2019版高考英语二轮复习 专题限时集训7 主旨大意之确定文章标题(含解析)

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2019版高考英语二轮复习 专题限时集训7 主旨大意之确定文章标题(含解析)_第1页
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2019版高考英语二轮复习 专题限时集训7 主旨大意之确定文章标题(含解析)_第3页
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专题限时集训(七)主旨大意之确定文章标题AOver the years Ive taught yoga (瑜伽)to every age from 3-year-olds,to 90-year-olds.In each class,no matter how old or young,I see an amazing change happen.Recently,I taught yoga to a group of teenage girls.They were shy at first.Several announced: “Oh,I m sure I hate yoga” before we even started.I instantly recalled my first yoga class: I was 14 years old.I sat down,having no idea how to do the poses (姿势)correctly.I felt awkward.However,a door opened for me that day.At the time I had an eating disorder.I ate little every day,and would look in the mirror with disgust.And then I came to yoga;I closed my eyes and breathed.That moment I started on a journey of reconnecting with my body.For so long I d numbed (使麻木)my body as a way to avoid the emotional pain,and in yoga,I began to reconnect.And fast forward to today,I can proudly say,I dont look in the mirror with disgust.I actually like my body.I eat in a healthy way,and I have balance.Its my gift back to the world.Now I get to help others connect with their bodies.I get to help them let out the emotions that we store inside our cells.I help them love their bodies,and love themselves.I now know that we all have the ability to turn our shadows (阴影) and struggles into our greatest light.I began to see this period of my life as a gift,appreciating all that it taught me,and I was finally free from the chains.The world would be a pretty amazing place.Wed see love where pain used to be.It all starts with accepting yourself rather than pushing it away.You re not alone in your darkness,and there is so much light on the other side.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。作者讲述了自己通过练习瑜伽从而从厌食症中解脱出来,接纳自己的过程。1How did the author feel in her first yoga class?AShe hated it.BShe felt excited.CShe felt discouraged.DShe found it easy to learn.C考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“They were shy at first.I instantly recalled my first yoga class”和“I felt awkward”可知,作者刚开始学瑜伽的时候没有信心。2How did the yoga class influence the author?AShe lost weight.BShe became famous.CShe made many friends.DShe began to love herself.D考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“That moment I started on a journey of reconnecting with my body”和第四段中的“I dont look in the mirror with disgust.I actually like my body”可知,作者通过学习瑜伽,学会自爱。3What lesson does the author want to tell us?AWe should be ready to help others.BEvery cloud has a silver lining.CWe should accept ourselves.DNo pains,no gains.C考查细节理解。根据末段中的“It all starts with accepting yourself rather than pushing it away”可知,作者通过亲身经历告诉读者一个经验:自爱。4Whats the best title for the text?ABecoming a Yoga CoachBYoga Is Good for Your HealthCMy Struggle Against an Eating DisorderDHow to Turn Your Struggle into Your GiftD考查标题归纳。通读全文可知,本篇文章讲述作者如何从厌食症中解脱出来,重新找到自信,接纳自己的过程,故标题D能恰当概括全文。BA new study has identified pollution as the worlds No.1 killer.Study organizers say pollution is responsible for more premature deaths than war,terrorism,natural disasters,smoking and disease.By saying premature death,the researchers mean dying before the average age of death within a population group.Many of these deaths can be prevented.A report on the study was published in the medical journal The Lancet.The researchers looked at pollution levels,both inside enclosed(封闭的)buildings and in the world around us.They concluded that pollution killed about 9 million people in 2015.That would represent one of every six deaths worldwide.Karti Sandilya helped to prepare the report.He said,“Pollution damages fundamental human rights,such as the right to life,health,well-being,safe work as well as the protection of children and the most vulnerable(易受伤害的)” The report said the large majority of pollution-related deaths take place in developing countries.The researchers say leaders in those countries are more concerned about building their economies and public services than environmental controls.Some of the most affected countries are Bangladesh,China,Haiti,India,Pakistan,North Korea and South Sudan.But Richard Fuller,another writer of the report,said pollution is tied to slow economic development in both rich and poor nations.He said,“Finance ministers still hold firmly that you have to let industry pollute or else you wont develop.What people dont realize is that people who are sick or dead cannot contribute to the economy.They need to be looked after.”The report said that 9 million premature deaths a year is only a conservative figure.It said the actual number is likely to be much higher.A separate study by the World Bank said reducing pollution must be a top goal.It said that settling this problem would lead to approaches to other dangers,including poor nutrition(营养)and rising temperatures on Earths surface.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。研究人员发现,污染是当今世界的第一大杀手,减少污染必须成为人类的首要目标。