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教学内容:Join In剑桥小学英语 学生用书2(五年级) Unit 10 of Book 2 Holidays:A story - The monster.祁县示范小学 程国艳一 教材说明剑桥少儿英语是英国剑桥大学出版社2000年最新出版的教材。它以非英语国家的少年儿童为学习对象,学习内容与小学生的生活紧密相连,吸收了大量新的教学思想和方法,充分运用国际上先进的外语教学研究成果,注重学生运用语言能力的培养,使教材和教学过程成为对少年儿童各种外显的语言活动与智能开发和英语综合运用能力的优化整合。同时,教学内容也可根据实际情况自由随意组合,适时调整。本教材的突出特点体现在以下几个方面:1 学生为主体,全面提高学生的素质;2 教学方法先进,反映国际教学的趋势;3 目标设置科学,符合国家小学英语课程目标的要求;4 教材内容广泛,体现现代社会的气息;5 教学资源丰富,促进小学课程的拓展。二教学指导思想在英语课程标准的引领下,我将本课的指导思想确定为:让学生主体参与,主动探究,合作互动,协调发展。基本教法为:创设情境,营造和谐氛围;强化听说,突出学生主体地位;培养语感,发展学生潜能。面向全体,引导学生参与学习过程,适当利用教辅手段,充分体现英语的学科特点,注重听说能力的培养,尽量全英语组织教学,逐步培养学生良好的听力以及运用语言的能力。基本学法:学生个体活动,小组合作,全班齐动交替进行,让学生在“动”、“玩”、“乐”的中爱学,轻松获取知识,变以往学生被动接受知识的过程为主动探究、创造的过程。三教学设计.Teaching Aims.(教学目标) 1. Knowledge Aims.(知识目标).(1)能理解故事内容,并学习和使用现在进行时这种新的时态;(2)能给故事设计一个合理地结尾;(3)能运用简单的对话进行交流,并能听、说、演故事。 2. Ability Aims.(能力目标).通过实践性学习培养学生的听、说、读、写,以及综合运用英语进行交际的能力。 3. Emotion Aims.(情感目标).通过习得并表演生动、有趣的故事,激发学生学习英语的兴趣;提高他们获取信息和组织语言的能力;培养他们团结合作的学习精神。 4. Culture Aims. (文化意识)了解并进一步走近生活,感受生活的乐趣。 .Teaching Important Points. (教学重难点) Understand the story and can act it with their partners. : Teaching Aids.(教具准备):CAI, tape-recorder, card, animal headwear and so on. Teaching Process. (教学步骤)Step.1 Warming up.1. Greeting: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. What day is it today? How are you feeling today? 2. Sing a song: The animals summer party.3. Review the words: hippo, lion, wolf, fox(one by one quickly)Step.2 Presentation.1. Play a game: Guess, guess, guess.(1) Teacher shows the voice: having a bath, washing the dishes; lead in the new words: bathroom, kitchen; teacher teach the pronunciation of them, practice and read follow the CAI.(2) Teacher shows the picture: bed; lead in the new word: bedroom;Teacher teaches the two kinds of pronunciation, Students practice and readfollow the CAI.(3) Teacher shows the picture: living room, teach the pronunciation of it, practice and read follow the CAI.(4) Teacher shows the four cards: practice (fast motion).教学片段一:T: (CAI: voice of having a bath) Lets play a game: Guess, guess, guess. Whats this? (Body language help)Ss: Having a bath.T: Yes, having a bath in a. (Say it slowly.) Ss: Bathroom. (CAI shows the picture and the word.) T: Yes, very good. (Show the card of bathroom.) Its a bathroom. Students read the word follow the teacher, then practice one group by group and have a little train.在游戏中由声音素材引入新词,学生兴趣盎然,避免教师生硬地输入新知,教学效果好,学生易于接受、参与面广且记忆深刻。T: (CAI: a picture of bed) Guess: Whats this?Ss: Its a bed.T: Yes, its a bed. We put the bed in a.(Body language help.)Ss: Bedroom.T: Wonderful. (Show the card of bedroom.) Its a bedroom. Teach two kinds of pronunciation, students read the word follow the teacher, then have a little train: two kinds of pronunciation one by one.由图片带来的视觉刺激导入新单词,学生充分发挥联想能力,对旧识进行重组、整和,从而通过自己的探究获取新知,体会成功的喜悦。T:(CAI:voice of dishing the dishes.)Guess : Whats this? (Body language help: shows two dishes and wash them.)Ss: Washing the dishes.T: Yes, good. We can wash the dishes in the.Ss: Kitchen.T: Wonderful. (Show the card of kitchen.) Its a kitchen. Teach the pronunciation, students read the word follow the teacher, then practice in groups and have a show time.教学碟片里节选的声音素材是学生预习过程中已十分熟悉的部分,教师设置的悬念既起到了激趣的作用,又能加强学生记忆,一举两得。2. T: Today we will learn a new story: The monster. (Teacher sticks the title.) Students read the title follow the teacher.