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-专注教育,服务教师-六年级上册复习资料一、词汇第一部分:复习要点:(一)名词:1、国名、地名、国籍:国名地名(有*号是首都)国籍China*ChineseChineseThe USA (America)*Washington DC New YorkAmericanThe UK (Britain, England)*LondonBritish, EnglishCanada*OttawaCanadianJapan*TokyoJapaneseAustralia*Canberra SydneyAustralianFrance*ParisFrenchGermany*BerlinGermanRussia*MoscowRussianItaly*RomeItalianNew Zealand*WellingtonNew Zealander(划线的词为“四会”单词,有号为“三会”单词其余为“三会”单词 )2、关于国家有关的其它词(组):四会:the capital of, 三会:the population of, national flag3、节日四会:festival, Spring Festival, Christmas, 三会:Mid-autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Halloween, Easter4、食品:四会:dumpling三会:mooncake, zongzi, dimsun5、饭餐:四会:meal, breakfast, lunch, dinner6、自然界四会:river, mountain, hill, lake7、其它:四会:clothes, problem, CD, VCD, doll, bookstore, history, question, turn, 三会:pearl, temple, adult, stocking, voice(二)代词:anynoeverythinganythingnothingeverythingbodyanybodynobodyeverybodyoneanyoneno oneeveryone(三)形容词(组):1、国家的,民族的:四会:China, Chinese, American, British, English, Canadian三会:French, German, Japanese, Italian, Australian2、其它:四会:dirty, excellent, noisy, quiet, bored, boring, poor, free, busy, less, same, lucky, same, different, a lot of, lots of三会:crowded, stupid, afraid, western, popular, (四)数词: 四会:hundred, thousand三会:million(五)动词(组):四会:have been to, go fishing/boating/swimming/shopping, love (our country), come to tea, invite (me, our teacher), ask for, bring (me the book), answer the question, hear (me, the teacher), fell (happy), have a meal, be different from, finish (the exercise, ones homework), phone (me, him), wait for (me, them), sounds (good, beautiful), go away, hope, see you later, 三会:go on the Pearl River Cruise, take a message, dial, have a picnic, go outside, have a problem, mark the homework, decorate (the house, the Christmas tree), row the boat(六)表示时间的词或短语:四会:today, tonight, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, in the morning (afternoon, evening), at night, for (an hour), during (the festival, holiday), 第二部分:练习1. Write the right verb form after the model. 仿照例子,写出动词的形式。 Model: do doing, does, did (1) fell _ _ _ (2) go _ _ _ (3) get _ _ _ (4) play _ _ _ (5) have _ _ _ (6) come _ _ _ (7) run _ _ _ (8) work _ _ _ (9) say _ _ _ (10) take _ _ _ (11) see _ _ _ (12) study _ _ _ (13) give _ _ _ (14) write _ _ _ (15) swim _ _ _ (16) love _ _ _2. Write the number in English. 用英文写出下面的数字: (1) 1,256,893 _(2) 26,980,000 _(3) 795,490,863 _(4)104,378,873 _3. Fill in the blanks with the right letters. 根据提示,写出句子所缺的单词。 (1) We usually go out on Sunday. But last Sunday we didnt go out. We stay at home i_. (2) Did you g_ fishing or g_ boating yesterday? (3) Its cold outside. Mary is wearing a lot of c_. (4) Last Saturday my parents and I climbed the m_. (5) Rome is the c_ of Italy. (6) They w_ leave tomorrow. They will stay here. (7) Would you like to c_ to tea? (8) I am a_ he isnt in the house. (9) We bought a lot of books in the b_ this morning. (10) China has a very long h_. (11) Could you answer my q_? (12) We have three m_ every day, breakfast, lunch and dinner. (13) This doll is d_ from that one. (14) Miss Li is waiting f_ us. (15) Help y_ to the meat.4. Fill in the blank with the right adjective after the model. 仿照例子用适当的划线部分的词的反义词填空。 Model: The doll isnt expensive. Its cheap.(1) Tim isnt taller than me. Hes much _ than me. (2) Thats not a noisy city. Its very _. (3) The tow toys are not the same. They are _. (4) Its very cold here, but in Australia its very _ now. (5) The cat is jumping up and _. (6) He wasnt good at playing the piano. He was _ doing at it. (7) The man played the piano badly. But he plays the guitar very _. (8) The students are not free. They are _. (9) The black pig is cleaner than the white pi. The white pig is much _ than the black pig.