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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-中国传媒大学考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题An ambulance must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of().问题1选项A.crisisB.urgencyC.emergencyD.emergence【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项想crisis“危机;危险期”;B选项urgency“紧急;催促”;C选项emergency“紧急情况;突发事件”;D选项emergence“出现;发生;露头”。句意:救护车必须有优先权,因为它通常要处理一些。救护车需要处理的是一些紧急情况或突发事件,C选项符合句意。2.单选题Many people were homeless in the() of the earth quake.问题1选项A.aftermathB.premonitionC.omenD.presentiment【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项aftermath“后果;余波”;B选项premonition“预感”;C选项omen“预兆, 征兆”;D选项presentiment“预感”。句意:地震的后果就是许多人无家可归。因此A项符合题意。3.单选题The term “folk custom is very broad, but it has been used by folklorists to refer to those shared patterns of behaviors in a particular folk group. These patterns of behaviors are regarded as traditional and established ways of members of the particular folk group. Folk custom is to transmit by word of mouth demonstration or imitation. The folklore and folk customs of England are rich and varied. Many customs are ancient, passed down, generation to generation from the Germanic and Celtic ancestors. Others are more modern creations.One of the greatest problems in assessing most accounts of folk customs is that they tend to give only the antiquarys (古董商的,收集古物者的) point of view. After all, to most observers, the people they were looking at were simple and illiterate, unmindful of the true significance of the customs they had preserved. Why question them at length if they didnt understand the essential nature of what they were doing? So a folklorist is likely to emphasize aspects of a tradition which reflect his or her own interests or which fit in with preconceived ideas, while possibly ignoring or giving only passing mention to aspects which may, in fact, be of equal importance.One aspect which generally gets left out of accounts is the viewpoint of the participants themselves: for instance why they indulge in a particular activity at a particular time of year or of their lives and what feelings they experience while doing so. And now, ideas deriving from folklore studies are so widespread that they may easily have become an integral part of the attitude of the participants in a custom. So the folklorist is rather like a man staring at a scene in a mirror who must be aware, to fully understand that scene, that his own reflection is a major part of what he is looking at.It is, however, also true to say that many contemporary students to folklore are fully aware of the problems which beset their enquiries. Like true scientists they draw their conclusion by looking at available evidence, rather than selecting evidence which fits with existing theories. Some have also looked away from the “obviously ancient and turned their attention to folklore where it thrives, in the social life of modern cities industry and sport etc. They may, for example end up looking at the lore of the motor car, or of popular music, and at customs which, though they have no hints of paganism nevertheless have much in common with older activities which do.Many folklorists have gradually come to the conclusion that folklore is not necessarily a thing of the past, a relic of ancient and outmoded ways of thinking, but the means by which people try to make sense of the world or to confront its lack of sense and try to alleviate (减少,缓和) boredom and suffering.1. Why are early accounts of folk customs unreliable?2. Why is it difficult to study folklore today?3. What is new about folklorists today?4. What does participation in folk customs mean to people?5. The best title for the passage probably is().问题1选项A.Because the participants did not reveal the significance of their customsB.Because the participants were not aware of the meaning of their customsC.Because folklorists undervalued the opinions of the participantsD.Because folklorists didnt consider the participants smart enough to answer the questions.