冀教版八年级英语下册Unit 56知识点汇总

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八年级英语学问点(Unit 5-6) 漳县城关中学 寻林峰1.scared adj.胆怯的 scary adj.吓人的He is scared of the scary animal. 2.on the sofa 在沙发上3.go on a vacation 去度假 on vacation 在假期go on a trip to+地点 去某地旅行4.gently adv.温柔地 Dogs are friendly and loyal.狗是友好的和忠诚的。5.house n.房子 horse n.马6. 规则的扯谎不规则的躺躺过就下蛋下蛋要付钱。lie v.扯谎 lied lied lie v.平躺 lay lainlay v.下蛋;放置 laid laidpay v.付钱 paid paid7.shake hands 握手 raise animals 饲养动物8.avoid doing sth. 躲避做某事9. danger n.危急 in danger 处于危急 dangerous adj.危急的 safe adj.平安的 safety n.平安10.escape from 从逃走11.protect from 爱护免受的损害We should protect ourselves from the sun in summer.12.the twentieth century 20世纪 ones fourteenth birthday 某人十四岁的生日13.the symbol of. 的标记14.courage n.志气 encourage v.激励15.brave adj.英勇的 bravery n.英勇16.season n.季节 reason n.缘由17.appear v.出现 disappear v.消逝18.warn sb. of. 警告某人. warn sb. (not) to do sth. 警告某人(不要)做.Unit 5 Buying and Selling.Lesson 25 Raising money.1. raise money 筹钱 raise money for. 为.筹钱 make money for 为.赚钱2.each+名词单数=each of+名词复数 每个.3.Have you got any ideas你有什么办法吗?4.at lunch hour 在午餐时间5.形容词修饰复合不定代词要后置 something delicious 一些美味的东西 something different 一些不同的东西6. One dollar for four cookies. 一美元买四个甜点。7.invent a new product 独创一个新产品Lesson 26.Cookies, please!1. How do you deal with. =What do you do with. 你如何处理.2. think of 想出 come up to 走到近旁 go over to 走过去 for sale 在出售3.Ill take it. 我买它了.4.a piece of wood with a red flag 插着小红旗的一块木板5.What is it for 它是做什么用的?6.tie.onto. 把.绑在.上7.give.back 归还;退还8.at a low/high price 以.的价格9.can/cant afford to do th. 付不起钱做某事10.trade v.交换 trade sth. with sb. 同某人交换某物 Lesson 27 Business English1. international adj.国际的 national adj.国家的 the language of international business 国际商务语言2. Can you guess the meanings of the sentences below 你知道下列句子的意思吗?3. mean v.意思 meaning n.意思 What does the word mean =What is the meaning of the word =What do you mean by the word 这个单词什么意思?4. It makes sense. 有道理;有意义。5. Congratulations! 庆贺你!6. hear of 听说 Have you heard of any other business terms or saying7. beef up 加强;补充Lesson 28 Ms. Lius Great Idea.1. receive a letter from sb.= hear from sb .收到某人来信 write to sb. 给某人写信2. Along a small road, we saw a sign on a gate: Fresh eggs for sales.3. Help yourself/yourselves to+食物或饮料. 请随意吃喝点什么.(留意单复数)4. We appreciate your honesty. 我们感谢你们的诚恳。 honest adj.诚恳的 honesty n.诚恳 an honest man 一个诚恳的人 to be honest 说实话5. be surprised/amazed to do sth.惊异于做某事 be surprised/amazed at. 对.感到惊异6.四中花费1)主语(人)+spend+时间金钱+on/doing sth.(spend-spent-spent)2) 主语(人)+pay+金钱+for sth. (pay-paid-paid)3) 主语(物)+cost+人+金钱.( cost-cost-cost)4) It(形式主语)+takes/took+人+时间金钱+to do sth.( take-took-taken)7. This shop would be a good way for students to learn the value of honesty. 这种商店对学生来说是学习诚信价值的好方法。Lesson 29push the product 推销产品half the battle 斗争的一半have to 不得不1.Remember, you need to make your product stand out. stand out 出色,优秀,脱颖而出2.Here are a few suggestions. Here is some/a little advice.3.a type of= a kind of 一种 typeinto 把.输入 Its kind of you. 你真是太好了。kind adj. 亲善的;和善的4.Find ways to catch their eye.5.trade with sb. 同某人交换 trade shows 展览会6.People coming to trade shows already have an interest in similar products.be interested in=have/take an interest in对感爱好7.good deals 实惠条件get to know 渐渐理解experience doing sth. 体验做某事8.offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb. 给某人供应某物pour v.倒Lesson 301.a way to do sth. 一种做某事的方法2.by doing sth.-how 3.on the market 4.specific adj.明确的;独特的 catch their eye 5.succeed v.胜利 success n.胜利 successful adj.胜利的 successfully adv.胜利地在某方面胜利:succeed in=have success in=be successful in6.sell out of 卖完;售光sellsold-soldtell-told-told7.more than 多于;超过 less than 少于;缺乏8.Are you crazy 你疯了吗?9.He invented a new product.