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五年级下学期英语阅读理解专项综合练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读短文,判断对错。对的写“T”,错的写“F。Kate is from America. She speaks English. She can also speak a little Chinese and French. She is in California (加利福尼亚州) now.Today is the last day of a week. She is in Disneyland Park with her friends. She wants to play on the merry-go-round (旋转木马), and play on the swings (秋千) and the roller coaster (过山车). Now they are eating ice cream and laughing loudly. They are having a good time.1Kate is an English girl.(_)2Kate can speak a little French.(_)3Kate is in Disneyland Park now.(_)4They are playing hide-and-seek.(_)5They have a good time in Disneyland Park.(_)2. 阅读判断。Hello,friends! Im Lisa. I am a friendly girl. I have many friends and theyre my classmates. Today is National Day. And its my birthday,too. I get up early and clean my room. I invite( 邀请) my friends-Amy,Joy and Sarah to my home. We have a birthday party. I know Amys birthday is in next month. Joys birthday is in December. Sarahs birthday is January 1st.( )(1)Lisa is a friendly girl.( )(2)Today is October1st.( )(3)Lisas birthday is in December.( )(4)Amys birthday is in November.( )(5)Sarahs birthday is New Years Day.3. 根据短文内容,将句子补充完整。A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. He said, I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat. Then he took the apples and threw them away into the dust (灰尘).He went on and came to a river. The river had became very big; so he could not go over it. He waited for some time; then he said, I cannot go to the rich mans house today, for I cannot get over the river.He began to go home. He ate no food that day. He began to want food. He came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of the dust and eat them.Do not throw good things away; you may be glad to have them at some other time.(1)The man sawat the side of the road.(2)He didnt want to eat those apples because.(3)The man could get over a, so he went back home.(4)The man was hungry because.(5)He was veryto take the apples out of the dust and eat them.4. 根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案。China is a big country. So the weather in the south is quite different from that in the north. In Shanghai, we have warm and wet in spring, hot in summer, cool in autumn and cold in winter. But in some parts of China, such as Hainan, Guangzhou and Yunnan, it is always warm and hot there. People never see snow there. In winter, a lot of tourists(游人)come to Hainan and enjoy(享受) the sunshine at the beach. But some people like cold weather. In the north of China, children can make snowman and play with snowballs. It is fun to play outside while it is snowing. Thats why more people come to Harbin in winter to spend their holiday.(1)In Shanghai it often rains in _.A. spring B. autumn C. winter(2)Many people go to Hainan to _ in summer.A. enjoy the sunshine B. play with snow balls C. see the sunset.(3)It _ in Hainan.A. often snows B. doesnt snow C. doesnt rain(4)Children can make snowman when it _.A. is raining B. is windy C. is snowing(5)The weather is so _ in China, because our country is very large.A. the same B. different C. cold5. 阅读理解。Im John. This is my new bedroom. There is a big bed in my room. Look at my shoes. They are under the bed. There are two chairs near the bed. They are in front of the desk. The computer is on the desk. The photo of my family is near the bed. There is a beautiful picture on the wall. There are many mountains and white clouds in the picture. I clean my bedroom every day. I like my bedroom very much.( )(1)Whats on the desk?A. A computer. B. Many books. C. A ball.( )(2)Where is the desk?A. Its in front of the bed.B. Its in front of the chairs.C. Its behind the chairs.( )(3)The photo is.A. near the bed B. on the bed C. over the bed( )(4)Is there a picture on the wall?A. Yes, he can. B. Yes, there is. C. No, it isnt.( )(5)What does John do every day?A. He listens to music. B. He washes his clothes. C. He cleans his bedroom.6. 