2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 UNIT 3 THE INTERNET 单元仿真综合检测 新人教版必修第二册

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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 UNIT 3 THE INTERNET 单元仿真综合检测 新人教版必修第二册_第1页
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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 UNIT 3 THE INTERNET 单元仿真综合检测 新人教版必修第二册_第2页
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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 UNIT 3 THE INTERNET 单元仿真综合检测 新人教版必修第二册_第3页
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UNIT 3 THE INTERNET单元仿真综合检测选择题部分(共95分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1How many languages can Cherry speak?ATwo.BThree.CFour.2What will Jenny do first after work?AGo for a drink.BPick up the man.CGet her car.3What day is it today probably?AMonday. BWednesday. CSunday.4What is the girl going to eat?ASome chocolate. BA candy bar. CA banana.5Where can the man buy toys?AOn the left of the elevator.BOpposite the elevator.COn the right of the elevator.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6Who was Angela?AThe womans workmate.BThe womans classmate.CThe womans teacher.7Where will Angela probably go tomorrow?ATo the caf.BTo the school.CTo the mall.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8How long does the buffet dinner last?AFor two hours.BFor two hours and a half.CFor three hours.9How much will the man pay in total?A150 dollars.B300 dollars.C380 dollars.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10What does the man do?AA reporter.BAn editor.CA firefighter.11How many people died in the fire?A10. B15. C12.12What do we know about the fire?AA kid called 119 for help.BThe firefighters couldnt control the fire.CA burning cigarette end caused the fire.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13Where will the woman go on Friday?ATo Peking University.BTo the cinema.CTo the mans home.14What kind of film does the woman like?AAction films.BScience fiction films.CComedies.15What time did Star Wars start?AAt 11:00 pm.BAt 9:00 pm.CAt 2:00 pm.16What will they do first on Saturday evening?ABuy the tickets.BWatch the film.CHave a drink.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17Where is the speaker now?AIn a classroom.BIn a market.CIn a bookshop.18Why was the boy surprised after he got the bag?AThe apples in the bag looked bad.BThe shopkeeper gave him fewer apples.CThe shopkeeper didnt give him the change.19How much did the boy pay for the apples?AOne dollar.BFour dollars.CFive dollars.20What do we know about the boy?AHe is clever.BHe is silly.CHe is dishonest.答案:15BCACA610BCBCA1115CCABB1620CABBA附:听力材料(Text 1)W:Cherry is British and she speaks English well, but she has lived in Asia for a long time.M:Yes. And she can also speak a little Chinese and Japanese.(Text 2)M:Hi, Jenny. I am going for a drink after work. Would you like to come along?W:My car is in the repair shop, and I have to pick it up. You go ahead and then Ill meet you.(Text 3)W:Does your mother go fishing with your dad?M:No. She doesnt like fishing, but she goes hiking on Sundays and goes shopping on Mondays and Thursdays.W:So she must be in the shopping center now.(Text 4)W:Im so tired. I need some sugar.M:Ive got some chocolate here, and a banana. Both have sugar. Which do you want?W:Thanks! I love chocolate but I think Id better choose the healthier.(Text 5)W:What can I do for you?M:Well, I need a present for my nephew. Hes just three.W:Go to the second floor. When you come out of the elevator, the toys will be on your left and the books on your right.M:Thanks.(Text 6)M:Lucy, youll never guess who I met at the caf!W:Who?M:Angela.W:You mean our classmate in high school?M:Yes, its her.W:How is she doing? I still remember how brilliant she was as our monitor.M:She has just come back from abroad. She went to study in New York and finished the masters degree this year. She told me she missed her hometown so she decided to find a job here.W:What kind of job does she want to do?M:A teacher in the place where we studied. Shall we hang out with her in a mall tomorrow?W:Great, Id love to.(Text 7)W:Golden Restaurant. Can I help you?M:What time does your buffet dinner start on Sundays?W:Our buffet is from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm every day, from Monday to Sunday.M:What are the charges for adults and children?W:The entrance charge is D|S150 for adults and D|S80 for children under 12 years old. For children under three years old, its free.M:OK. Could I reserve a table for four this Sunday at 7:00 pm, please? We have two adults and two children, one is ten years old and the other is two.W:Of course. May I have your name and phone number, sir?M:Sure. My name is Cheung and my number is 98309260.W:OK, sir. Its done.