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人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语1人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语2First AidFirst AidUnit5 Unit5 人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语3人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语4aid (n,v)帮助帮助,援助援助,资助资助with the aid of在在帮助下帮助下aid sb in doing (to do)援助某人做援助某人做first aid急救急救aid (n, v)assist (v) help (n, v)经济或安慰经济或安慰辅辅助助最常用最常用temporary (a) permanent (a)短暂的短暂的永久的永久的fall ill 生病生病 (瞬间瞬间)injury (n)injure (v)损伤,伤害损伤,伤害injury to 部位部位对对的伤害的伤害人人 injure 部位部位 sb be injured某人伤了某人伤了部部位位某人受伤了某人受伤了bleed (v)-bled-blood流血流血血血bleed for为为流血流血(伤心伤心)nosebleed (n)鼻子出血鼻子出血 sprain (vt)扭伤扭伤sprained (a)扭伤的扭伤的ankle (n)angle踝骨节踝骨节角度角度choke (v)chore 使噎住使噎住,窒息窒息繁繁琐的工作琐的工作cupboard (n)橱柜,衣柜橱柜,衣柜skin (n)皮肤皮肤essential (a)最重要的,不可缺最重要的,不可缺少的,本质的少的,本质的It is essential that+虚拟虚拟最重要的是最重要的是organ (n)器官,机构state organ国家机关layer (n)层次lay (v)放下,搁下,躺着放下,搁下,躺着top/bottom layer顶顶/底层底层barrier (n)屏障,障碍物屏障,障碍物poison (n, vt)毒药,使中毒毒药,使中毒人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语5poisonposition prison 毒药毒药情况情况监监狱狱ray (n)光线光线X- raysx光射线光射线complex (a) complete compete 复杂的复杂的完整完整的的竞争竞争complexcomplicated 复杂的复杂的variety (n)变化变化,多样多样,多变多变a variety/ varieties of各种各样的各种各样的vary (v)使不同使不同,变化变化various (a)-different各种各样的各种各样的不不同的同的varychangeconvertbecomealtermodifyturn 改变的总结改变的总结liquid (n)gassolid 液体液体-气体气体-固体固体radiation (n)辐射,射线辐射,射线mild (a)-soft-gentle 轻微的轻微的,柔和的柔和的pan (n)平底锅,盘子平底锅,盘子stove (n)炉子,火炉炉子,火炉heal (v)-cure(外外)康复,康复,内伤内伤tissue (n)生物组织生物组织,薄的织薄的织物物,手巾纸手巾纸issue (n)议题,问题议题,问题electric shock触电触电electricelectrical electronic 电的电的,电动的电动的有有关电的关电的电子的电子的swell (v)(使使) 膨胀,隆起膨胀,隆起swollen (a)肿胀的肿胀的blister (n, v)水泡,起泡水泡,起泡watery (a)(似似)水的水的char (vi)烧焦烧焦nerve (n)- never神经,胆量神经,胆量人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语6scissors (n)- cut剪刀剪刀 剪剪unbearable (a)难以忍受的难以忍受的basin (n) basebasis 盆,盆地盆,盆地基基地地基础基础squeeze (v)压榨,挤压压榨,挤压presspinch-squeeze上方力上方力拧拧,挤挤各方力各方力squeeze out榨出,挤出榨出,挤出over and over again反复,多次反复,多次bandage (n,vt)绷带绷带,包扎包扎in place out of place在合适位置在合适位置 不合适位置不合适位置laysetplace-put横放横放竖放竖放强强调状态调状态放置放置ointment (n)药膏药膏infection (n)传染,传染病传染,传染病infect (v)-infective传染传染-传染的传染的vital (a)生死攸关的生死攸关的be vital to/for对对生死攸关生死攸关It is vital that should对对至关重要至关重要symptom (n)症状,征兆症状,征兆label (n,v)标签标签,加标签加标签kettle (n)水壶,罐子水壶,罐子pour (v)倒倒,灌灌,注注,涌涌wrist (n)手腕手腕damp (a)潮湿的潮湿的wetdampmoist湿湿潮湿潮湿不干不干sleeve (n)袖子袖子blouse (n)女衬衫女衬衫tight (a,ad)紧的,牢的,紧密的紧的,牢的,紧密的tightly (ad) ( 动词前动词前)紧地,牢地紧地,牢地firm (a,n)稳定有力的稳定有力的,坚定的坚定的, 公司公司人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语7a clerk with a firm公司里的职员公司里的职员clerkcompanycooperation 公司公司throat (n)咽喉,喉咙咽喉,喉咙ceremony (a)典礼典礼,仪式仪式,礼节礼节bravery (n)勇敢,勇气勇敢,勇气stab (v)刺,戳刺,戳a number ofa good many- quite a few-dozens of-scores of许多许多+可数可数put ones hand on找到找到treat (v,n)治疗治疗,对待对待,款待款待treat sb to sth用用款待款待treat sb as把某人当做把某人当做apply tofor事事 (vi)向向申请某事申请某事apply to(vt)把把应用于应用于apply to.; applyto (vi, vt)应用,适用于应用,适用于pressure (n)压力,挤压压力,挤压ambulance (n)救护车救护车scheme (n)方案,计划方案,计划schemeplandesign project 方案方案make a difference区别对待,起区别对待,起重重要作用要作用bruise (n,v)瘀伤,擦伤瘀伤,擦伤人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语81.aid n/vt. 帮助;援助;资助;救助帮助;援助;资助;救助1)vt. aid sb to do sth. with in (doing) sth他们被指控帮助他逃跑。他们被指控帮助他逃跑。They were accused of aiding him in his escape以某物给某人帮助以某物给某人帮助他资助贫困学校。他资助贫困学校。