教学片段二:T: I will give your three questions: How many animals are there in the story? Who are they? What are they doing? (Enjoy the CAI)Ss: There are seven animals in the story.T: Who are they? Who can tell me?S1: Hippo.S2: Lion.S3: Fox.S4: Hamster.S5: Mouse.S6: Snake.S7: Rabbit. (Teacher gives the students a prize: A little colorful house.)3. Teacher shows the questions three: What are they doing? Show the table (CAI) and give an example: WhoDoingWhereA hippoHaving a bath.In the bathroomA hippo is having a bath in the bathroom.Students enjoy the CAI again; students try to answer the question three.4. Teacher shows the picture: A hippo is having a bath in the bathroom. and ask: Whats the hippo doing?Students try to answer: having a bath. (Teacher writes down the sentence on the blackboard and teaches the pronunciation.)The same way: watching TV, playing table tennis, washing the dishes.Stress the new word: dish, teach the pronunciation and the pl. form of it. (Show two dishes.) Then lead in: wash the dishes, wash my face.Play a game: washing my facewashing your face and so on.5. Students read the four sentences on the blackboard one group by group and then follow the CAI together.教师在整个教学过程中设置三大问题,学生围绕他们展开探究,小组讨论,个别思考相结合,课堂气氛活跃,各层面学生都有话可说,各得其所,教学效果明显。6. T: At the end if you are the mouse and hamster, what can you do?Ss: (Group practice.) Let them run out of the house.Ss: To be a monster.T: You are so clever. Theyre good ideas. Who can tell me? Whos knocking in the story? (Body language help: knock.)The big crocodileSs: No, theyre the mouse and the hamster.T: CAI shows the answer of the question. Step.3 Practice.1. Play a game: Look at the CAI and try to speak out the sentences.eg. A mouse is dancing. A mouse is washing the teeth.The other four pictures, students practice in their groups and have a show time: A mouse is sleeping. A boy is having lunch / dinner. A mouse is driving a boat. A boy is swimming in a pool.2. CAI: Enjoy some pictures, help students to protect the animals and love our world.Step.4 Classwork and homework.Part 1: Classwork.一. Read the sentences and tick true or false. (读句子并判断正、误. “”或“ ”.) 1. In the bathroom a hippo is watching TV. ( ) 2. In the kitchen a rabbit is washing the dishes. ( ) 3. In the bedroom a lion is playing table tennis. ( ) 4. In the living room a fox and a snake are having a bath. ( )二. Fill in the word and finish the sentence. 1. The cat roller blading. ( is / are ) 2. The two sheep standing on their heads. ( is / are ) Students control the computers by themselves and finish the exercises, then check the answers together. Part 2: Homework.Draw and describe their houses to their parents.Blackboard design:The monsterA hippo is having a bath in the bathroom. A lion is watching TV in the bedroom.A fox and a snake are playing table tennis in the living room.A rabbit is washing the dishes in the kitchen.教学反思:故事教学要以发展学生综合语言运用能力为宗旨,全面提高学生的听说读写的英语技能,应该精心设计,精心施教。故事教学使复杂的语言简单化。通过学生熟悉的材料教学,可帮助学生理解、掌握新的语言知识,提高学生运用语言的能力。(1) 我在这个故事教学中,通过重复的语句与学生互动,运用发问技巧让学生对某些情节进行讨论和猜测,提高了学生的参与感。(2) 故事内容情节清晰,角色对比强烈,能使学生专注于故事的发展。同时,让学生自然领略到了故事的深意。(3) 能够判断故事中使用的语言与反映的文化真实、恰当。(4) 教师能整理出故事的线索,在图片或关键词、句的提示下,根据故事发展的顺序对需要掌握的知识点进行提问和操练,帮助学生更深入地理解故事,掌握语言。(5) 教学过程中,虽然通过了朗读、默读、分角色读,但是应该让学生自主选择自己的方法,或自己单独完成。(6) 表演故事是帮助学生内化并产生新内容的过程。根据学生的不同情况,教师应该提供更多的方式让学生选择,每一种选择都可得到相应的激励。8


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