问题2选项A.Because participants are now influenced by earlier studies of their activitiesB.Because participants insist on the accuracy of their own interpretationsC.Because folklorists are too concerned to justify their own theoriesD.Because folklorists are often misled by unreliable earlier studies问题3选项A.They now more cautious about the evidence they acceptB.They want to investigate the more obscure areas of folkloreC.They are studying the creation of folklore in present-day societyD.They want to discover the link between paganism and social customs问题4选项A.It can be of psychological benefit to themB.It enables them to escape the problems of the modern worldC.It can be a means of regaining ancient wisdomD.It is an attempt to reconstruct what is lost forever问题5选项A.Folklore and Folk CustomsB.Problems and Tendency of Folk CustomsC.The Revival of Folk CustomsD.Folklore and Folklorists【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:A第5题:B【解析】第1题:1.细节事实题。根据题干信息可定位到原文第二段,由第二段可知,评判这些民俗信息时,最大的问题就是只给出了文物研究者的观点。毕竟,对于民俗研究者而言,他们所研究的群体单纯又没有文化,没有意识到自己保留的这些民俗文化的意义。后面又讲到,民俗研究者很可能依靠自己或者先入为主的观点侧重强调传统的某些方面,进而产生错误的判断因此,C选项表述正确,观察者低估了参与者的意见。A选项表示“因为参与者没有透露他们习俗的重要性”表述错误;B选项表示“因为参与者没有意识到他们习俗的重要性”表述错误,只是研究者自己这样认为而已;D选项表示“因为民俗学家认为参与者不够聪明,无法回答问题”,与原文表述不符,故本题正确答案为C选项。第2题:2.细节事实题。题干询问:如今民俗研究比较困难的原因是什么?根据题干可定位到原文第三段“And now, ideas deriving from folklore studies are so widespread that they may easily have become an integral part of the attitude of the participants in a custom.”,由此可知,而如今,从民俗学研究中衍生出来的想法非常普遍,它们很容易就会成为习俗参与者态度中不可或缺的一部分。”所以,A选项表述正确,原因就是参与者很容易被之前对他们行为的研究所影响。故本题正确答案为A选项。第3题:3.细节事实题。题干询问:当今民俗学研究者的新体现在哪里?由原文第四段“Some have also looked away from the “obviously ancient and turned their attention to folklore where it thrives, in the social life of modern cities industry and sport etc.”可知,许多当代民俗学学生充分意识到困扰他们的问题。他们通过观察现有的证据来得出结论,而不是选择符合现有理论的证据。一些人也将目光从“明显的”古代转向了民俗的繁盛之处,比如在现代都市生活、工业以及体育等。由此可知,如今的民俗研究已经发生了转变,民俗研究者开始在现代社会中研究民俗,因此C选项表述正确。故本题正确答案为C项。第4题:4.细节事实题。题干询问:参与民俗对人们意味着什么?由文章最后一段可知,民俗研究不再只是研究过去的事,不再是指古代遗物或者是过时的思维方式,而是人们想要理解世界或者面对某种观念缺失的方式,也是人们试图缓解无聊和痛苦的途径。由此可知,进行民俗研究可以为人们的心理带来益处,所以A选项正确,而其余三项均与原文表述不符。因此本题正确答案为A选项。第5题:5.主旨大意题。本文前半部分主要讲述了以往民俗研究中遇到的问题,由于民俗研究者认为参与者头脑简单,又没什么文化,所以低估了民俗参与者的意见,这就导致研究者可能强调的只是某些方面,而忽视了重要的内容。现在,民俗研究发生了转变,不再只是研究过去的事物,也开始关注现代城市生活中的民俗,因此民俗研究的趋势也发生了变化。由此可知,本文主要讲述的是民俗研究的问题和趋势。故本题正确答案为B选项。4.单选题A major()in negotiation has been achieved.问题1选项A.breakthroughB.breakdownC.outbreakD.break-off【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项breakthrough“突破;突破性进展”;B选项breakdown“故障;崩溃;分解”;C选项outbreak“(战争)爆发;(疾病)发作”;D选项break-off“折断;暂停工作”。句意:在谈判方面取得了重大。achieve属于积极性词汇,“取得突破”更为准确,因此A选项正确。5.单选题There is no ()whatever for the manner in which you behaved foolishly at the English party.问题1选项A.jurisdictionB.justificationC.judgmentD.junction【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项jurisdiction“司法权,审判权,管辖权;权限”;B选项justification“理由;辩护;认为有理”;C选项judgment“判断;裁判;判决书”;D选项junction“连接;交叉点;接合点”。句意:你在英语晚会上的愚蠢行为根本就没有。此处表示“愚蠢行为”是无理的,B选项符合句意要求。6.单选题A dynamic economy is founded on the()of entrepreneurs, which is rewarded by profit.问题1选项A.perspirationB.desperationC.respirationD.aspiration【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。perspiration“汗水,努力”;desperation“绝望的境地,不顾一切拼命”;respiration“呼吸”;aspiration“渴望,抱负”。句意:一个充满活力的经济是建立在企业家的抱负之上的,而这是通过利润来回报的。选项D更符合语境。7.单选题The new colleague() to have worked in several big corporations before he joined our company.问题1选项A.confessesB.declaresC.claimsD.confirms【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项confess表示“坦白;承认;供认”,B选项declare表示“宣布,申明,宣称”,D选项confirm表示“确认,确定,核实”,C选项claim表示“宣称,要求,索赔”。由句意可知,新同事宣称,他进入我们公司之前,在一些大公司里工作过。空缺处单词需与介词to构成搭配,因此本题正确答案为C选项。8.