it without your permissi on.A. accord in glyB. n everthelessC. otherwiseD. moreover8. I don t know whether you happenit, but I am going to study in the UK for a year.A. hearB. to hearC. to be heardD. to have heard9. The Student Union well have approved the camping site, but the schooladm ini stratio n believed the circumsta nces were not favorable.A. mightB. shouldC. couldD. must10. Any suggesti on for my daddy, doctor?The curre nt advice is tosmok ing and work out.A. cut awayB. cut outC. cut throughD. cut up11. Chairman Xi Jinping has proposed a road map for Belt and Road Initiative, heprovided a comprehe nsive visio n of how it could con tribute to the world developme nt in gen eral.A. whichB. asC. whe nD. where12. A lie can travel half way around the worldthe truth is putt ing on its shoes.A. ifB. whileC. unl essD. until13. for his timely help, I wouldn htave been able to make it through the economicsqueeze.A. Were it notB. Would it not beC. Had it not bee nD. Should it not be14. Would you please show me the way to the city library?Stick to the road un til you reach the sec ond crossroads.A. Take it easyB. You can t miss it C. Don t get me wrong D. You bet15. What does the boss think about; it is impossible to finish the work in a day!Calm dow n. After all, he is the.A. top bananaB. cool cucumberC. tough cookieD. bad apple第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。If you veldden any New York subway, chances are good that you vevatched yourcellphone clock tick while seated on an unmoving, delayed train. You wouldn t wish to have sua 16 feeli ng of being stuck on public tran sportati on anymore. No one knows the feeli ng as17 as Jerich Marco Alcantara does particularly when he had 18 in his life to celebrate.He 19 his graduati on cere mony at Hun ter College s Brookdale campus due to a delayThere were two 20 ceremonies that day, but Alca ntara specifically wan ted to 21the early ceremony, because stude nts were on ly 22 two tickets for friends and family at the latter eve nt. He wan ted all of his family and friends in atte ndan ce.Stuck on the train in full baccalaureate gown (学士服),Alcantara still got to experience a formal 23, sort of. Some friends and strangers improvised ( 即兴创作)a ceremony on thesubway.24a cellphone, a friend presented Alcantara with a “ diploma ” ; 25somebody else on the train played Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) by Green Day. Another passe nger 26the ceremony and posted the video to Facebook.27he wasn t able to attend the full ceremony, in a way this will end up being a morememorable 28 for Alca ntara dow n the road. He will be able to point to his 29 and not just think of the hard work it took to earn it, but the 30missing his real graduationceremony created.Mome nts like these help us get a little more31 of our fellow man duri ng a 32time. Although these aren t all strangers, it s still wonderfi33o seetpeoate suresome one feels the proper 34, or at least their big achieveme nt should be 35.Though Alca ntara missed his official graduati on cere mony, he said his subway experie nce meant a lot.16. A. risingB. sin ki ngC. spinningD. float ing17. A. vividlyB. casuallyC. plai nlyD. fiercely18. A. milest onesB. promotio nsC. festivalsD. parties19. A. spoiledB. quittedC. overlookedD. missed20. A. separateB. con ti nu ousC. releva ntD. con tradictory21. A. joinB. makeC.abandonD. ig nore22. A. appo in tedB. allocatedC. approvedD. accumulated23. A. assemblyB. situati onC. occasi onD. meet ing24. A. ViaB. OnC. I nD. From25. A. i nsteadB. afterwardsC. thereforeD. mea nwhile26. A. filmedB. tookC. i nterviewedD. reported27. A. SinceB. AsC. AlthoughD. When28. A. explorati onB. mome ntC. impressio nD. stage29. A. video30. A. pain31. A. convin ced32. A. messy33. A. get together34. A. acquisiti on35. A. welcomed第三节任务型阅读B. ticketB. inconvenienceB. tiredB. extremeB. gather togetherB. cooperati onB. applauded洪10小题;每小题1分,C. diplomaC. exciteme ntC. relia ntC. acuteC. put togetherC. recog niti onC. calculated 满分10分)请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个 注意:请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。每个空格只填D. cellph oneD. memoryD. faithfulD. disorga ni zedD. band togetherD. evaluati onD. en couraged最恰当的单词。1个单词。Nowhere is the place you never want to go. It s not on any departure board, and though somepeople like to travel so far off the motherland that it looks like Nowhere, most wanderers ultimately long to get somewhere. Yet every now and the n if there s no where else you can be and all other opti ons have gone going no where can prove the best adve nture around.Nowhere is entirely uncharted; you ve never read a guidebook entry on it or followed otherssuggestions on a train ride through its suburbs. Few YouTube videos exist of it. Moreover, it from the most dangerous kind of luggage, expectation. Knowing nothing of a place in advanee ope ns us up to a high en ergy we seldom encoun ter while walk ing around Paris or Kyoto with a list of the 10 things we want or, in embarrassing truth, feel we need to see.I lnever forget a bright January morning whe n I Ian ded in San Fran cisco from