(10) He didnt do it before that. He did it _ that.5. Write the words in English. 把下面的词组翻译成英语。 (1) 春节 _(2) 挨家挨户 _ (3) 在地面上 _ (4) 等候他们 _ (5) 回答问题 _ (6) 去游泳 _ (7) 一场足球比赛 _ (8) 一座安静的城市 _ (9) 一间嘈杂的课室 _ (10) 玩得开心 _ (11) 一件著名的饭店 _ (12) 读点书 _第二部分练习答案:1. (1) feeling, feels, felt (2) going, goes, went (3) getting, gets, got (4) playing, plays, played (5) having, has, had (6) coming, comes, came (7) running, runs, ran (8) working, works, worked (9) saying, says, said (10) taking, takes, took (11) seeing, sees, saw (12) studying, studies, studied (13) giving, gives, gave (14) write, writes, wrote (15) swimming, swims, swam (16) love, loves, loving2. (1) one million two hundred fifty-six thousand eight hundred and ninety-three (2) twenty-six million nine hundred and eighty thousand (3) seven hundred ninety-five million four hundred and ninety thousand eight hundred and sixty-three (4) one hundred and four million, three hundred seventy-eight thousand, eight hundred and seventy-three3. (1) instead (2) go, go (3) clothes (4) mountain (5) capital (6) wont (7) come (8) afraid (9) bookstore (10) history (11) question (12) meals (13) different (14) for (15) yourself4. 1) shorter 2) quiet 3) different 4) hot 5) down 6) bad 7) well 8) busy9) dirtier 10) after5. (1) Spring Festival (2) from door to door (3) on the floor (4) wait for them (5) answer the question(s) (6) go swimming (7) a football match (8) a quiet city (9) a noisy classroom (10) have fun / have a good time (11) a famous restaurant (12) do some reading二、句型、语法第一部分:复习要点:1你了解这些语法知识吗?你能运用在实际中运用这些语法知识吗? (1) 句子的构成可包括含to be, there be, to do的肯定式、否定式、一般疑问式。To be:肯定句否定句一般疑问句一般现在I amWe/You/They areHe/She/It isI am notWe/You/They arent He/She/It isnt Am I ?Are we/you/they ?Is he/she/it?一般将来I will be (amgoing to be)We/You/They willbe (are going tobe)He/She/It will be (is going to Be)I wont be (am not going to be)We/You/They wont be (arent going to be)He/She/It wont be (isnt going to be) Will/Shall we/I?Am I going to be ?Will you/we/they/ he/she/it?Will you/we/they be?Are we/they/you going to be?Is he/she/it going to be?一般过去I/He/She/It wasWe/You/They wereI/He/She/It wasntWe/You/They werentWas I/he/she/it?Were we/you/they ?There be:肯定句否定句一般疑问句一般现在There is/areThere isnt/arent.Is/Are there?一般将来There is/are going to beThere will beThere isnt/arent going to beThere wont beWill there be ?Are there going to?一般过去I wasWe/You/They wereHe/She/It wasI/He/She/It wasntWe/You/They werentWas/Were there?To do (行为动词以work为例)一般现在I/We/You/They workHe/She/It worksI/We/You/They dont workHe/She/It doesnt workDo I/you/we/theywork?Does he/she/itwork?现在进行时I am workingWe/You/They are workingHe/She/It is WorkingI am not working We/You/They arent workingHe/She/It isnt workingAm I working?Are you/we/they working?Is he/she/it working?一般将来I/We/You/He/She/It/They will work Im going to workWe/You/They are going to workHe/She/It is going to workI/We/You/He/She/It/They wont workIm not going to workWe/You/They arent going to workHe/She/It isnt going to workWill I/we/you/ they/he/she/it work?Am I going to work?Are you/we/they going to work?Is he/she going towork?一般过去I/We/You/They/He/She/It workedI/We/You/They/He/She/It didnt work Did I/we/you/they/he/she/it work?