翻译题Sherry Turkle of MIT: The human cost of social technologyBy Simon MainwaringIn light of all the recent developments around social technology, from the launch of Google + to Facebooks F8 conference launch of Timeline and Ticker last week, I felt it especially pertinent to share this interview with Sherry Turkle of MIT. What she invites us to consider is the human cost of our social media engagement which seems all the more relevant as networks like Google+ and Facebook arm us with new tools to become even more effective online storytellers inspiring us to spend more time there.SM: Hi Im Simon Mainwaring, here at the IVOH World Summit in the Catskills, New York, and I have the great pleasure of being here with Sherry Turkle, who is the professor of Social Studies of Science and Technology at MIT, and the author of the critically acclaimed book. Alone Together. It is such a pleasure to chat with you, Sherry. Thank you for your time. Now, one of the things I talk about when it comes to social media is that I believe that technology is teaching us to be human again, yet the thesis of your book might actually go against that proposition. Do you think thats true or not?ST: I think thats a complicated story.1. That is to say, we are now using technology in some ways that are distancing us from each other, but Im optimistic because I think so many of us are starting to realize that something is going amiss when we have dinner with friends and everyone has a phone on the table and interrupts conversations in order to take those calls. When I walked the dunes of Cape Cod that Thoreau walked, and everybody is walking those dunes with their heads down to those devices, something is going amiss. When everyone is answering emails instead of talking to colleagues at work, something is going amiss. So its good, but we need to make it good for us.SM: What would you say is being lost, and what is the cost of that?ST: Well, Ive interviewed hundreds of young people and hundreds of older people and I think that one of the things that is being lost is the ability to tolerate solitude. In my own studies I call it, “I share, therefore I am.” That is to say, you go from a position where you say “I have a feeling, I want to make a call,” to a position where you say “I want to have a feeling, I need to send a text.”2.So whats being lost is the ability to experience your thoughts and feelings without immediately sharing them and you lose the capacity to collaborate because collaboration is infusion. You need to come to collaboration with a sense of self, with your own ideas and confidence in yourself. You lose the capacity for certain kinds of leadership because, again, leadership requires an ability to lead, not just to poll.3. So you feel like were losing the ability to be present because were in such a hurry to pass on that experience that we almost cut ourselves out of the equation.ST: Yes. And were substituting connection for conversation. I think thats very important. This move from conversation to connection, and were almost forgetting how nurturing conversation is. Over and over Ive interviewed people who basically tell me “Dont call.” In Alone Together I have a chapter titled Please Dont Call. The last thing they want is a telephone call. It would take too much time. Its too dangerous. Too much might show. They dont want to be interrupted. Its easier to send an email or send a text and not have the risks of showing themselves in a conversation.SM: Would you characterize this as a function of the need to now live in public at all times, to always be “on”? Is that the challenge that were all facing now, because, given the opportunity to do it with social media and these other platforms, we feel obligated to do so?ST: There are several things. Weve given ourselves an opportunity to hide. Social media, for all of its bountiesand Im very enthusiastic of all the bounties of social mediait also gives us an opportunity to hide.4.We perform ourselves on social media, and that is different from being ourselves on social media. That ability to perform yourself is also an ability to hide. It leads to something that call “Fear of missing out.” Youre always watching what other people are doing and you being to be jealous because their showing their best selves and youre showing your best self. You almost become jealous of the life you live on Facebook. You have to remind yourself that its your life because youre showing your best self.SM: Let me ask you a question about that. How different is that to the version of ourselves that we present in the real world, albeit