SantaBarbara, just in time to see my connecting flight to Osaka take off. I hurried to the nearest airline coun ter to ask for help, and was told that I would have to wait 24 hours, at my own expe nse, for the n ext day s flight. An unan ticipated delay is exactly what no body wants on his schedule. The airli ne d id n t an swer for fogelated delays, a gate age nt declared, and no alter native flights were available.Millbrae, Califor nia, the drive-through tow n that en circles San Fran ciscoairport, was amystery to me. With one of the world s most beaoitifj4fitmsiutes to the north, and theunofficial center of the world, Silicon V alley, 27 miles to the south, Millbrae is known mostly as a place to fly away from, at high speed.It was a cloudless, warm after noon as a shuttle bus deposited me in Millbrae. Locals weretaking their dogs for walks along the bay while couples wan dered hand in hand beside an expa nseof blue that, in San Fran cisco, would have bee n crowded with people and officialattractioichecked in to my hotel and registered.Sudde nly I was enjoying a luxury I n ever allow myself, eve n on vacatio n: a whole day free.And as I made my way back to my hotel, lights began to come on in the hills of Millbrae, and Irealized I had n ever see n a sight half so lovely in glamorous, in dustrial Osaka. Its n eighbor Kyotois attractive, but it attracts 50 milli on visitors a year.Who knows if I ll ever visit Millbrae again? But I m con fide nt that Nowhere will slip into myschedule many times more. No place, after all, is uninteresting to the interested eye. Nowhere is sofar off the map that its smallest beauties are a discovery.The Unexpected Joys of a Trip to NowherePassage outlineSupporting detailsAlthough many choose to travel bey ond the (1) , they actually hopeIn troduct ion to to get somewhere.Nowhere Gett ing no where can be the best adve nture whe n we are (2) out ofoptio ns. You don t have to(4p on a guidebook entry or othersadvice.(3) of With limited information of a place and little expectation, we willNowhereencoun ter a (5) high en ergy that does nt exist when visiting Paris orKyoto. Theairline wasn t6) for unexpected delays and there were noThe author alter native flights available.experie neeofHe decided to visit the mysterious Millbrae, (7) between Sangett ing no whereFran cisco and Silic on Valley. He(8) to enjoy such a luxurious and free time in big cities before. Though(9) about whether to visit Millbrae agai n, Nowhere will beCon clusi onin cluded in his schedule. Nowhere is en tirely un charted with its beauties to be (80).第四节书面表达(满分25分)请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。Chen Yifan, the stude nt from a local senior high school, hit a BMW car park ing along thestreet whe n he was pass ing by on a bicycle on February 4, leavi ng the rearview mirror broke n and several scratches over the body of the car.Chen left a letter of apology to the car owner, together with an envelope of 311yuan he hadearned from part-time jobs duri ng the win ter holiday. He put them at the in side of a door han dle.The car owner surn amed Xue found the letter and cash the n ext day and got so touched byChen s hon esty. With the help of local police Xue located the stude nt on February 10 in the hope of returning the money. He told the police that he also wants to fund Chen education if the family cannot afford it.On February 11, Chen s mother, after knowing what her son had done, voluntarily contactedXue trying to compensate for the repair of 13,000 yuan. But Xue turned her down firmly.The next day, Xue slaughter visited Chen family with a grant of 10,000 yuan for his educati on.【写作内容】1. 用约30个单词写出上文概要;2. 用约120个单词发表你的观点,内容包括:(1)如果你是那位中学生,你会怎么做?你又如何看待这位车主的行为?(2)如何理解 穷有信、富而仁”这句话?【写作要求】1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3. 不必写标题。【评分标准】内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。单项填空1-5 BCCBA6-10 ACDAB11-15 DBCBA完形填空16-20 BCADA 21-23 BBCAD 26-30 ACBCD 31-35 AADCB任务型阅读1. boun daries/borders 2. running3. Ben efits/Adva ntages4. depe nden t/relia nt5. rare 6. resp on sible7. located/ly ing8. failed 9. un certa in/un sure10.discovered/explored书面表达One possible version:Chen Yifan and his mom decided to pay all they could afford for compensation after Chen accidentally bumped into a parked BMW. Moved by his deed, the car owner declined and offered to sponsor Chen s education.Chen has really set a good example to our fellow Chin ese stude nts. Though he could have left the scene unpuni shed, he decided to shoulder the cost of repairs. Mean while, that car driver Xue did n t pale in comparis on with the boy. Con trary to the com mon reactio n whe n their cars get scratched, Xue displayed a high degree of tolera nee and compassi on, which con tribute to the harm ony of the story.As far as I am concern ed, such harm onious relati on ship betwee n them shows great adva nces in social morality. Despite the difference in wealth, the inferior should always put honesty in the first place, and those who enjoy a better life should show more empathy with the inferior.


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