He aided poor schools with money .The old man aided many children to continue their study .2)n do/give /offer/perform/carry out +first aid 进行急救进行急救老人资助孩子继续学业人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语9come to ones aid 来援助某人来援助某人with the aid of sb. with sb.s aid 在某人帮助下在某人帮助下in aid of 为帮助为帮助be a great aid to/for 对对有极大的帮助有极大的帮助老人拄着拐杖走路老人拄着拐杖走路The old man walks with the aid of a stick.医生来之前,我们进行了急救。医生来之前,我们进行了急救。We did first aid before the doctors came .We are raising money in aid of the poor family.He was too busy to come to my aid。The new dictionary is a great aid to me.人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语102. temporary adj. 暂时的,临时的 permanent adj. 永久的,持久的3. fall ill (动作) 生病 be ill (状态)How long has he _ ill? fallenbeen注注: fall ill 不能与时间段连用不能与时间段连用人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语114.injury n(身体)损伤;伤害(身体)损伤;伤害(感情、名誉感情、名誉)an injury to sb/sth 对对的伤害的伤害do an injury to sb=do sb an injury对某人造成伤害对某人造成伤害What you said was an injury to her fame.Dont play with fire. You will do yourself an injury.Smoking will injure your health. I think he must get/be injured.受伤受伤人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语125.bleed vi/vt (bleed-bled-bled) 流血;流血;为(国家、主义)牺牲流血为(国家、主义)牺牲流血;为为心痛心痛bleed to death 流血而死流血而死bleed for为为. .流血流血(伤心伤心),对对. .表示同情表示同情His nose was bleeding .=He was bleeding at/from the nose.They bled for their country.My heart bleeds for the poor child.blood n. 血;血液;血;血液;Blood is thicker than water.血浓于水。血浓于水。人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语136.essential adj.最重要的最重要的,不可缺少的,不可缺少的,本质的本质的be for /to Sun and water are essential to the growth of crops.It is essential that we master the grammar.n. (pl.) 必需品必需品 s of life7. organ n.器官;机构 The heart is a vital organ.state organs 国家机关essential用作形容词指事物赖以存在或与他物相区别的“最基本的”东西。一般与to或for连用,表示“对是要紧的”。essential用于“It is/was essential+that-clause”结构时, that从句要用虚拟语气。人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语148. poison c./u. 毒药,毒害He killed himself by taking poison.vt.毒害,使中毒Someone tried to poison our dog.poisonous adj.有毒的;恶毒的;讨厌的人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语159. complex adj.组成因素多,关系复杂的 complicated adj.复杂而难理解的A computer is certainly a _ machine.This problem is too _; I cant work it plexcomplicated人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语1610.variety ncn/un 变化;多样变化;多样(化化);多变;多变(性性) a variety of varieties of 各种各样的各种各样的There are a variety of flowers in the garden.Everyone arrived late at the party for various reasons由于种种原因,每个人开会都迟到了。由于种种原因,每个人开会都迟到了。various adj 不同的不同的vary vt /vi 使使不同;变化不同;变化vary fromto从从到到不等;在不等;在到到之间变动之间变动Opinions on this matter vary from person to person.人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语1711. mild“轻微的、不严重的轻微的、不严重的”。Edward suffered a mild heart attack.爱德华犯了轻微的心脏病。爱德华犯了轻微的心脏病。“温和的、暖和的;味淡的温和的、暖和的;味淡的” Shes the mildest person I have ever met in my life.她是我平生见到过的最温柔的人了。她是我平生见到过的最温柔的人了。a mild climate 温暖的天气温暖的天气mild cheese 淡味奶酪淡味奶酪人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语1812. electric shock 电击电击electric shock/ fans/ lamps electrical books electronicelectricity adj.由电驱动的(直接关系)由电驱动的(直接关系)adj.与电有关的(间接关系)与电有关的(间接关系)adj.电子的电子的n.电电人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语1913. swell .v. 膨胀,隆起膨胀,隆起她的腿肿得很厉害。她的腿肿得很厉害。风鼓起了帆。风鼓起了帆。大雨使河水上涨了。大雨使河水上涨了。 Her leg has swollen badly. The wind swelled the sails. The heavy rain swelled the river. swollen 可作形容词,表示可作形容词,表示“ 肿胀的肿胀的”Her eyes were red and swollen with weeping. 