5Which is mainly to blame for pollution according to the report?APoor countries.BRich countries.CCommon people.DThe government.D考查细节理解。根据第四、五段内容可知,污染无论在贫穷国家还是富有国家都是存在的,而在国家层面上,为污染负主要责任的是政府。文中的“leaders in those countries are more concerned about building their economies and public services than environmental controls”和“Finance ministers still hold firmly that you have to let industry pollute or else you wont develop”都充分说明了这一点。6What does this research find?APollution is serious in both rich and poor countries.BPremature deaths cannot be prevented worldwide.CPollution has something to do with slow development.DPollution has caused more premature deaths than expected.C考查细节理解。根据文章的第四、五两段特别是第五段第一句“But Richard Fuller,another writer of the report,said pollution is tied to slow economic development in both rich and poor nations.”可知,应选C项。7Why is “a separate study” mentioned in the last paragraph?ATo provide more information about pollution.BTo make the findings of the first study more convincing.CTo offer more specific approaches to deal with pollution.DTo emphasize the relationship between pollution and global warming.B考查推理判断。通读全文可知,文章主要说明了污染是当今世界的第一大杀手这一事实以及存在的错误观念,而文中最后一段中的“A separate study by the World Bank said reducing pollution must be a top goal”也正暗示了这一事实的严重性和解决此问题的紧迫性,所以可推断出“A separate study”在这里的作用是使上文提到的研究更加具有说服力。8Which of the following can be used as the best title of the passage?APollution Is the Worlds Number One KillerBPollution Is Becoming Increasingly SeriousCWhat Makes Pollution Increasingly SeriousDHow People Deal with Pollution WorldwideA考查标题判断。文章开头的第一句“A new study has identified pollution as the worlds No.1 killer”指出污染是当今世界的第一大杀手,接下来谈到的与污染相关的其他方面也都是围绕污染对人类生命造成威胁这一主题展开的。故答案为A。CYoung people today make up the largest youth population in history.Their successes and struggles are as various as their personalities and aspirations (抱负)However,in all corners of the globe,this generation faces a common challenge: high rates of youth unemployment.The consequences reverberate (回荡)across our cities and affect us all.When young people don t see or have a sustainable economic path,our families and communities also suffer.Therefore,the futures of our cities are not looking bright.There is a silver lining,however.We know that young people remain optimistic,energetic,and have an idea for what they need to succeed.We wanted to capture these “drivers” and learn how government leaders,civil society,the private sectors,and others can work together to bridge the gap between the economic aspirationswhere they want to go and the reality of young people where they actually are.Young people believe in a brighter future and it is up to us to help offer that opportunity to them.Thats why we have founded the Citi Foundation today and it announces our commitment to go all in for young people.To further flesh out the gap between aspirations and the reality,the Citi Foundation conducted a survey to build on existing research and further find out the economic expectations and pursuits (追求)of youth in 45 cities across 32 countries around the world.The results can be found in our Global Youth Survey,and are based on the voices of more than 7,000 young people.We learned about what careers they want to pursue,the availability of resources that help connect them to job opportunities,and the difficulties that stand in their way.With a rapidly changing and complex economic and social environment,the findings of the survey will help guide our approach to investing in our future leaders.We hope to connect 500, 000 young people to jobs to help them realize their dreams.【语篇解读】如今年轻人正面临巨大的就业压力,给家庭、社会的发展带来了巨大的阻碍;他们仍然有远大志向,但实际的能力比较欠缺,the Citi Foundation这一机构的成立是为了弥补年轻人远大志向与实际能力之间的差距。9Whats the first paragraph written to show?AThe youth around the globe are facing the serious unemployment.BThe unemployment of the youth is affecting the whole society.CThe youth are suffering from the bad economy around the world.DThe youth have a big burden to push the national economy forward.B考查写作意图。第一段作者主要想表达两层意思:年轻人最近的就业压力很大;这给家庭、社会的发展带来了巨大的阻碍。因此选B项。10Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase in Paragraph 2?AHopeful side.BHeated argument.CGreat confusion.DFinal conclusion.A考查词义猜测。第一段的信息“城市的未来与年轻人经济上的成功紧密相连,但现在年轻人就业压力大,很多人没有工作”,以及“Therefore,the futures of our cities are not looking bright.”说明城市的前景暗淡。第二段第一句中的however和后一句的内容“年轻人仍然乐观”,说明,城市未来的发展还是有一线希望。11What can we learn from the passage?AMany young peoples ambitions are actually unrealistic.BThe author reveals his sympathy to the youth.CThe author may be a member of the Citi Foundation.DThe Citi Foundation took a long time to do the survey.C考查细节理解。根据第二段的“Thats why we have founded the Citi Foundation today”可知作者可能是这一机构中的一员。 12Which can be the best title of the passage?AThe Youth: Facing Opportunities And ChallengesBTo Save The Youth Is To Save The Whole WorldCThe Citi Foundation: A High-tech Company to Help The World DBridge The Gap Between The Youths Dreams And Their AbilitiesD考查主旨大意。本文前两段中心意思是年面临巨大的就业压力,仍然有远大志向,但现实情况严峻;后两段介绍了the Citi Foundation这一机构,它的目的是缩小年轻人的梦想与现实的差距。5


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