(Text 8)W:Have you finished the report on private schools?M:Not yet. I just havent got the time. You know, I have two other articles to write and the editor has just sent me out to report on the big fire.W:Yeah. Speaking of the big fire, Id like to know the exact number of victims.M:10 adults and 2 kids. And the kids are only 5 years old.W:Poor kids! Didnt they call the firefighters?M:Im not sure about that. They may have tried to put out the fire, but it was impossible to control it. After the firefighters came, they took action immediately to stop the fire spreading.W:Im wondering what caused the fire.M:It was a cigarette end that burnt the sofa when a man was sleeping.(Text 9)M:Hello. Is that Cathy?W:Yes, speaking.M:There is a really good film on at the cinema this week. Would you like to see it with me on Friday evening?W:Sorry. Im afraid I cant. Im going to take part in a meeting at Peking University on Friday.M:What a pity! How long will the meeting last?W:It depends. Id love to see a science fiction film.M:I know you like it. Both of us like science fiction films since childhood.W:I can never forget the first science fiction film we watched together.M:Yes, Star Wars! It was so exciting! We could not fall asleep after the film although it lasted 2 hours until 11:00 pm. Well, what about Saturday then?W:That would be great. What time does it start?M:At 7:00 pm. Would you like to go for a drink first?W:Yes, fine. Is six oclock OK? We can meet outside the cinema.M:OK.(Text 10)Boys and girls, first, Im going to tell you a funny story. I hope you can listen to it carefully, because Ill ask you some questions about it later. One day a little boy came into a fruit shop. He had five dollars and wanted to buy some apples. He said to the shopkeeper, “Give me apples for five dollars, please.” When the shopkeeper gave him the apples in a bag, the boy counted them and felt very surprised. Then he said, “Last Friday, my mother bought apples here for five dollars, too. Why did you give me fewer apples?”“My boy, dont you know? The fewer apples you get, the less fruit you will have to carry.” said the shopkeeper.“All right,” said the boy and he kept one dollar and gave the rest of the money to the shopkeeper. He was just going to leave the shop when he heard the words. “Come back! You must pay me five dollars.” “Thats OK!” said the boy. “Dont you know? The fewer dollars you get, the less money you will have to count.”第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AWhen you first step into a classroom, one of the first things to catch your eye is usually a list of rules.However, theres one rule that you just cant help but question: No electronics.In reality, the classrooms in our school have_an_aversion_to modern technology, so electronic devices (设备) such as computers and cellphones are not allowed, for they are thought to have a bad influence on childrens attention at class.However, is it possible that these devices could actually be used to improve our learning experience?As is known to us, these years we have spent so much time talking about the disadvantages of modern technology that weve failed to see their advantages in a classroom.Many people of the 80s and 90s still remember learning about history by playing the game The Oregon Trail, and many of us 2000s teenagers remember games such as Brain Age that encouraged our cognitive (认知的) development.It doesnt end with educational games, either.Take Minecraft for example.While a parent may complain (抱怨) that their child spends too much time playing the hit video game, what they probably fail to realize is that their childs brain is being enriched with information allowing creativity and problemsolving.Children who play on public or local computers may also pick up on social skills.For older children, creating computer games can be a great introduction to coding (编码)Many schools have begun to bring the game into their classrooms.In the end, its important that we welcome technological development in our classrooms and see the educational value in having fun.School no longer must mean sitting down for hours in front of a pictureless textbook.Instead, school can be a place where children are able to see learning as a lifelong experience.语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。作者认为电子设备对课堂有益。作者通过举电脑游戏的例子告诉读者:在课堂中融入现代科技有利于孩子们学习。21What does the underlined part “have an aversion to” in Paragraph 1 mean?AChange.BDislike.CExpect. DOveruse.解析:选B词义猜测题。由下文中的“electronic devices (设备) such as computers and cellphones are not allowed, for they are thought to have a bad influence on childrens attention at class”可知,作者所在的学校并不喜欢使用现代科技,故画线部分意为“不喜欢;厌恶”。22Some computer games are mentioned to show _.Aparents know little about computer gamesBchildren can create better computer gamesCchildren can learn from computer gamesDparents only welcome educational games解析:选C推理判断题。第二、三段介绍了具有教育意义的电脑游戏和最新的娱乐性的电脑游戏都可以对孩子们的学习产生益处。23What is the authors attitude towards electronic devices?AHe is against them.BHe is in favor of them.CHe is uninterested in them.DHe is uncertain about them.