only to one or two or five people at a time? Is it worse because we can reach a mass audience?ST: No, its worse because.were sitting here together and, of course, Im in a role and youre in a role, but because were here together, certain things show. Were animals, were human beings and, really, by the fact that were here together, we show ourselves to each other, we reveal ourselves to each other. On the network, we can fake it. We can perform ourselves in a way where there is a more polished self. I interview people who really describe to me the time and the care they take on what they present in their social media presence. Its like were playing avatars of ourselves.SM: 5. If you had to characterize it in two ways, the long term effects on this, what is the best case scenario, the upside, and the worst case scenario. Give us the spectrum of consequence.ST: Best case scenario. My favorite line in my book is, “Just because we grew up with the internet, we think the internet is all grown up, and it isnt, and its time to make the corrections.” I think were at a turning point now where were ready to reassess and live a saner and healthier life. I think the corporate world is ready to be more attentive to the social and emotional needs of both its consumers and its workers. I think that people are ready to be more attentive to living a saner life in their online presence. We dont want to be interrupted. 6. So the plus side is that were at a moment where were going to be able to enjoy the bounties of this technology and minimize its cost. The downside is that we are somehow, just like theres a fog of war, theres a fog of technology. Teaching at MIT for 30 years, I can tell you that technology can make us forget what we know about life, and one of the things that were forgetting right now is the importance of conversation and of truly being with each other in the ways that matter.SM: Yet youre still optimistic. Why are you optimistic? What gives you hope?ST: 7. Im optimistic because I think human beings want to be with each other and realize the nurturance and the sustaining effects of being with each other and communicating with each other. I think that theres a movement I see in the resonance in my work and in the work of other people who are starting to have this kind of message, including yourself actually, that theres starting to be a convergence in the corporate world and consumer world of realizing that these two worlds have interests that are starting to come together by using this technology in more humane ways, in ways that are better for the social good.SM: I cant tell you how excited I am by the book. That fifteen-year study on the impact of science and technology is absolutely incredible. I highly recommend it to everyone. Where else can people find you online?ST: For the book, go to , or google Sherry Turkle and my web page with all my writings and research will be on that.SM: Thank you for giving us the gift of all your thinking. A real pleasure to meet you, Sherry.【答案】1. 也就是说,我们现在使用的技术在某些方面正使我们相互疏远。但对此我很乐观。我们和一群朋友一起吃饭时,每个人都带着手机,电话铃响起时却不得不中断交谈。已经有一些人认识到其中的问题了2. 因此,你失去的是一种无需立即分享就独自体验你的想法和感受的能力,且由于合作需要融入,你也失去了合作的能力。3. 所以你会觉得我们正在失去活在当下的能力,因为我们太急于将这种体验传递下去,以至于我们几乎把自己隔离起来。4.我们在社交媒体上表现自己,这和在社交媒体前做自己是不同的。这种自我表现的能力也是一种隐藏的能力,这最终会变成我说的“害怕错过”。5.如果你必须用两种方式来描述它的长期影响,那就是最好的情况与最坏的结果。给出结果可能出现的范围。6.因此,好的一面是,我们现在能够享受这项技术的好处并将其代价降到最低。坏的一面是,就像战争一样,我们需要面对“科技的迷雾”。7.我很乐观,因为我认为人们想要同彼此在一起,认识到彼此相处和交流的滋养和持续效果。9.单选题When Jack was eighteen he()going around with a strange set of people and staying out very late.问题1选项A.took toB.took upC.took forD.took on【答案】A【解析】考查动词短语辨析。A选项take to“喜欢;走向;开始从事”;B选项take up“拿起;开始从事;占据”;C选项take for“认为;以为”;D选项take on“承担;呈现;接纳”。句意:杰克十八岁时,和一群奇怪的人来往,而且很晚才回家。本句是说杰克在这个年龄段的行为,可理解为是一种喜好,A选项符合句意。10.单选题They are looking for some way to() their appetite.问题1选项A.satiateB.applyC.strengthenD.sustain【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项satiate“ 充分满足;使厌腻”;B选项apply“ 申请;涂,敷;适用”;C选项strengthen“加强;巩固”;D选项sustain“维持;支撑,承担”。句意:他们正在寻找填饱肚子的方法。此题选A,可以把“satiate appetite”理解为“填饱肚子”。


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