(2) 读下面的特殊疑问式的句子,你能总结一些特殊疑问句的构成的规律吗? I. Who lives there. Who is singing in the room? Who was at home yesterday? II. What does he do? What is he doing? What did they do? When does he usually get up? When did she have dinner yesterday? Where is he now? Where are they planting trees? Where did they play football? How is your mother? How is he coming? How did they get there?Why does he go there? Why did she go there? III. Whose book is this? Whose parents are coming here? Which book is yours? Which presents did he give you?2. 关于形容词、副词的比较级和最高级(1) 你知道形容词、副词的比较级和最高级构成的一些规律吗? A. 一般情况下加-er, -est: long longer, longest; small smaller, smallest B. 重读闭音节,双写最后一个字母再加-er, -est: big bigger, biggest; hot hotter, hottestC. 辅音字母加y,改作后一个字母y为i再加-er, -est: funny funnier, funniest, lucky luckier, luckiestD. 部分双音节和多音节词,加more, most: slowly more slowly, most slowly; more delicious, most deliciousE. 不规则变化: good better, best; bad worse, worst (2) 你知道形容词、副词的比较级和最高级句子的构成吗? A. This book is newer than that one. The English book is the newest of the three. Mike runs faster than John. Mike runs fastest in his class. B. This flower is more beautiful than that one. This tree is the oldest in the park. The girl is swimming better than the girl. Jim swims best in his group. C. Snakes are more dangerous than frogs. The meeting is the most important. The old man walks more slowly the young man. Kate jumps highest in her class. D. Tim has more books than Jim. Tim has the most stamps in his class.3. 关于代词some-, any-, no-, every-: (1) some- 多用在肯定句表示请求得到某些东西的句子: Someone will come here. Would you like something to eat. (2) any- 多用于疑问句或否定句: Is there anything in the box? We dont want to see anyone of them? (3) no- 是事实的否定: There is nothing in the room. Nobody can do that.(4) 代词some-, any-, no-, every- 语法上看成是第三人称单数: There is something in the bottle.Everyone likes it.第二部分:练习1. Rewrite the following sentences after the model. 按要求改写下面的句子。 Model: The young men are playing football. (basketball) Do the young men playing basketball? No, they arent. They are playing football. (1) The girl likes the mooncakes very much. (dumplings) _ _ (2) The children are having an English class. (maths class) _ _ (3) Tom and his family are going to eat dimsum at Guangzhou Restaurant. (Panxi Restaurant) _ _ (4) We will go fishing tomorrow. (go boating) _ _(5) Miss Tan was at home at five this afternoon. (at school) _ _(6) The Australian visitors went on the Pearl River Cruise yesterday. (visit the Xiangjiang Zoo) _ _ (7) The children can visit the factory next Friday afternoon. (farm)_ _2. Make sentences after the model. 仿照例子组成句子,句子必须用上所给的单词。 Model: Jim, Mike, taller Jim is taller than Mike. (1) more delicious, the big cake, the small cake _ (2) stronger, isnt, Mr Smith, Mr Green ? _ (3) got there, earlier, Kate, Rose ? _ (4) the boys, the girls, has, more toys . _ (5) Ken, Tim, is running, faster _ (6) Bob, jump, highest, in his class ? _ (7) latest, gets up, who, in your family ? _ (8) Jack, swim, best, in his class ? _3. Fill in the blanks with the right verb form. 用适当的时态填空。 (1) Every morning Jane _(run) in the park. (2) Yesterday morning my father _(go) to work by taxi. (3) _ Ken _(like) the picture? (4) _ the teacher _(ask) Bob any questions this morning? (5) The children _(sing) this song in the concert tomorrow evening? (6) Look at the child. _ he _(surf) the Net? (7) Miss Brown usually _(have) lunch in the school canteen on weekdays. (8) There _(be) some candles on the table this morning, but there _(not be) any now.4. Choose the right answer to fill in the blanks. 选用适当的词填空。 ( ) (1) There _ something on the plate. A. be B. is C. are ( ) (2) Shall we go _ in Xiajiu Road? A. shop B. shopped C. shopping ( ) (3) Youd _ ask your parents. A. good B. better C. best ( ) (4) What do you usually do _ Sunday morning? A. at B. in C. on ( ) (5) Guangzhou is _ more crowded than Zhaoqing. A. much B. many C. any ( ) (6) This is _ interesting toy. A. a B. an C. some ( ) (7) The Changjiang River is _ longest river in China. A. a B. an C. the ( ) (8) I dont like the film. My parent dont like it _. A. two B. too C. either ( ) (9) Can anybody talk _ yesterday? A. about B. with C. for ( ) (10) This map is different _ that one. A. for B. with C. from ( ) (11) This is the best time to _ in China. A. be B. is C. are ( ) (12) Father Christmas puts the presents in the stockings _ night. A. in B. at C. on第二部分练习答案1. (1) Does the girl like the dumplings. No, she doesnt. She likes the dumplings. (2) Are the children having a maths? No, they arent. They are having a maths class. (3) Are Tom and his family going to eat dimsum at Panxin Restaurant? No, they arent. They are going to eat dimsum at Guangzhou Restaurant. (4) Will they go boating tomorrow? No, they wont. They will go fishing.(5) Was Miss Tan at school at five this afternoon? No, she wasnt. She was at home.(6) Did the Australian visitors on the Pearl River Cruise yesterday evening? No, they didnt. They visited Xiangjiang Zoo. (7) Can the children visit the farm next Friday afternoon? No, they cant. The can visit the factory.2. (1) The big cake is more delicious than the small cake. (2) Mr Smith isnt stronger than Mr Green. (3) Did Kate get there earlier than Rose? (4) They boy has more toys than the girls. (5) Ken is running faster than Tim. (6) Does Bob jump highest in his class? (7) Who gets up earliest in your family? (8) Does Jack swim best in his class?3. (1) runs (2) went (3) Does, like (4) Did, ask (5) is going/will sing (6) is, surfing (7) has (8) were, isnt4. (1) B (2) C (3) B (4) C (5) A (6) B (7) C (8) C (9) A (10) C (11) A (12) B三、用语篇第一部分:复习要点:1. 下面是本册要复习的日常生活用语,你知道它们的意思吗? (1) Shall we go shopping? Let go boating.OK / All right. (2) Would you like to go shopping with me? Yes, of course, Yes, Id love to, but I am busy now. (3) Can you go with me? Of course. Sorry, I cant.(4) Why dont you go swimming? Great! Thats great! Good idea! (5) Youd better come here tomorrow. (6) To tell you the truth. (7) Good! / Great! / Excellent! / Fantastic! (8) Whats the matter? (9) Poor Ben! (10) Are you sure? Yes, I am sure.(11) Maybe we can have a party outside.(12) No problem!(12) May I speak to Jane?Speaking. / This is Jane speaking. (13) Whos that, please? Its Ben here. (14) See you then / later! See you! / Goodbye! (15) Is that 56778903? Wrong number. (16) Can you call back later? Can I take a message for him? No, thanks. (17) Dont worry! (18) That sounds / looks interesting. (19) What day was it yesterday? It was Wednesday. (20) What was the date yesterday? It was December 30th. (21) Welcome to my home! Thank you. (22) I cant wait. (23) He likes the food. Me too.第二部分: 练习1. 把I部分的句子编号写在II部分相应的问句前的括号内。 I. A. Hello, may I speak to Jane? B. Welcome to Guangzhou! C. What day was it yesterday? D. What was the date yesterday? E. Could I take a message for him? F. Is that 83334257? G. Would you like to visit the art museum with me? H. Are you sure? II.( ) (1) Yes, of course. Im sure. ( ) (2) It was Friday. ( ) (3) It was November 20th. ( ) (4) No, thanks. ( ) (5) Wrong number. ( ) (6) Thank you. ( ) (7) Speaking. ( ) (8) Id love to, but I have something important to do. 2. 用正确的词或答语填空。 (1) A: Hello, how are you? B: _, _ you. _ you? A: Im _ too, _. (2) A: Hello, _ speak to Mr Webb?


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