解析:选B推理判断题。由第二段中的“weve failed to see their advantages in a classroom”和最后一段中的“its important that we welcome technological development in our classrooms and see the educational value in having fun”可知,作者非常赞成在课堂上使用电子设备辅助教学。BOne day Kavya and I were playing tennis and the ball went into a mans house. Then we went to his house and asked if he could give us our ball. He said, “No.” We felt helpless. But suddenly we came up with an idea. There was a water tank (水箱) behind the mans house. I told Kavya, “We can climb onto the water tank and jump over the gate.” Kavya agreed, but we were both wearing skirts. We couldnt climb in those. “We can get it back tomorrow,” said Kavya.The next day we went there with Kavyas brother Vijay. He said, “Shout loudly if you need me.” Kavya climbed onto the water tank first and then she climbed down into the mans house. I followed her. We were looking under a bed for the ball when we heard a noise. It was Vijay. “Mother is calling you,” he said in a low voice.We hurried out taking the lost ball with us. Along with the ball was a surprise! But we had to leave the house quickly. When we reached Kavyas house, the TV was on. It was news time. I couldnt believe my ears when it said that 20 gold bars were stolen from a gold shop. They showed a picture of the gold bars, which were exactly like the one we had seen in the mans house.We told the story to Kavyas mother right away, and she called the police. Soon the police caught the man. They found all the gold bars in his house. A few days later a policeman came to us and said, “Thank you for helping us catch the guy. Here is a bag for all of you.” When we opened it, it was full of storybooks and lovely toys. Standing beside us, Kavyas mother was all smiles.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。一个网球不慎被打入一所房子中,由此牵出一起盗金案。24The children decided to climb over the water tank_.Aafter they were refused by the manBbecause their ball fell onto the tankCto see who was brave enough to do thatDbecause they wondered who the man was解析:选A细节理解题。由第一段中的“He said, No. We felt helpless. But suddenly we . climb onto the water tank and jump over the gate.”可知,A项说法正确。25The “surprise” mentioned in Paragraph 3 refers to _.Aa tennis ballBstorybooksCa gold bar Dtoys解析:选C细节理解题。由该段中的“20 gold bars were stolen . like the one we had seen in the mans house”可知,surprise在此是指一根金条,故选C项。26We can infer from the text that Kavyas mother_.Ahated watching TVBenjoyed playing tennisCknew the man very wellDwas proud of her daughter解析:选D推理判断题。由最后一句“Standing beside us, Kavyas mother was all smiles.”可知,Kavya的妈妈为女儿感到骄傲。CAsk anyone who lives in an apartment in a packed city and theyll likely tell you space is among their biggest problems.Those living in even smaller rooms know the headache all too well.Some even pay money each month for storage as a result just to make more room.Bostonbased company Ori is out to solve those problems with a system that uses robotics and apartment furniture to change small spaces in seconds.The companys new system is also called Ori, which is named for the Japanese word “origami”, the art of folding (折叠) paper.The new system makes your furniture change your small space from a living room into a bedroom and even a workspace with the push of a button (按钮)Ori came from MITs Media Lab, which works to help companies to create a better future for people. The company is working with developers Boston Properties, Skanska and Samuels Associates to put the furniture in highend apartments in Boston.It is working with designer Yves Bhar on the furniture designs.The Boston models are being rented (租用) on Airbnb, an online company offering people rentals, so Ori can collect information about what users think of the system and improve it in the future.The system will be put on the market in the near future, said Larrea, founder and CEO Hasier Larrea.All of Oris product (产品) is made in the US, and Larrea said the furniture is actually more expensive to make than the robotics.Assembly (装配) is simple the unit can be put together in just a day, Larrea explained.The most difficult thing for this MIT team was making the system feel and look personal.“We are robotics people and have created these amazing robots with amazing abilities,” he said.“But when you bring a system into a home, it cant look like a robot.”语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。Ori是一种新型的机器人家具,它能够把屋子随意变成客厅、卧室和办公室。27What is troubling the people mentioned in the first paragraph?AStorage units in the city are getting smaller.BThere are too many people living in the city.CThe cost of living is too high.DTheir living space is too small.解析:选D推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Ask anyone who lives in an apartment .Those living in even smaller rooms know the headache all too well.”可知,第一段提到的人们没有足够的居住空间,这让他们很苦恼。28How can the company Ori help a user?ABy helping to keep his house tidy.BBy using a robot to clean his furniture.CBy letting his rooms serve different purposes.DBy making a robot do daily work for him.