阅读理解。Hi, Im John. There are four seasons in a year. I like them all. In spring, its warm. There are pretty flowers everywhere. I often go on a picnic with my parents. Summer is hot. I often go swimming in the pool. I like to wear my sunglasses. In fall, the weather is cool. I can help my grandpa pick apples. Winter is white. I can make a snowman. And I can go skating, too.( )(1)Which season does John like?A.Spring.B.Summer.C.All the four seasons.( )(2)John can go on a picnic with his _in spring.A.classmatesB.friendsC.parents( )(3)Its _in fall.A.warmB.coolC.hot( )(4)John cant _ in summer.A.pick applesB.wear sunglassesC.go swimming( )(5)John can go skating in _.A.summerB.winterC.autumn7. 读短文,然后回答问题。Kikis DairySaturday, 18th MarchIt was fine today. Lily and I visited the Science Museum. It is far away from our homes, so we met (meet过去式) at my house and went there by underground together.We arrived at the museum at 9 oclock. At the museum, we saw a lot of interesting things. We touched a wall, and it became a window. The robots there were amazing too!We met some classmates and friends there. We learnt a lot about science.We left (leave过去式) the museum at 4 oclock in the afternoon.We enjoyed ourselves very much.(1)What museum did Lily and Kiki visit?(2)How did they go there?(3)What time did they arrive at the museum?(4)What did the wall become when they touched it?(5)Who did they meet in the museum?8. 阅读短文,判断对错。The city is very beautiful now. There werent many trees. Now there are many trees along the streets. And there is a supermarket now. We can go shopping there. There was a small park here before. Now its big. Many people like going there.() (1)There were many trees before.() (2)There are many trees along the streets now.() (3)There are two supermarkets now.() (4)There wasnt a park here before.9. 阅读理解。根据短文内容,判断对“”错“”。Look, this is my family photo. This is my grandpa. He is a worker, he is strict. This is my grandma. She is a doctor. She works in a hospital. This is my father, he is a manager. This is my mother. She is a teacher. This is my aunt. She is tall and thin. This is me, Li Lei. Im a pupil. Im a boy. Do you like my family? How many people are there in my family?1There are five people in Li Leis family.(_)2Grandpa is a worker.(_)3Li Leis mother works in a hospital.(_)4Li Leis aunt is short.(_)5Li Leis father is a manager.(_)10. 阅读并判断。Kate is a new student. She is twelve. She is from America. She can speak English very well and she can speak a little Chinese. She is in Nanjing. Her parents are doctors. Kate is studying in a school near her home. She has some classes from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays and Sundays, she often plays games with her Chinese friends. She loves China and her Chinese friends.( )(1)Kate comes from China.( )(2)Kate cant speak Chinese.( )(3)Her father is a doctor.( )(4)She has some classes on Sundays.( )(5)She watches TV with her Chinese friends on Saturdays.11. 阅读理解。My grandfather is fifty-five years old. Hes a taxi driver. He loves his job very much. It is Sunday. Today is his birthday. My father, my mother and I are in his house. My uncle also comes here. He is a tall man. He is a worker. He comes to see my grandfather every Sunday. My grandfather has a good friend. Hes name is Jim. He comes from England. He is a nice cook. He comes to see him, too. My grandfather is very happy today.1My grandfather is_ years old now. () A.seventy B.eighty C.fifty-five2My grandfather is a_. () A.worker B.driver C.cook3My_ also comes to see my grandfather. () A.uncle B.aunt C.cousin4My uncle is very_. () A.short B.fat C.tall5Jim is my grandfathers_ . () A.friend B.son C.daughter12. 阅读理解。The world is changing very fast. In the past,my grandparents lived in a small house. It was very old. They didnt have enough food or clothes. There was a small tree beside the house. There werent any televisions or telephones. Now they live in a big and beautiful house. Theyve got lots of food and clothes. They watch TV every day. They can use the computer,too. They are very happy now.