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外研版英语五年级下册第四次月考测试题(二)(根据外研版英语五年级下册九十单元教材编写)( 分值:100分)一、选出不同类的一项。(5分)( ) 1. A. told B. wore C. soon( ) 2. A. evening B. morning C. after( ) 3. A. room B. funny C. bed( ) 4. A. teacher B. read C. tell( ) 5. A. actor B. bring C. ask二、选择合适的一项补全单词。(5分)( ) 1. t_ck_t A. i; e B. e; i C. a; e( ) 2. b_ _lding A. ui B. iu C. ur( ) 3. _ _ _port A. are B. air C. ace( ) 4. sp_ _k A. ee B. ea C. ae( ) 5. nerv_ _s A. oi B. ur C. ou三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. Daming _ (buy) some books yesterday. 2. I _ (meet) you in China tomorrow. 3. We _ (see) you in two weeks. 4. Dont forget _ (bring) your books to school. 5. Yesterday he _ (eat) a hamburgers.四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. They _ (meet) me in Beijing yesterday.2. Where _ (be ) your teacher now?3. I _ (make) a birthday cake for my father tomorrow.4. I want _ (go) shopping with you.5. I will _ (write) again soon.五、单项选择。(20分)( ) 1. There are two _ and four _ in my family.A. womans; mans B. women; men C. woman; man( ) 2. There are _ shoes under the bed.A. lot of B. a lot C. a lot of( ) 3. Make a list _ things to do.A. to B. on C. of( ) 4. _ are you going to the airport?A. Where B. What C. When( ) 5. Why not make a list? _A. I dont know. B. Thats a good idea.C. Sorry.( ) 6. Yesterday we_ to the park.A. goes B. go C. went( ) 7. I _ apples and bananas last week.A. buys B. buy C. bought( ) 8. _ you clean the windows yesterday?A. Did B. Are C. Do( ) 9. Sam _ a hamburgers last night.A. eat B. ate C. eats( ) 10. Are you ready _ your trip to the UK?A. for B. on C. to 六、 连词成句。(10分)1. for, made, grandma, Chinese, me, food (.) _ 2. arrived, she, in, yesterday, Beijing (.) _ 3. your, are, you, trip, for, ready (?) _ 4. whos, going, the, to, airport (?) _ 5. you, where, are, from (?) _七、按要求完成句子。(10分) 1. Last week we went to a childrens theatre. (对划线部分提问) _2. We all ate hamburgers and chips. (对划线部分提问)_3. Are you ready for your trip to the US? (作肯定回答) _4. Did you play football yesterday? (作肯定回答) _5. Did he go to the zoo last week? (作否定回答) _八、补全对话。每空一词。(15分)A: Hi, Peter! Summer holiday is coming. 1_ are you going this holiday?B: Im 2_ to Shanghai.A: Whos going 3_ you?B: My parents.A: How are you going there?B: 4_ plane.A: 5_ are you going there?B: About next week. 6_ 7_ your holiday?A: Im going to 8_ my grandparents. I hope you 9_ have a good trip.B: 10_ you.九、阅读短文,选择正确答案。(15分)Hello, I am John. I had three teachers. They were Mr Carter, Miss Green and Mrs Black. Mr Carter was a handsome teacher. He came from the UK and taught us Maths. His classes were so funny that we all liked him very much. Miss Green taught us Art. She was strict. Mr Black was our English teacher. She was very smart. They were all nice and we all liked them.( ) 1. I had _ teachers.A. three B. two C. four( ) 2. Mr Carter taught us _.A. English B. Maths C. Art( ) 3. We all _ them.A. liked B. didnt like C. likes( ) 4. _ was an English teacher.A. Mr Carter B. Mrs Black C. Miss Green( ) 5. _ was very smart.A. Mrs Black B. Mr Carter C. Miss Green答案:一、15 CCBAA二、15 AABBC三、1.bought 2. am going to/ will meet 3. are going to / will see 4. to bring 5. ate四、1. met 2. is 3. am going to/ will make 4. to go 5. write五、15 BCCCB 610 CCABA六、1. Grandma made Chinese food for me.2. She arrived in Beijing yesterday. /Yesterday she arrived in Beijing.3. Are you ready for your trip?4. Whos going to the airport?5. Where are you from?七、1. When did you go to a childrens theatre?2. What did you all eat?3. Yes, I am.4. Yes, I did.5. No, he didnt.八、1.Where 2. going 3.with 4.By 5. When 6. How/ What 7. about 8. visit 9. will 10. Thank 九、15 ABABA


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