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The new system makes your furniture change your small space from a living room into a bedroom and even a workspace with the push of a button (按钮)”可知,这个新家具系统可以让房间实现不同的功能。29What do we know about the new system?AIt is now being tested.BIt has a few disadvantages.CIt was designed by Yves Bhar.DIt has just come onto the market.解析:选A推理判断题。根据第五段中的“The Boston models are being rented (租用) on Airbnb .The system will be put on the market in the near future”可知,这种新型的机器人家具正处于客户检验阶段。30What is the company making an effort to do now?ADevelop better robots.BShorten the assembly time.CCut down on its products costs.DMake its product more humanfriendly.解析:选D推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“The most difficult thing for this MIT team was making the system feel and look personal.”和最后一段中的“But when you bring a system into a home, it cant look like a robot.”可知,该公司正在努力让这种机器人家具变得更人性化。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。If youre a gamer whos constantly addicted into your phone, it could be time to ask for medical help.On June 18, 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) listed “gaming disorder” as a mental health condition. _31_“Video games are like a nonfinancial kind of gambling (赌博) from a psychological point of view,” Mark D. Griffiths, a professor from Nottingham Trent University in the UK, told the Associated Press (AP)“Gamblers use money as a way of keeping score, while gamers use points.”_32_“People need to understand this doesnt mean every child who spends hours in their room playing games is an addict, otherwise doctors are going to be flooded with requests for help,” Joan Harvey, a spokeswoman for the British Psychological Society, told AP._33_ For example, a 21yearold Chinese woman Wu in Guangdong Province went blind in one eye after playing the mobile game King of Glory for a whole day. “On days when I have no work, I usually get up at 6 am, eat breakfast and play until 4 pm,” she told the South China Morning Post. “Then Ill eat something, have a nap (小睡) and play until 1 am.”Wu isnt alone. According to a study, about one in five young Chinese people play online video games for at least four to five hours per day. _34_ In April 2018, the Ministry of Education asked Chinese schools and parents to prevent students from becoming addicted to the Internet and games.Other countries have also taken action. _35_ Meanwhile, in Japan, some mobile phones have a special mode (模式)for children that lets their parents control what games they can download and how long they can play.AThis means its now on the same list as other mental illnesses.BThankfully, measures have been taken to deal with the problem.CWe often see people around us playing games on their mobile phones.DIn South Korea, children are forbidden to play video games after midnight.EWHOs main work is to improve the mental health of individuals and society.FBut if you lose control over your gaming habits, youll face serious problems.GHowever, it doesnt matter if you play favorite game now and then.语篇解读:世界卫生组织把“游戏障碍”列为一种心理健康疾病。许多国家采取行动来阻止孩子沉迷于网络游戏。31选A空处上文是说世界卫生组织把“游戏障碍”列为一种心理健康疾病;A项“这意味着它现在和其他心理疾病在同一个清单上”衔接上文。故选A项。A项中的“list”也是提示。32选G空处上文界定了赌徒和游戏玩家的概念,空处下文是说这并非意味着在自己房间花几小时玩游戏的孩子是有瘾的;故G项符合语境,衔接上下文。33选F空后举例说明了不加控制而长时间打游戏引发的问题,故F项符合语境。34选B根据空前的“about one in five young Chinese people play online video games for at least four to five hours per day”可知,中国五分之一的年轻人每天至少玩四到五个小时的电子游戏;空后一句讲到教育部发布通知,要求家长和学校共同防止学生沉溺于网络和游戏。据此可推知,针对这一问题已经采取措施了。故选B项。35选D根据该段第一句“Other countries have also taken action.”可知,其他国家也已经采取行动了;再结合空后一句“Meanwhile, in Japan, some mobile phones . they can play.”可推知,空处也应涉及一个国家采取的措施,故选D项。第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Early in my teaching career, I heard countless amusing _36_ for why students didnt do their homework. I grew less likely to be _37_ as time passed. And I also _38_ any of those excuses except a death in the _39_.“No excuses!” I _40_ my eighth graders on the first day of school. When a student didnt do homework, I never asked why. _41_, I sighed loudly and _42_ a zero in the grade book. I soon gained the _43_ I wanted as a strict teacher.Then one afternoon, _44_ after the bell rang, Anthony _45_ me, saying “I dont want you to think I am too lazy to do my homework”. As Anthony _46_, I could see his lips trembling.“My parents work at night. I have to take care of my little brothers .” “Why didnt you .” I paused. I knew why. So I _47_ the question.“Would you like to stay after class to finish your homework?” He _48_.The next day I made a(n) _49_ that Id be offering an afterschool study hall. Soon I had a room full of _50_. Then I had many real “I dont do my homework because .” stories, but I _51_ asked them why they were there. None were _52_.I gradu


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