(1)There was a small _ beside the house.A.dogB.treeC.cat(2)My grandparents didnt have enough_.A.foodB.treesC.A and B(3)There werent any televisions or _.A.telephonesB.radiosC.books(4)My grandparents can use the _ now.A.carB.radioC.computer(5)The world is changing very_.A.fastB.farC.clean13. 阅读对话,判断正误。Chen Jie: Which season do you like best, Mike ?Mike: I like summer best.Chen Jie: Why do you like summer?Mike: Because I can eat ice-cream and swim in the lake.Chen Jie: I dont like summer. Its too hot.Zang Peng: Whats your favourite season?Chen Jie: Spring. Its sunny and warm. I can plant trees and fly kites. How about you,Zhang Peng?Zhang Peng: My favourite season is winter.Mike: Why do you like it?Zhang Peng: Because I can skate and make a snowman. I like snow.( )(1)Mikes favourite season is summer.( )(2)Chen Jie can plant trees in spring.( )(3)Fall is Zhang Pengs favourite season.( )(4)Chen Jie likes summer.( )(5)Zhang Peng likes winter very much.14. 阅读理解。My name is Betty. I have two grandfathers and two grandmothers. My grandfathers have gray hair and glasses. My father is a doctor. He goes to work by car every day. My mother is a bus driver. She works hard. My father is taller than nay mother. I am a happy girl. I go to school by bus. I love my family.阅读短文,判断正()误()。1Bettys grandfathers have white hair.(_)2Bettys father is a doctor.(_)3Bettys grandmothers have glasses.(_)4Betty goes to school by bus.(_)5Bettys mother is shorter than Bettys father.(_)15. 阅读短文,判断正误,用T或F表示。Of all the things we eat and drink, water is the most important. Nature has a great water system. Water is everywhere. It is in the air. It forms(组成)lakes and rivers. Water is in every living thing. It is in the most part of all the animals ,plants and human beings(人类). People can use the water to carry goods and go around the world. People can also use the water to swim, have a bath, wash the food and clothes. Water is so important for every living thing, but man is polluting (污染) it. They throw rubbish into rivers. They pour waste water into lakes, rivers and seas. We must stop people from polluting the water right now. If not, the last drop of water will be our tear drop.1Water is the most important thing we eat and drink.(_)2There isnt any water in the air.(_)3Water is used for swimming, washing and bath.(_)4Many people throw rubbish into river. But the water is clean.(_)5People should stop polluting the water.(_)6We have the last drop of water now.(_)16. 阅读Tom的笔友写给他的邮件,将正确的选项填在括号里。To: Tompenpal. comFrom: Marka penpal. comDear Tom.At our school, we have hot lunch or cold lunch. Hot lunch comes from restaurants(饭店) and cold lunch comes from home. I usually have bot lunch. Because my parents dont have time to cook cold lunch for me.For hot lunch we have different(不同的) things every day. On Mondays, we have tomatoes and fish. It is delicious On Tuesdays, we have noodles I dont like it, so much, But I like the fruits after that. Every Wednesday we have pizza. We all like it On Thursdays, we have fresh carrots, green beans, soup and rice. We have bee and potatoes on Fridays. They make us strong and healthy.Do you have lunch at school!? What do you have for lunch every day?Mark() (1)Hot lunch comes from_.A. school B. restaurants C. home() (2)On Thursdays, we have_.A. vegetables, soup and rice B. beef and potatoes C. pizza() (3)I usually have hot lunch at school because_.A. I like hot lunch B. my parents have no time to cook C. it is delicious() (4)But I like the fruits after that. Here that refers to(指的是)_.A. pizza B. tomatoes and fish C. noodles() (5)Mark hasfor hot lunch every day.A. fruits and vegetables B. different things C. rice and beef17. 阅读短文,回答下列问题。