=A new product was invented by him.invent v.独创 inventor n.独创家invention n.独创 invitation n.邀请10.because 因为 so 所以He was late because it rained heavily.=It rained heavily, so he was late.though=although 虽然 but 但是 I like the cell phone, but I dont have enough money.=Though I like the cell phone, I dont have enough money.配练补充学问1.What do you do with =How do you deal with 你如何处理I dont know how to deal with the problem.=I dont know what to do with the problem.2.invent v.独创 was invented 被独创 inventor n.独创家 invention n.独创 an invention 3 e up to 走过来 go over to 走过去4.价格1)事物+be+cheap/expensive. =The price of+事物+be+low/high.2 ) How much+be+事物? =Whats the price of +事物?3)at a low/high price 以的价格5.Ill take it. 我买它了。6.for sale 在出售7.I guess my friend Danny is selling something different.8.What is it for 它是做什么用的?9.giveback 归还10.Im afraid I cant afford it. 唯恐我买不起。11.send sb. sth.= send sth. to sb.12.She wanted to help us open a shop to raise money for school activities.13.We can make them ourselves and use the money to buy more books.14.I think that they will support the idea.I think, They will not support the idea.(合并) I dont think they will support the idea.15.尽力做某事: try to do sth. =do/try ones best to do sth.16.Would you mind doing sth. 你介意做某事吗?17. steal-stole-stolen be stolen 被偷18.hold on 抓紧;坚持;别挂断19.Lets do sth, shall we(反意疑问句)20.pain n.难受 painful adj.难受的21.if it rains tomorrow 假如明天下雨 if it doesnt rain tomorrow 假如明天不下雨22.shake hands 握手23.borrow 借进 borrow.from. 从.借进. lend 借出 lend.to. 把.借给.24.with pleasure 很乐意 Its a/my pleasure. 很乐意。25.Why not do sth.=Why dont you do sth.26.I find it easier to take care of a goldfish than a dog.形式宾语27.过去进展时 was/were doing28.for事of人 Its+adj.+for/of sb.+to do sth.29. Everything is possible. 一切皆有可能。 Nothing is impossible. 没有什么不行能。30.let sb. in 让某人进入31.hear sb. doing sth. 听见某人正在做某事32.Im afraid 唯恐.33.It took me twenty minutes to walk to school. I bought a new bike. It cost two hundred dollars.(it指代bike,是真正的主语)34.My mother made a cage to keep the hurt bird. make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事35.too+adj.+ to do 太而不能做36.be good at 擅长于 be good for 对.有益37.被动语态的构造:be+过去分词 be planted 被种植 be cleaned 被清扫Lesson 31 Dont fall, Danny.1.stand on one foot 单脚站立 set a new record创建一项新的记录keep/hold a record 保持记录break a record 打破一项记录 a book of world record 一本世界纪录的书 have a gathering有一个聚会 the champion of 的冠军2.have to do sth.不得不做某事 must do sth.必需做某事 dont have to 不须要3.I have been standing on one foot for more than three minutes.1)如今完成进展时:have/has been+doing 2)more than=over 超过 less than 缺乏;少于3)for+时间段=since+时间点 (多长时间,how long提问)4.He will come back in ten minutes.in+时间段 (多久以后,用how soon 提问)5.Dont worry.=Dont be worried.别担忧。 Dont worry about=Dont be worried about.Lesson 32 My favourite record.1.make a list of 制作一张.的清单 the best paper airplane 最好的纸飞机21 cm thick 21 厘米厚by the way 顺便说一声win first place 赢得第一名hold the sports meet/meeting 实行运动会the long jump 跳远the high jump 跳高brush ones teeth 刷牙2.be proud of=take pride in 因而骄傲3.be full of=be filled with 装满(作谓语) full of=filled with 装满的(后置定语)4.Its time for time to do sth.到某人做某事的时间了。 Lesson 33 2800 years of sports.1.do some research 做一些探讨 find out 查明;弄清 every four years 每四年 take part in 参与(活动;竞赛)2. happen 发生(偶尔) take place 发生;实行(有安排)Grammar 语法宾语从句当宾语是由句子来充当,就是宾语从句,整个句子是含有宾语从句的主从复合句。宾语从句三要素:连接词;语序;时态1. 连接词:1) 确定句用that 无汉语意思,可省略。2) 特别疑问句用疑问词3) 一般疑问句用if或whether(是否)2. 语序:宾语从句一律用陈述句语序3. 时态:如今任何;过去过去 主句是如今时,从句依据自己的状况选择时态,不受主句影响;主句过去时,从句要变成相应的过去时。留意:假如宾语从句所表示的是客观事实、普遍真理、自然现象或习惯性动作等,不管主句用什么时态,从句时态都用一般如今时。如:The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun教师说地球围着太阳转。.


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