她的眼睛哭得又红又肿。她的眼睛哭得又红又肿。人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语2014. squeeze 挤;压;塞挤;压;塞The car was full, but I managed to squeeze in.He squeeze everything into a suitcase. 15.over and over again =over and over =again and again =time and again 反复;多次;反复;多次; eg: The teacher demands that the students should read the passage over and over again. 老师要求学生应反复读课文。老师要求学生应反复读课文。人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语2116.in place 在适当的位置;适当在适当的位置;适当,准备就绪准备就绪I like to have everything in place.Her dress was quite in place at the party.out of place 不在适当的位置;不合适不在适当的位置;不合适These clothes are out of place. 17.vital adj. 至关重要的至关重要的 to /for 生死攸关的生死攸关的,致命的致命的a vital mistake /woundIt is vital that (should )doIt is vital that we should realize the importance of study.Consideration for other people is vital to all of us .人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语2218.pour vt/vi 1)注、倒)注、倒 vtShe poured wine into the glasses.2)雨倾盆而下)雨倾盆而下 viIt is pouring outside.pour sb sth=pour sth for sb 给某人倒给某人倒Shall I pour you a cup of tea?人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语2319.a number of 许多;若干许多;若干a good/great/large number of numbers of many/a great many/a good manyquite a fewdozens ofscores of+可数名词可数名词much,a great/good deal of,a large amount oflarge amounts of+不可数名词不可数名词a lot of , lots of , plenty ofa large quantity oflarge quantities of+可数可数/不可数名词不可数名词人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语2420. put ones hands on 找到找到 Its most upset that you cant put your hands on it when you badly need something.最气人的是当你需要某样东西时却偏偏找不到它最气人的是当你需要某样东西时却偏偏找不到它人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语2521.treat vt/vi1)接待;对待)接待;对待 vtThey treated us with all respect.2)把把当做当做/想做想做 vttreatasHe treated this orphan as his own son.3)治疗治疗 vt This doctor treated her for a broken arm.4)款待,宴请)款待,宴请 vt /vi treat sb (to )He will treat you to a movie.人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语2622.apply1) Vi 申请,请求申请,请求 apply (to for)Many students apply for scholarships .The company applied to the government for financial help.2)Vt vi 适用;适合适用;适合 apply to apply toYou cant apply this rule to every case.What you said didnt apply to me.3)Vt 把把应用于;应用于; applytoHe applied what he had learned to the experiment.人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语27He applies himself to the study of English .5)涂;敷;贴)涂;敷;贴The nurse applied a bandage to the wound.4)专心于;致力于)专心于;致力于 apply oneself to. 23.make a difference 有影响;起重要作用有影响;起重要作用make a big /a great deal of difference (to ) make no difference (to)没影响;没关系没影响;没关系make some difference 有些影响有些影响It will make no difference whether you comeor not.考上一所好大学将对你的人生影响很大。考上一所好大学将对你的人生影响很大。 Being admitted to a good university will makea big difference to your life.人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语28tight adj.(形容词形容词) 那件衣服看上去很紧。误 That coat looks tightly. 正 That coat looks tight. 析 tight和tightly都有“紧”的意思。tight既可用作形容词,也可用作副词; 而tightly只可用作副词。这里look是系动词,后面须跟形容词tight。 adv.(副词副词) 门关得紧紧的。误 The door was shut tightly. 正 The door was shut tight. 正 The door was tightly shut. 