Mr and Mrs Greens house is far from the city. There are no big shops near their home. So they only go shopping at weekends.One Saturday morning, Mr and Mrs Green go shopping with their son, Tom. Mr Green drives the car to a big shop. It sells clothes. Mrs Green likes them. So she chooses a dress and tries it on. It looks great on her. She buys it for herself. Then she buys a shirt for her son and a sweater for her husband. After that, they go to a supermarket to buy some food and fruit.At about eleven oclock, they all feel hungry. They have their lunch at a restaurant. After lunch, they want to go home. But they cannot find their way. Mr Green drives over to a woman and asks, Excuse me, could you tell me where I am now? The old woman looks at him and the car, You are in your car, sir, she answers.(1)When do the Greens go shopping?(2)How do the Greens go shopping on a Saturday morning?(3)What does Mrs Green buy for Tom?(4)Where do they buy food and fruit?(5)What time do they have their lunch?(6)Does the old woman tell the Greens the right away?18. 读一读,判断,对的写T,错的写F。In some countries, Mothers Day is a holiday celebrated(庆祝) on the second Sunday in May. It is a day when children honor(尊敬) their mothers with cards, gifts and flowers.On that day, many children go out and buy some flowers. After their mothers get up, they will say “Happy Mothers Day!” and give their mothers the flowers. Mothers will be very happy and say “How beautiful the flowers are! Thank you!” Then, the children are going to do all the housework for their mothers, and let them take a rest for a day.1Mothers Day is a holiday celebrated on the second Sunday in May.(_)2On Mothers Day, the children will play with their mothers.(_)3The children give some flowers to their mothers after their mothers get up.(_)4When their mothers receive some beautiful flowers, their mothers feel angry.(_)5On Mothers Day, the children go out to play with their friends.(_)19. 判断正误,正确的打”T”,错误的打“F”。Johnisanoldman.Hehasabighouse.Helikesdogsverymuch.Hehasthreedogs.OnedogisfromtheUK.HernameisCote.OnedogisfromtheUS.HernameisDot.OnedogisfromChina.HenameisPotty.Johnloveshisdogsverymuch.Hebuysmanytoysforhisdogs.Cothasaredcat.Itissmallandfun.Dothasabluetoymonkey.Itcanjumpandrun.Pottyhasawhitetoyrabbit.Ithaslongears.ThedogsliketheirtoysandtheylikeJohn,too.TheylikeplayingwithJohnveyymuch.1Johnhasthreedogs.(_)2CoteisfromChina.(_)3Pottystoymonkeycanjumpandrun.(_)4Dotstoymonkeyisgreen.(_)5Thedogsdontliketheirtoys.(_)20. 阅读理解。Tom, Sue and John are good friends. They study in the same school. But they are not in the same class. Toms birthday is on 21st February, next Sunday. Sue and John want to give him a big surprise (惊喜) on his birthday. They talk about it after school.Tom likes playing sport very much. He usually goes to the sports club on Sunday. So Sue and John can go to Toms house and get ready for the party with Toms parents on that day.On Sunday morning, they go to the supermarket to buy (买) some food, fruit and drinks. It is study afternoon now, Sue is making the cake. And John is making a model plane for Tom. Tom is very happy when he comes home.() (1)Toms birthday party is on _.A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday() (2)Sue, John and Tom are _.A. good friends B. classmates C. not in the same school() (3)Does Tom like playing sport?A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. I dont know.() (4)John is making a _ for Tom.A. model ship B. a cake C. model plane() (5)Which one is right?A. Toms birthday is on 21st January.B. Sue and John give Tom a big surprise on his birthday.C. Toms parents buy some flowers on Sunday morning.21. 短文阅读。Today is Sunday. We dont have classes at school. Look! Zhang Peng and Mike are playing football. Sarah is drawing a picture. Chen Jie and Amy are reading books in the library. Wu Yifan is cleaning the blackboard in the classroom. What are Tom and John doing? They are playing computer games in the teachers office. What am I doing? I am talking to you. We are all very happy.( )(1)What day is it today?A.Sunday.B.Saturday.C.Sunny.( )(2)Zhang Peng and Mike are _.A.drawing a pictureB.playing footballC.playing basketball( )(3)_ is cleaning the blackboard.A.Chen JieB.SarahC.Wu Yifan( )(4)Tom is in the _.A.classroomB.libraryC.teachers office10 / 10


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