析 tight和tightly都可以用作副词,意思也一样,但被动式中tightly通常在系动词的后面,动词的前面人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语29人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语30 The skin is an essential part of your body and its largest organ. You have three layers of skin which act as a barrier against disease, poisons and the suns harmful rays. The functions of your skin are also very complex: it keeps you warm or cool; it prevents your body from losing too much water; it is where you feel cold, heat or pain and it gives you your sense of touch. So as you can imagine, if your skin gets burned it can be very serious. First aid is a very important first step in the treatment of burns. Causes of burns You can get burned by a variety of things: hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation (by being close to high heat or fire, etc), the sun, electricity or chemicals.人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语31 Types of burns There are three types of burns. Burns are called first, second or third degree burns, depending (现在分词做伴随状语)on which layers of the skin are burned. First degree burns These affect only the top layer of the skin. These burns are not serious and should feel better within a day or two. Examples include mild sunburn and burns caused by touching a hot pan, stove or iron for a moment. Second degree burns These affect both the top and the second layer of the skin. These burns are serious and take a few weeks to heal. Examples include severe sunburn and burns caused by hot liquids. Third degree burns These affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs under the skin. Examples include burns caused by electric shocks, burning clothes, or severe petrol fires. These burns cause very severe injuries and the victim must go to hospital at once.人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语32Characteristics of burnsFirst degree burns dry, red and mildly swollen mildly painful turn white when pressedSecond degree burns rough, red and swollen blisters watery surface extremely painfulThird degree burns black and white and charred swollen; often tissue under them can be seen little or no pain if nerves are damaged; may be pain around edge of injured area.人教版高中英语必修5unit5课件-王衡英语33First aid treatment1 Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn. Take off other clothing and jewellery near the burn.2 Cool burns immediately with cool but not icy water. It is best to place burns under gently running water for about 10 minutes. (The cool water stops the burning process, prevents the pain becoming unbearable and reduces swelling.) Do not put cold water on third degree burns.3 For first degree burns, place cool, clean, wet cloths on them until the pain is not so bad. For second degree burns, keep cloths cool by putting them back in a basin of cold water, squeezing them out and placing them on the burned area over and over again for about an hour until the pain is not so bad.4 Dry the burned area gently. Do not rob, as this may break any blisters and the wound may get infected.5 Cover the burned area with a dry, clean bandage that will not stick to the skin. Hold the bandage in place with tape. Never put butter, oil or ointment on burns as they keep the heat in the wounds and may cause infection.6 If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher than the heart, if possible. If burns are on the face, the victim should sit up.7 If the injuries are second or third degree burns, it is vital to get the victim to the doctor or hospital at once.


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